January WISH, Journey into January with hope and joy!

Today I'm sick at home, and I haven't looked at my NOOM app since Friday. But even though DH (Master Saboteur) bought my favorite raspberry glazed Paczkis, I'm not having any. The first week he got them, I cut one up in quarters and had 1/4 each day at 100 calories. When I crave them, I would rather eat 100 than 400 calories. But since my resolve isn't very strong right now, if I opened that box, I would eat a whole one. So, I'm skipping it entirely.

The desire to lose weight is there. I'm reuniting with my childhood beach friend after 40 years on June 8th, and I would like to look better than I do now. It's hard to be motivated when I'm not feeling well.
Good Morning everyone! The end of last week was not great for me. DD wants to talk meds again (this is what caused the suicidal thoughts in the spring). She has just been feeling down. She broke up with her boyfriend in December but they were still talking. She broke it off completely on Thursday and then he was sending her messages that he had nothing to live for. She told the counselor at school and she was pretty emotional about it. Then at work I am putting one of my employees on a performance improvement plan. She does great work on what she does do but she can't keep up.

The weekend went much better. DS took his driving test for the first time. He failed maneuverability but passed the driving part. He just needs to go back and do maneuverability now. Getting so close to having another driver in the house. The middle part of the day was just hanging out at home. I had a horrible headache. DS had a soccer game Sat night and DD needed to feed the horses (the barn she does lessons at are paying her to feed the horses on Saturday and Sunday nights).

Sunday turned into a mostly quite day. DH, DD and I went to see A Man Called Otto in the morning. DS didn't want to go. It was a good movie but I was not expecting it to be sad. I cried through most of it bit it was funny too. After that Dh and I went grocery shopping and came home to a shoved driveway. We got about an inch of snow an hour yesterday. DD decided to shovel while we were gone. I was going to take her to Half Price Books but with the snow nd roads not good we didn't go. I will try and take her this week. She has books and CD's (these are mine from when I was younger) that wants to turn in for credit at the store.

I did try the quiz from Saturday. I did horrible on it. I think I only got 3 right. My motivation this week is Disney. We leave in less then 12 weeks. I need to get in better shape.
DD wants to talk meds again (this is what caused the suicidal thoughts in the spring). She has just been feeling down.
That's definitely scary. You so want them to feel better, but you worry about about the risks at the same time.

DH, DD and I went to see A Man Called Otto in the morning. DS didn't want to go. It was a good movie but I was not expecting it to be sad.
Oooh, I was planning on seeing that. Maybe I shouldn't!

Good luck to your DS on the other half of his driving test!!
What is sapping my motivation? Just being tired.

This is the big week of the move, so almost there. I have one more box of stuff to pack and then just some hole filling and paint touch up, so I am finally to the point where I'm not mentally jugging a billion things. I think being able to take my foot off the pedal might be why I'm so tired this morning. Well that and I was laying in bed at 7am thinking I had half an hour more to ease in to the morning then realized I had a 7am call. Needless to say I kept video turned off!
Oooh, I was planning on seeing that. Maybe I shouldn't!
It is a good movie and I am glad I saw it. But if I knew how sad it was I would have waited and watched at home. DD didn't cry at all and said it was ok. DH said he had a tear once or twice but the movie was not for him. He doesn't like movies that make him sad. Thankfully there were not many people in the theatre since we went at 10:40 am. The average was probably about 65-70 and maybe only a total of 15 people counting us.
The weather and not being "recovered" from last week are zapping my energy. I swear I'm tired from working that weekend and I'll probably being tired until I have to work the 3 day weekend next month and it'll start all over again!

But I have some motivation...the music from JAGGED LITTLE PILL has been stuck in my head since Saturday night. If you have a chance to see it it's highly recommended. How they used Alanis Morissette's music and changed the arrangements to fit the vibe was amazing. Anyway the music in my head has made me want to move....walking around at work I find myself walking to the beats which is more intense than my standard stroll. Also making an effort to use the restrooms a bit farther from my desk to get steps in.

Had a funny moment after the show. Long line in the ladies room. While there some woman was loudly questioning the riotous applause received by a cast member after singing "you ought a know" and the way she worded her question was weird. While another patron explained the rendition of the song was amazing (paraphrasing) I made eye contact with another woman around my age and we had an entire conversation via facial expression...ah the joys of the ladies room lol. Those were the songs of my teenage years and you didn't know why people were applauding? Even if you have never heard the songs (which this woman stated she hadnt) this actor blew the roof off. Really wish I could get a copy of their rendition but alas I have only found the broadway cast not touring company. But regardless even if you hated the song and the show and the story you had to have had your head in a bucket to not appreciate the singing and choreography on that stage!
The weather and not being "recovered" from last week are zapping my energy. I swear I'm tired from working that weekend and I'll probably being tired until I have to work the 3 day weekend next month and it'll start all over again!

But I have some motivation...the music from JAGGED LITTLE PILL has been stuck in my head since Saturday night. If you have a chance to see it it's highly recommended. How they used Alanis Morissette's music and changed the arrangements to fit the vibe was amazing. Anyway the music in my head has made me want to move....walking around at work I find myself walking to the beats which is more intense than my standard stroll. Also making an effort to use the restrooms a bit farther from my desk to get steps in.

Had a funny moment after the show. Long line in the ladies room. While there some woman was loudly questioning the riotous applause received by a cast member after singing "you ought a know" and the way she worded her question was weird. While another patron explained the rendition of the song was amazing (paraphrasing) I made eye contact with another woman around my age and we had an entire conversation via facial expression...ah the joys of the ladies room lol. Those were the songs of my teenage years and you didn't know why people were applauding? Even if you have never heard the songs (which this woman stated she hadnt) this actor blew the roof off. Really wish I could get a copy of their rendition but alas I have only found the broadway cast not touring company. But regardless even if you hated the song and the show and the story you had to have had your head in a bucket to not appreciate the singing and choreography on that stage!
I first heard Jagged Little Pill on a trip back to Seattle when I was living in Chicago. It blew me away and I was obsessed. When I introduced the music to the women in my women’s group they were all so confused, they just didn’t get it. I was so confused they were confused!
Back when I was substitute teaching, I used to do better in winter because I was on my feet all day, but I think in general, winter is more challenging:

Fresh fruits and veggies are all around and at their best quality in summer. I don't think I eat as many in winter.

Shorter daylight hours in the winter mean I have less energy and have to really rely on routines to get my exercise in.

Weather and schedules mean my neighbor and I do much less walking outside in the winter.
Winter really hurts my exercise as my primary forms of it are swimming/water aerobics and walking outdoors at work. And since my work schedule is funky because of having to leave to be home a couple days a week for buses my lunch break is the drive so no long walks.

As far as eating I eat better in the spring and summer too. Between the greens from my garden and the fact I eat way less when it's hot out my eating can be a bit more brainless in the warmer months.
The weather and not being "recovered" from last week are zapping my energy. I swear I'm tired from working that weekend and I'll probably being tired until I have to work the 3 day weekend next month and it'll start all over again!

But I have some motivation...the music from JAGGED LITTLE PILL has been stuck in my head since Saturday night. If you have a chance to see it it's highly recommended. How they used Alanis Morissette's music and changed the arrangements to fit the vibe was amazing. Anyway the music in my head has made me want to move....walking around at work I find myself walking to the beats which is more intense than my standard stroll. Also making an effort to use the restrooms a bit farther from my desk to get steps in.

Had a funny moment after the show. Long line in the ladies room. While there some woman was loudly questioning the riotous applause received by a cast member after singing "you ought a know" and the way she worded her question was weird. While another patron explained the rendition of the song was amazing (paraphrasing) I made eye contact with another woman around my age and we had an entire conversation via facial expression...ah the joys of the ladies room lol. Those were the songs of my teenage years and you didn't know why people were applauding? Even if you have never heard the songs (which this woman stated she hadnt) this actor blew the roof off. Really wish I could get a copy of their rendition but alas I have only found the broadway cast not touring company. But regardless even if you hated the song and the show and the story you had to have had your head in a bucket to not appreciate the singing and choreography on that stage!
OMG...I love Alanis Morissette. She speaks for all women. I was in my late 20's and already happily married when that album came out. But, I hadn't forgotten all of those guys who mistreated me. I used to dance around my house belting it at the top of my lungs. Anyone who has ever had their heart broken should be able to relate whether they've heard her music or not. Eventually finding out that the subject of her wrath was Joey (Dave Coulier) from "Full House" was so shocking.
Still home. Feeling better, but with all of the stressors at school, I'm taking another day to be ALL BETTER so that I don't get worse. I had a cough last night, and I have to keep it out of my chest. Albuterol inhaler helps. Today is for ME...a day of full recovery and a mental health day. I will deal with the demands tomorrow...

I eat better in winter basically because I'm embroiled in my school routine and too busy to eat anything except for the very healthy lunch I bring. In the summer, I'm home and free to get into mischief. However, my exercise suffers in cold weather...just walking indoors...and not at all motivated to get on my treadmill. In the warmer weather, I swim!!! I am way more active outdoors because I don't want to be inside. If the air quality is bad for my asthma, I can walk on the treadmill in the A/C, and there's NOBODY home to bother me. I can blast music or watch anything I want on tv. There's some really fun walking videos through Disney. I found some nice ones in Hawaii on the beach.
Still home. Feeling better, but with all of the stressors at school, I'm taking another day to be ALL BETTER so that I don't get worse. I had a cough last night, and I have to keep it out of my chest. Albuterol inhaler helps. Today is for ME...a day of full recovery and a mental health day. I will deal with the demands tomorrow...

I eat better in winter basically because I'm embroiled in my school routine and too busy to eat anything except for the very healthy lunch I bring. In the summer, I'm home and free to get into mischief. However, my exercise suffers in cold weather...just walking indoors...and not at all motivated to get on my treadmill. In the warmer weather, I swim!!! I am way more active outdoors because I don't want to be inside. If the air quality is bad for my asthma, I can walk on the treadmill in the A/C, and there's NOBODY home to bother me. I can blast music or watch anything I want on tv. There's some really fun walking videos through Disney. I found some nice ones in Hawaii on the beach.
Rest is so important to recovery so good for you for taking another day, I hope it is a peaceful one.
For me the biggest obstacle in winter is the shortness of the days... when the sun comes up at 8am (if it comes up) and sets around 4:30pm, there's more motivation to hibernate than there is to get outside. I've never been a gym person for inside exercise, but this winter I have had my You Tube yoga to keep me going.

I also have the seasonal shift in the foods I want to eat and during the winter want cooked/warm comfort foods vs fresh uncooked during the spring/summer. Unfortunately sugar knows no season, it's a year round thing.
My motivation was being sapped but I think I was just sapped in general. Just feeling borderline tired and borderline apathetic about most things. Probably because DH got sick on our vacation, but who knows?! I'm feeling more happy and energetic lately (but not yesterday at o'dark thirty--I skipped yoga).

I walk less in winter because it's dark so much. Eating is like @Oneanne and for sure sugar is a year round thing!
Woohoo... the cleaners will be here in about an hour and woohoo I am totally ready for them. The house actually looks good but the added shine and sparkle they will add is totally worth it.

Woohoo... I get my last haircut with my gal here this afternoon. I am looking forward to some pampering after all the hard work the past few weeks. I'm going to try to get a pedicure appointment up in PT Sunday for more of the same.

Woohoo... all that is left is for me to pack up the things I've been using. The movers will be here at 7:30am Friday morning, which is great. I'm thinking maybe three hours max for them to pack and we should be at the new house unpacking early in the afternoon. I've started putting calming drops in the cat's water... last night they were so funny, Ester conked out on the sofa with her head buried under the back cushion and I found Pippa behind one of the drapes with her forehead against the wall. As long as it helps them, as this is going to be super stressful.
Helloooooo everyone!!! I have had such a busy week I can’t believe it is Wednesday!!!

I am pretty consistent with indoor exercise (YouTube videos-cardio/yoga/weight lifting) in the winter but some days it’s too cold and ugly to get my hourly walk/jog around the blocks in. I don’t walk EVERY hour but I try and do 10 mins for 3x a day.

Whoooohoooooing this Wednesday is that it snowed here-it’s over already with just a dusting and the rain has started so it will wash away the snow so no shoveling!!

I hope everyone is feeling better and enjoying the week!
WOO HOO! I survived my first day back at work and managed to get half of the math assessments done.

WOO HOO! My motivation is strong!

WOO HOO! I’m handling the stress well. I am glad that I was forced to stay home and get well. It helped my mental wellbeing as well as my physical. Sometimes we just need to tap out…


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