Joelyfaithsmommy's Journal to Freedom! (Comments Very Welcome!)

Day 4, can you believe it? I can't :cool1:

I'm super pumped as I'm starting to focus less on the food I'm "missing out on" lol and more on the fact that I'm 4 days in...and only 26 more to go before I've developed new eating habits and ditched the old ones! YAY!!! :cheer2: :earboy2:

I haven't eaten yet this morning, but think I'm going to have a bowl of cereal with skim milk...sound good? sure :) Maybe some cut up strawberries on it! :rotfl:

Then I'm going to get my butt out for a LONGER THAN YESTERDAY'S walk... :bounce: I'm rearin :Pinkbounc I'm ready :cool1: now just to get going! LOL :rotfl2:

OK, I'll post more later! choi girls! (and guys) :D

4gator said:
sorry posted with dh name again DANG IT!

Ok, this is a repost my me because I just realized I posted this under dh's name :(

I need to make sure to check that I AM THE ONE LOGGED IN, and not dh! LOL

Oh get the idea! :rotfl:

Thanks guys!!!

OK, change of eats for the day ;)

I didn't eat any of the breakfast just didn't look good enough to waste the calories on...(although everyone else really liked it) :)

I ate a cup of strawberries and had a peach yogurt for breakfast. :)

I still haven't gotten my walk in yet though, I've had a KILLER headache for about 3 hrs now...probably withdrawl from the caffene and sugar no doubt... :confused3

I'll check back in later! Bye for now

oh and something else...only been watching things and really doing this since thursday, this mornihng AFTER BREAKFAST, I was so tempted, so I weighed and.........

DRUM ROLL PLEASE :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

I'm down 8 WHOLE POUNDS!!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

NOW I'm at the weight I **thought** I was at when I started LOL, oh well, every little bit gets me to the GOAL, right? :)

:cheer2: yea for me :cheer2:

ok, here's what today had in store for me as far as eats went:

BREAKFAST: 1 bowl Oats n Honey Cereal w/a few cut up strawberries in it.

LUNCH: Tuna salad sandwich made with white tuna, onion and a little bit of fat free miracle whip

DINNER: 1 cup spaghetti with sauce (2 meatballs...and only finished one of them) some parm cheese, and 1 pc light bread, toasted with ff butter spray and garlic powder on it.

Drank 3--16 oz glasses of water today, and oh yea...

WALKED ONE MILE!!! yay me :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Day 5 is fast approaching...and I'm rearin and ready!


:cool1: :flower: :cool1:
Hey honey you are doing so good....glad we walked today....but you need to slow down and wait for'll be tiny little things before you know it
Way to go, Jen! I know how good it feels to see the numbers on that scale go down. Motivates you even more!

:banana: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :bounce:

Keep up the good work!
Hi Jen- Welcome to WISH! What a great start! I started journaling 3 months ago, and it has been really motivational. Just taking account of everything I ate was a big step for me, and little by little I started to see where I was sabatoging myself and where I was making progress.

It's so great that you are doing this w/ your DH! Mine also agreed to change eating habits with me (he hasn't started exercising yet, but I'm guessing he will eventually come around :)), and it has made a big difference in my success. We are eating so much better than we did before and both have tons more energy.

Keep up the walking- you'll soon find that exercise can be just as addictive as food (OK- maybe that's a bit of a stretch, but you will love the added energy!)
Hey there, hi there, ho there! :rotfl2:

It's me, little ole (or soon to be) Jen...and I'm here at work DAY FIVE!!! Can you say ....ooooh oooohh ooooh??? :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Ok, so things are ROLLING RIGHT ALONG for me, and I'm SUPER pumped up about this change of're so right, it's GREAT to be doing this with DH.

I said I'd post more about me when I had time, so I'm going to do that now! :)

I'm 31 (soon to be 32, June 18th) married (in case you hadn't guessed) LOL mother of 3, ages 14, 12 and 7.

I was a skinny child, an average-thin adolescent, and pretty normal, all-be-it with bad eating habits. I got pregnant with son #1 when I was 17, and began to pack on the pounds right away! :( I remember quite well I gained 6-12 lbs a month during my pregnancy, and when I had my son Jaron, I was a hefty 200#...I was sick at the fact that I was so big after baby, however I did NOTHING to remedy it, and when DS was 13 months old, I was pregnant again with DS #2, though I didn't know I was pregnant till October and had spent the summer dieting and had gotten down to about 180 (still 45lbs more than I was pre-1st pregnancy)

After having DS #2, I remained around the 220 mark for several years, and in 1995 I was up to 245, I abruptly went on a diet and lost down to about 200lbs give or take, I was a size 16 at my lowest then (I was a size 9/10 before babies)

In 1997 I gave birth to DD and though I didn't gain much during the pregnancy, and lost some after (weighed about 215 at my 6 wk check up) I was not losing forward 2 yrs and I enter college.

The pounds began to come on, and I did NOTHING to remedy it...a few diets here and there, I might have lost 20 lbs, but never keeping it off, and always returning to my old eating habits. :(

Fast forward almost 6 more years and here I am, starting to change my life FINALLY for the better, for my health, and taking control of my outrageous eating habits. I just wasn't meant to be this oversized person I've become...and it's funny, I never think of myself as fat, sometimes when I catch my reflection I do a "double take" because it freaks me out so much that that's really ME in the I'm going to change it...actually I've already began to change it, and I'm super excited!

Did I mention I'm STILL in college? LOL, graduate school now, so bad eating habits die hard...but they are DEAD here none the less! :)

One of the kewlest parts for me will be the day I can post those before and after pictures, because I have been thin and I can tell you I look like TOTALLY different person thin/'ll be kewl...

So that's my story...(and I'm sticking to it) ;) :earboy2:

Now, what did I eat this morning: well I'm drinking water right now, and eating fresh strawberries (can anyone tell I like those?) :)

More, later, replies VERY welcome! HUGS!
You sound much like me, only younger!

I, too, look totally different. I remember when I was pregnant with DS #1 my brother saw a picture of me and didn't recognize me AT ALL. I bloomed from about 135 - 220. YIKES!! And came out of the hospital each time weighing more than before delivery. Go figure.

Keep on keeping on. You CAN do this!!

Have a great day!
Ok, here I am 2:25pm (my time) and my work day is dwendling YAY! :)

2.5 hrs til I'm headed home...going to stop past the store and pick up some chicken breast and salad for dinner...going to make the "Taco Chicken" posted on the recipe board...sounds yummie! :)

I'll also need to pick up some ff sour cream, i'm all out! :goodvibes

I'm a little hungry today, my own fault I should have brought a snack, but I didn't....I've been TRYING to drink more water today...I've had 3--8oz glasses, BETTER THAN NONE! ;)

I had the strawberries for breakfast, and for lunch I had a subway salad made of only baby spinach leaves, tomato, onion, a little shredded chedder cheese, and chicken breast strips...and I brought my own WISHBONE--FF Italian dressing YUMMIE! ~~this wasn't quite enough to fill me up though, so like I said, I should have brought a snack! :( I'll do that tomorrow! ;)

Tonight I have to go home, then run out with dh to pick up a lawnmower (push mower)...then come right back (this will only be about a 20-30 min trip) and make our dinner (he's feeding the kids before I get home...isn't that SWEET???) :love:

then we're going to eat dinner (will probably be 7:30 before we can eat, I dont' like to do that, but what can you do when you don't get home til nearly 6?) :confused3

Then we're gonna get the two younger kids to bed at 8:30 and go on our walk...we'll be back in time to for me to watch the season finale of MEDIUM!!!! yay! (I REALLY like that show) :teeth:

then I'll hit the hay after that and start all over again tomorrow...sounds FUN doesn't it?? Oh and somewhere in the mix (probably while I'm watching tv LOL) I have to price yardsale items as we're doing a yard sale on saturday...YAY! lol :banana:

OK, ENOUGH for now! hugs to you all, hope everyone has a FAB day, and doesn't STRAY! :)


:cheer2: :cheer2: You're doing great. I was feeling blehh about myself, so I wrote a rededication letter to myself. I'm gonna do this and you can too!
oh don't feel blah about yourself! You're right, YOU CAN DO IT, and so can I!!!! :) Great idea writing a rededication letter!!! i like that! :)

If I can stay positive with over 150 lbs to lose, you can stay positive with me!!! YAY :flower:

I was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE can do this~!~ Even Gator Guy (your DH)!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
LMBO, ok, since he's not posted what that user name means, let me do the honors:

He's a MAJOR Green Bay Packer/Brett Favre (their quarterback) Fan...and he once saw an interview Brett Favre Interview where he said when he was a kid he went through a stage where he called himself "gator" and he wanted to change his name to "Gator"...and it's still a nick name..., also his number is "4" and Jeff is of course "for" the packers and Favre.....thus 4gator! LOL

So...........................NOW YOU KNOW! lol....DON'T GET TOO EXCITED! lmbo :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl:


Like it!

I think I know why I chose a few of those specific songs for my workout cd other than the fact that I love them:
Song 3: Hollaback Gurl (Gwen Stefani)- I've been " a few times" I've been around that track of weight loss and now I want it more than ever.
Song 4: Since U been Gone (kelly clarkson)- "Since u been gone, It's like I can breathe for the first time. I'm so moving on [yeah yeah] Thanks to you, now I get what I wa-a-ant!" (not want, pronounced like rant, except with a W at the front.) It's want, (wa-unt, I guess, if I wanna be technical)
Song 5: Mr. Brightside-The Killers: It's about my destiny and if I don't take control, I'll be left in the past with no control!
Song 6: This Ones For the Girls (Martina McBride): Make it happen!
Song 12: Shut Up! (Simple Plan) "...Step up, step up, step up, you'll never stop me. Nothing-you say-today is gonna bring me down!"

You're kickin' some serious tooshie! Keep it up!
Well, when you have as much to lose as I do, you'd expect to lose a lot at first, right? :teeth:

When I lost the 45-50 lbs in 1995 I lost it very quick, from the last week of Feb to the 1st week of May...and I did eat, I just ate right and exercised! :) So I expect to lose the first 50 or maybe even alittle more pretty quickly...I'd guess I'll be down 50 lbs by Aug 1. (Just a guess mind you)...but I won't be suprised...from there I'm not sure what my body will do, never lost more than that at one time...but I guess we'll all see huh? :earboy2:

So I jumped on the scales yesterday morning and was down another pound, so I added it to my ticker! :) Why not show off if I can! LOL, now I'm wanting that other pound so I get my 10# clippie! :)

I like your songs and why you picked them...GREAT!! :)

And I'm going to have to deal with Disney in a few weeks (16 days actually)...that's going to be hard to handle with all that good food down there! :(

joelyfaithsmommy said:
Well, when you have as much to lose as I do, you'd expect to lose a lot at first, right? :teeth:

When I lost the 45-50 lbs in 1995 I lost it very quick, from the last week of Feb to the 1st week of May...and I did eat, I just ate right and exercised! :) So I expect to lose the first 50 or maybe even alittle more pretty quickly...I'd guess I'll be down 50 lbs by Aug 1. (Just a guess mind you)...but I won't be suprised...from there I'm not sure what my body will do, never lost more than that at one time...but I guess we'll all see huh? :earboy2:

So I jumped on the scales yesterday morning and was down another pound, so I added it to my ticker! :) Why not show off if I can! LOL, now I'm wanting that other pound so I get my 10# clippie! :)

I like your songs and why you picked them...GREAT!! :)

And I'm going to have to deal with Disney in a few weeks (16 days actually)...that's going to be hard to handle with all that good food down there! :(


Hey, why fight the scale? You happen to be doing swimmingly in my humble inspiring opinion! Keep your eyes on the prize at Happy Mouth City (WDW) and if you REALLY want it, have a small portion of it. You're in the Happiest (Mouth) Place in the whole gosh darn universe!! Enjoy it! Where will you be staying? Check out the menus at!
I'm hearin' ya about the food in FL! I'm really sweating how I'm going to stay on track. DH will want 3 FULL meals a day and I just can't eat that out and survive. And if I mention it, I'll be condemned. Oh well..... But first I'll have to get there, and the food on AMTRAK is usually plentiful and good - especially the desserts. :teeth:

I'm working on an eating plan and places and contemplating taking my scale, but not sure I want to lug it around.

You are doing great! If you can go down 50 by Aug I will be VERY VERY impressed!!!
Way to go Jen! I have started back on WW today and love reading your journal- you are an inspiration! I think I may start my own journal soon! I bet you can't wait to be @WDW! You'll walk so much, you'll probably lose even more than normal! Even if you do eat a lot! I'll keep checking in, but you are awesome so far!! Keep it up!
we're staying in a Condo off site (but very near)'s one of the 'disney prefered' places...and way cheaper than a similar place that is onsite...we are going to mk, universal, ak, mgm, epcot, and the two open water parks...eating out for dinners 4-5 x (I know we are going to the sci-fi cafe, cindy's royal table, rain forest cafe, and some mexican restaurant in epcot), eating breakfast in our condo daily, and eating lunches out each day :(

it's going to be hard, no doubt....and as for the 50# by aug 1, well that's simply a guess...who the heck knows what my body will do...but based on past loss, it normaly falls which case WHY THE HECK HAVE I WAITED SO LONG TO DO THIS??? lol oh goes on, right? :) :cool1:



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