Jean's journal (post's/pm's welcome)


Jun 28, 2002
I'm Jean aged 44 and weigh 252lbs, I have 2 kid's Steven 28 and kelly 26. I really need to lose weight for health reason's and also my next holiday to Disney is 50 week's away, so a 2lb loss a week would be really nice, because of my health i can't excercise very easily but do as much as i can. I'm going to do a daily journal for the first week, then either weekly or when i really need help after that, i'm really hoping that fellow Disers who have had to lose as much as me will help, as i know they will really understand.

speak to you tomorrow
Jean xx :wave2:
Hi everyone
i'm doing ok, the only thing that i'm really missing at the moment is fruit because being on the Atkin's diet i realise i can't have any for the first 2 week's and this is really my weakness along with cheese (thank god i can still have that) the sweet thing's i normally have are not bothering me yet, i don't know when that'll kick in. but i'll speak to you tomorrow.

bye for now
Jean xx :wave2:
Hi Jean and welcome to WISH

There are plenty of us on WISH that weigh over 200 pounds and have a lot to lose. Just read some of the other journals and check out the different challenges. ONDERland challenges are for those who want to be under 200 (thus the title, we'll be in the 100's) by a certain date. There's a Christmas one, a Spring one, and now a Summer one.

I'm on low carbs too. The first couple of weeks will be difficult. But stay on the WISH boards for a lot of support. You won't meet a better bunch of people.
Thankyou so much for your support it couldn't have come at a better time, the sweet craving has arrived and i came on to the journal's board for some help and got your message, i have just read your journal and it has given me some great idea's, your my angel in disguise.

Thank's again, take care.
Jean xx :wave2:
Hi Jean,
Glad I could be of help. I'll be checking for your posts.

The eating part is not that difficult for me, but I still don't like to exercise. I make myself walk and I do like to ride my bike in the nice weather. It has become easier since I lost some weight.

I have no cravings for sweets anymore, thank goodness. I do miss fruit juice and my favorite food, peanut butter. I don't eat it at all anymore because I know if I have a little I'll want a lot.

Talk to you soon.

Nancy J
Hi Jean!

Hang in there! Those nasty sweet cravings will pass! The first week is the toughest but I know you can do it.

I don't remember the rules for Induction but isn't there anything sweet that you can have, like cream cheese?? I'll have to go check.....

In the meantime, good luck and stay with it. Eating low-carb has helped me in so many ways. I'm sure you'll find that it helps you too, once you're through this initial tough part.
Thank's both of you, i'm so chuffed today i've lost 3lbs, i know it will be mostly fluid but it's given me great incentive. I know i can do it.

Jean xx :wave2:
The sweet craving is still here, so i've been out walking as much as i'm able (poor dog doesn't know what's hit him) i'm having a bit of blue cheese at the moment , that seem's to help.

speak to you all tomorrow
Jean xx :wave2:
Still craving, and oh boy what a headache, it must be me getting rid of all the rubbish out of my system. speak tomorrow.

Jeanxx :headache:
Hang in there, Jean. Have you given up caffeine, too? That can give you some nasty headaches. I've been trying to cut down on the amount of coffee I drink this past week, and I've had a couple of tough ones!

Congratulations on making all these efforts to create a healthy and happy new you! Don't give up!

Thank's Erin
I'm feeling so much better today, I don't drink a lot of coffee or tea, just water or diet coke, i'm weighing myself tomorrow, that'll be my first 7 day's in. so i'll speak to you all then.

bye for now
Jeanxx :wave2:
I've lost 6lbs, i am so chuffed with myself i also know that it's only the first week and i won't have a big loss next week but it doesn't matter it's the right track to be on, thankyou so much for all your help, i'll probably post twice a week now but i really needed to post every day just at the start to keep me going.

Jean xx:wave2: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:
Wow, Jean, that's fantastic! Here's a 6 Pound Happy Dance for you!:Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc

Congratulations for losing those pounds!

Way to go, Jean! I knew you could do it. I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Talk to you soon.

:tongue: :tongue:
Just thought i'd look in and say i'm still doing ok, on Tuesday i had to laugh, here i am on the Atkins diet and i found out i'd won a year's supply of BEER, OMG what do i do with it, my husband is in his glory, he say's it's a hard life but someone has to drink it. So far i've given 3 case's away to 3 charities so they can make some money out of them by raffeling them. so i'll speak to you all again on Monday when i weigh in again.

Jeanxx :wave2:
Hi Jean,
That is so funny! If you like beer, why don't you see if they'll trade some of it for that new low carb beer. Otherwise, hubby will be happy and all the people your generosity will be helping. How did you win the beer?

Good luck at your weigh in on Monday. I weigh in on Sundays for WISH and Mondays for ONDERland. It's usually the same thing.

How is the weather there now? It's been unseasonably warm here until today. Now the cold weather is back. I'm walking today in the park with DH, but the cool weather and wind will probably make it a little harder than usual.

Talk to you soon. NancyJ
Jean, I am SO CURIOUS! How on Earth did you win all of that beer?!?! That is so funny! Not to mention ironic. I understand what you mean about those sweet cravings though. My dad went on the South Beach Diet and he swears to me that eventually I won't even miss sweets. More evidence that my dad may be from outer space. :teeth: I mean, seriously he puts a teaspoon of juice in his water so he can get some flavor. LOL! I wish I had his determination! Anyway, congrats on the weight you've lost already and keep hanging in there. I know you can do it!! :sunny:
Hi everybody
I've lost another 2lbs i'm so chuffed, i knew i could do it and that's without succumbing to all that lovely beer(he he) The local shop was taken over by new owner's and they had a free prize draw with only one prize and i won it, it is 16 case's of beer 384 tin's) that's one can for every day and a few extra. The best laugh was on Saturday night, i went to a fundraiser for the local sea cadets and put a case into the raffle and my BOSS won it, he was cuddling it like a baby all the way home,(well he was a bit tipsy) Nancy the weather has been quite warm here as well, it's very strange but i'm not complaining it's nice to get out with the dog more often (3 walk's a day instead of 2) he's a bernese mountain dog so the cold weather does'nt bother him he's more bothered about the heat. I had to laugh at the story of your dad princess, a teaspoon of juice, it's so funny.

speak to you soon
Jeanxx :wave2:
Hey, Jean, I'm chuffed for you!:p Congrats on those 2 lbs.
They're gone forever. . .unless you start drinking those yummy beers!:rolleyes: You stay good now, you hear?

Here's a two pound happy dance for Jean!:cool1: :cool1:

Hi, Jean!:wave: Did you weigh-in this week? I hope you got some good results. Keep us posted--we can celebrate the victories and encourage you on the downers!:sunny:



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