It's our "Last" Trip to WDW, so we're going DELUXE! *We're Back After 11 Days in WDW*

My opinion on the hipster is that it would be too small for many purposes. It only has a depth of 1 inch so if you plan to pack anything even minimally bulky, it won't work (I feel the need though to add that I do have a mini hipster and LOVE it when I am going somewhere that I only need my phone, keys and a little cash/CC's. they are wonderful, hands-free bags!)

I think you are right - the hipster is definitely not going to work as my only Park bag. If I was just carrying my own things - maybe. But I am usually the dedicated family pack mule.:rotfl:

I am having the same dilemma! I really WANT a VB, but I don't think it would be as practical as some others. We will probably have a backpack that stays in our stroller, so that would help, but I just can't figure out what else to get! It's such a tough choice!!! :confused3

I am leaning towards maybe getting both. Using the backpack to carry all the kids' things and leaving it in the stroller as you say. Then wallet and valuables can be in the hipster and with me at all times. Plus, it would be a great little bag for the weekends.

I too am on the great perfect bag search. I have very specifics desires though. I really want a backpack because I don't think I can handle a sling or shoulder bag while wearing my dSLR around my neck. I have been using a Nike mesh backpack with is good because you don't get too hot, isn't too heavy, and makes security search quick. The things I don't like are that is really almost too big, doesn't have any water bottle holders, and doesn't have an "organization" pocket.

I also have a DSLR and videocam that I lug around in a small Roots backpack. So the gear backpack is actually going to be my 2nd bag. I think I am going to designate this DH's bag - I carry the camera backpack, and he carries the Park backpack, which is 99% full of kids' items (changes of clothes, sun hats, wipes, ect.)

Perhaps this is what I am most looking forward to on this trip - another adult will finally be with me to help lug our stuff around the Parks!:rotfl:

I have that exact baggalini. :thumbsup2 One of the things I didn't like about it was that it does not hold up well to dirt. Even when I wash it, it doesn't look any better.

And that is one of the things I LOVE about the VB hipster. :thumbsup2 It looks exactly the same today as it did when I bought it a year ago. I use it as my purse and I love it. I, too, worried about it matching things, but it hasn't been a problem. Mine is a red pattern and it really does go with just about everything - even purple. ;)

However, I would not recommend it for a park bag. It really doesn't hold all that much in it. I think your first choice looks great.

In my expert (ahem) opinion, I say go with the first one for your park bag and then get a hipster just to use as a purse at home. :goodvibes

I am glad I am not the only one whose baggalini didn't hold up well - I thought it was just me! LOL!

Also glad to hear that the Veras hold up. I think I may just bite the bullet and get it too. I could see getting a lot of use out of it on the weekends and when hanging out with the kids over the summer.
I also have a DSLR and videocam that I lug around in a small Roots backpack. So the gear backpack is actually going to be my 2nd bag. I think I am going to designate this DH's bag - I carry the camera backpack, and he carries the Park backpack, which is 99% full of kids' items (changes of clothes, sun hats, wipes, ect.)

Perhaps this is what I am most looking forward to on this trip - another adult will finally be with me to help lug our stuff around the Parks!:rotfl:

I'm hoping my DS(9) will step up and carry his own cam corder, water bottle, and poncho. I guess we'll see....

On my last trip I had made my DD a photobook on Kodak to use as an autograph book for her 7th birthday trip. So I had to have a bag big enough to carry that around plus we were there in January so I always had to carry a jacket & sweater.

I'm really hoping to lighten the load this trip.
I'm so excited to read about your trip (and trip planning!). You are truly an expert! ;) Since we'll be staying in a one bedroom at BCV just a few short months after you, I'll be eager to get a full report.

We usually bring a backpack to the park. We have a diaper bag backpack that is awesome (and it was designed for men so my DH will happily carry it). I usually carry a small purse (with a zipper closure) with me so we can carry valuables with us and leave the backpack on the stroller. That being said, I'd choose the messenger bag. In addition to all the other comments, it looks a bit more water-resistant.

I can't believe I didn't know you started this! :flower3: What great plans you have. I think you know how I feel about the Beach Club :cloud9: but to bookend it with the Contemporary and Poly on either end is just terrific! And way to go to hubby for seeing the wisdom of direct flights and extending the trip! :)

Your dining plans look terrific. So much yumminess!

What a beautiful family you have and what fun you are going to have! :)
A very envious Aussie here. I can only turn green at the shots of the bags - VB or Baggalini. We don't have the same choice here; nor do we have prices like you have. If it were me - I'd buy both!!!:idea:

That way, you could wake up in the morning and then decide which bag you felt like carrying that day :laughing:.

2 months and counting! Woo Hoo!
I'm so excited to read about your trip (and trip planning!). Since we'll be staying in a one bedroom at BCV just a few short months after you, I'll be eager to get a full report.


Thanks Amanda and :welcome:

So glad to have you along, and yes, I will most certainly give a full report on how the one bedroom at BCV works out for us!;) I am a little nervous that it only has one "real" bed, but hopefully the kiddos won't mind the pull out.:rolleyes:

I can't believe I didn't know you started this! :flower3: What great plans you have. I think you know how I feel about the Beach Club :cloud9: but to bookend it with the Contemporary and Poly on either end is just terrific! :)

Hey Christine! So glad you found me!:flower3:

Yes, I am quite excited about this trip, and look forward to using "your" private entrance to Epcot many mornings!;)

If it were me - I'd buy both!!!:idea:That way, you could wake up in the morning and then decide which bag you felt like carrying that day :laughing:.

2 months and counting! Woo Hoo!

Yeah....I just might get both for more options. Never too many bags, right?:rolleyes:

And LESS than 2 months to go!!!:banana::banana:
Thanks Amanda and :welcome:

So glad to have you along, and yes, I will most certainly give a full report on how the one bedroom at BCV works out for us!;) I am a little nervous that it only has one "real" bed, but hopefully the kiddos won't mind the pull out.:rolleyes:

We went away for the February break (just 2 nights) and my kids fought like cats and dogs when we tried to have them share a queen-sized bed. My DH and I ended up in different beds - each with one child. :rolleyes: My parents have these little travel beds that roll up like sleeping bags and I'm going to borrow them for our trip. The whole point of the one bedroom is for us to have privacy so I am NOT sharing a bed with my kids!!! ;)

Ughhh: We're Missing the Shuttle Launch by 5 Days!!!!

We all do it. Meticulously study the calendar, trying to come up with the "perfect" time to take that trip to Disney.

I am always looking for non-peak seasons, aiming for lower crowds and better room rates. I also try to plan around special events, such as Food & Wine, Flower and Garden, or the MNSSHP to get extra bang for the buck. And once our dates are picked, I hope and pray that none of our top attractions end up in rehab during our visit.

Occasionally something wonderful happens which allows you to experience a special event which was not anticipated when you booked your trip. This is exactly what happened to DD & I when Space Shuttle Discovery ended up getting launched during our trip.

Initially the launch was set for the week after our visit, but due to unforeseen events, the launch got moved up on the calendar and ended up falling right in the middle of our trip! I was so excited, and initially contemplated driving to Titusville to watch the launch in person. However, due to the fact that we only had 4 days in WDW, combined with the fact that we could expect a 3-4 hour drive back to Orlando after the launch, I opted to just watch the launch from WDW instead.

We watched the launch from Epcot, on the bridge at the base of FutureWorld, overlooking Showcase Plaza. It was terribly exciting, as we stood with other vacationers, taking turns taking pictures of one another and marvelling at the spectacle we were witnessing.

It is yet another fantastic memory from a great trip, and one I will never forget.





This year I was excited about the possibility of witnessing another launch. Unfortunately, we are going to miss the launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis by 5 days.:sad2: Which is really too bad, as I would have loved for DH and DS to have witnessed one of these incredible launches.

For anyone who is lucky enough to be at WDW during a launch, please ensure that you are not doing something silly like riding the Maelstrom while it is happening!:laughing: It is really a sight to behold and one that you won't want to miss!
I have never seen a shuttle launch and have always wanted to. DH and I are both science teachers and would love to see one. Of course with the program ending, our chances are becoming few. I have toyed with the idea of going in July to watch but it's looking to be a busy summer and they can be unreliable so we'll see.

Very cool pics from Epcot!
What neat pictures! :thumbsup2 Very cool that you got to witness that, but bummer you'll miss it this time.
That's awesome that you saw the shuttle launch! Sorry you're just missing it this time.

I have never seen a shuttle launch and have always wanted to. DH and I are both science teachers and would love to see one. Of course with the program ending, our chances are becoming few. I have toyed with the idea of going in July to watch but it's looking to be a busy summer and they can be unreliable so we'll see.

Very cool pics from Epcot!

What neat pictures! :thumbsup2 Very cool that you got to witness that, but bummer you'll miss it this time.

That's awesome that you saw the shuttle launch! Sorry you're just missing it this time.


Yeah, the shuttle launch was something pretty spectacular to watch. I would love to actually be right there for it! Still crossing my fingers that somehow the mission gets moved up by a week. Doubtful, but then again, it happened to us last year!
We've seen 2. One from Epcot during the day, and one from Fort Wilderness at night. That one was awesome! Unfortunately, the kids were asleep and missed that one, but I think it was the best part of DH's trip!
We've seen 2. One from Epcot during the day, and one from Fort Wilderness at night. That one was awesome! Unfortunately, the kids were asleep and missed that one, but I think it was the best part of DH's trip!

I can only imagine that launch from FW must have been pretty spectacular!:thumbsup2
"Oh no...It's in Rehab!!!"

I keep waiting for the shoe to drop. For someone who likes to travel in the non-peak times, when you expect attractions to be down for rehab, I have had surprisingly good luck. Not many major attractions have ever been down for rehab during my past trips. So it's only a matter of time, right? I am long overdue for a major headliner to be down during our trip.

So far, the list of rehabs scheduled during our trip is very, very light. It includes:

1. Cantina de San Angel (Mexico counterservice) - this is down for significant rehab to be transformed into a waterfront reastaurant. I can't wait! And even though I am one of the only WDW patrons who actually *likes* Mexico CS, I don't mind missing it on this trip as the end result for future trips will certainly be worth it!

2. Muppets 3-D. This one is a *tad* disappointing. I have yet to take the kids here. We just didn't fit it into any of our past trips. In anticipation of introducing them to this attraction this trip, we watched our 1st Muppets movie as a family over the holidays. I have also been pointing out Kermit and Miss Piggy to the kids everytime the "Give a Day, Get a Disney Day" promotional ads come on tv. (Speaking of which, if you haven't already registered for the program, do it NOW!!! They are about to close it!!!)

Overall, I think I can live with these two rehabs. The question is...will there be more to come??? We are so close now, but I keep having this fear of waking up to the news that a major headliner is going to be down during our stay.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that our list stays small. Cause I am kinda liking the way it looks right now!;)

We really like the CS Mexican place, too. My kids will be disappointed if they can't get those Churros! And we've never seen Muppets either!
As far as disappointments go, that's not too bad! :thumbsup2

I kinda like the Mexico CS place as well. But, like you said, if that and the Muppets are the only things under rehab when we are there that will be great! I'm not sure what all they are doing to the Muppets, but it is in need of an overhaul, so overall it's a good thing. :thumbsup2
I enjoyed the Muppets 3D the first time we saw it, but that was before we ever saw Mickey's Philharmagic. The second time it had lost its magic. ;) But, it's disappointing since you guys haven't done it before and they've watched the movie.
So...where are we eating for Mother's Day???

Have you ever attended WDW's special Mother's Day Brunch at Epcot? The one at the World Showplace Pavillion? I sure wish I had.

Two years ago, our trip ended on Mother's Day. I really wanted to attend the Brunch. We had three generations of family on the trip, and I thought it would be a nice way to spend Mother's Day. I love experiencing special events at WDW that are only offered during certain times of the year, which can really make the trip unique and memorable.

Unfortunately, we would have been too tight on time for our flight home. So we scratched it off the list and planned to hit it up another year. But for whatever reason, Disney decided not to bring this event back in 2009. And given that no details have been announced for this year, I don't think it is looking good for 2010 either.

So that leaves the question of exactly where are we going to eat on Mother's Day?

I wanted to do something special, preferably at a new-to-us dining location. After hearing lots of great reviews, I finally booked us into:

The House of Blues Gospel Brunch!!!



I am really excited to try this place. My kids love this type of music, and I think it will be a great way to celebrate Mother's Day and close out our trip.

In the unlikely event that Disney decides to bring back Mother's Day Brunch in Epcot, we will simply switch our Gospel Blues Brunch to the Sunday prior. (And if anyone hears any rumblings to this effect, please let me know!)

What is everyone else who will be in WDW on May 9th planning to do? Or what have you done in the past to celebrate Mother's Day at WDW?

Has anyone ever been to the Gospel Brunch at House of Blues? How did you like it?

Great report so far! Looks like your family is going to have an amazing trip. I hope your husband changes his mind and wants to go back to Disney World on your next vacation. My husband is always saying that he wants to branch out from Disney World but I'm fine with just going there. I hope he comes around soon. LOL


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