Just because we cannot see it, doesn't mean we can't believe it! LIVE TRIP REPORT!

Awwwww your engagement story just made my heart melt!!! :) I'm pregnant, hormonal and now crying cause that was just SO sweet! What a magical day! You MUST share the Photopass pics when you get them :goodvibes I'm dying to see your special moment!

I checked them out just as we left Epcot! They are fab :-) we also had some pictures with Minnie and Mickey this evening and they were just great, we had our just engaged pins on and the photographer got Mickey to stand in the corner and cover his eyes as shared a kiss haha! It's a cute picture, and the one with Minnie was lovely to, she saw the pin right away and got Kev to get down on one knee again and pretend to propose as she stood behind us posing! The special, magical moments just keep coming!! :-D
We did go Epcot and had a nice evening, went on a few rides and came back for an early-ish nights sleep as we will be up bright and early to go to universal studios and islands of adventure tomorrow.

We had a spot to eat at Epcot and after we had ordered the nice lady behind the counter congratulated us and gave us a couple of cookies each (they really do find ways of making magic in so many Ways)

We rode on mission space, test track, spaceship earth and soarin' then I got my finance (teehee) to try Beverly haha my god his face I was rolling up laughing! I do have lots of videos of our holiday and I am going to try and make one longer video when I get back!

Tomorrow we will be heading off to universal studios and islands of adventure :-) I'm very excited! In fact emre all are!
So it's 6am and time for us to ride and shine, as we have a long and very busy day today! Universal studios and islands of adventure here we come!

I don't suppose we get free wifi there so you may have to wait a teeny weeny bit longer for me to post the next update!
Loving your TR and congrats! We got engaged in the haunted mansion a few years back so remember how amazing that feeling is!
xxpeplyxx said:
I checked them out just as we left Epcot! They are fab :-) we also had some pictures with Minnie and Mickey this evening and they were just great, we had our just engaged pins on and the photographer got Mickey to stand in the corner and cover his eyes as shared a kiss haha! It's a cute picture, and the one with Minnie was lovely to, she saw the pin right away and got Kev to get down on one knee again and pretend to propose as she stood behind us posing! The special, magical moments just keep coming!! :-D

Oh WOW!! Sounds like you guys have gotten such fabulous photos this trip! Reeeeeeeally can't wait to see them now :)
Hope you enjoyed Universal/IOA today :)
Just caught up on your report so far! Firstly congratulations on getting engaged! How magical!

Really loving reading your TR, we are staying AoA LM rooms in November so its really great to hear all of your info about that!
Well we went to universal Thursday 8th, we decided to see if there were any rooms available and low and behold there was at the hard rock hotel :-) so we decided to check in for the night! Mainly because we wanted the unlimited express pass for 2 days but also for the experience.
So we checked in and headed to universal, just a short walk from the hotel, it was a lovely walk through the gardens :-) we've took it easy and rode everything in universal studios and then headed back to the hotel for a chill out for an hour then back out to go to islands of adventure, this time we took the boat which was lovely and very tranquil. We only did, hulk, dr dooms & spider man before heading back towards universal studios for some dinner and to get a good spot for the fireworks :-D
All the rides were fantastic, the new minion ride had me absolutely rolling up laughing it's brilliant! Transformers was fab but pretty much the same as Spider-Man, considering how much technology has advanced since spider man was built I was thinking transformers would be very different in comparison.
Rip ride rockit was as good as ever!

At this time of the year I would absolutely recommend trying to get a room at the hotel or just buying the express pass as most queues have been 40-100 minutes wait time all day.

Today we spent most of the day in islands of adventure and as soon as we were done we headed back to disney world (back home) then went out to blizzard beach :-) happy days!

Pros and cons to staying at the hard rock hotel! It's very very close to the parks and you get the free unlimited express pass!

The water Taxi's are lovely!

If you like modern and fancy it's certainly a good hotel to be at!

The valet parking is a cool idea

Although we won't use it the in room bar looks amazing


It's just not disney, it doesn't feel like home! And It's not magical like the disney resorts

The staff are no way near as smiley or friendly

The pool although we hadn't used it looked very packed in comparison to the art of animation resort or pop (the only 2 resorts we have stayed at on site) .

Your not told to have a nice day and they don't say welcome home!

And to be fair in comparison to the disney resorts its not as exciting to the eye!

But having said that if I wanted a holiday away from disney (this will never be the case) this would be a good place to stay and I can understand why people would stay here!

We went to blizzard beach for a couple of hours and had planned on going to downtown disney but for some reason I'm feeling a little rubbish so I might just hit the deck early tonight! Hopefully I can have a little nap ad be right as rain again!
I actually take that back! Keep coming over quite sicky, and had a stuffy nose and I've gone really wheezy! Not sure if its because I've had too much sun or weather I'm coming down with something, in feels more like I'm coming down with something! So it's an early night for me! 20.23pm :-( and my finance and mum have decided to take a stroll over to pop century!

Hopefully I'm feeling back to my usual self tomorrow for aquatica, tony romas, shopping and a park for some fireworks! Can only keep my fingers and toes crossed!
Oh no, sorry to hear you're feeling poorly, I hope you feel better when you wake up.
Sound like you're having an amazing time. We're hoping to go to IOA next Sunday but without the FOTL passes but if we don't get to do much I'm trying to prepare myself not to feel disappointed!
Hope you're well enough to go to Aquatica, I'd like to go there if we have time.
Oh no, sorry to hear you're feeling poorly, I hope you feel better when you wake up.
Sound like you're having an amazing time. We're hoping to go to IOA next Sunday but without the FOTL passes but if we don't get to do much I'm trying to prepare myself not to feel disappointed!
Hope you're well enough to go to Aquatica, I'd like to go there if we have time.

Feeling a bit better this morning, well enough to venture out to aquatica and hope for the best haha! We are off to there then going to the outlets to shop till we drop :-) so hopefully I can hold out haha!
We also want to go to tony romas for lunch but who knows I'm just going to keep my fingers and toes crossed all day that I carry on feeling better!

IOA was not to bad overall with queues, hulk was between 30 & 60 mins, popeye was 20 mins, spider man 40 mins, Harry potter about 120 mins but that's to be expected! Jurassic park 60 mins, What surprised me the most was ripsaw falls 175 mins I was shocked!
So today went ok, felt slightly sicky all day but managed to carry on :-) happy days! I did however manage to eat just fine today :-)

We started by getting to aquatica bright and early, just 10 mins after opening! Which was nice as we got a bed in the shade on a good location!

We had a lovely morning, my mum and Kev went off to do the slides whilst I was in the wave pool and on the rapids, then we spent some time in the pool and on the rapids together before leaving the park around 2:00pm as we had all had enough by then and both me and mum had a headache.

After this we headed off to tony romas for some lunch/dinner which there was about a 40 minute wait for, we had a look in a couple of near by shops, bought lots of bits and bobs, and also saw more sweets than we have ever seen lol! It's kind of crazy how many sweets they have to be honest! We were in shock!

Our buzzer finally went off and we were seated, the food took a while to be cooked but was so worth the wait, was as yummy as ever! Always enjoy the food there and it's always a must on our list! It did however surprise me that no tip was added to the bill! We still left a good tip though as although the food took a while, it was great and the service we had was great!

Here is a picture of the food!!

After, we Had eaten we decided to head over to the premium outlets and did lots shopping!!

Then we finally headed home at 9pm! What a long day! Lol when we got back we arrive to this :-)

Ooh that burger looks yummy! Is Tony Roma's on i drive? We won't have a car so keep trying to make a note of restaurants on idrive where we might like to try.
Have fun today
Ooh that burger looks yummy! Is Tony Roma's on i drive? We won't have a car so keep trying to make a note of restaurants on idrive where we might like to try.
Have fun today

Yes tony romas is on I drive and it's well worth a visit! It's soooo soooo yummy and huge!!!
Sorry for not posting any pictures whilst we were at universal, we didn't have free wifi! So here are some of the pictures!

The room we had!

The guitar fountain

The lobby

The back of the hotel where you walk to the boat

The boat ride over to city walk

Couple more views of the hotel

The 100 years of universal show was actually quite good!

Here are a couple of night time photos

Random picture of Kev trying his first funnel cake! I'd hazard a guess and say I think he enjoyed it!

And here is my funnel cake

Last pictures from yesterday we found a supermarket and took some pictures haha! Generally in amazement haha!

Cheese Balls by the tub!

Massive bottle of wine! My mum was impressed!

And lastly a Massive back of haribo bears!

Today we are going to Busch so unless they have free wifi there won't be any posts or pictures being uploaded until we are back!

Am quite excited :-) as I love big rides and Busch has plenty of them :-) cannot wait to ride sheikra again! :-D

If they have wifi there I will keep this updated :-)
So the day at Busch was really good, last time we went back In 2010 it was our least favourite park, this time it's up their with our favourites! We had a lovely day, we bought quick queue unlimited there and I'm glad we did! We heard people saying they had been on 2 rides all day! We did everything and some rides we did 2 or 3 times so we got our monies worth for sure.

We used the shuttle to get there, which as always was very efficient :-) the journey took 1 hour 10 minutes to get there which wasn't back at all!

Really didn't take too many pictures on my phone today! Most where taken on the digital camera! But here are the pictures I do have!

It really was a beautiful day! But my goodness was it hot!!!

As soon as we got back we practically run to the shamu stadium to get a good spot for the last shamu rocks of the summer season! Which as always was just amazing!

Absolutely love this picture!

Lastly when we got back to the hotel we had some dinner. I had a create your own pasta which was yummy! I cannot remember what my mum had, and my partner had a chicken Caesar salad wrap!

I then had this super yummy mango smoothie!!! It was soooo good!

So that was all for yesterday, today we have decided to lay in until we are all up and awake! It's currently 8:06am and I'm the only one awake so I'm going to get showered and go for a walk!

Today we plan on heading to animal kingdom to do our favourite rides & shows then head over to Hollywood studios for the rest of the evening and extra magic hours! :-D
Great updates
We really want to head back to universal soon but I think we will probably wait until our 2014 trip but we are itching to get back there :goodvibes


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