Joanne and Paul's VR - 4th May 2011

Alright, I'm caught up! I LOVE your DIY ideas, I've got a ton myself LOL, but I haven't started working on most of them yet (except the crayons!) Anyway, LOVE your PJ!
Belle2Be - Thank you so much!!! I am eagarly following your plans along in your PJ too!!
Just starting to catch up on everyones PJs and TRs I'm so behind.

Just a thought, what about getting 2 pairs of shoes, keep the white ones white and then have a coloured pair as well to change into?
Claire sweetie - that's a very good idea and a good excuse to go shopping!!!:scratchin
So here is my second newsletter which went out this week.
Dolly (bless you Dolly) designed me some stunning logos featuring swans, which I was going to use for the newsletter. However, in the end I decided to run with the logo I am using for the VR, just for continuity really!!
The newsletter seems a bit colourless, but I was determined not to give a hint of my colours to my guests until the official invites go out in February.
I also included a 'Dining pack' with information and menus about the places we intend to attempt to get ADR's at. I have only posted one menu so as not to bore you, but you get the idea!!
We managed (along with our guests) to secure free dining for the second five days at PORS, but we are going to add the DDP for our first five days at BLT. Our guests have a while in which to decide whether or not they wish to add the DDP too (it can be added up to 24 hours before check-in), however my poor guests onlu have a week or so to decide whether they want to join us for any/all of the TS meals as my ADR day is 1st November!!!:scared1:







I do not know how I have not subscribed to your PJ yet. The only thing I can think of is how much you have completed and I am jealous.:goodvibes. Our ceremonies are around the same time and you are so much farther ahead. Everything is looking great and you are going to have a beautiful ceremony. Thank goodness for our wedding planner or our wedding would be an utter mess. You should stop by and you will be able to see the difference between an organized wedding (yours) and one not so organized (mine). You will be so glad of the extra effort you have put. I love your welcome bags by the way. I am subscribed as of today.
Aww thank you sweetie - you know I have been following your PJ too and think that your wedding is going to be fabulous!! I am looking forward to having a nosey peek at it on the day!!
I want to come to your ladies afternoon tea and wear a lovely dress and a hat!!

I love your newsletter. Very well thought out. I love that you didn't put you colours in just yet. Keep them in suspense!!
No :(. But I really wish I was. I would stalk your VR :rotfl:

Too busy saving up for our wedding trip. It's proving very difficult at the moment as Chris lives in the here and now. He raided the wedding fund to buy tiles for the bathroom this week:headache:
No :(. But I really wish I was. I would stalk your VR :rotfl:

Too busy saving up for our wedding trip. It's proving very difficult at the moment as Chris lives in the here and now. He raided the wedding fund to buy tiles for the bathroom this week:headache:

Claire sweetie - Oh dear!! Men (bless them) just don't get it do they? Still at least you will have a great bathroom!!;)
Love your Newsletter! I've been working on mine :/ Lots of work!

Thanks for the comments about the newsletter!!
Yup, they are tons of work and use tons of ink, but my small list of guests seem to love them and keep asking me when the next one is due, so I guess it's worth the effort!!
Hi there! I saw you on Groom Mickey's thread and followed you over. I'm the other possible groupie for his wedding. :lmao:

As you've heard a million times, your logo is BEAUTIFUL! I love all your ideas, jewelry & designs. You are very talented. :)

I'm definitely subscribbing to your PJ. I'd love to do a Disney wedding but they seem so costly, even the escape ones. :( I'm curious about the S&W weddings and yours seems like the right one to follow. :)

Oh and I LOVE those Choo shoes. :thumbsup2
Smileycrissy - Hello and welcome. I am always flattered when somebody new starts following my PJ!! Thank you for the sweet comments.
I hope we will be able to meet when we stalk Groom Mickey's wedding - wouldn't that be fun?
I must admit that the primary reason we switched from DFTW to the S&D was cost, but since I have made the switch, I haven't regretted it for a moment!! Karen, my planner at JustMarry is an angel, and responds to all my frantic e-mails and questions very quickly (not always the case with the DFTW planners, I understand) and very professionally. She has helped no end with choosing and booking vendors and is always ready with advice and information. She will stay with me right through the whole process and be there running the show on the actual day. I cannot recommend her highly enough!!
If you are around at WDW on the day of my VR, feel free to stop by and say hi!!
If I can answer any other questions about S&D weddings, feel free to ask!!
Glad you love the Choo's - I adore them and keep trying them on and parading round the bedroom in them!! How sad am I!!!
I sent out the first newsletter containing rough plans with the STDs at around a year out. This was mainly because my guests are all coming from the UK and I wanted to give them plenty of time to plan and save. I have managed to pay for 5 days accommodation for everyone with my DVC points, but knew that people needed to budget for flights and another week's lodging, plus food, passes etc. I thought it best to allow them plenty of time!! It has paid off as nearly everybody who was invited is joining us!!!:yay:


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