Kicking and Screaming...we are going back to Disney!

Just checking in after being gone for the weekend....your costumes are adorable! Too cute!
I was going to do Le Cellier this trip too but I decided on The Wave instead...I read that you can also get the cheddar soup at Canada for the F&W so I can try it there!

It's coming up so soon! I keep getting text updates from my niece about how excited she is and thanking me for taking her :hug:

Just checking in after being gone for the weekend....your costumes are adorable! Too cute!
I was going to do Le Cellier this trip too but I decided on The Wave instead...I read that you can also get the cheddar soup at Canada for the F&W so I can try it there!

It's coming up so soon! I keep getting text updates from my niece about how excited she is and thanking me for taking her :hug:

Tracy old is your neice?
Okay today we are going to Animal Kingdom..
We have breakfast scheduled at 820 with Donald. I am super excited about this one...can't wait to meet Daisy. Last year Emilie met Donald and she asked him where Daisy was..he pretended to throw a purse over his shoulder and started walking girlie like Daisy and my daughter said.."so Daisy is out spending your money!?" Donald thought that was great! :rotfl2:

For dinner we are going to Boma. I have never been here either. This trip is a lot of firsts for us resturant wise. But I am adventerous and willing to try new things!

After dinner if we aren't too tired we will head back to AK for EMH!

This is our last day..I will mope around becuase I won't want to return back to the reality of fun is that compared to Disney right?!

We plan on checking our luggage via ME, checking out of AKV and then heading to 1900 Park Fair for our last Disney character meal. Should be a good time..

Hopefully if we feel like it we can head over to one of the parks and ride a couple of rides depending on what time we have to be back at the hotel to catch the ME bus...
Okay today we are going to Animal Kingdom..
We have breakfast scheduled at 820 with Donald. I am super excited about this one...can't wait to meet Daisy. Last year Emilie met Donald and she asked him where Daisy was..he pretended to throw a purse over his shoulder and started walking girlie like Daisy and my daughter said.."so Daisy is out spending your money!?" Donald thought that was great! :rotfl2:

For dinner we are going to Boma. I have never been here either. This trip is a lot of firsts for us resturant wise. But I am adventerous and willing to try new things!

After dinner if we aren't too tired we will head back to AK for EMH!

Someday we'll get a chance to try Boma. Last trip we missed our ADR, and this time it didn't make our list. I bet you'll love it!:goodvibes
This is our last day..I will mope around becuase I won't want to return back to the reality of fun is that compared to Disney right?!

We plan on checking our luggage via ME, checking out of AKV and then heading to 1900 Park Fair for our last Disney character meal. Should be a good time..

Hopefully if we feel like it we can head over to one of the parks and ride a couple of rides depending on what time we have to be back at the hotel to catch the ME bus...

I'm already dreading our trip being over.:sad2: You spend soooo long planning, and it's all over in the blink of an eye.;) Then it's back to the old grind!
I'll be trying to figure out how to swing the next trip! Have to do another Disney cruise in a couple years. Hope my DH gets a job soon! I need to start saving.:thumbsup2
Okay today we are going to Animal Kingdom..
We have breakfast scheduled at 820 with Donald. I am super excited about this one...can't wait to meet Daisy. Last year Emilie met Donald and she asked him where Daisy was..he pretended to throw a purse over his shoulder and started walking girlie like Daisy and my daughter said.."so Daisy is out spending your money!?" Donald thought that was great! :rotfl2:

This is so cute and so something dd 4 would say
I'm already dreading our trip being over.:sad2: You spend soooo long planning, and it's all over in the blink of an eye.;) Then it's back to the old grind!
I'll be trying to figure out how to swing the next trip! Have to do another Disney cruise in a couple years. Hope my DH gets a job soon! I need to start saving.:thumbsup2

I know I started planning our trip this time last year right after we got back from Disney I just had to get the ball rolling! But time does go by so fast when you get to escape the everyday hassles of life..

Disney cruise! I would love that!! I have been on a cruise never Disney though..

I hope DH does find a new job soon...:goodvibes

This is so cute and so something dd 4 would say

Kids are quiet clever..I enjoy hearing the things that they come up with!
Wow...your ticker says three weeks today. :goodvibes I've got a serious problem with getting depressed about the vacation being over before it even begins. I have to start planning something immediately to get me through.:upsidedow
Wow...your ticker says three weeks today. :goodvibes I've got a serious problem with getting depressed about the vacation being over before it even begins. I have to start planning something immediately to get me through.:upsidedow

I know I am starting to get a little antsy I have been planning forever and it seemed like it was NEVER going to get here..and now 3 weeks from today I will be on an airplane already with 1 more hour left before I am in Orlando...crazy!

It does make me sad when the trip comes to an end...and on the same note I am ususally so exhausted I can't wait to get home and sleep in my own bed!
I went out this weekend and got the kids some glow sticks and some cheap trinkets for airplane entertainment. I just haven't started packing yet and I am starting to worry that my butt will be too big to fit into my last year Disney clothes! :headache: I guess that I need to find some will power and try extra hard to stay away from the oreos for the next couple of days. It is truly depressing!
Next weekend we have Race for the Cure I am making the whole family do it (gotta prepare the kids for Disney walking!) after that, I believe that grandma and grandpa are going to take the kids for the night so I can pack undistracted and find out what I still need..hopefully this means that Sunday mornign I can sleep past 5:30 am since my son won't be home!
A friend of mine is making the kiddos some outfits. I will get them posted when I get the outfits. I am pretty excited about it!
5:30 a.m.:scared1:yikes. Hope you can get some extra z's and are able to get what you want accomplished. I haven't packed yet either. It is still pretty warm here and so I don't have enough to pack up all their outfits and still have some shorts and such for them to wear. Can't wait to see the outfits. Do we get a hint as to what they are?
She made Emilie a pirate out fit and a minnie and princess outfit..and Aidan she made a buzz and mickey outfit...

I can't wait to see them!!
Okay, normally I have had my suitcases packed for 2 weeks (okay maybe a month) and ready to go...2 weeks from know we will be in Indy at the hotel ready to catch our flight to DIsney!

The only thing I have done for this trip is: (other than the obviouso, plane, theme park tix, everything else)

I paid for our groceries to be delivered..
I have nothing packed maybe I can get started this weekend..God I hope I can!

I need to get some future homework done so I don't have to worry about it! Don't want to do this either! I am in anti-school mode right now!

A friend of ours passed away this week and Friday we have to go to the funeral home, and then Saturday we have race for the cure..

I just feel so unmotivated! Where did my motivation go? I know that once I pack and get super excited, then our trip comes and goes and then I have no more Disney to look forward to for awhile..sad but true...
I hear ya! If you figure out how to get motivated let me know:thumbsup2 I feel the same way about trips to disney. You plan, plan, plan and wait, wait, wait then it comes and goes so fast:sad2: I always start feeling sad about that before we even leave and i hate that.
Things have been crazy here..I honestly don't know if I am coming or going... Too much drama is taking away from my Disney fun. Hopefully I will be able to leave all of that behind while I am at Disney.

Since our flight leaves out so early in the morning DH and i have been thinking about skipping the park and fly at the hotel and just leaving our houses at 1 am. He's used to working 3rds and I am so afraid taht we will over sleep if we try to drive 4 hours stay at a hotel and then try to wake up..or God forbid what if I leave something behind i nthe hotel!!
Wow, the airport is 4 hours away from your house? Ugh, what a PITA! I'm hating that the airport we're flying out of is only 45 minutes away. :rotfl
You've got a good point about oversleeping though...I don't think I'd really be able to rest because I'd be worried about missing the alarm.

Your kids are adorable, BTW :)
The outfits are done!! They are pretty stinking cute! The kids are at grandma and grandpa's house I am supposed to be packing...;) But I will take pics of the kids in their new outfits tonite and post them. Can't wait!
The outfits are done!! They are pretty stinking cute! The kids are at grandma and grandpa's house I am supposed to be packing...;) But I will take pics of the kids in their new outfits tonite and post them. Can't wait!

:goodvibes Looking forward to seeing your pictures! We are getting so close now my stomach is constantly in panic mode!! :rotfl:



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