Just Found Out about GAY DAYS!!!


Earning My Ears
Dec 4, 2001
I just found out that my family will be at Disney the SAME time as Gay Days!!!!!!!
Has anyone been during this time (families)??? Wondering if we should switch our reservations...where do they usually stay?? I can handle it at the parks...but I don't want to have to run into situations (especially at the resort pools, etc.) that I'll have to explain to my small children!!!!!
I have been there twice during this time and have never even noticed any homosexual activity. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
It is a wonderful time to go! People are so friendly...accept them and they will accept you. I have made some very dear friends while there...and my son learned a lot about tolerance and acceptance from going at a young age. Wouldn't miss it for the world!
what the heck is gay days??????? when are these gay days????? is everyone more happy on gay days???? are there "not" gay days?????????
We are going June1-8, which is part of the "gay days week". I'm not too worried about it. Go to www.gaydays.com. They have their agenda posted there. It tells where people are staying, as well as what parks they will be at each day. I was a little concerned at first too. But from what I've been told, it's not so bad. Just avoid the parks on the days they will be there because they're supposed to be very crowded on those days. Also, I don't believe that they are staying at any "Official" Disney Resort. A lot of the time it looks like they'll be at Pleasure Island in the evenings. We stay away from that atmosphere with our kids anyway. Good luck!
We have been before with our young kids and plan to go again this year. The biggest problem with the Gayday celebration is that it makes crowds at the MK on Saturday, June 1 absolutely horrible!!!!! So, we avoid the MK on that day and no problem! Their website posts their schedule, so you can avoid the participants on the other days as well.
Before we had kids, my wife and I were at WDW during Gay Days, and although we saw a lot of guys, they didn't act out of the ordinary at all. I wouldn't go through the trouble of changing your ressies. I'm sure you won't find anything objectionable happening. Afterall, Disney is a company that primarily caters to families. I don't think you'll have anything to worry about, except controlling your homophobia!!

Been to Gay Days the last few years and it is a blast. No really bas behavior. They stay at various resorts and have their own parties. Really a nice crowd. Funny thing happened 2 years ago. I was coming out of the Haunted Mansion in my power wheelchair and all these gay guys were teasing and telling everyone to make way for the wheelchair. I got through in record time.
Hi...this is my first post here and I just want to add my 2....
My husband and I (before kids) happened upon MK on Gay Day. We had no idea such a day even existed. Well, we were not comfortable at all. The crowd was just not our "scene". The people were obviously there to been seen and heard. I saw couples kissing, men dressed in drag, and people forming a chain (arm in arm) across walkways in the park. I would definately not go to WDW during Gay Day again and would not even fathom taking my daugher. If you don't want you family exposed to a "bombardment" of gay-ness, I would go someother time.

Good luck,

during Gay Days for our first trip since our honeymoon in '95, and it was *fabulous*!! We hadn't even known about it before we went down, but thought it was absolutely wonderful. There was a wonderful sense of community and tolerance - if we can stand the early June heat again, we would definitely go back and bring our little boy with us (the trip last June was only DW and myself)

It was a really wonderful time to be at WDW.
Wow, I'm really surprised Sky had that experience...

Men kissing, men dressed in "drag", people forming "chains"...

Foregive me, but I have never heard of such happenings. I've been on these Boards for years and had taken a trip (coincidently) during Gay Days and had never seen, or heard of, anything like what you are describing...

Has anyone else experienced similar happenings?? Was my experience not representative??

I've read enough about it here that I wouldn't mind going at all. Our anniversary is june1, and there's a good chance we'll celebrate it at WDW sometime (hopefully soon!).

During a crowded saturday, it would be next to impossible to form a chain of more than 2 people! That is, if you want to walk anywhere

The only thing that concerns me, as someone who needs her beauty sleep, is activites at some of the hotels or other off site venues. They sound quite wild & well, LOUD. Fun, but not something I want to be anywhere near. Shouldn't be hard to avoid though :)
We were there last year, during that week, but stayed away from MK on Gay Day, simply to avoid the crowds... We never had any concerns all week.
We were there last June The Gay Day Saturday in Magic Kingdom & had no problems.

Our youngest DS noticed all the red t-shirts & thought it was Red nose day . Another name for comic relief day over here which raises money for charity But no problems when we explained.

I didn't think the crowds were so terrible.

We did have PS for dinner at the Crystal Palace & wouldn't have got in without them.

So my advice is go - enjoy & remember to make a PS if you want a sit down meal.

:jester: :jester: :jester:
We were there in 1999 and went to the MK on GayDay with our 1,1,3 year olds. Crowds started small but by 11am it was a sea of red and rainbow! I would avoid the park to avoid crowds but not because of what the crowds are comprised of on this day. We were actually going to skip the MK on that day but curiosity got to us. It was just people having fun. I did notice holding hands and arms around each other. But not enough than any other day. I think people just have heightened awareness during this week. I would suggest avoiding if your schedule allows, if not get there early and do the major rides first and then do the minor attractions.

Have Fun!
Don't you think there are already lots of gay men and women at Disney parks on any given day? Disney is gay friendly. Just because they're not all wearing red shirts doesn't mean they're not there.
But, you've never noticed them, have you? Do you notice the Jews at Disney parks? Probably not unless they were to wear, say, a yellow star.
Since about 3% of the total population is gay, that's about what you would expect to see at a Disney park on any given day, however when you add in the other socioeconomic factors, and I would imagine that gays tend to be in the mid to higher income brackets, that means they have more leisure time, so let's double the number to 6%. Still don't notice them on an average visit, do you?
How many blacks are there at Disney parks on a given day--used to be mostly white faces, now you see a lot more people of color. And Latinos, Asians, Jews, etc.
As the populations mixes, and more people of different ethnicities rise on the economic scale, so mixes the attendence at Disney parks.
It's a wonderful thing. Enjoy the diversity and stop worrying about whether your child is going to see two people of the same sex holding hands.
"Enjoy the diversity and stop worrying about whether your child is going to see two people of the same sex holding hands."
Excuse me Mooobooks, I realize this is part of "society", but I certainly don't need to
nor want to "Enjoy the Diversity" of this lifestyle.

All others, I appreciate your comments, Thank You
but it's not a lifestyle. People who are gay just... are. It's not a lifestyle or a choice, it's just who they are.

I loved being there for Gay Days, but it sounds like you have some issues with it, so maybe you should just avoid the MK on that day.

I have not seen or heard of any sort of 'bad behavior' that you would have to explain to your kids, so I would not stress over it, but maybe do Epcot or AK that day.
This comes up every year and is always a hot topic. Let's all remember to be respectful of one another's feelings.

Gay days this year are from May 29-June 3. Saturday June 1st is the scheduled day for the Magic Kingdom. You can expect the park to be VERY crowded on this day. I have been at WDW during this week in the past and did not notice anything objectionable, just a lot of same sex couples in red shirts, some holding hands, some laughing, most just having fun like any other family on any other day.

Walt Disney World is a magical place every day of the year. :)
wdwdreaming...First of all..."where do they stay?" Umm everywhere. They are everywhere. Senate houses, classrooms, churches, synagogues, executives...The red t-shirts just make them easier to spot on that day. LOL

Mooooobooks...great sentiments! One problem, there are many ostriches in society who choose not to embrace diversity...or things foreign to them...if they cannot handle it, how are they supposed to explain it to their children? If it makes someone that uncomfortable, you should not go, because the worst part would be a parents' discomfort and uneasiness translating to a bad trip for the children. If a person is unable to be open at home, they won't be able to on vacation either. The saddest part is that it could open some great dialogue between parents and children.

This debate reminds me of an evening last spring. I had gone with my husband and son to NYC to visit a friend working at the car show. After her shift, we all headed downtown for Thai food in Greenwich Village. Keep in mind, it was a Saturday night at about 9 p.m. Many of you are thinking I should be tarred and feathered for bringing a 12 year old boy to the Village. Let me tell you what I saw...freaks...lots of them...mohawks, piercings....and those were the straight folks. Then I saw gay people, tall, short, man, woman...all colors and shapes.

As we were lost on a corner looking for our restaurant, I walked into a store to get directions...my son was standing out front with my husband, when a couple (male) walked up to my husband and son to comment on his t-shirt (I believe it said "Never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups") and they struck up a conversation...weather...what we were doing in the city, etc...when I walked out of the store, one of the guys (Paul) pulled me aside and said something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. "Ma'am, thank you for the tolerance and acceptance you have taught your son. He chatted with us as if we were no different then any other people on the street." When I responded, "you are no different...just people..." I thought he was going to cry right then and there.

That's what it boils down to folks, they are just people. What happens in their bedroom is no more my business then what happens in mine is their business. People who appear "normal" usually have much scarier bedroom scenarios. Look in the news at politicians, athletes, priests...

No one at Gay Days is going to be committing "acts" you'd have to explain to your children. If you live in an all caucasian town and your child sees a black woman kissing a white man...would you need to explain that? The bigger a deal you make it, the bigger a deal it will be.

I have experienced more tolerance and joy for diversity at Gay Days then at any other time. Enjoy the warmth!

OK I promise, no more soapbox...


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