January at Disney?

We were there the second week this past January. We enjoyed our trip but the weather was more chilly then we hoped for. We live in the north left frozen snow behind but we still considering it too chilly. Disney weather that week was low mid40s-mid 50s and highs might have reached 70. We were in sweatshirts and a light jacket to start and end the days, jeans most of the day. But for the first time ever at DW we avoided rain altogether. We swam one day for about 90 minutes but too cold to enjoy it. So if you looking for cooler temps, we did get that. The Christmas decor was still up, crowds weren't bad, Disney after the sun goes down is it's own kind of awesome so we had more time touring after dark. We would recommend trying it out.
We went the end of January into February 2018. It was really crowded at animal kingdom. The counter service lines were unbelievable out the doors. Magic kingdom was also pretty crowded. Epcot actually was not bad crowd wise and we did enjoy the food for the festival of the arts.
We have been there the week after New Year's. There were days where we got a sunburn by the pool, and other days where we were freezing to death! We laughed because the temperature must have dropped to a "magic" number. All the kiosks went from selling beach towels and sunscreen to selling hoodies, blankets, gloves and scarves. We said it really was Disney magic...because the change of merchandise seemed to happen in less than a minute!

My niece also got married there right after New Year's one year, and the day of her wedding was a really cold and rainy day...so even though it isn't hurricane season...you may still get a good rain!

Just be prepared for all temps. The crowds for us were really great, but this was before the Arts festival. Disney has a way of making sure those crowd levels don't dip too much!
Since the weather has been well covered, I'm going to just jump in to say I LOVED the festival of the arts. As per all epcot festivals they utilize the booths throughout world showcase. They definitely focus on making sure the food is pretty which I thought was a nice touch. I like food and wine, but when I have gone it has been too hot for me to really enjoy eating around the world. Cooler temperatures mean it's much more enjoyable to do WS. I also spend more time exploring WS than usual since I wasn't dripping with sweat. If you like music, the free broadway concerts they have every night are really fun. They also had this big paint a square mural where you get a foam brush and a little cup of paint and you paint a few squares and its neat to see the progress from the beginning of the day to the end of the day.
I've been mid January in 2014 and 2016 and the weather was great both times. The crowds were also very low (although this has probably changed in just a few years). Last year we went in Sept and have another Sept trip this year but honestly, I prefer January. I just can't take vacation during that month anymore so we do Sept instead.

We didn't notice a big difference in wait times between the two months but there were way more people in the walkways in Sept so navigating around was a little more difficult and most of the seating areas/benches were all taken. Also, I noticed wayyy more "bad behavior" by guests in Sept. I'm not sure if it was just because there's more people in general, the heat makes people cranky, or I just happened to pick up on it more, but there were 10 times more meltdowns of both children and adults in Sept than our past January trips.
I went this past January. Longest wait was just over an hour for Flight of Passage. The after hours event had everything as a walk on (Including Mine Train). I rode Splash mountain 4 times in a row being the only one on the boat. The weather was beautiful! Lowest it got was 65* at night as i was leaving the park. I'm going again this year for sure. 13th-20th will be the sweet spot for missing the January crowds again!
We travel the end of Janurary and love it! To echo others the weather is unpredictable but cold snails don't usually last TOO long so odds are you will at least get some nice days. Only downfall is not being able to plan pool days because of the weather contingency. My kids are little so on chilly days I've packed a duffle bag worth of layers and gotten a locker-- there can be a 40 degree temperature swing when the sun goes down.
We love festival of the arts! And it hasn't been too crowded- MK is always crowded but other parks are at a 2 or 3.
We try and go at the end of January, our birthday month, just to warm our bones from the cold Michigan winter. Last year, January 2019, it was 60s during the day, high 40s at night. Way warmer than 40 below zero during the Polar Vortex!
We are scheduled for Jan 3-10. I anticipate the weekend to be crowded but hoping that drops off a little by Monday the 6th. We always go in the summer. Super excited about getting back at a new time of year. Hoping the Christmas decorations will still be up
We are scheduled for Jan 3-10. I anticipate the weekend to be crowded but hoping that drops off a little by Monday the 6th. We always go in the summer. Super excited about getting back at a new time of year. Hoping the Christmas decorations will still be up

We went the 7th - 11th last year, and decorations were still up! This year, we are going the 4th - 11th. I'm also hoping that the New Years vacationers are gone by Sunday, before the marathon crowds arrive.
Every month has pros and cons. I've been to WDW in pretty much every time of year. As others have said, just like every other month, January's weather is often a bit of a mixed bag.

If you go very close to the Dec or January holidays, you get holiday prices and crowds. If you go during a non-holiday January week, you'll trade lower crowds for reduced park hours, and reduced staff. The way WDW manages the parks these days, you might not see lines as short as you imagine.

The other January downside is similar to the downside of September- storms. Major storms = travel delays all across the lower 48. Even if both MCO and your home airport are fine, if your plane was supposed to arrive from a snowy place, or have a stopover in the snowy place, it can be cancelled. You might get stuck an extra 24-48 hours at home or in FL.
The thought of being able to eat at the festival and not sweat all over my food sounds awesome! My husband tells the story of looking for a sign at Epcot so he could stand in it's shadow for some relief! lol
Dressing warm for morning makes you hot during the day. I hate dressing in layers, because I hate carrying around my sweatshirt. But as I said, I'd much rather deal with that than the heat.

Crowds used to be great, but it's getting busier. As they say, I don't think there is really a slow time anymore.

I agree. Wait times aren't just about crowds these days, but also the way Disney manages their staffing.

Most rides have some ability to run with fewer boats, train cars, etc. There are reductions in shows, and maybe characters, etc.

I also forgot to mention the challenge of packing in winter. some trips we wear shorts, some long pants every day, often a mix. we often find it helpful to go back to the room in the later afternoon to grab more clothes. Oh, and swimming can be hit or miss, but that's also true in September.

There are good reasons why September and January were traditionally slower months. Those two months more or less = the two extreme months. Personally, we prefer just about every other month over January and September. I'l' even take August and February over January and September.
Crowds were low, yes, but it wasn't like the really popular rides were walk ons. They still had substantial waits.
Disney reduces staffing and ride capacity when crowds are lower, so the wait times can be nearly identical to when the parks are more crowded.
We went 1/26-2-2 this year, we are from Alabama. It was cold!! Like thermals with pants and long sleeve and jacket cold, we even broke out the gloves and hats some days!!
That being said friends went from 2/1-2/9 and they wore shorts and tanks/short sleeves most days!
I would say be prepared for all weather, layers are the best
We've been three times in January/February over the years. Had one really good trip with low crowds and good weather. Had another trip that when the weather was generally damp and cold, with highs in the 50s and 60s during the day. Way too cold for pool, and we like to take advantage of the pool. Crowds were low during our first January trip in 2004 timeframe, but not so much during the other trips. I get the sense that crowds are high year round now, except maybe in September and perhaps during the summer (when weather is miserable).

I have no idea what the best time of year is for a Disney trip. Haven't been in September, but had a really good May trip once for both crowds and weather. But then had a really terrible May trip where it rained all week. I remember sitting at Crew's Cup while it was pouring outside and watching the weather report where the map showed the rain just constantly flowing in from the Atlantic. Good times.
I will add my confirmation to a few of the previous posters thoughts. DW and I have been Disney snowbirds for four years now. The winter temperatures can be very variable. It might get down into the 30's at night. Add the brisk breeze that comes along with the cold front and it can be chilly waiting for rope drop or the evening fireworks. But for us that is still much better than September heat. Check any of the major weather sites for the historical HI/LO temps for the dates you are considering to get a sense of the variability. Then pack one outfit for each extreme. We keep a polartec hoodie with lightweight gloves and ski cap ready for the chilly mornings/evenings.

I also agree that the January crowds have gone up in recent years but mostly centered around the marathon and MLK weekends. Though it is also true that Disney will adjust staff and ride capacity to save money during lower attendance days. And will also use these "lower crowd" periods for ride maintenance. But we still enjoy visiting the parks during these "quieter" periods.
Every month has pros and cons. I've been to WDW in pretty much every time of year. As others have said, just like every other month, January's weather is often a bit of a mixed bag.

If you go very close to the Dec or January holidays, you get holiday prices and crowds. If you go during a non-holiday January week, you'll trade lower crowds for reduced park hours, and reduced staff. The way WDW manages the parks these days, you might not see lines as short as you imagine.

The other January downside is similar to the downside of September- storms. Major storms = travel delays all across the lower 48. Even if both MCO and your home airport are fine, if your plane was supposed to arrive from a snowy place, or have a stopover in the snowy place, it can be cancelled. You might get stuck an extra 24-48 hours at home or in FL.
This is the one thing that concerns me every time, yeah. I live in Montana and fly through Denver, and in 2018 I nearly missed my first Disney cruise due to travel delays. I've just made a point this time of booking the earliest flight of the day on the way down there; when I've had major delays it's always been afternoon flights. The good thing about first thing in the morning is that the plane will have been at our airport overnight rather than having to wait for it to come in, so I'm at least less likely to see a delay on the way to Denver unless there's a major storm active that morning. Then the flight from Denver to MCO usually leaves between 9-10 AM; not sure if that's usually the first flight of the day for that second plane, but I've had much fewer issues with it than with flights that leave in the afternoon or evening. For myself, I've decided it's worth the risk as long as I take steps to reduce the chances of delays.
My last Sept trip I swore I'd never go that time of year again! I do find January a bit cold, but the Festival of the Arts is a lot of fun! I think you'll enjoy it :-)
I will say that having been when the temps were in the high 30s and high 90s I much prefer the colder weather for park touring purposes. I'm perfectly ok with wearing a sweatshirt and jeans at the park to try and stay warm. But if you are in shorts and a tshirt it's still miserably hot at 90+ degrees. Of course, if you want to go to the pool or water park or whatever then temps less than 75 degrees or so are not cool.


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