Jackie and Chris's Wishes Wedding 1/6/12: SBP/Attic/SCP 5/11 Final Post- PJ Finished

Honeymoon Day 6: Part 3

We arrived at the Magic Kingdom and took some pictures first. This was our fourth time to the MK this trip, so we weren't exactly in a rush!



We headed over to the Haunted Mansion (I told you I was obsessed), and then went back over to Pirates. (Chris's favorite ride, if you couldn't guess.) Somewhere along the way, these pictures happened.



The lines for everything were pretty long, so we decided to shop instead. I had been debating which Dooney I wanted to purchase on this trip, and I ended up getting this one.


I've started using it as my daily school bag, and it's absolutely perfect. I chose it because I loved the inside: it's hot pink.


I love the contrast between the bright color and the black and white. The inside is also vinyl, which is great for me because I somehow always manage to get coffee stains on the insides of my bags.

Speaking of coffee, I also picked up this travel mug.


And, because we were there, I had to get a new charm for my bracelet too. I settled on the castle charm. (Stock picture because you can see the detail better.)


We stopped in the art store again, and then I saw this.


I don't think I've ever loved a piece of Disney art more. It has Belle on Philippe riding, not up to Beast's Castle, but to Cinderella Castle. I stopped and stared at it for a good ten minutes, but I just couldn't justify the $1000 price tag. (Chris wouldn't have objected to me buying it either.) I could spend a week at Pop Century for 1k though. I'm still wistful just looking at the picture of this piece.

We checked the time, and realized it was almost time for the MSEP, so it was time to hightail it out of there. We're not big parade fans, and we just didn't want to be trapped in the park. We left just as the music started: perfect timing!

We took the monorail to the Contemporary and headed downstairs to the Wave. It was our first time there, and we were seated almost immediately. I really liked the feel of the restaurant; it definitely felt more "adult" and it didn't have many screaming children. Our server was also awesome: he brought us two drinks (non-alcoholic that is) at a time! I think we must have looked really thirsty or something. His name was Ali, but I christened him "Two Drink Tony."

I ordered a deconstructed salad to start, but Chris just filled up on bread.



(He's just being silly here, don't worry. We were done with drinking for the day!)

I ordered the chicken for my meal. Two Drink Tony told me that it came with a breakfast waffle, and while I heard him, I suppose I didn't... understand him. What does he mean, it comes with a breakfast waffle?!


That's what he meant! The waffle was slightly spicy, but it was definitely of the breakfast variety. Chris and I laughed about it the entire time. Chicken and waffles aren't exactly the chicest of foods!

I think Chris actually ordered pork here instead of beef. We kept joking that he must be having the shakes, as it must have been his first day of the honeymoon without any red meat.


Our dinners were very good, and a steal by Disney standards: each one was less than $20. I definitely recommend The Wave for honeymooners! (Or, really, any adult couple.) At the end of the meal, TTT brought us out a complimentary dessert, but I forgot to take a picture of it. The Wave does a trio of desserts, so you get to try a little of everything. All three were very good.

After dinner, we were stuffed and utterly exhausted. We had been out and about since 9 that morning and had gone to three parks. We fell asleep almost instantly--- but we were frightened awake an hour later by that gosh darn water pageant! (We laughed about it, although it can be very disarming!) Thankfully, we managed to sleep well as the next morning we would be headed back to the Magic Kingdom... and underneath it on the Keys to the Kingdom tour!
Oooh, I love the Dooney bag and travel mug! My dream is to have a closet full of the Dooneys :goodvibes That art piece is stunning! I can see why it left such an impression on you.

Hahahaha "Two Drink Tony"!

I'm excited to hear about the Keys to the Kingdom! I've always wanted to do that. Maybe you'll even get to see some 3D glasses being washed?! :laughing:
* About Avatarland - that's a good point, that they wanted to keep it from Universal. I don't know. I wouldn't really mind if it was just one ride or attraction. After all, they have Star Wars (and probably others that I'm not thinking of right now). But a whole land? Based on a non-Disney movie, a movie that I thought was good but not great? I won't judge til I see it. I'm just hoping they do it real Disney justice.
* Yay for shopping! Love your Dooney bag. And that painting is gorgeous. Too bad about the price tag. Do you know who the artist was? It's possible you could get a print, or even a print on a canvas. Not the same as a painting, I know. But I'm considering getting a nice print of one of the Thomas Kinkade paintings because I love them.
* I don't think I've seen a parade in Disney since I was 8 years old because I always just want to get out of the way!
* The wave looks tasty. Sounds like you had an awesome server!
* I can't wait to hear about the Keys to the Kingdom tour!!
* By the way, by the time you finish this TR you're going to be ready to do one from your May trip! I hope you do a TR because I don't know what I'll do if I don't have any Jackie posts to read!
Laughing with, my dear, never at! :hug:

The lighting in the third and fourth pictures is so gorgeous!

And holy moly, that painting IS amazing! (How many exclamation points can Kristen include in one post when in reality she's not feeling quite up to par? :laughing:)

We contemplated...well, I contemplated, because I'm the one that makes the reservations for food... The Wave. I like that it has less screaming children; that's definitely a plus. ;)
~Yay! More fun pictures!
~So of the 12 (I think restaurants) that I have left to go to on propert, Via Napoli is one of them! I really need to get my butt over there!
~ Oh that grass! I had a special time there too after drinking around the world one time.
~I have that travel mug! But it leaks so I have to drink out of it with the lid off. Does yours leak?
~The painting..I WANT!!!! Oh my! Belle and Cinderella's Castle! If you find a poster print or whatever for cheaper, please let me know!
~I can't wait to meet you and everyone, although I am definitely shy at first!
Oooh, I love the Dooney bag and travel mug! My dream is to have a closet full of the Dooneys :goodvibes That art piece is stunning! I can see why it left such an impression on you.

Hahahaha "Two Drink Tony"!

I'm excited to hear about the Keys to the Kingdom! I've always wanted to do that. Maybe you'll even get to see some 3D glasses being washed?! :laughing:

I would looove to have a closet full of Dooneys! I have six, and I'll definitely be buying another one next month. They just make me so happy!!!

And, spoiler alert: no 3D glasses were washed during this tour. I know, you're all going to be SO disappointed.

* About Avatarland - that's a good point, that they wanted to keep it from Universal. I don't know. I wouldn't really mind if it was just one ride or attraction. After all, they have Star Wars (and probably others that I'm not thinking of right now). But a whole land? Based on a non-Disney movie, a movie that I thought was good but not great? I won't judge til I see it. I'm just hoping they do it real Disney justice.
* Yay for shopping! Love your Dooney bag. And that painting is gorgeous. Too bad about the price tag. Do you know who the artist was? It's possible you could get a print, or even a print on a canvas. Not the same as a painting, I know. But I'm considering getting a nice print of one of the Thomas Kinkade paintings because I love them.
* I don't think I've seen a parade in Disney since I was 8 years old because I always just want to get out of the way!
* The wave looks tasty. Sounds like you had an awesome server!
* I can't wait to hear about the Keys to the Kingdom tour!!
* By the way, by the time you finish this TR you're going to be ready to do one from your May trip! I hope you do a TR because I don't know what I'll do if I don't have any Jackie posts to read!

Yeah, I truly don't understand why they don't have a Star Wars land. Think of the crowds if they announced that!!! I'm not a big SW fan, but I think it's a better fit for Disney. I think they should hire us. I don't know who the artist was... but, you know, I'm going to pester someone about it next month. It wasn't in the Art onDemand kiosk, but we'll see. I think I want to start buying more Larry Dotson prints too. His style isn't overly "Disneyish," which I love. And I'm really with you on parades! They're just noisy. (I love the Not So Scary parade though. It has a Haunted Mansion float!)

And, yes, I will definitely be doing a Trip Report in May! :goodvibes I have trips planned for May and December, and one in my head mentally for August 2013. There will be plenty of Jackie reports in the future! When are you going in 2013? Any chance it's August?

Laughing with, my dear, never at! :hug:

The lighting in the third and fourth pictures is so gorgeous!

And holy moly, that painting IS amazing! (How many exclamation points can Kristen include in one post when in reality she's not feeling quite up to par? :laughing:)

We contemplated...well, I contemplated, because I'm the one that makes the reservations for food... The Wave. I like that it has less screaming children; that's definitely a plus. ;)

Awww I'm sorry you weren't feeling up to par. Are you feeling better??

I definitely suggest trying The Wave at some point--- but maybe when you're rich and stay at the Contemporary. I don't know if it's worth the trip over, but I'm lazy.

~Yay! More fun pictures!
~So of the 12 (I think restaurants) that I have left to go to on propert, Via Napoli is one of them! I really need to get my butt over there!
~ Oh that grass! I had a special time there too after drinking around the world one time.
~I have that travel mug! But it leaks so I have to drink out of it with the lid off. Does yours leak?
~The painting..I WANT!!!! Oh my! Belle and Cinderella's Castle! If you find a poster print or whatever for cheaper, please let me know!
~I can't wait to meet you and everyone, although I am definitely shy at first!

Yes! Go to Via Nap NOW!! NOWWW!!!! And YES, my travel mug leaks! It's so annoying, especially because it was a fairly expensive one (much more than my Starbucks ones, anyway). Did you see the pretty picture frame from that collection?! $50!!!

Next time you're in the MK, you should harass the Art of Disney people about that painting. And I can't wait until next month! I just started my countdown: 46 days!
I love love love all your HM pics, especially the tipsy ones! :lauging: You two are so funny!!

PS. thanks for all the food porn-- I'm starving! ;)
Hello all! I hope everyone had a good Easter. Becky (my MaH) and her mom, Nora, were here for Easter. I had a lot of fun, but I am super-tired today. I don't get out of the house much, and we were pretty busy all weekend.

Also, could you all please say your prayers for my grammy again? She's back in the hospital. She's doing better than when she first went in, but she could definitely use some positive vibes. Thank you. <3

Now, onto the TR!

Honeymoon Day 7, Part 1

SPOILER ALERT: If you don't want to know anything about the Keys to the Kingdom tour, please skip this post!

Chris and I had scheduled the first tour (at 8:30, I think), so we were up pretty early. Staying at the Contemporary was convenient for this tour, as we were able to walk to the MK. We went in the "tour entrance" gate and, low and behold, it was actually the correct entrance for our tour! We were thankful not to have the Undiscovered Future World Fiasco repeat.

We went to Town Hall to check in, and we found our real nametags (not just sticky pieces of paper) and grabbed some of the complimentary bottles of water. We got our classy headphones and listening devices, and the tour started pretty promptly. There were 20 people of us on the tour, and our guide's name was Jerrod.

I have to say, Jerrod was an excellent tour guide. He was charismatic, and he added his own personality, and his own stories to the tour. I would definitely take this tour with him again: I wish I could hire him just to follow me around and tell me stories.

We started the tour on Main St, looking at some windows. He told us about this one


It's called "M.T. Lott" because WDW used to be just an "empty lot." Get it?! Har har har! Around here, Jerrod also told us he would be bringing us on "Jerrod's Wonderful World of Food" and told us we had to try the cinnamon buns. (He's right. Those things are awesome.) We then headed to the hub because the park was about to open, and we just stopped and watched the crowds pour in. I know some of you have worked at the MK before but, as a non-CM, it was a surreal experience to see the "running of the bulls" as an outsider instead of a participant. It's almost a little scary!!

After the crowds settled down, we headed over to the Adventureland Terrace to have a seat (Jerrod made sure we had plenty of time to both sit and stand, unlike BradJosh who just made us stand the whole time) for history and story time.

My favorite story was the one he told us about Walt and Fantasia, especially because I had never heard it before. Walt's idea was that he had wanted to make Fantasia an interactive experience. He wanted the theatre ushers to spray water on the moviegoers during the bucket scene, and he wanted them to walk up and down the aisles with incense when there was fire on the screen. None of the theatre owners would agree to this, and one of them finally sat Walt down and told him that it was impossible because the moviegoers would think the place was on fire if they smelled incense and felt water! Walt eventually gave up, but then Fantasia was a flop. After that encounter, he decided he would never let anyone else dictate to him how he should tell his stories. The Imagineers put the Fantasia sequence in Philharmagic for this very reason.

He also told us that Walt's main goal for Disneyland for people to be able to "lock their adult lives in their cars." I love this motto--- it's why I love WDW so much, and it's why I don't even bring my iPhone to the parks with me anymore. He believed that, no matter what was going on in your life, you could be able to lock you adult life up for 8 hours. It would still be there for you when you returned, but it didn't have a place in Disneyland.

Jerrod also voiced his amount of respect for Roy Disney, who truly doesn't get much love. He recommended we read the Bob Thomas books on the Disney brothers, and I keep forgetting to pick those up!

From there, we headed to the Jungle Cruise and instead of having a skipper tell us jokes, Jerrod was our guide filling us in on some little known facts. He also asked us if we had a Disney wedding--- and was surprised when we said yes! (Allegedly 2000 people get married at WDW every year, but CMs always seem to be surprised by us Disbrides.) Apparently, his girlfriend is Shanda, who is in charge of DCL weddings! Fun fact for any Disney Cruise brides out there.

Anyway, here are some fun facts about the JC:
-The water isn't really that murky color; it's colored just for the ride.
-The guy who gets the "point" on the totem pole has the same face as the man in the graveyard in the Haunted Mansion. (How did I never realize that before?!?!)
-The monkeys in the temple are the same as the ones in LwtL; the cobras are from the Great Movie Ride
-And the skipper doesn't drive! (I know. You're all so surprised, aren't you?!)

From the JC, we headed to the MK's backstage area behind Splash Mountain. He pointed out three lines: the first marked the area where CMs had to be in full character and costume; the second marked where CMs had to be in costume but not fully in character yet; the third marked where CMs could no longer be seen by guests.

Being backstage at the Magic Kingdom was probably the most surreal experience of my life. I saw Brer Rabbit with her head off, just walking around! I don't think it "killed the magic" as some people say, it was just... bizarre.

He pointed out the backsides of Splash Mountain and Crystal Palace, which are absolutely gigantic buildings. Pirates, on the other hand, is actually two buildings: when you drop, you go into the second building. We also got to walk around the parade float storage area a bit, and Spectromagic is definitely still back there (if anyone was wondering).

Before we left backstage, Jerrod sat us down and we had more storytime. He told us that the question he gets asked most frequently is "Why do you all look so happy all the time?" He then read us this story about this boy who had never walked, but had decided he was going to take his first steps in Walt Disney World. He spent hours in physical therapy working towards this goal: and when he got to WDW, he took a few steps.

He also told us about a friend of his who worked at Turtle Talk with Crush. An entire family had come out of the attraction in tears, and she asked the family what was wrong. There was a child with them, but the child was probably around 10 or so. Eventually, the grandmother managed to tell the CM that her grandson was severely autistic and had just spoken his first words in 7 years to Crush. The CM closed the attraction, and the family was able to have a private show with Crush.

Well, I started crying my eyes out during the Crush story. He told us it was because of people like that--- because of the magic they are able to make every day--- that he and all of his coworkers are always so happy. Hearing stories like that just make me want to pack up my life and move to WDW. I wish I could be a magic maker.

I think this is a good stopping point. Don't worry, more tour is yet to come!
That story about crush and the autistic boy brought a tear to my eye.

Loving your trippie. Can't wait to read more.
Helllloooo!!! Guess who's here, and isn't a billion weeks behind this time? This gal is, that's who! (I'm motioning to myself, 2 thumbs style!)

-So Charley & I watch ALL of episodes of Once Upon a Time. We love it. I like dark fairy tales! lol
-I think we're going to go watch the new Jason Segal movie at Downtown Disney on the last day of my bday trip. I haven't decided yet.
-Damn those tiny tables! They make me so angry!!! I'm sorry I don't have 5 kids (sorry parents lol). I want some damn space too! Ok, rant over....
-I've never had quiche or leeks. haha I'm sooooo picky when it comes to food. You just wouldn't believe. Charley gets VERY irritated with me sometimes. lol
-I'm excited for my bday trip too!!! AHHHHH I can't wait! I've told Charley EVERY SINGLE DAY since we got from our Xmas trip, that I'm ready to go to Disney World!!!
-We always make plans to be there for rope drop; it just never works out. We scheduled for it at Xmas, and they ended up having EMH at MK almost every morning that week. I swear. I kid you not. And we were staying off property, so it sucked!
-I know we go all of the time, but if we didn't have to AP..we wouldn't go. And if we don't go..we save more money. And if we save more money...that's faster we can be DVC members. Soooo... I don't know. lol
-I seriously LMAO at your gramps taping the wrong chick. Like really?!?!
-Yes girl, into the grass! That's why guys rings are normally WAY cheaper than the ladies rings.
-I'm def going to get some socks.
-I'm not going to de-friend you for your animal hating comments...ha!
-I'm glad yall weren't crazy drunks!

Hopefully we'll be able to talk to each other once we actually meet. If not, we can always pull out the cell phones and FB each other!!! LOL

HM 6:3
-We tend to go to MK a lot as well. And HS.
-Don't you want to tell the people to get out of the way, so you can have a clear pic? I do..
-Aww I like the pic on the bridge. I like your purse and all of your charms. I need some charms.
-Ok, so am I the only 1 that got pissed off every time those damn ears fell backwards?!?! Don't get me wrong, I loved them. They just fell EVERY time. It just made me so angry!
-You're starting to look a little pink on your arms in these pics. Were you wearing sunblock?? I hope so!
-Damn purse snob! ;) That 1 is too freakin cute. I love the hot pink. Seriously though. I need to put in even more OT, so I can buy a Dooney. lol
-Where do you get your charms at when you're there?
-You're supposed to ride while people watch the parades. Then you snack while the people clear out after the parades. This is what we always say we're going to do, but it never happens. We end up leaving before the parade, because I start to feel claustrophobic!
-We haven't been to the Wave. We were supposed to on our HM, but we ended up not going.
-Why do we always fill up on the bread? We do that too.. then we hardly want anything when the meal actually comes.
-Chris has 1 devil eye in that bread pic, and it's scary to me.
-So chicken and waffles is a really big thing in the south. I've never had it, but it's popular.
-You should do a better job taking pics of the desserts. That's what I like to look at. Last night I was on the allears site, looking at the menu for Ghirardelli's. I was reading everything off to Charley, and we were practically drooling. It was really sad.
-So, I told Charley that yall did 2 tours. He was like "what tours?"!! Uh helllloooo! All of the damn tours I kept telling you about, that's what tours! Guys can be so dense sometimes! LOL
-BTW, 2 Drink Tony is great and all.. but I get kind of mad when they bring an extra drink like that. Sometimes I never even make it to that drink, and it's such a waste.

I'm sorry your Grammy is back in the hospital!! I soooo hope she gets to feeling better!

HM 7:1
-I bet it's pretty snazzy being within walking distance to MK.
-Yay for not getting lost getting to the tour entrance.
-So you got a name tag you were able to take home with you? That you didn't have to peel off your shirt? That's high class right there girl! ;) jk I'm jealous. I want a name tag.
-Did you snag me a pair of those headphones?
-That's a pretty decent tour group. Jerrod sounds like he was absolutely fabulous. I'm glad he made your tour experience so great. It really makes a difference when you have someone that's actually into the job.
-I think the "empty lot" joke is pretty funny. LOL
-The people scare me running into the parks. I just want to run from them... but that kind of defeats the purpose of standing in line.
-I'm so glad Jerrod gave you sit down breaks, unlike BradJosh who thought you were there to run the marathon. (I just came up with that, cause I know that the marathon went on while you were there. Very clever of me, huh?)
-I like the story about Walt and Fantasia. BUT I really do think people would've freaked out had they smelled incense burning during the movie. Or they would've thought it was a whole different kind of party!! LOL
-I take my phone into the parks with me, but only so I can update with pics on FB. Like in your face biatch, I'm at Disney! HAHAHA
-We were asked several times if we were married at Disney. And when we said SBP, most of them were like "where?"!!
-The tour sounds really cool. I would love to do that sometime.
-I almost started crying when I read your Crush story. That's the sweetest thing. I REALLY want to move to Orlando and work at Disney. That is NO joke. I think we should leave Charley and Chris and their respective jobs, and we can get an apartment and work at Disney together!!!

YAY!!! I'm not behind!!!

I seriously almost have a panic attack every time I think about how close our trips are!!! I can't freakin wait!!!!!
That tour sounds so amazing, and the stories would make me cry too. I can't wait to hear more!
GREAT report on the tour so far, Jackie! No 3D glasses washing?! Boo! Anyway, I LOVE what he said about leaving your adult life in the car. This is exactly what I do everytime I go and it seems like a common thread between all true Disney fans. WDW really is my happy place :goodvibes Oh, and how precious is that Crush story?! Not gonna lie, the first time Ryan and I saw it we had no kids with us and I totally teared up just watching how much the kids enjoyed and loved Crush. Disney magic at its finest.
Aww, I will definitely be thinking good thoughts for your grammy! :hug:

This tour sounds like a lot of fun, too! How long is this one? I know I read up on it at some point, but these days, info just doesn't want to stick it seems.

I can definitely see why movie theatres would not be thrilled by the idea of the incense! Especially back when Fantasia first came out! :laughing:

I do always bring my phone with me in the park...because I always worry about not being able to find whoever I'm with. (I swear, I must've been abandoned in a previous life or something)

Aww, the story about Turtle Talk gave me goosebumps. It's the stories like that that give me hope that there are still good people in this crazy world still.

I'm ready for you to post more, Jackie! popcorn::
That seriously sounds like a great tour! I got goosebumps and teary-eyed when you were telling those magical stories.

I also love the facts about the Jungle Cruise--since that is one of my FAVS.

Can't wait to read more about this tour!
<3 for your grammy.

Loving hearing about Keys tour. I've got tears in my eyes over the boy and Crush story.

LOL at the headless characters. My OH once got roped into being the kids club bear when we were in Greece and he was soooo pleased to get his head off!
* Our 2013 trip is for the last week in April. Since my school screwed up my schedule I'll have that spring semester off but won't have a full time job yet (since I want to work in a school and they don't really hire mid-year), so it seemed like a good time. My ultimate hope is that once I get a full time job and have a little more money, I can go more often and take some solo trips. DH likes Disney, but not enough to go that often (he doesn't really understand why we're going back in 2013, he says "how much will have changed in a year and a half? We just did that!"), so once I have the money it's my dream to just go on my own and maybe meet up with DISers! It's all very much hypothetical right now and probably wouldn't happen til 2014 anyway. I also need to find a way to find cheaper flights!
* Many prayers are being sent for your grammy. <3 :hug:
* The tour sounds so awesome. I definitely have to do it someday.
* Relieved to hear it confirmed that the skippers do not steer those boats! :rotfl:
* I would love to work at Disney, it sounds like such a special job. That story about Crush brought tears to my eyes too, just from reading it. Disney World is truly a magical place.
First of all, I've been MIA, but I'm all caught up!
- I'm glad your grandparents are out of the hospital and I hope they are doing better.
- Now I am dying to experience the HM stretch room all to myself (...and the hubby I suppose ;)).
- DH plays with his ring all the time and I'm always scolding him! His best friend has been married for almost four years and STILL plays with his ring. I'm afraid Rob will be the same way!
- Oh no! The big cookies are gone?! I just had one in November!
- Rob doesn't drink at all, so I'm the one that annoys him when I get drunk (very rarely, fyi!).
- I love Meeko!
- Mmm Via Napoli. Can't wait to go back!
- The two of you drinkin' around the world - HYSTERICAL!
- I saw you mentioned HIMYM and Jason Segal in response to someone and had to tell you that I 1) love the show (and Jason Segal) and 2) watched episodes of the show while at the dentist last week! Definitely made the appointment better! Also, Rob and I saw the movie American Reunion and every time Alyson Hannigan would kiss Jason Biggs, Rob would lean over and say something about how Marshall would be so pissed! Cracked me up!
- The Wave looks really yummy! Chicken and waffles are popular in the south... or so I hear. I've never actually had them myself!
- Just saw that your grammy is back the hospital. Sending prayers!
- Wow. I got major chills reading about the boy taking his first steps at WDW and the boy with autism speaking with Crush. Wow. Disney truly is such a magical place. (I need a hug after those stories and I'm home alone! So internet hug! :hug:)
DH and I plan on taking the KTTK Tour in December - I hope we get a good guide like you did!
The story about the autistic boy with Crush made me teary eyed - can you just imagine being part of that magic?!?
Yes! Go to Via Nap NOW!! NOWWW!!!! And YES, my travel mug leaks! It's so annoying, especially because it was a fairly expensive one (much more than my Starbucks ones, anyway). Did you see the pretty picture frame from that collection?! $50!!!

Next time you're in the MK, you should harass the Art of Disney people about that painting. And I can't wait until next month! I just started my countdown: 46 days!

~t was expensive!
~nd oh, I just might have that frame..and 2 of the candle holders that went with the set, and the blanket :rolleyes1 I wanted the pillows but decided to get them on my next DTD but then they were gone! (I had my xmas CM discount of 40% so does that make all the spending better?)
~ will have to harrass the Art of Disney people! It's so pretty!!
~Wohoo! I cant' wait to see everyone!!

Also, could you all please say your prayers for my grammy again? She's back in the hospital. She's doing better than when she first went in, but she could definitely use some positive vibes. Thank you. <3

It's called "M.T. Lott" because WDW used to be just an "empty lot." Get it?! Har har har!

Around here, Jerrod also told us he would be bringing us on "Jerrod's Wonderful World of Food" and told us we had to try the cinnamon buns. (He's right. Those things are awesome.)

He also told us that Walt's main goal for Disneyland for people to be able to "lock their adult lives in their cars." I love this motto--- it's why I love WDW so much, and it's why I don't even bring my iPhone to the parks with me anymore. He believed that, no matter what was going on in your life, you could be able to lock you adult life up for 8 hours. It would still be there for you when you returned, but it didn't have a place in Disneyland.

From there, we headed to the Jungle Cruise and instead of having a skipper tell us jokes, Jerrod was our guide filling us in on some little known facts. He also asked us if we had a Disney wedding--- and was surprised when we said yes! (Allegedly 2000 people get married at WDW every year, but CMs always seem to be surprised by us Disbrides.) Apparently, his girlfriend is Shanda, who is in charge of DCL weddings! Fun fact for any Disney Cruise brides out there.

Anyway, here are some fun facts about the JC:
-The water isn't really that murky color; it's colored just for the ride.
-The guy who gets the "point" on the totem pole has the same face as the man in the graveyard in the Haunted Mansion. (How did I never realize that before?!?!)
-The monkeys in the temple are the same as the ones in LwtL; the cobras are from the Great Movie Ride
-And the skipper doesn't drive! (I know. You're all so surprised, aren't you?!)

~ have your grandma in my thoughts!
~I didn't know about the M.T. Lott joke..Love it!
~I keep meaning to try one of the cinnamon rolls! But we aren't usually there early in the mornings I guess.
~I am too stir crazy and need to have my phone with me at all times. And now with the Disney Mobile Magic app, you can get all sorts of info, even what time the fastpasses they are giving out are for. Oh, and there's a trivia game! It's fun and hard!
~As for Disney brides...since I've gotten married, I keep asking every couple that I see with the Just Married buttons or Happily Ever After buttons on that come through the ride when I'm working, if they got married at disney (I am determined to bump into a disboard bride!) but so far every couple has gotten married back home!
~And I love JC! (My ex bf used to work there so used to ride his show over and over!) I didn't know about the cobra snakes! But the plane in our ride is the other half of the plane from JC. (and some of our animatronic faces used to be in Pirates!)
Okay, wow I am so ashamed that I am this far behind. Wow. Even Jennifer is is more caught up than me, by alot! :sad2::sad1::rolleyes:

Day 3, Part 1

*The tour looks terrible, but glad you were able to make the best of it. We did the Behind The Seeds tour once at the The Land and our guide was so bad that the tour that left an hour after us caught up! :headache:
* Piffle on the no pictures at The Living Seas.
* Cool prop room!
* We have been backstage for our site visit. It’s kinda cool, but kills the magic a bit.
* Eeewww on the 3D glasses. :eek:
* Wow, CM stamp buying place. Who knew?
* Lesson for today “if someone gives you FPs, say thank you and move on!”

Day 3, Part 2

* Love the wedding shrine. Gorgeous! :worship:
* Brown Derby is so pretty!
* Love the drinks menu. The peach one sounds awesome! (I am going to Yachtsman in May and will have the sangria on your advice)
* Filet looks amazing. So does the chicken. I don’t typically order chicken out, but that looks divine.
* The cake looks delish. I went once a while ago and not sure if I got the cake or not, but I know I need to go back now.
* Love the pictures at the end of the night. Chris looks very “happy”. :rotfl:

The scrapbook is great! Good job getting it done. I have all the supplies to do one for all our planning stuff and hoping to start on that soon, before I have too much and don’t do it at all. The fairy godchildren are coming over on Thursday and Rachel loves to scrapbook, so I think we will get started.


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