Johnny Depp Trial

The funniest moment of the day came from the deposition of a Disney production executive by Amber’s lawyer.

I missed that part. Thank you for posting it.

Stupid meetings that I have to attend that keep me from the best parts of this case. :crazy:

A friend of mine posted on FB that she was hoping that Mickey Mouse was going to testify when they said that it was going to be an executive from Disney.
What's going on with the trial today? I was hoping for a live video but can't seem to find one. Thx.
Trial is Monday through Friday next week. The judge has been very clear that the case will go to the jury on Friday the 27th.
In the immortal words of William Shatner....


Are you guys noticing Johnny flip Turd off? I've noticed it a few times. Go to 2:23
The defense only has 8 hours left to prove their case. But Johnny's team has an ace in the hole, and I think they are waiting until the last minute. They intentionally asked on question at the very end of Whitney's testimony. They asked her about moving in with Jennifer Howell. When she said yes, they said no more questions. They did this because it opened the door to further questioning about Jennifer. If they had continued with asking about the woman, she moved in with then they would have allowed Ambers lawyers time to redirect. They are letting the clock whined down before they call Jennifer to the stand.

Jennifer Howell is going to completely disassemble the entire defense. She was smart. She wrote a letter to Whitney and the wrote the exact same thing in court paperwork. By doing so Johnny's lawyers can question her without it being hearsay....they question the letter. It is written, not hearsay. BRILLIANT.

What we will hear next week is a complete undoing of Whitney's testimony. That Whitney testified under duress. We will hear how Johnny and Whitney had helped each other which is why he took of his glasses and looked so hurt when she testified. They both endured abuse from Amber.

What we have learned about Johnny is that he was a drug addict and alcoholic and sometimes slammed cabinet doors and allegedly threw things at walls. He called Amber names and said mean things about her albeit some of it the ugly truth.

This trial is not about Johnny's drug or alcohol abuse. It is not about him letting out his frustration and anger on inanimate objects. This trial is about whether Amber Heard wrote an opinion piece eluding to the fact that she was abused by Johnny. So far no one has produced evidence of that. Every witness even the scorned lover Ellen Barkin has said Johnny did drugs no one said they ever witnessed him be physically abusive, not even Ellen.

Weeks of nothing but mudslinging and it is still only about whether the opinion piece was about Johnny and did it ruin his career. And, pretty much this case was closed as soon as Amber said she was being sued by her ex husband over an opinion piece "I wrote." Not cowrote. Not with assistance. She wrote it. And when she talked about that is was written about the aftermath of the divorce she also said it was not JUST ABOUT JOHNNY. THE END.

You can also look it up on YouTube where you can get her full reaction when she messes up and admits TMZ was alerted of the divorce. TMZ was given the full rights to the footage of Johnny slamming cabinets. That could have only happened if they paid for it. The only way they would have gotten the footage was from Amber's cell phone. She claims "I don't even know how to do that." So, Amber you don't know how to send pictures and videos? You also don't know how to act.

Also, a data analyst shared some interesting numbers. Amber Heard had over 1 million negative posts about her in a ten month period. ONE MILLION.

Even though this case is very entertaining. It is sad and all I can' think about is that poor baby who has a mom who is so grotesquely abusive. I pray for that little girl.
Watching the trial has made me want to watch all of the Pirates movies again and man, they are so good. Johnny is just fantastic - there are no Pirates movies without him. All of the actors and actresses are really good too.

I always liked them and started rewatching Pearl this weekend also.

I have a hard time imagining a POTC without Johnny but I would be willing to give it a shot. I imagine, even without Johnny, there will be other nods to the POTC universe.

I will say, On Stranger Tides was not my favorite. I did find the plot without Will and Elizabeth lacking. Granted, they weren't central parts of Dead Men Tell No Tails but at least they were in there.
How is the current witness helping AH's case? She was verbally abusive based on the tapes that have been presented. JD called her names, too.

He is testifying for her, but all I keep thinking is that she was louder and more abusive in what we've seen.


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