Just booked a May trip & I'm feeling tingly!


Jul 5, 2005
I'm never going to sleep tonight!

My last trip to my favorite place on Earth was Sept 04 - so you can imagine how antsy I've been getting for another fix! I had my whole trip planned for last Sept, but DH decided he didn't want to miss Fall here in New England - sentimental baby. Since we were planning to buy our own veterinary hospital in January, the rest of last year was eaten up by negotiation and moving drama. DH is leaving next week for Jackson Hole while I hold down the fort here, so I figure he owes me. Big time. Huge.

Thus, I just booked a trip May 3-9 at POFQ for myself and my best friend! She's only experienced Disney in one day doses years ago, and I can't wait to show her the magic that I love so much. Luckily, she's as OCD as I am so she will appreciate (not mock) my creation of notebooks and lists for our trip. This is like inviting your in-laws for Christmas for the first time - I want everything to be perfect! Disney is the one place that can live up to expectations like that! :cool1:
have fun with the rest of the planning. adr's and what day what park :wizard:
I'll be there the 5th thru the 12th. Have a great vacation.
Hi there!
I am also going to DW with my kids May 4-12th, and I'm also from New England, and I'm also work in veterinary medicine. Hmmm....small world. Are you a veterinarian?
Small world indeed, SWillis! DH and I are both veterinarians, as is the friend who is coming to WDW with me. How about you?
I am CVT, and manager at a clinic in Mass. I hope you have a great time in DW!
I'm so jealous! Take me with you. I am having trouble dealing with life outside the world after coming back.


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