Jackie and Chris's Wishes Wedding 1/6/12: SBP/Attic/SCP 5/11 Final Post- PJ Finished

Wow, so excited for you to leave! I wish I was coming!!

The dog butler is too cute! At first when you said it was too big to bring I was a little scared that it was maybe a 3 foot tall dog butler or something :lmao: I am quite relieved to see it! I think it's a great present. It looks right at home on that counter or shelf there.

I think you definitely did a good job with budget for a Wishes wedding! You were also very generous with your attendant gifts, which I'm sure they appreciate! Plus stuff like the rings pushes your total up, which are items that you'll be using the rest of your life so it's definitely worth it :goodvibes

Hope you got good seats for your flight, and that Cindy got her required window seat! ;)
Hello There,

I confess to be more of a stalker than particpant on the board, as I bide the so very long time time until our planned Disney VR in 2015, but I have been following your story especially, and just wanted to send you and your DF my best wishes on your upcoming wedding!

I look forward to reading all about the wonderful day you are sure to have.

Safe travels!

Glad to have you pop in!!! Thank you so much, and I can't wait to read about your vow renewal.

Jackie, I am so incredibly excited to see and hear all about your big day! I hope you find joy in every minute of this week.

The dog butler is great!! I love Modern Family! It actually makes me think of Disney World, because the first time I saw an episode, we were in the All Star Music avoiding a rain storm.

So glad your guest count situation worked out okay! I really think DFTW is great about helping their brides with last minute problems/questions.

I love that you watched Cinderella-- I watched Snow White the night before we left for our wedding trip! And I didn't cry a little, I bawled! (Mostly while mumbling "It's just so beautiful".... I'm a dork!)

Your fairy tale is almost here! :yay:

So you're like Modern Family like I am with Frasier! DF and I went on a Frasier kick because we had watched it at Pop. :)

I was doing the same thing with Cinderella, Michelle! And I was yelling at the Stepmother and calling her awful names. :hug:

Yay, my little SIL is getting married soon! I hope you have a wonderful trip and fabulous wedding day. I love that you call your dress Cindy. It makes her sound like she has an attitude.

Your DF gift is hilarious! Did he love it? My H and I are like that too, he got me a potato masher for Christmas and I love it.

Have fun riding the haunted mansion, that is my 4 yr old's favorite ride. We ride it a lot!

Thank you so much, big FSIL! My dress is sweet, but DOES have an attitude. :) And Chris loooved his gift: he tweeted a picture of it to the cast of Modern Family haha!

The dog butler is really cute! I've never heard of them before.

I'm as particular as you are with the budget. I don't have record of a lot of the expenses, but all of the expenses we are responsible for, I have tracked. My parents asked us to save up $7000 to put towards wedding expenses...so we deposit so much each month. I have a very detailed spreadsheet that shows how much we should have in there each month...its connected to our expenses sheet as well so those are accounted for. :)

Ohhh that's a good idea too! I just kept receipts.

I just wanted to tell you to have a wonderful wedding, Jackie! I can't wait to see pictures!! :goodvibes

Thank you so much!

Long time lurker, first (I think?) time poster. Safe travels to the World, can't wait to see how this all comes together! Have a Mickey Bar for me!

Confession: in all of my 16 trips to WDW, I have never had a Mickey Bar. Isn't that CRAZY??!

So excited for you guys!!! Love the dog butler! You go to WDW, get married and ride the Haunted Mansion (my fav ride, too!). Hope you, Chris and Cindy have a wonderful flight!
DH and I finally played the Disneyland game this weekend and it's so fun! Took me awhile to get a hang of getting around the game aka walking - how lame! :rotfl:

OMG walking was SUCH a PIA and So awkward! I was not good at it. Did you figure out how to be one character? Chris kept being a little girl! :lmao:

Have sooooooooooo much fun!!!!!! :dance3: :yay: :dance3: :yay:

Thank you!!!

Safe travels! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! :yay:


Wow, so excited for you to leave! I wish I was coming!!

The dog butler is too cute! At first when you said it was too big to bring I was a little scared that it was maybe a 3 foot tall dog butler or something :lmao: I am quite relieved to see it! I think it's a great present. It looks right at home on that counter or shelf there.

I think you definitely did a good job with budget for a Wishes wedding! You were also very generous with your attendant gifts, which I'm sure they appreciate! Plus stuff like the rings pushes your total up, which are items that you'll be using the rest of your life so it's definitely worth it :goodvibes

Hope you got good seats for your flight, and that Cindy got her required window seat! ;)

I wish you were coming too! And NO I would NEVER buy a 3 foot dog butler: I have to live with this thing too!!! The butler himself isn't that big, he just came in a really big box protected with styrofoam, and it didn't fit in the suitcase!

I hope our attendants like our gifts. The groomsmen's gifts still haven't shown up though.... oops! And I agree: I did think the cost of my ring was too pricy, but I loved it, and DF wanted me to choose one I loved. He's a keeper.


You'll be on an airplane in six hours!

You're getting married in three days!

:banana: :banana: :banana:


Your budget is INCREDIBLE!! Awesome job!

So excited for your plane ride!!

Thank you! So am I! I hope they don't give me grief about the dress...

I am leaving for the airport in less than an hour: GAH!!! But--- but--- I had more drama. Oh yes. I swear to GOD, my life is never this hectic!!!! Wait til you hear this one. Sometimes, I really feel like I'm living someone else's life.

So my grandparents went to Pop Century today to drop off some folders, and my grandpa told me that the guy at Pop told him that my mom's reservation had been cancelled. I looked up her reservation number from the spreadsheet that Jason gave me and, sure enough, it was no longer in Disney's system. I haven't talked to my mom since Christmas: I had sent her two emails, but she never replied.

So, I started calling her. And calling her. And calling her. Sent her another email. Nada. I finally worked up the courage and called her boyfriend's cell (I say "boyfriend," but they've been together for over 15 years!), and I asked him if he knew where she was. He was all "I can't talk about that right now, I'll call you when I get home from work." And I was all "I'm getting on a plane in 5 hours, are you guys coming to my wedding or not?" So THAT got him to talk to me. HA! Never let it be said that Jackie is not persistent.

Basically, he told me that my mom had been cheating on him and has moved in with someone else. (Granted, this is according to him: I don't know if he has proof of infidelity.) Regardless, my mom moved out of their apartment and in with someone else, and he has a phone number for someone who he thinks she might be with, and he offered that to me. But... I'm sorry, I am not going to go chasing my 46 year old mother around! He cancelled their hotel room (he was paying for the whole thing), but he did not cancel her flights or her rental car (which he also paid for), because he thinks she should be at my wedding--- which I thought was nice of him. However, he has no idea if she will show up, and I don't have any way of finding out. The only family my mom has is her aforementioned dad with the (now-ex) ladyfriend, and I don't want to call him because (a) we're not close; (b) I don't know if she's called him either and I certainly don't want to get asked a bunch of questions about a situation I know very little about.

So, I suppose I just have to wait and see if my mom calls me, or if my mom shows up. I was REALLY angry earlier, but I talked to my dad and my grandparents, and they both managed to talk me off the ledge. I just have to accept that I cannot control her, and if my wedding isn't important enough for her to attend, than I am not sure if she is important enough to me to have in my life. I think it is VERY crappy that she has not called me and told me any of this: not only crappy, but horrifically immature.

Moments like this make me so happy for Chris: we are both so drastically different from our families, and I really think it's because, in part, we have grown up together for the last 6 years. I am so happy to be marrying him, and I really don't care who's there. :D But, um, there might be two extra seats at my wedding!!! Anyone wanna come?!! :lmao:

All right! Other than that, I am leaving for the airport in roughly a half hour! My bags are packed, Smokey is at the kennel (It was SO hard saying goodbye to him), and Chris is at work. I won't be on the boards while I am in Disney, but I will CERTAINLY post a few pictures to the facebook group.

PLEASE just cross your fingers that nothing else goes wrong and that everything is magical once we step foot on Disney property tonight!!!!
OMG, Jackie! All this going on and you are still taking me off the ledge. You are the best :worship: and I wish you and Chris nothing short of a magical wedding and Disneymoon and especially a fabulous long life together. You absolutely deserve it! :hug::love:

Have a safe trip and a fabulous time and you bet I will be waiting anxiously to hear all about it!!!

Love you girl!

You poor girl! You are handling all this quite marvelously, all things considered. I think I'd have had a meltdown.

At least you do have Chris. Men can be such a lifesaver sometimes. :goodvibes

Jackie, no offense and not to be rude, but you could sell your wedding story to Hollywood. No one would believe it was real.

I hope I don't jinx you, but I don't think much else can go haywire family-wise. And, at the end of it all, you have Chris.

Good luck lady! You will have a beautiful wedding. :bride:
I am leaving for the airport in less than an hour: GAH!!! But--- but--- I had more drama. Oh yes. I swear to GOD, my life is never this hectic!!!! Wait til you hear this one. Sometimes, I really feel like I'm living someone else's life.

So my grandparents went to Pop Century today to drop off some folders, and my grandpa told me that the guy at Pop told him that my mom's reservation had been cancelled. I looked up her reservation number from the spreadsheet that Jason gave me and, sure enough, it was no longer in Disney's system. I haven't talked to my mom since Christmas: I had sent her two emails, but she never replied.

So, I started calling her. And calling her. And calling her. Sent her another email. Nada. I finally worked up the courage and called her boyfriend's cell (I say "boyfriend," but they've been together for over 15 years!), and I asked him if he knew where she was. He was all "I can't talk about that right now, I'll call you when I get home from work." And I was all "I'm getting on a plane in 5 hours, are you guys coming to my wedding or not?" So THAT got him to talk to me. HA! Never let it be said that Jackie is not persistent.

Basically, he told me that my mom had been cheating on him and has moved in with someone else. (Granted, this is according to him: I don't know if he has proof of infidelity.) Regardless, my mom moved out of their apartment and in with someone else, and he has a phone number for someone who he thinks she might be with, and he offered that to me. But... I'm sorry, I am not going to go chasing my 46 year old mother around! He cancelled their hotel room (he was paying for the whole thing), but he did not cancel her flights or her rental car (which he also paid for), because he thinks she should be at my wedding--- which I thought was nice of him. However, he has no idea if she will show up, and I don't have any way of finding out. The only family my mom has is her aforementioned dad with the (now-ex) ladyfriend, and I don't want to call him because (a) we're not close; (b) I don't know if she's called him either and I certainly don't want to get asked a bunch of questions about a situation I know very little about.

So, I suppose I just have to wait and see if my mom calls me, or if my mom shows up. I was REALLY angry earlier, but I talked to my dad and my grandparents, and they both managed to talk me off the ledge. I just have to accept that I cannot control her, and if my wedding isn't important enough for her to attend, than I am not sure if she is important enough to me to have in my life. I think it is VERY crappy that she has not called me and told me any of this: not only crappy, but horrifically immature.

Moments like this make me so happy for Chris: we are both so drastically different from our families, and I really think it's because, in part, we have grown up together for the last 6 years. I am so happy to be marrying him, and I really don't care who's there. :D But, um, there might be two extra seats at my wedding!!! Anyone wanna come?!! :lmao:

All right! Other than that, I am leaving for the airport in roughly a half hour! My bags are packed, Smokey is at the kennel (It was SO hard saying goodbye to him), and Chris is at work. I won't be on the boards while I am in Disney, but I will CERTAINLY post a few pictures to the facebook group.

PLEASE just cross your fingers that nothing else goes wrong and that everything is magical once we step foot on Disney property tonight!!!!

Oy vey! I'm 3000% convinced that by getting all of the drama out of the way ahead of time means the 6th is going to go perfectly smooth. And, really, DisneyShamrock has it right - think of the money you could make by writing the screenplay to the newest romantic comedy! :lmao:

And if I could afford the airfare - absolutely! ;) Have a good, uneventful flight!
Oh, Jackie! :hug:

You will have a wonderful wedding, I know it! I am so excited for you and Chris. Have a safe flight and enjoy!
Confession: in all of my 16 trips to WDW, I have never had a Mickey Bar. Isn't that CRAZY??!

I am so happy to be marrying him, and I really don't care who's there.

re:mickey bars....umm what?!?! Yeesh, if I had the money for a flight for one I'd come down there right now and buy you one!

Also, that last sentence is bang on. Even with all this mama-drama you have going on (which I'm really sad to hear you're having to deal with so close to your wedding), the two most important people are going to be there. I hope she does the right thing and comes, but if she doesn't you have lots of friends and family there who love you and a whole bunch of "family" on here that will be filling her seat in spirit cheering the two of you on as you start this next step in your lives together!
be strong I know you won't be on the boards but we are all wishing you a wonderful wedding.

I know the drama has been weighing on you and it has got to be hard but look at it this way sometimes it is better that the people who cause drama just stay away. Enjoy your day with chris after all it is a day for you and him.

Part of me sees weddings as just a big pain when you could have an extremely happy day getting married in something simple and eloping or something.

We all want these weddings and that is why we are DFTW or S/D brides. The thing about us is that we are stronger because we are destination brides. We have a strength that some do not have. You are so incredibly strong and I know that you will not let any of this get to you.

Remember Cinderella. She was up against major step sister drama and evil step mother drama. She overcame it all and is now one of the most revered princesses of all time. You will be that princess in a few days and all of us are here as your godmothers, mice and bird friends :)

You are going to have the most amazing time! Don't worry about anyone other than yourself and your hubby, and it will be magical. Congratulations!!!!!
My sweet Jackie
Firstly, let me say that your Mum clearly does not appreciate or deserve such a wonderful daughter. Whether she shows up or not, you must put this to one side for now, and have the most amazing trip and beautiful wedding day!!! You and Chris truly deserve this and you must not let anything happen to spoil your special time!!!
Have the most magical trip possible and all my love and prayers are with you every step of the way
All my love and God bless you both xxx
I have been following your story/drama here and on FB and I am so impressed with they way you have handled everything.

Stay strong and have an amazing wedding! :bride: Best of luck to you and Chris!
Hello there :bride: !!!! I don't know when or if I'll be on the boards tomorrow....so I wanted to say HAPPY WEDDING DAY!!!!!

Im so unbelievable excited for you!! I can't believe your day is finally here. Enjoy your entire day!! Don't let anyone piss you off or distract you from the days' goal...to marry Chris! The weather will be lovely for all of your events. I can feel it. Make sure you take tons of pics of everything!! The wedding day, the rest of the honeymoon, everything!!

<3 you and I hope this day is all you've been dreaming of...complete with your very own Cinderella gown, starting a brand new fairy tale that is all your own!!!

I hope you have the most amazingly magical wedding day tomorrow and I hope that mother nature stops being a turd and makes it warmer. It has been freeeezing in FL! Happy wedding day little SIL.
Happy wedding day Jackie (and you too, Chris)!!!!!!!!!! I hope you both are filled with happiness and love every moment of your magical day!!

Happy wedding day! You will be a gorgeous bride today. Have a great day and go marry the man of your dreams


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