January 2015 Challenge ~ New Year ~ New Goals

I am going to tentatively stick my toe in the water, and set a goal of 10 pages.

I really wanted to scrap more in 2014, but my Mom's cancer diagnosis, put an end to that really quick. Unfortunately, her battle is still continuing, so I don't know how much scrapping I will be able to do. I spent May-Dec flying back and forth from CO to FL, and when I was home other things took precedence. And that will continue in 2015. But I am home for a little while; and desperately need a "positive" distraction.

Bless you Hope, I spent 2012 going back and forth from FL to GA to help out my Dad. Mom was in hospice are due to her Alzheimer's and Dad was having trouble with his feet (diabetic). Scrapping for me was a wonderful distraction, even if it was just a couple pages, a day or two a week. Prayers to you, your mama and family...

I did 4 pages tonight. I used the cameo to make some overlays the other day - it almost feels like I'm cheating it's so easy!
I finished 4 pages last Friday when the family came over to scrap!
Also - prayers, hopemax, for you and your family
I'm here! I've been away for a few months because I've been too busy working on craft projects for other people to do any scrapbooking but I AM BACK!!

I still have a couple of OPPs (other people's projects :thumbsup2) to work on so I will set my goal low at 10 pages this month.
I'm on board with 20pages over the last 2 days!
I hope to do more tonight and definitely tomorrow.. I wish they would go ahead and call school for tomorrow with the horrible temps expected and I can scrap all day without having to worry!
welcome Iowa Tater! good luck finishing your OPP's!

updated to here :cheer2:
Please add 22 pages to my total. I hope to get 3 more done later today but we will see. I finished 1/2 of MK. I did more LOs than 22 but those are all I can count as some were premade pages that were already counted!

Ok, back to snuggle under the covers I'm so sick of the winter!
I did 3 pages!

Right now that feels like a major accomplishment. They were single pages, and I had a lot of "help" being that 2 of them were swap pages. But photos are on, journaling is done, and I added some extra embellishments.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Every day is a bit of a roller coaster, and my mood cycles as my Mom feels. She's been having a couple bad days this week, so I've been having bad days, as there's not much I can do to help her from Colorado. So that's why managing to scrap is such an accomplishment.

I'm trying to build up some momentum to get some kits built so I can take them with me to FL the next time I am there. They already have the paper trimmer I use, and I'm thinking about buying an ATG gun for down there, so if I can get stuff kitted, I should be able to make some progress. My Mom gets bored, now that she's not working, and she finished one crafty project already. She has some of her own scrapping supply from stuff the parks sold, so I thought we could kill some time by scrapping together, without it being something that was too strenuous and could come and go, depending on how she feels.
I haven't had much time to scrapbook. I'm almost finished with my 2012 Disney Scrapbook. I'm already working on our 2013 trip to Disneyland Paris. I'm actually kinda happy that we didnt plan anything for 2014. but now we are going to Disney World for 5 days and on a Disney cruise for 4 days.
I really want to finish up our other trips before we take the next!

My goal for January is going to be 50 pages. I"m already up to 30!
I did 2 pages over the weekend and finished up all of my outstanding OPPs!! Now I can concentrate on all of my scrapbooking.
Woohoo!! Happy to see some old and new names on this thread!!

I really need to get my butt in gear this year getting pages done. I need to use up my stash in the kids albums and convert a lot of stuff to digital.

Put me down for 30 pages as a goal please, Lisa.
By Friday I would like to finish journaling the disney digital book I did for the trip I hated. The album itself turned out really well though.
Hope I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she gets better soon.
I'm glad you are here though. We've all been through a lot together over the years, I hope we can continue to support you now.
I did manage to get Megan's autograph book finished last week. - 8 pages

Welcome disneydarling07!

updated to here!
Please add another 19 to my total.

I'm 3 pages away from being doing w/ B's 2014 football season.. but pages I will premake and than have to wait on photos... that was a our BIG end of season game between 2 undefeated teams that went into double OT... (we fell short.. :( )
Christmas is put away, so jumping in late now that I have my house back....Please put me down for 10. Thanks!
I did 3 more last night (total of 33 so far). I realized that we are supposed to go away this weekend, so I'm not going to be able to play. :(
I don't think I will reach my goal of 50 pages, but I'm happy with what I did so far!


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