Just Back. Some Observations/Concerns

Simba's Mom said:
Even though lots of people do it, is renting technically not allowed by DVC? I thought I heard that a few years ago. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking on someone's part.

I'm new to DVC and was wondering how the $9. or $10. per point price came about. It seems very low to me...lower than moderate and just a little higher than value rack rates. I'm thinking maybe this started years ago when room rates were much cheaper, yet points were the same? Anyone have any history on this?
I am also new to dvc and can't believe points get rented out for only $9 or $10 each. That works out to little more than a stay at a value resort. With the extra value of the added ammenities at the dvc resorts I would say this is one of the best deals around.
vince971 said:
I am also new to dvc and can't believe points get rented out for only $9 or $10 each. That works out to little more than a stay at a value resort. With the extra value of the added ammenities at the dvc resorts I would say this is one of the best deals around.

$10 is the standard price. Belive it or not.
SSR definately isn't the hot rental property - and SSR members who want to rent their points can get someone a reservation somewhere else if they want to.... also - keep in mind - there are plenty of people staying on cash at the DVC resorts - especially with the FL Resident rates right now, and also sometimes the military rates they offer - SSR wouldn't be too bad for a studio on cash there.
We rented points to a very nice family who wanted to stay on-site with their DVC friends - they had never heard of DVC and the friends had to talk them in to spending the extra money to move up from a moderate so that they could be at the same resort. Renters are people too! :flower:
I do agree that $10 pp is too low for the going rate of purchasing DVC - I think the $10pp had it's origins before the prices went up - but I also believe in capitalism - whatever the market will bear it will bear!!! Hopefully on the rent/trade board - more people will start listing their points at a more fair market value.
It's too bad that anywhere you get a large number of people together the bad ones always stick out like sore thumbs!!!
Montana Disney Fan said:
$10 is the standard price. Belive it or not.

Although I have no intention to rent my point as of yet, I wish the bottom range for point rentals was more towards the $13 to $15 dollar range. I think that would still be a good bargain for renters. During most of November a renter would need 97 points for a studio at ssr for one week . At $14 a point that is still just $194 a night(avg.) to stay. I think a great bargain compared to the cost of staying on cash at ssr for about $320 a night. Or even a standard room at somewhere like the animal kingdom which is around $295 a night that time of year(without special discounts). Maybe as more people turn to renting at the dvc resorts the prices will be driven up some.
JimFitz said:
One thing that really bothered me was the type of people we encountered while at SSR. We came across alot of "Trashy" people while at SSR. One woman sat by the pool cursing all day and smoking and she was allowing her kids to eat in the pool!!! I noticed some families talking about renting, and one woman said "Disney is nuts if they want $15,000 out of me, when I can rent points from members!" This really bothered me. I am not a snob by any means, and we did meet many nice people at SSR, but there were some people at the main pool that just turned me off to DVC completely. I actually commented to my wife that we should consider selling and just rent when we want to.

SSR is going to have many many members that will be renting points all the time.

We were there the same time and I can't say I noticed any "trashy" people. In fact it was the opposite almost everyone we encountered was very friendly and nice. There will always be inconsiderate and rude people at WDW. There was a man one night on our bus to MK who literally screamed at the bus driver because he went to another bus stop (not SSR) to drop off. Someone politley explained that the bus drivers routes can change at a moment's notice. He yelled again and stormed off with his kids.

Do I think that behaviour had anything to do with renting points? Nope. I think he was just a jerk.

I'm sorry though you let these rude people get to you. I think it's just a fact of life at WDW sometimes.
Montana Disney Fan said:
They're there because someone gave them the room or they inherited it or won it on Wheel of Fortune or whatever ..

Hey! I resemble that remark :) I was on Wheel of Fortune AND now I'm in DVC :earboy2:

I will say I won two trips (it was in 1985 when you still shopped).. one trip was to Palm Springs. I turned it down because I thought it was too hoi poloi for me... (spelling! see, i can't even spell!)

ha ha!
SueOKW said:
Hey! I resemble that remark :) I was on Wheel of Fortune AND now I'm in DVC :earboy2:

I will say I won two trips (it was in 1985 when you still shopped).. one trip was to Palm Springs. I turned it down because I thought it was too hoi poloi for me... (spelling! see, i can't even spell!)

ha ha!

I was totally joking! That's so funny.

So do you also "camp" the pool with Pringles, a sixer, and non-filtered Camels? ;)
I do go to the SSR pool after a spa trip. I sit very quietly with a book, a frozen adult beverage - and may have a smoke away from everyone.... so no - I'd say none of my bad Wheel of Fortune manners show up...

I'd be more inclined to say these are Price Is Right winners.

(and I'm joking too!!! absolutely! :rotfl: )
Hey, watch what you say about those Price is Right winners! DS was on Price is Right, along with his roommate and about 15 of their closest friends. Although he didn't win, his roommate did. He won a trip to Cancun. Now, what's a 21 yo college kid going to do with a trip to Cancun? I mean, do you think he'd have any fun there? DS wasn't too jealous!
I don't know why but we have noticed many more people smoking at the pools the last couple of times we were at WDW. I know that it's allowed but personally I don't think it should be. I hate trying to relax in the sun and having someone's smoke in my face. It's disgusting!
coolmom99 said:
I don't know why but we have noticed many more people smoking at the pools the last couple of times we were at WDW. I know that it's allowed but personally I don't think it should be. I hate trying to relax in the sun and having someone's smoke in my face. It's disgusting!

We noticed a lot of people smoking in the parks. Is this allowed? I just NEVER see it so I assumed smoking was banned.
Montana Disney Fan said:
We noticed a lot of people smoking in the parks. Is this allowed? I just NEVER see it so I assumed smoking was banned.

Nope, not allowed!! The poor CM's usually get their "behinds" chewed by people they ask not to do this....why are people so rude?!! Just put your cigs out when a CM asks you to!!!

I have seen many a CM have to call security on a "die-hard-park-smoker"....grrr...it makes me so mad!!


Beca said:
Nope, not allowed!! The poor CM's usually get their "behinds" chewed by people they ask not to do this....why are people so rude?!! Just put your cigs out when a CM asks you to!!!

I have seen many a CM have to call security on a "die-hard-park-smoker"....grrr...it makes me so mad!!



Smoking in the parks really tics me off! I am a former smoker (pack a day and I quit 9 years ago). I understand peoples need for a smoke, but take it out in front of the train station.
We were at Blizzard Beach this summer and a family set up their chairs all around ours. An older man that was with them was just drinking beer and smoking all morning until we finally said something. He pretended that he didn't speak English. I say pretend because we heard him speaking English earlier in the morning. A younger family member came over and we asked him to tell the older man to stop. He put the cigarette out but then a little while later he moved about 10 feet away and lit up another one. We just gave up but it put a damper on our day.
I change my opinion on how long people will be allowed to smoke at WDW parks and resorts. On one hand, I think it is just a matter of time until they ban it completely due to the fact that many people disregard the designated smoking areas and light up wherever they want. I remember when you could smoke in movie theaters (I was young but I remember)! Then they banned that and also set up smoking areas in restaurants. Now many restaurants are totally non smoking and in some areas of the country all public areas are non smoking. So all of this makes me think that it is just a matter of time until smoking anywhere at WDW will be a distant memory. On the other hand however, I think about all the visitors from other countries who frequent WDW. In many countries you smoke anywhere you want so they are very unaccustomed to not being able to smoke and would not take kindly to being told they can't. If Disney thinks their bottom dollar will be greatly affected by this, then we probably won't see any changes in smoking policy at WDW anytime soon. I understand smoking is one's right but it really does get annoying, especially at a pool area when there is no policy and you know you either have to move or put up with it. Drives me nuts, especially the cigars! I think a lot of smokers love the pool areas because its the one area they can smoke anywhere they want and there is nothing anybody can do about it. This is one of the reasons we chose our quiet pool at SSR last week, fewer people so less chance of smokers to stink up our pool time.
I think the $10 figure came from one of the options when you bought DVC to sell back your current points at $10 a piece to lower your buy in price.

The other thing about the $10 is that you need to keep in mind it is a risk/reward issue. Because there is greater risk for the renter in working with you the price you can demand is lower. Once the price gets steep enough the renter has an incentive to go stay at a moderate instead if they are risk averse. IMHO this about where the price point should be...high enough to make the renter think twice so that they will go to a bit more trouble to educate themselves about the exact nature of what they are doing. The downside is that the incentive for unthinking owners to jump in becomes much greater.
vince971 said:
Although I have no intention to rent my point as of yet, I wish the bottom range for point rentals was more towards the $13 to $15 dollar range. I think that would still be a good bargain for renters. During most of November a renter would need 97 points for a studio at ssr for one week . At $14 a point that is still just $194 a night(avg.) to stay. I think a great bargain compared to the cost of staying on cash at ssr for about $320 a night. Or even a standard room at somewhere like the animal kingdom which is around $295 a night that time of year(without special discounts). Maybe as more people turn to renting at the dvc resorts the prices will be driven up some.

Hmmm, you could give it a shot, but I personally would not pay that much for a risky rental situation with restrictive cancellation policies, and not get maid service on top of that. For $194/night I'd take my chances with CRO; there is always some sort of discount available.

Renting points has to be somewhat of a bargain, why else would anyone put up with the inconveniences involved?
Jen D said:
Renting points has to be somewhat of a bargain, why else would anyone put up with the inconveniences involved?

I guess it comes down to "What is your definition of a bargain?" If CRO is renting DVC studios for $329 per night, isn't $200 a night a "bargain".

I think the reality may end up being, that if mousesavers and passporter start advertising that renting DVC is the "great secret" that the price may be driven up as there may become too many renters for the amount of points that are being rented by owners.


Beca said:
I guess it comes down to "What is your definition of a bargain?" If CRO is renting DVC studios for $329 per night, isn't $200 a night a "bargain".

I think the reality may end up being, that if mousesavers and passporter start advertising that renting DVC is the "great secret" that the price may be driven up as there may become too many renters for the amount of points that are being rented by owners.



I hope you're right!


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