Job Changes.......


DIS Veteran<br><font color=teal>Suffers from a Tag
Nov 15, 1999
As some of you know I work at the 5th Ave. DS in the Gallery. I was informed on Monday that I am being switched down to the family department.

In some respects this is good news, as it is the first step to a full time position but in other respects it makes me sad.

I have spoken on the to a lot of you over the 15 months that I have been a CM in the Gallery and have loved passing along pin information from the Gallery to you. Know that I will still continue to do that and that I will miss talking to you on the phone and meeting those of you who make it up to the Gallery to buy pins.

My new position is a Lead on the first floor, so if you do visit look for me there, but it can be much harder to find somebody on the first floor.

CONGRATS on the job change........I need to get up to see you......I always think of you and how kind you were to me when we met!
BEST of LUCK in your DISNEY adventures!



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