Just got back from 4 days at AK lodge


Donald Duck
Dec 28, 2000
Hi just got back from 4 days at AK lodge.
All I can say is wow what a place to be & cant wait to go back :D
We went to MGM fri and my little one thats 5 (daughter) got to do the jedi training camp
and got to do a lightsaber fight with Darth Vader.
Seen a lot of star wars characters to had a blast.
Have a ton of pics Ill post in next week.
But on to the pin part.
I picked up 3 pins sat for trading.
One is R2d2 & micky 2nd is of Darth Vader TIE Fighter
3rd is of Millennium Falcon Spaceship.

Heres the pins I am looking for in trade for the above
Summer, Fall, Winter pins that go with the spring tigger pin.
or heres a long shot the MSEP spinning pin.

Thanks for any help or trades. Ron.

Did you notice if there were special pins in the AKL gift shop? My son found a Donald in African dress on ebay, and the description set it was one that was exclusive to AKL.

I hadn't heard anything about AKL exclusive pins. Anyone else have info?


In the AKL Gift Shop, they sell a "jungle hat", same as in AK. It comes with five pins that are all different from the AK hat. One of the pins is Donald in a caftan. I would have bought the hat, but they only had small and medium.

Sandy found three pins to buy: AKL Inaugural pin (dated), AKL giraffe and zebra (very brassy) and AKL with 3 dangles (Mickey, Mickey and Donald).

Tileman, just sent you a PM -- couldn't find your e-mail address.
Eeyore's Pal the pins I saw in the AK lodge gift shop was 2 AK lodge sign pins.
A dangel pin with micky, goofy, donald on it.
The pin that you are talking about might be the one thats on a hat
they have donald, micky, goofy and a AK sign thats on a hat for like $45.00
All in African dress.
But theres a ton of them there so dont know how special there are & they dont
say LE on the backs of any of them. hope that helps.



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