Jan Weather

We were there last Jan during the week of MLK day. The weather was awesome for the first 3 days. Almost hot. But the last day it cooled down. It is hit and miss but better than home here in KS that is for sure. We left 20° weather and landed in 80° plus. Not to mention we just missed a huge ice storm at home. I have heard it can get pretty cold though... so pack accordingly. When we were there last Nov. for our Disney Cruise it snowed in Cocoa Beach the morning we docked... Pretty cold for down there.
I have been once in Jan...I think it was the 3rd week. Mornings were in the high 20's....it did warm into the 50's during the day. I found that I really missed having all the flowers and trees in bloom that I usually see in April/May. I will probably not choose this time frame again unless it is after I retire and can spend the whole month there and catch some of the great weather that gets mixed in. The week after we left it was in the 80's.One plus of the much cooler weather.... much more energy for parks and just doing stuff in general as opposed to pool lounging.
Be prepared for almost anything:

It could be in the low 80's (unusual)

Expect more in the high 60's to low 70's for daytime highs.

Overnight can get chilly. After the sun goes down (which is giving the warm days), it cools off considerably.

I always find it interesting to see all the day guests vacate the parks early because they only wore shorts and a T-shirt during the day. After sunset it will drop to 50 or lower. Remember, sunset in January is early.

Also be prepared for cold temperatures. If a cold front hits up north where it's below zero, that same front can push Florida temperatures below freezing. If you keep an eye on the weather forecasts before your trip, you'll have some idea of what to expect.
We went this past Jan, the last week in fact.
It was cool mid 30s - 60s. Most of the time the sun made it nice enough to not wear a coat. A nice long sleeved shirt did the job. We did see people in the pools though...

But, yes I have heard it can also be in the 80s. You'll just have to keep your eyes on the weather channel.
I'd plan on wearing jeans and making sure to bring a jacket - maybe even a sweatshirt or two. Name of the game is layers (we do a backpack to unlayer) - you may be in a sweatshirt in the morning and a tshirt for midafternoon before slipping into a jacket at night. You could get lucky and wear shorts the whole vacation (or unlucky and wish you had mittens). The pools are heated and us idiots from the tundra (I'm from Minnesota, but many of us from "up North") swim anyway.
I agree with the other posters. We've been there in January where it was 80 degrees, and we've been there when it hardly got into the 50s. Bring layering options and watch the weather, because it can change quickly with a cold front! One thing is almost for sure...it will be warmer there than where you came from!:goodvibes


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