Johnny Depp Trial

Let's be honest, he paid her the divorce settlement and probably wanted to move on. Unfortunately Ms Heard didn't feel the same way. I'll be honest I've watched a lot of this trial live on YouTube in my craft room and she is a very unpleasant person. Quite frankly I don't think he's interested in the money, just getting his name cleared, especially as it's obvious she was the abuser in the relationship. Her 'performance' on the stand yesterday was dreadful, it does make you wonder if he got her the role if that is the standard of her acting. I'm not usually interested in this kind of thing, but, for some reason I've been hooked on it and I'm not even a fan of Johnny Depp, but, I do like his movies as his does give great performances, I finally watched Gilbert Grape this week when I saw it on TV and he and Leonardo DiCaprio were outstanding.
You don’t stop enjoying things just because you get older. Amber like Ezra should be cancelled for their own actions. Amber needs to be cancelled it’s past time that the double standards about domestic abuse where stopped. The number of male victims who have reported that when they report it they ar3 laughed at by cops or even worse arrested is mad. There are many shelters for female but very few for male victims. Men need these services so these who are married with kids van escape and take their kids to safety. It’s not just domestic abuse either I once saw a survey that showed over 90% of victims of child abusers are disbelieved there was a conference when victims of female sex offenders where going to tell their stories but protesters who claimEd women didn’t do that stopped the event. Lastly if a man has sexual encounter with a drunk woman he is arrested for sexual abuse, but when a woman performed a sex act on a man who was unconscious from booze she accused him of rape. Amber accused everyone of lying and wasn’t happy when Kate moss said jd had never attacked her. But Amber has two arrests for domestic abuse, she even threw her former lawyers under the bus I hope she loses the case. Her career I doubt will last due to her terrible acting.
I completely disagree. Cancel culture is ostracism and a form of discrimination. It basically calls for a persons’ life to be crushed and that they not be given another chance, ever. Amber isn’t a serial killer, she’s a person with mental health issues that cause her to hurt the people around her and, the long run, herself. Amber’s mental health problems are treatable and if she doesn’t take steps to treat them this cycle will continue. I think she should be required to undergo domestic violence counseling and intensive psychological therapy.
Most people are redeemable when they are given understanding and treatment. Look at Robert Downey Jr. He was literally killing himself by inches with drugs and alcohol. He kept getting chances and blowing them and most people, especially Hollywood wrote him off. In today’s society he would probably be canceled. Instead, he got clean and sober and Mel Gibson gave him another chance. Look where he is now.
I do agree with your points on the treatment and services for male victims of DV, they are nearly nonexistent and society’s treatment of them is a horrible double standard. Women are now routinely believed when they report being a DV victim but men are not believed and are further victimized with ridicule and lack of assistance and treatment.
Child abuse is so difficult because the children are most often being abused by the very people who they would normally turn to for help, they are very trapped in the situation. Child abuse had a role in the lives of all of the people I cited above. Both Johnny Depp and Amber Heard came from abusive homes and Robert Downey Jr was introduced to drugs when his father gave him opium at the age of 6.
Our culture and society have a long way to go but cancel culture isn’t the answer.
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They should each be forced to give 25 million to Domestic Violence charities and never speak of this again.
If only this is the outcome! That would be very satisfying. Although, Johnny would follow through on the donation and Amber would probably just make a pledge. Does she even have more than a few million dollars?

You don’t stop enjoying things just because you get older. Amber like Ezra should be cancelled for their own actions. Amber needs to be cancelled it’s past time that the double standards about domestic abuse where stopped. The number of male victims who have reported that when they report it they ar3 laughed at by cops or even worse arrested is mad. There are many shelters for female but very few for male victims. Men need these services so these who are married with kids van escape and take their kids to safety. It’s not just domestic abuse either I once saw a survey that showed over 90% of victims of child abusers are disbelieved there was a conference when victims of female sex offenders where going to tell their stories but protesters who claimEd women didn’t do that stopped the event. Lastly if a man has sexual encounter with a drunk woman he is arrested for sexual abuse, but when a woman performed a sex act on a man who was unconscious from booze she accused him of rape. Amber accused everyone of lying and wasn’t happy when Kate moss said jd had never attacked her. But Amber has two arrests for domestic abuse, she even threw her former lawyers under the bus I hope she loses the case. Her career I doubt will last due to her terrible acting.
I am the vice chair of the overall impact committee for my local United Way. One of the agencies that gets our money is the Women's Resource Center. At the beginning of last year, they mentioned that they want to advertise more to male victims so they know that their services aren't just for women. While women do take the bulk of abuse at men's hands, they said that they have a handful of men reach out to them for the same resources offered to women. Hopefully, men will start to be believed more after this case.

As for canceling Amber, I can't see a studio offering her another big role. WB said that she had little chemistry with Jason Mamoa and she has shown what an awful actress she is on the stand. She has low Q scores and the general public don't like her. While this may change, what studio would take a chance on her with all of that going against her? She has canceled herself.
I'm opposed to cancel culture. I believe everyone should have the chance to be redeemed. Now accepting the need and making the necessary adjustments is totally different.

Dr. Curry's diagnosis was spot on. AH doesn't have PTSD. Her histrionics and wild behavior on the stand don't help either. She may never learn because she can't accept her problems. I truly feel sorry for her child
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I'm opposed to cancel culture. I believe everyone should have the chance to be redeemed. Now accepting they needs...making the necessary adjustments is totally different.

Dr. Curry's diagnosis was spot on. AH doesn't have PTSD. Her histrionics and wild behavior on the stand don't help either. She may never learn because she can't accept her problems. I truly feel sorry for her child

I am opposed to cancel culture as well. The media and corporations need to stop telling people how to think and feel. We all have free will and should be able to make the choice for ourselves whether we want to see a movie, or read a book or see a concert with a certain person. These things have a way of taking care of themselves. Each individual can decide for themselves and if enough people stop seeing movies with this person in them and they are no longer box office viable, they will just kind of fade away. It has happened before. Unfortunately with the internet and social media we now don't get to make those choices for ourselves anymore as huge campaigns are launched and the choice gets made for us.
I am opposed to cancel culture as well. The media and corporations need to stop telling people how to think and feel. We all have free will and should be able to make the choice for ourselves whether we want to see a movie, or read a book or see a concert with a certain person. These things have a way of taking care of themselves. Each individual can decide for themselves and if enough people stop seeing movies with this person in them and they are no longer box office viable, they will just kind of fade away. It has happened before. Unfortunately with the internet and social media we now don't get to make those choices for ourselves anymore as huge campaigns are launched and the choice gets made for us.
We do get to make our own choices, cancel campaigns haven’t changed that. The internet and social media haven’t taken that choice away, some people have given it away. Some people choose to take those campaigns at face value instead of weighing the evidence on their own. That isn’t the fault of anyone but themselves, it can’t be placed on an outside source.
I'm still holding out hope these two crazy kids can pull it together! I think there's still a lot of love there.
You are so twisted. 🤪

Not meant to be derogatory 😬
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A Pirates movie with both of them would make the most $$$.
They may as well throw in Vasquez and Chew as pirates. I saw a clip of Vasquez getting the rockstar treatment outside of the courtroom. In comparison, there was another clip of Heard being boo'd on her way in.

The exchange between Heard and Vasquez was an interesting way for the jury to see Heard's character. Heard painted witnesses as being dishonest and biased towards Depp, while she herself did not accept responsibility for her own behavior or words. I had to wonder if this wasn't an illustration of what Dr. Curry was talking about. I just don't see Moss or the Hicksville trailer guy standing to gain anything from testifying.


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