Join me in my boycott (please ignore if you live in a warm state)

We've already decided that we're renting a condo for November - March every year when we retire. I just don't want to wait any longer...
I am in Texas and we have had more 30 degree days (and less) than we have ever had. I will join the winter boycott. LOL :teeth:
In PA here too. While our temps haven't been that cold, its still cold. Today we had another tease of spring (almost 60 before the rain came), but back in the 30's with sleet and snow by the end of the weekend.
Sign me up! I live in Massachusetts -and it's been the snowiest winter in ages! I'm sick of it. To make matters worse, this weekend we're getting slammed with 6-12 more inches of the stuff. I'd like to strangle those snowbunnies who "just love it when it snows, it's sooo pretty." BLECH! My back aches from shoveling, I'm tired of cleaning off my car every morning, i'm scared of slipping on the ice patches, and I'm tired of bundling myself up in scarves, mittens, hats, boots, you name it. I need sunshine. I need a pool! I'm not heading to Disney until April, and I've already extended the trip. Everytime it storms, I add another day!!! Some areas here have already cancelled February school vacations because the kids missed so much school--if this keeps up, summer vacation will be cancelled also. I am sick to death of looking at myself in a mirror and seeing a red, runny nose, and watery eyes, and ashen, dry skin. Hand me the sunscreen, and get out of my way!:woohoo:
The thing I hate most is all the ups and downs. It went up to +8 celcius today, and by tomorrow morning it'll be -17 celcius... GAHH! It's like showing a kid some chocolate then snatching it away.
This winter has been the worst I can ever remember up here in Northeast Ohio. It makes me believe that Al Gore(sorry to get political) has never been above the Mason-Dixon line in January. :rotfl2:

I was fortunate to have been in WDW the end of January at the same time this area had it's worst snow storm in 32 years. :banana:
Been a bad winter in Wisconsin too. There has been several people that have froze to death and I don't ever remembering hearing about more than a rare case in a year before. We had over 30 days in a row under 0. It's been bad.
Hello fellow Wisconsinite Stacy2197! You're right, the last TWO winters have been awful... even for Wisconsin standards. First we get dumped with more snow than we know what to do with, then we get put in the deep freeze for over a month. At this point anything over 20 degrees feels balmy.

Sign me for the boycott! Hey Normmo, next year could you order Spring a little sooner? And I think the UPS driver lost the directions to Wisconsin, because we usually go from 6 months of winter "fun" right into summer. We here in Wisconsin love Spring as much as the next person, right Stacy2197? PLEASE BRING US SOME SPRING!
I live in Texas and for the past 3 days it has been over 80 degrees where I live. Yesterday was 84 and it was just beautiful:lovestruc :lovestruc My son was having a field day playing outside.

December and Jan were really cold and we had alot of ice, but no snow. People around here are complete idiots when it comes to driving in bad weather. A few wks ago we had a really bad ice storm (on a monday morning as luck would have it) and we had....count 'em.....102 accidents in a 24 hour period. :scared1: :scared1: Most were minor but it was enough to keep the police busy all day.

I lived in Dayton and Chicago for a while and that was brutal winter weather. I get cold just thinking about it.

I will boycot winter with you. The weather here is just so unpredictable. Today was in the 70s but this weekend is only going to be in the 50's. And then back in the 80s all next wk. Like I said, very unpredictable.:mad: :mad:
This winter has lasted long enough in Minnesota too. This has been a horrible horrible winter. We just got 8 inches of snow yesterday and it was 11 below this morning....they say a warm up is on its way, but I will believe it when I see it.

Hey Al come visit Minnesota we'll show you what global warming looks like :rotfl:
It has been darn cold this winter in Maine. A foot of new snow five days ago. 45 degrees and rain is melting a lot of it today. Expect another ten inches on Sunday.

Soon mud season, a few days of spring, then black fly season and a summer that is too, too short.

Would I rather be in a place with no seasons? No!

Like to be in WDW a few times a year? You bet!

Will that happen? No such luck?
I'm w/you. I started boycotting the shoveling in December before it even started snowing. I'm so over snow now that I'm older. I know the kids love it for sledding & snow boarding and it is fun to take them to the park to sled down the big hills but I've had enough "fun". My dh fell last month on the ice and broke his wrist & tore the tendons in his hand. He's in a cast for 11 weeks. When he gets it off, I'm waiting for the word "surgery" to be brought up.

Yesterday it started out in the low 50s when the kids went to school and by dinner it was in the 20s and raining. My backyard is a swamp.

We're not even going on vacation this year so it makes the winter seem even longer. This time last year we were counting down for our May WDW trip.

OK, I guess I'm done whinning & complaining.
Boycotting here in RI too:sick: I am so ready for spring. The worst part yesterday was in the 60s and teases you into thinking spring is around the corner and now we are getting not one, but two snowstorms tomorrow:scared1:

Just cant wait until April....only 40 days left:woohoo:
I hear ya . . . it's been a long winter in Maine. However , I must say that the long cold winter makes for a very sweet trip to disney. There's nothing like that very first day at the parks, the sweet smell of the morning, the early sunshine on your face, hearing birds chirping mixed in the the opening music it's just the best!
It's been mostly cold here in KS. Very little snow/bad weather. Although it was 70 on Thursday and we woke up to 3 inches of snow this AM.

I have AM and PM bus duty at my elementary school and I've never worn long johns so much in my life! I'm ready for capris, open toed shoes, and no socks! Come on spring!
I know I shouldn't complain since you have had it soooo much worse than us but I'm ready for Spring!!! I think we had more cold days this year than we've had in the 8 winters that we've lived here. It has been a strange winter. We have had a few days in the high 50's /low 60's and the daffodils have bloomed and my lilac bush has some buds. It has been up and down all month. The temps are suppose to drop and tomorrow March 1st, we are suppose to get snow!!!!! :crazy2: There's not suppose to be much of an accumulation but it's still :rolleyes2 .
Checking in from the North East. This is so true. Getting everyone down.
We broke our record for snow at the end of January. Talking about a blizzard on Monday!

I am right there with you:scared1: Tired of snow and cold - we had a wonderful spring teaser day yesterday but it just makes facing another blow harder:mad:

Can't wait until we all start complaining of the awful heat and humidity;)

I hear you...I live in Charlotte because it is suppose to be mild. It has been a COLD winter. I leave for WDW TOMORROW and they are calling for SNOW here!


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