Just Keep Swimming - A 2015 Disney Professional Internship [7/20 - 5x Update]

Wednesday, June 24th

Wednesday was another day of ‘On the Job’ training (putting us at day four of eight training days). I worked another 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. shift, which means that you all get to learn about another one of residents at The Seas with Nemo and Friends!

...just kidding!


I know, I know. You’re all so sad that you won’t get to read your third straight post about marine animals.

So, rather than talk about turtles and stingrays and sharks (oh my!), why don’t we talk about my evening at...

drum roll please...


Disneys Hollywood Studios!

Yes, it is true – this is the day I finally completed the trifecta (...quadfecta, perhaps?...). Anywho, this is the day I can finally say I made it to all four parks! :teeth:

Jess (my roommate) was off from work and I finished right around 5:00, which meant that we had five prime hours of park time! In order to make the most of our evening, Jess had arranged Fastpasses for For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration, Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, and Tower of Terror. However, before we could, I needed to fight the impending doom that was hovering over my car:


OKAY, so that’s clearly not Hollywood Studios...or even central Florida. But I promise that exact scene was happening above my car.

...I even put it on Instagram.


Because Jess and I were meeting at the park, we came in separate cars so we spent the next half an hour texting each other about whether or not we should brave the monsoon occurring outside of our windows.

Luckily, during that half an hour, the storm actually passed so we didn’t really need to worry about it anymore. :upsidedow

Although the gray sky didn’t make for the prettiest of pictures, its ominous presence did help to clear the park tremendously!


After walking down Hollywood Boulevard, Jess and I hung a quick left (and then a right and then another left...) and, somehow, we ended up in Arendelle.


Okay, okay. So we didn’t end up in Arendelle per se, but we did end up in the FastPass+ line for ‘For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration’ and that’s pretty much the same thing.


I like Frozen as a movie a lot, really I do. Granted there are movies that I like better but as a film and story line, I am a fan of Frozen. What I am not a fan of, however, is how Frozen has taken over every single corner of Walt Disney World Resort property. Celebrate the Magic?
Frozen Summer Fun? Norway? It’s become too much.

At the conclusion of the Frozen festivities, Jess made a really interesting comment about the sing-along that I really agreed with. She explained that, in her opinion, ‘For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration’ is a really easy and efficient way to appease the Frozen obsession of hundreds of fans each hour in an attraction that well done and satisfying.


I really liked it! It was the first time (in forever...) that I’ve seen the show and even though I probably won’t be rushing back anytime soon, I completely agree with Jess – it’s a great way to give so many guests access to Anna and Esla (and Kristoff :lovestruc) in a very real and enjoyable way.

After Elsa unleashed an unexpected snowstorm on the Hyperion Theater, Jess and I returned to the Kingdom of Hollywoodland. We must not have wanted to stick around for very long however because before I knew it, it was lightspeed to Endor!



So, real talk here folks: I have never ever seen a single Star Wars movie, ever. I couldn’t tell you what a Death Star is, Chewbacca just seems like a large, trunk-less cousin of Snuffleupagus to me, and all I know about Luke Skywalker is that Darth Vader is apparently his estranged father.


ANYWHO, I might not be Star Wars fan of the year (or lifetime, whatever) but my goodness, do I love this ride; it’s thrilling, it’s exciting, and it literally throws me out of my seat from time to time. Fun stuff, people.

Once C-3PO (I seriously just Googled ‘gold star wars robot’ to figure that out, by the way...:rolleyes:) successfully delivered our ship’s rebel stowaway to the Rebel Alliance leaders, Jess and I zipped through Tatooine Traders and headed over to Sunset Boulevard for some dinner before our next Fastpasses were valid. Jess grabbed a Macaroni & Cheese and Truffle Oil Hot Dog from Fairfax Fare while I snacked on some standard-yet-delicious chicken tenders from Rosie’s All-American Café.


Yum! I’m definitely going to have to try one of these someday.


Yum! I’m definitely going to have to stop ordering these someday.

We finished up our meal just in time to cash in our next FastPass at one of my most favorite rides, aesthetically speaking, Tower of Terror (shocker, Randi likes a ride more for its appearance rather than the actual ride itself).



But seriously, this queue is too much for words.

While we were waiting for our ride to the thirteenth floor, Jess mentioned that occasionally riders can see a reflection of the little girl hidden in the elevator shaft during the drop sequence. I had never noticed it before so I made sure to keep an eye out for her ghostly appearance. I’m almost positive I didn’t see anything this time around but Jess was sure she saw her to the far left-hand side during our drop. I could make out the faint outline of what I guess could be a person’s silhouette but I don’t know, I’m still not convinced. I’m curious if any of you have ever spotted this unusual detail before? I would love to know more about her!


Apparently our side of the elevator didn’t get the ‘hands up’ memo.

Despite the falling rates at The Hollywood Tower Hotel, Jess and I decided to checkout and instead hit an Aerosmith show that night. Luckily, our friend Steven Tyler was able to hook us up with some backstage passes at the last minute and his manager even snagged us a stretch, in fact, it was a super stretch.


Back in March when my family was visiting me on my College Program, we rode Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster and, for the first time in my life, our limo played ‘Dude Looks Like a Lady’ which is, without a doubt, my most favorite Aerosmith song. :cutie: I haven’t gotten lucky enough to ride the same limo since but mark my words – I will relieve that glorious experience once more before the end of my Professional Internship!

When we got out of Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster it was already close to the start time of the evening’s Frozen Fireworks Spectacular which meant that I needed to find a quiet shelter. As we began walking toward the center of the park – and, consequently, closer to the fireworks – Jess and I decided to try our luck and see if we could get onto Toy Story Midway Mania before the attraction closed due to the nearby festivities. Well, apparently we timed it oh so well because we not only made it into the queue with mere minutes to spare but we legitimately walked onto the ride. Being the tiny child that I am, I forced Jess to play a quick game of Candy Land with me because a) no one else was in line to get mad at our antics and b) when else can you say you played Candy Land on a larger than life game board using your own body as the pawns? That’s what I thought.


So after reliving our childhoods for approximately five minutes, we finally found ourselves on one of the technologically best rides at Walt Disney World Resort. I know it’s not as new as it once was and more advanced rides have been developed but Toy Story Midway Mania is just so spot-on and fun in my mind.


It must have been a good day for me (or a not so good day for everyone else) because I ranked #1 for highest score of the day in my ride vehicle. Woot woot! :woohoo:

Since our jaunt around the midway didn’t last nearly as long as I was anticipating (I for sure thought we’d still be in the building while the fireworks were going off even though I knew it closed for safety reasons during the show...oh well, it made sense in my mind at the time), Jess and I had to find something else to do (read: had to find somewhere else to hide) for the duration of the Frozen Fireworks Spectacular. Well, considering our location in the park, our options were literally few and far between. Luckily for us though, The Magic of Disney Animation was still open so we ducked inside and decided to sketch a bit while we waited out the nearby explosions.

I am so happy that we hid out where we did because it had been far too long since the last time I participated in an Animation Academy class. The last Disney vacation I went on before my College Program was back in October of 2009 and even then I cannot remember if I did the drawing class or not. I tried so many times over the course of my CP but the wait time for the Animation Academy was unfortunately always much longer than my friends deemed acceptable. Well – tonight was my lucky night because the final class of the evening was starting in just a few minutes and Jess and I were able to sneak in just as the line was about to close.

Our Disney-trained artist decided that for the last character of the evening, she wanted to draw her personal favorite since he hadn’t been requested yet that day. Her choice was someone short, fat, and proud of that. Oh yes, we were going to draw Winnie the Pooh! pooh:


Now, we have a special relationship with Pooh Bear and all of his Hundred Acre Wood friends at my childhood home. My older brother is special needs and, when he was younger, the two of us always watched Winnie the Pooh on VHS. When he came to visit in March with my mother and aunt, I realized that my brother Danny still loves Pooh and the gang today just as much as he did fifteen years ago.



I must have hundreds of photos from when Danny got to meet his friends at our Crystal Palace dinner but these two are certainly my favorites. The excitement that he was feeling that night was contagious, it still makes me smile.

So, needless to say, I was very happy to be drawing Winnie the Pooh.


He’s not the most beautiful little guy ever drawn but I love him all the same. :o

We concluded our drawing class just as the fireworks were wrapping up which was just fine by me. It was at that point that we decided to call it a night – albeit a very successful night – and Jess and I headed out to our cars. We said our fondest farewells to Hollywood (even though Jess would be back the very next day for work as Guest Relations Professional Intern) and before we knew it, we were both asleep in our beds.

I was off the next day and had some very exciting plans that I needed my beauty rest for!

[continued in next post]
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I would love to try to draw Winnie the Pooh. You did a great job, too. We took the last Animation class of the night last fall and the class voted to draw Buzz Lightyear. He was a lot of fun. :)

The original three Star Wars movies are really good. If you are ever in an "oldies" mood you should check it out.

I need to make a trip to the Living Seas to check out the aquariums. I want to see the chocolate chip sea star and the spotted eagle ray. You make them sound very interesting. :)
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Can't wait to hear more about your experiences! This is now my fav thread! My nephew is also a special needs young adult and he loves coming to Disney World. He especially enjoys watching the Dolphins in the Living Seas we will be visiting in August in spite of the heat and the crowds! Planning on spending afternoons at the pool. Maybe we will see you on the job
Just joining your TR... thanks for sharing your journey with us! Sounds like you're really loving it so far, I hope that you are able to keep up with your report throughout your time there :) Looking forward to reading more.
Oh no, I wish it was during 2015 that you were visiting! :sad1:

It does sound like the education systems are much different in both countries - it's so interesting how your school age ranges differ from ours. The most common breakdown of schooling in the United States is Elementary School, Middle School, and then High School (some areas can be very different across the country and might include an additional school between Elementary School and Middle School. Elementary School is typically kindergarten through fifth grade which is about 5 years old to 11 years old; Middle School (sometimes called Junior High - short for Junior High School) is typically sixth grade through eighth grade which is about 11 years old to 14 years old; and then High School is typically ninth grade through twelfth grade and usually includes ages 14 to 18. Actually, now that I typed that out, our school systems don't seem so different after all. Very interesting!

Marshall's is brand of clothing store over in the U.S. They're pretty unique though because they buy the surplus stock from other suppliers so they can sell their clothes for much cheaper even though it might be selling for a lot more at the original supplier's store. A lot of people like to shop at Marshall's for the discounts on brand name items but I just like shopping there since everything is relatively inexpensive haha. :rotfl:

Oh that is a shame, maybe if fate wants you to stay and carry on teaching in Disney World, we would get the chance to meet!!!!
As we don't have Kindergarten and you start that at 5 when some children in the UK can start school 3 days after their 4th Birthday, which can seem too early, especially as you could have children that are already 5 as they have September birthdays when they start school!!! (Sorry I've started to ramble!!) It is interesting learning about different schooling systems!!
Ooh I like the sound of that shop! I am a designer/brand (Hollister, Abercrombie and Jack Wills (have you heard of them???)) lover!!! But now being at University I am having to shop cheaper :rotfl2:
I will have to find it when we go out for our day to Universal in Aug/September next year!!

I loved learning about your job, and the different sea creatures, its so interesting! Can't wait to learn more!!!
Your afternoon at Hollywood Studios sounds so fun, the Frozen Sing-a-long is very well done, but as you said, its a once you've done it, there's no rush to go back!
How do you play Candyland?? as I've always seen it in TSM but have always wondered how it is played, and how you can play it as a person?
Well Done on the score :cool1: I can never score well on TSM but can max out sometimes on Buzz, its crazy how different they are!!
I will be looking out for the girl on TT when I go (that's if I remember!!!!!)
Looking forward to reading more :)
What I am not a fan of, however, is how Frozen has taken over every single corner of Walt Disney World Resort property. Celebrate the Magic? Frozen Summer Fun? Norway? It’s become too much.
OH MY WORD! Truer words have never been spoken when talking about a movie in the parks. I'm just saying... I'm done. My wife loved it and watched it all the time when it came out and she agrees too. Lets put a freeze on Frozen. (Yeah that just happened.)

Once C-3PO (I seriously just Googled ‘gold star wars robot’ to figure that out, by the way...:rolleyes:
That is very funny. I like your style!

Despite the falling rates at The Hollywood Tower Hotel, Jess and I decided to checkout
OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!! I love the play on words... keep it up. LOL!

we rode Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster and, for the first time in my life, our limo played ‘Dude Looks Like a Lady’ which is, without a doubt, my most favorite Aerosmith song
Mine too!!
Its so great to read a trip report from a different perspective. :) Your pictures are so amazing and this post is so interesting I am having a hard time pulling myself away form it. Love the animal pictures as well.:dogdance:
I'm loving seeing Penn State University as I live in State College and work for the University! WE ARE! :D

PENN STATE! Yay, I'm so excited to meet another Nittany Lion! How long have you been living in State College?

You should be a tour guide for Adventures by Disney. You can teach history to families, live abroad, and still be a cast member. I imagine you would great at it. Whatever it is you'll do great. I can't wait to hear more about your current adventure. Lata playa.:cool2:

That would be absolutely amazing! To be completely honest I never considered Adventures by Disney but I have been thinking a TON about Disney English which would allow me to live abroad while teaching children. Plus those perks to all the internal parks wouldn't be such a bad thing... :rolleyes:

I would love to try to draw Winnie the Pooh. You did a great job, too. We took the last Animation class of the night last fall and the class voted to draw Buzz Lightyear. He was a lot of fun. :)

The original three Star Wars movies are really good. If you are ever in an "oldies" mood you should check it out.

I need to make a trip to the Living Seas to check out the aquariums. I want to see the chocolate chip sea star and the spotted eagle ray. You make them sound very interesting. :)

Oh wow, Buzz would be so fun to draw!

And I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying the little lessons! I would love to see you at a visit to The Seas soon Sue!

Can't wait to hear more about your experiences! This is now my fav thread! My nephew is also a special needs young adult and he loves coming to Disney World. He especially enjoys watching the Dolphins in the Living Seas we will be visiting in August in spite of the heat and the crowds! Planning on spending afternoons at the pool. Maybe we will see you on the job

Thank you so much for your kind comments! And thank you for sharing about your nephew, it's always so encouraging to hear about how others with special needs can enjoy Disney so immensely! I truly hope I'm able to meet you and your nephew next month! :o

Just joining your TR... thanks for sharing your journey with us! Sounds like you're really loving it so far, I hope that you are able to keep up with your report throughout your time there :) Looking forward to reading more.

Aww, thank you Tricia! I'm so glad you've joined in. I hope that I'm able to keep up too! :rotfl:

Oh that is a shame, maybe if fate wants you to stay and carry on teaching in Disney World, we would get the chance to meet!!!!
As we don't have Kindergarten and you start that at 5 when some children in the UK can start school 3 days after their 4th Birthday, which can seem too early, especially as you could have children that are already 5 as they have September birthdays when they start school!!! (Sorry I've started to ramble!!) It is interesting learning about different schooling systems!!
Ooh I like the sound of that shop! I am a designer/brand (Hollister, Abercrombie and Jack Wills (have you heard of them???)) lover!!! But now being at University I am having to shop cheaper :rotfl2:
I will have to find it when we go out for our day to Universal in Aug/September next year!!

I loved learning about your job, and the different sea creatures, its so interesting! Can't wait to learn more!!!
Your afternoon at Hollywood Studios sounds so fun, the Frozen Sing-a-long is very well done, but as you said, its a once you've done it, there's no rush to go back!
How do you play Candyland?? as I've always seen it in TSM but have always wondered how it is played, and how you can play it as a person?
Well Done on the score :cool1: I can never score well on TSM but can max out sometimes on Buzz, its crazy how different they are!!
I will be looking out for the girl on TT when I go (that's if I remember!!!!!)
Looking forward to reading more :)

Haha I'm glad you like the sound of Marshall's! Yup, we have Hollisters and Abercrombies here too though I haven' heard of Jack Wills.
Candyland is actually a really simple children's game. The board is just a series of colored spaces and after drawing a card, you move to the nearest space with that color.
You've maxed out on Buzz?!? That's crazy, I'm so bad at that game. :laughing:

OH MY WORD! Truer words have never been spoken when talking about a movie in the parks. I'm just saying... I'm done. My wife loved it and watched it all the time when it came out and she agrees too. Lets put a freeze on Frozen. (Yeah that just happened.)

That is very funny. I like your style!

OH NO YO:laughing:U DIDN'T!!! I love the play on words... keep it up. LOL!

Mine too!!

Haha I'm so glad that someone else agrees! Like I really do enjoy Frozen, I just don't like how it's everywhere. Oh well, soon enough it'll be replaced with the next phenomenon.

Its so great to read a trip report from a different perspective. :) Your pictures are so amazing and this post is so interesting I am having a hard time pulling myself away form it. Love the animal pictures as well.:dogdance:

Jen you're such a sweetheart! Thanks for following along!
Thursday, June 25th

After sleeping in a bit on Thursday morning, I ran some errands before meeting up with Sarah and Zach, two Marine Mammal Interns at The Seas, at EPCOT. We were all off and wanted to celebrate our day with – well, what else – alcohol.


We wanted to pop over to The Seas with Nemo and Friends to watch a few different presentations and say hello to our fellow interns but, before that, we thought it would be best to hydrate...with tequila...in the form of shots. ::yes::

And, where better to indulge than La Cava del Tequila (which, if my thirteen years of Spanish taught me anything, roughly translates to ‘The Tequila Cellar,’ much like a wine cellar).


Sarah shared a little secret with me that I would love to pass along to you all: if you ‘like’ ‘La Cava del Tequila’ on Facebook, they’ll reduce the price of a shot of standard, well-tequila to $5. I know, I know, that’s basically free. :faint:

But hey, cheaper tequila is better than expensive-er tequila (I’m a schoolteacher, I’m totally allowed to make up words) and any tequila is fine by me.


Apparently I was feeling like a big spender on this day because I also ordered a Coffee Mezcal Margarita. My goodness, it was amazing. :lovestruc


I love coffee, I love tequila, I LOVE THIS MARGARITA. It is around $15.00, however, so I can’t imagine I’ll be ordering it every often but still, so good.

After browsing in the Mexican marketplace for a bit, we decided to head over to The Seas and see what our friends – both the human and animal kind – were up to. :fish:


We spent some time in the pavilion visiting the different presentations and education stations (I didn’t take any pictures inside though, I’m sorry!) and made plans with a few of the interns to meet up around the World Showcase when they were done with their shifts.

Zach, Sarah, and I headed back outside with the intention to make our way to Japan. Not before long, however, it started to drizzle so we decided that perhaps we should stop a closer country first. Apparently Mother Nature had a completely different idea because within moments, drizzling turned into pouring and the plan to stop at a closer country turned into stopping at the closest country.

...any ideas where we ended up? Anyone? :rolleyes:


Clearly this photo was not taken on the same day but oh well, I have it in my reserves...)

YES! We, coincidentally enough, ended up back in Mexico – the land of tequila and margaritas!

Anywho, since we were stranded under the open-air shelter of La Cantina, we figured the most sensible thing to do with our time would be to drink. And we did, we did drink. We drank a lot, in fact.

Between the three of us, I think we ordered one Mango Margarita, two Lime Pomegranate Frozen Tequila Mojitos, and four Lime on the Rocks Margaritas. I promise you our intentions were not to drink this much but when you’re sitting under the shelter of a margarita bar for close to an hour, I’m not sure it would make sense to do much else. Really, we were just doing our duty as paying patrons.


I only managed to snap a picture of the Lime Pomegranate Frozen Tequila Mojito amidst all the hydrating.

The rain held out for a good hour but we were not deterred – there were more countries to drink at!


...actually there was just one more country.


I really wanted to try a Tokyo Sunset from Japan. On one of our previous excursions through the world, Zach and a few other interns ordered Tokyo Sunsets and they looked absolutely delicious!


Not only is it a pretty drink, it’s a pretty yummy drink too! Pineapple drinks are my favorite and with its combination of Malibu Rum, peach schnapps, banana liqueur, pineapple juice, and Grenadine, a Tokyo Sunset is my kind of beverage. :thumbsup2

(On the walk over from Mexico to Japan my phone decided to die even though it was at like 46% so that was fun. Zach was a peach though and let me use the camera on his phone to indulge my picture-taking needs.)

We stayed in EPCOT a little bit longer before Zach and Sarah had to head out to Downtown Disney. A large group of the interns were meeting to see ‘Inside Out’ that night but since I had already seen the movie earlier that week, I figured it would best just to head home and call it an early night since I had work the next morning at 8:30.

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Friday, June 26th

Friday was my fifth day of ‘On the Job Training.’ I worked from 8:30 to 5:00 but for the life of me I cannot remember what I did when I was done. I don’t have any notes which I’m assuming means I didn’t do much of anything once I got home (a behavior that has become very typical of most of my evenings after work – I’m really sorry for the lack of excitement!). :sad2:

Rather than ramble on about how much of a grandma I am after work, why don’t we learn about some more sea creatures instead?


Ever seen these little guys before? I’m going to assume most likely not (unless you’ve already seen them at The Seas). They’re called Shrimpfish and I have yet to meet a Guest at The Seas with Nemo and Friends who was able to identify them! I myself had never seen these unusual creatures before but after my month spent at The Seas, these Shrimpfish have easily become some of my favorite little guys to talk about. ::yes::

Shrimpfish are nearly transparent and are flattened from side to side. Watching them swim, it appears as if they are upside down. I’ve been told that because their head outweighs their slender bodies, Shrimpfish have adapted to swimming vertically rather than horizontally.


So many Shrimpfish facts:

  • A thin, dark stripe runs along the Shrimpfish’s body. These stripes and their shrimp-like appearance are the source of their name.
  • Shrimpfish live in coastal reefs and seagrass beds, forming schools among staghorn corals and the spines of sea urchins. They are found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean as well as in the Red Sea.
  • Adult shrimpfish are approximately 15 to 20 centimeters long (about 6 inches).
  • Shrimpfish swim in synchronized groups, each fish in a vertical position with the snout pointing down. At The Seas, we have four Shrimpfish and you’ll very rarely find them swimming on their own. They’ll often times break into groups of two but will quickly rejoin the others and again swim as a group of four.
  • Shrimpfish eat a variety of zooplankton and minute crustaceans. The shrimpfish, like its seahorse relatives, sucks in its food and swallows it whole due to its lack of teeth.
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Saturday, June 27th

The 27th marked my sixth day of ‘On the Job Training.’ I began work at 8:00 a.m. today so that I could practice speaking on the different microphones throughout the building before The Seas officially opened to Guests. Let me tell ya, talking over a microphone to a completely empty building is awkward. Talking over a microphone while a handful of Cast Members are around completing their morning tasks is even more awkward. :eek: Needless to say, this was a very awkward hour in my life.

To compensate for the awkwardness, Jess (the Seas Intern) and I decided to spend our evening at Magic Kingdom. Actually, we weren’t compensating for anything – we just wanted to play!


We didn’t have much of a plan so we just kind of wandered around the Kingdom and hopped from ride to ride.


True life: I will always ask for the front of the boat when riding ‘it’s a small world.’ I can’t remember if I went into my love for this ride or not but ‘it’s a small world’ is, without a doubt, my most favorite attraction at any of the parks. (As I write this I can vaguely remember writing these exact words before so I’m going to assume that I have mentioned this. I’ll contain myself for now but ahh, this ride just gives me all the feels.) :lovestruc

I would like to say that I took detailed notes of which rides we did on this particular evening but that would not be the truth. I knew that it would happen eventually but I’ve sadly started to take less and less pictures of each attraction for the sole purpose of documenting the order of rides on any given day. I have decided, however, that this is okay because it’s allowing me to live more in the moment rather than viewing those moments through my camera lens. Because I am so lucky to visit these parks so often, the standard park days sometimes begin to become less clear. For the sake of moving this Trip Report along, it’s likely that typical park outings will be less about exact details and more about new experiences or funny instances (and of course my favorite photos). So, that’s why, on this particular night, I do not have an accurate idea of which attractions we did – although obviously the pictures do help!

Anyway! On with our previously scheduled Trip Report...

Despite my notes, I can say with confidence that we made our way in Frontierland – mostly because of this photo I posted on Instagram:


While we were in the Frontierland area, we made our way over to the Golden Oak Outpost. I was desperate to get my hands on some Barbeque Pork Waffle Fries. After eating the same delicious toppings on a hotdog over at Casey’s many months ago and falling in love, I knew that I needed to try the same heavenly combination on my favorite type of French fry.


This lovely photo is courtesy of our beloved DisBoards. People, these fries were so good that I couldn’t even wait long enough to take a picture before diving in.

I know I say this a lot, but my goodness – these were amazing. I want more. I want more right now. I want more right now so much that I actually just texted Jess letting her know that we need to go back. Like tonight. :tongue:

After devouring the most scrumptious waffle fries, we continued frolicking around the Kingdom with no real agenda. Apparently the sun must of set at some point because all of a sudden we were in front of the castle watching the Main Street Electrical Parade.


Okay, okay. So there was actually some time in between our romp in Frontierland and the start of the parade. Unlike my ability to remember the order of attractions on this particular day, I can remember what we did next for one very important reason: it was spent acquiring food. Jess and I knew that we wanted to watch the parade and we also knew that we wanted to watch it while snacking. Apparently my popcorn alarm wasn’t sounding off – or perhaps it was muffled by my stomach’s growling for sweets – because somehow I ended up with a Mickey Mouse rice crispy treat and a peanut butter cookie from the Frontier Trading Post.


So much yum.

So, sweets acquired, we now found ourselves sitting in front of Cinderella Castle.


And, not before long, Jess and I found ourselves watching the Main Street Electrical Parade.


I kind of have a thing for lights out of focus. I’m sorry for how often you’ll see photos like this throughout my Trip Report.


...I warned ya. :rolleyes:

This one is actually Jess’s picture from her Instagram but I think it’s just too pretty not to share:


Like Cinderella’s carriage going right past her castle, it’s just too much magic. princess:

Once the parade was over we decided to head out to our cars. The early morning was catching up to us and Jess had work again tomorrow. I, on the other hand, had some pretty crazy plans for the next day: sleep in as long as possible and then return to the Kingdom with Jess.

But not this same Jess, my roommate Jess.
Is this confusing for anyone else? Because I’m starting to confuse myself. Maybe nicknames should become a thing...

[continued in next post]
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PENN STATE! Yay, I'm so excited to meet another Nittany Lion! How long have you been living in State College?

Since I came here to college in 1990! Started at the Altoona Campus then transferred here and have never left. :D Love it here!! Well here and our other "home" the Wilderness Lodge.

Started at the University in '97 and DH is a sales manager at one of the local beer distributors. Pretty lucrative job in a college town, not to mention never having to pay cover downtown. HAH! ;)

PS. Did you see the announcement today that we are going back to the old football uniforms with no names on them?
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Since I came here to college in 1990! Started at the Altoona Campus then transferred here and have never left. :D Love it here!! Well here and our other "home" the Wilderness Lodge.

Started at the University in '97 and DH is a sales manager at one of the local beer distributors. Pretty lucrative job in a college town, not to mention never having to pay cover downtown. HAH! ;)

PS. Did you see the announcement today that we are going back to the old football uniforms with no names on them?

Oh and we JUST missed your program starting. We were in the world May 21-30. Best of luck to you!!!
All caught up & learned quite a few more things. Chocolate chip sea stars...who knew!?!
You've never seen Star Wars???? :eek: You googled gold robot? :rotfl2:

Love the pictures of your brother. What a great memory & pictures!

Ahhh...the Tokyo Sunset. :goodvibes
Following along. What an interesting a perspective! It's neat to hear a little of the inside scoop on how things work.

As for Frozen, it is unavoidable in my house. I have two young daughters who may be afficted to this movie. The singalong show looks really fun and I can't wait for them to see it!
Loving your TR so far!

Aww, thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind comment. :goodvibes

Since I came here to college in 1990! Started at the Altoona Campus then transferred here and have never left. :D Love it here!! Well here and our other "home" the Wilderness Lodge.

Started at the University in '97 and DH is a sales manager at one of the local beer distributors. Pretty lucrative job in a college town, not to mention never having to pay cover downtown. HAH! ;)

PS. Did you see the announcement today that we are going back to the old football uniforms with no names on them?

You have impeccable taste - both in real homes and Disney homes! The Wilderness Lodge is one of my absolute favorites - it's my Pennsylvania home away from away (even though I'm from New Jersey :rotfl:).

YES! I am seriously elated that we're returning to the basic blues! Tradition runs deep at Penn State, you gotta love it. What are your feelings on the decision?

Oh and we JUST missed your program starting. We were in the world May 21-30. Best of luck to you!!!

Well it seems like you just might have to come back. Preferably during football season so I can celebrate with some Staters.

All caught up & learned quite a few more things. Chocolate chip sea stars...who knew!?!
You've never seen Star Wars???? :eek: You googled gold robot? :rotfl2:

Love the pictures of your brother. What a great memory & pictures!

Ahhh...the Tokyo Sunset. :goodvibes

Haha, I admit that I am not the best Star Wars fan but hey, that's just one less person crowding the streets at Star Wars Weekends, right? :laughing:

Following along, love hearing your random fish facts :-)

Thank you - I love sharing them! :fish: (I also love that there is a fish emoji, very applicable to this TR.)

Following along. What an interesting a perspective! It's neat to hear a little of the inside scoop on how things work.

As for Frozen, it is unavoidable in my house. I have two young daughters who may be addicted to this movie. The singalong show looks really fun and I can't wait for them to see it!

It was definitely a lot of fun! I'm sure your daughters will absolutely love it and will never want to let it go. :rolleyes:


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