It's official - I'm a runner now! (funny stories)


Jun 3, 2006
Okay, I'm not looking for stories about race completion, PR's, equipment or anything like that... I am looking for those stories that would have never happened prior to running. Funny ones. Such as (yes, these have happened to me).

-Falling while turning a corner (but making sure to shut my GPS off so it didn't affect my time).
-Had a guy ask me to go fishing with him
-Had another guy tell me "don't run too fast through this neighborhood - you'll tease the smokers!" (It took me a second to get it and fortunately had already passed the guy's house)
-Gotten chased by dogs (3-4 times at least) only to have the owners tell me "oh, he doesn't bite!" because you know, I knew that before the dog chased me.
-Almost gotten run over by cars backing out
-Been about 3 miles from my house when I realized, "I REALLY have to go to the bathroom" (yes I made it home, I have read stories of going to the bathroom in the shrubs, but I have not encountered it yet).

That's all I have. Does anyone else have any stories that NEVER would have really existed if you weren't running?


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