January 2021 W.I.S.H. - New Year, New Goals

Good morning and happy Monday, everyone! My workout is complete. Healthy breakfast shake is made. Lunch is packed. I’m ready to start the week right! I’m motivated by following my meal plan last week, limiting my snacking to fruits and veggies, and the scale on a decline! I’m ready to do it again this week!
Today and tomorrow are gong to be rough. My Browns (NFL Football) played in there first playoff game in like 17 years last night. We played our rival that we lose to all time. The game ended at like midnight. We won!!!!! It was a surprise because we had several key players out including our head coach. They all have COVID. Now onto the next game. Staying hopeful but we are playing the number 1 team and i highly doubt that we can win this one. Tonight Ohio State plays in the championship game. It is another 8pm game so it won't be over until about midnight. Thankfully the Browns game next week is at 3pm. I don't think I can handle another week of late nights. I may not make it through the whole game tonight.

I am still planning on getting my workouts in today and tomorrow. Friday I did order some outside workout clothes. I want to be able to do my 5k outside if it isn't too cold. We have been staying around mid 30's lately and I think I should be good with this temp. If we start to get close to the 20's then that might be too cold.
My Browns (NFL Football) played in there first playoff game in like 17 years last night. We played our rival that we lose to all time. The game ended at like midnight. We won!!!!!
My dad and brother have always been Cleveland fans as well! And both are usually early to bed, so I know they are dragging today as well! But even I was excited last night (although I went to bed after the first quarter) and I’m not really a football fan. Congrats to all Browns fans!
Rough weekend, I stress ate a lot of dairy yesterday while I was glued to the news and it really caught up to me. Trying to right the ship this morning.

I bought myself a new healthy living "tool":


It is huge, that little ornament thing to the right is three inches across for comparison, but it only takes a couple swiggs between markings and I really like the messaging.
@Oneanne I have something similar. I find that it really helps (when I want it to help)! Like right now I can see I’m just past 1pm on the bottle, but it’s almost 3. So I’ll chug a bit and then I’m caught up! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I like mine! 😊

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Looks like it might be a different size of the same thing - cool!
Those water bottles are a great idea! And I especially like the colors on the second one.

I have several different water bottles, and you'd think I would just refill the smaller ones more often, and still drink the same amount, but I do notice that I tend drink more over the course of the day when I use a larger one.
So not only was the doctor's scale five pounds heavier than mine, BUT because I've shrunk (again!) my BMI is back to obese. I was using the height I've always been, not what I am now that I'm old and gray!! ha ha There's some motivation for me!

Tomorrow I'm back to o'dark thirty workouts. It's been a lovely few weeks of an extra hour sleep. I'll miss not being able to fast forward if I feel we're taking too long "breathing" at the beginning. Yes, I am impatient!
Topic Tuesday ~

"Diet" has two definitions on Dictionary.com, with very different connotations:
- the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
- a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons.

The first is an ongoing state, with no inherent judgement; the second, a temporary (or forced) program that conjures up negative feelings. So, what does the word "diet" mean to you?
Happy New Year to all of you. Its Jesica Taylor. I am 25 years old. Doing job in a private company named as wapexp. I have 3 childs, one daughter and two sons. In this year i m going to change the color of my bathroom's cabinets and i got help from a very interesting blog about how to paint bathroom cabinets.. If anyone want to do it can get help from there. Thank u
Topic Tuesday ~

"Diet" has two definitions on Dictionary.com, with very different connotations:
- the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
- a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons.

The first is an ongoing state, with no inherent judgement; the second, a temporary (or forced) program that conjures up negative feelings. So, what does the word "diet" mean to you?
I think I’ve been trained to think that diet means restrictive eating (the second definition). But one trying to train myself to think of diet as the first definition.

I’m trying to each healthier, but no one else in my family what’s to. And my daughter is really into cooking and taking Chefs 2 this year in school. But she likes to try to make up her own recipes, which are quite good. But the other day she used a ton of EVOO plus butter and I commented on how she doesn’t need to use so much. My husband commented that I cant have that in my diet. He said it in a way trying to be supportive of me, but in reality it actually wasn’t. But then my daughter made the comment “someone should invent a diet where you can eat anything you want.” I said there is at the same time my husband says that doesn’t exist. Here I was thinking of definition 1 and my husband was thinking definition 2. But it turned into a conversation of how I can eat whatever I want with the meal plan I’m following, it just has to fit into one of my containers and I have to plan for it in my daily container count. I talked about eating to stay healthy (last serval years prior to covid) vs eating to lose weight (currently) vs eating without thinking (during pandemic).
Happy New Year to all of you. Its Jesica Taylor. I am 25 years old. Doing job in a private company named as wapexp. I have 3 childs, one daughter and two sons. In this year i m going to change the color of my bathroom's cabinets and i got help from a very interesting blog about how to paint bathroom cabinets.. If anyone want to do it can get help from there. Thank u
Good Lord Louise
I just got news today that our district is going back 5 days a week. k-5 started today and 6-12 will start on the 25th. They have also gotten rid of social distancing and quarantining students that have been in contact with a person in the school that tested positive. So they are basically not doing anything to keep the spread done other then wearing a mask. Thankfully they are not getting rid of the option to be fully remote. I feel this will be a disaster. Our governor is one that got rid of the requirement for quarantining. This will all be before teachers get vaccinated as that won't start until around the beginning of February.
To me "diet" means managing your food consumption. Sometimes (OK, often times) I do flip to restrictive/elimination food management. I do know that is not sustainable but sometimes I feel l like I need a kick start and I also know that almost always there's a backlash where I end up in a worst place than where I started.

I follow a couple on IG that I found thru Noom, they are actually travel bloggers who obviously haven't been traveling but they are so inspirational in their relationship to each other and how they manage their food. Last week in a post they mentioned that they really do consume the recommended servings of fruits and veggies and that has really stuck with me... haven't started doing it yet, but I'm getting there.
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Late to the party, but HEY THERE! I'm Beth. I'm 44 and live in Happy Valley, PA (IYKYK). I am coming back to the boards after a bit of a break between WDW trips; my family and I are going in December of this year. I am looking forward to resuming posting on a more consistent basis and am hopeful to find support and be supportive on the W.I.S.H boards and threads!

I am currently down 28.5 pounds since July 1st. I hit 31 pounds, but then November and December happened. I picked six up during those months (per last Monday's weigh-in) and by Friday (my usual weigh-in day), I'd dropped 3.5. My goal is to lose 100-110 pounds. My main focus is on what I eat and drink. I aim for at least 120 oz. of water per day and I track my macros with MyFitness Pal (currently consuming 131C/60F/130P, or roughly 1,585 calories per day).

I am trying to figure out where exercise fits best in my daily routine these days. From July through October, I started each morning with a walk outside at 5:50 in the morning. Now that it's dark and cold at 5:50 am, that's rather unappealing. I am taking solace in the fact that it is beginning to stay lighter longer now that we are past the solstice and, in fact, the sun will not set again before 5 pm here until November. I think I will begin my mornings with strength training and/or yoga and end my workdays with my walk. Based on how "light" it was last evening, I think I can eek out nearly my entire walk before it is completely dark (and I have safety gear like a reflective belt/straps/suspenders kind of thing, clip-on lights, and a safety orange ball cap). Plus, needing to be out the door at 5 pm to walk before dark is great motivation to end my work day (I'm currently working from home where it's easy to "linger in the office").

As for the Tuesday Topic question...I saw a meme that said something to the effect of "Why would I say I'm on a DIEt when it's really HEALthy eating that I'm doing?" The juxtaposition of DIE and HEAL really resonated with me and since then I've really tried to eschew the word "diet." Needless to say, anytime I use the word I am leaning fully and wholly toward the first definition.
Late to the party, but HEY THERE! I'm Beth. I'm 44 and live in Happy Valley, PA (IYKYK). I am coming back to the boards after a bit of a break between WDW trips; my family and I are going in December of this year. I am looking forward to resuming posting on a more consistent basis and am hopeful to find support and be supportive on the W.I.S.H boards and threads!

I am currently down 28.5 pounds since July 1st. I hit 31 pounds, but then November and December happened. I picked six up during those months (per last Monday's weigh-in) and by Friday (my usual weigh-in day), I'd dropped 3.5. My goal is to lose 100-110 pounds. My main focus is on what I eat and drink. I aim for at least 120 oz. of water per day and I track my macros with MyFitness Pal (currently consuming 131C/60F/130P, or roughly 1,585 calories per day).

I am trying to figure out where exercise fits best in my daily routine these days. From July through October, I started each morning with a walk outside at 5:50 in the morning. Now that it's dark and cold at 5:50 am, that's rather unappealing. I am taking solace in the fact that it is beginning to stay lighter longer now that we are past the solstice and, in fact, the sun will not set again before 5 pm here until November. I think I will begin my mornings with strength training and/or yoga and end my workdays with my walk. Based on how "light" it was last evening, I think I can eek out nearly my entire walk before it is completely dark (and I have safety gear like a reflective belt/straps/suspenders kind of thing, clip-on lights, and a safety orange ball cap). Plus, needing to be out the door at 5 pm to walk before dark is great motivation to end my work day (I'm currently working from home where it's easy to "linger in the office").

As for the Tuesday Topic question...I saw a meme that said something to the effect of "Why would I say I'm on a DIEt when it's really HEALthy eating that I'm doing?" The juxtaposition of DIE and HEAL really resonated with me and since then I've really tried to eschew the word "diet." Needless to say, anytime I use the word I am leaning fully and wholly toward the first definition.
I grew up in Selinsgrove, PA (about an hour away) and my brother went to school there. Now my family has all relocated as adults due to jobs to the Lehigh Valley area. I hope you enjoy our group! 😊
I grew up in Selinsgrove, PA (about an hour away) and my brother went to school there. Now my family has all relocated as adults due to jobs to the Lehigh Valley area. I hope you enjoy our group! 😊

"It's a small world..." My brother went to Susquehanna University from 1999-2003. I know Selinsgrove quite well! And back when we could attend collegiate sporting events (and once we can again), I frequently visit Lewisburg because Navy plays Bucknell in the Patriot League. (Despite where I work, my primary allegiances are with the Navy Midshipmen.)


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