Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 5

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What if their were groups of say ten and each person sent a piece to each of the others- would that be cheaper?? We could join a group and still have categories- Disney, general boys/girls,groups who want Bigger chunks- 1/2 yard+exchanges & piece groups, winter, spring (dare I say it)..... you get the picture. Kind of like how the photo pass & fridge exchange groups set up.
I didn’t think you ignored me :)

The way we do our coupon train is we add various coupons to the envie. If I take 5 coupons, I replace 5 coupons. If there are 20 people person #1 would mail to person #2, #2 to #3 and it would continue all the way down the list with person #20 mailing to person #1. To start the train we all mailed the first week to the person below us.

As for the type of fabric you could make it specific of just fabric in general. For instance it could require each person to mail at least 10 10X10 squares of the same fabric to the next person on the list. The person who gets the envie can take what they want and will replace those with at least the same amount. Then mail that envie to the next person. The next person takes what they need replaces it again and mails it on. Each person on the train is mailing every week and getting something every week.

As far as costs I am not sure. I guess someone would have to go to the post office and figure out the cheapest option. I have no idea how much it would cost. I guess that would be the biggest factor as to whether this will work.

I hope I explained this so you can understand me. My DD and DS were diagramming sentences today in English and I swear they sucked every ounce of intelligence out of my brain today. Not to mention what it did to my patience :scared1: Let me know if I can clear anything up :)
hi -

does anyone know where a good sizing chart is? i need to know the inseam for a girls size 6 jeans - im getting ready to ruffle!! thanks!!
I am so thrilled that I finished my Halloween sewing in time.

We had a blast at the church carnival last night. I will post picks of the girls outfits later. I forgot to get pics of me and dh in our outfits. Ds wasn't feeling well so he didn't go with us. I will get pics of him on Halloween and pics of dd(10) in her other outfit then too.
Just wanted to post a few things I've made recently.



I did the snowflake applique in a brushed felt material. It turned out ok, but I will not ever use this fabric again. It was a major pain to deal with!

I love all the christmas stuff! I got some more Christmas fabric today and I guess I better start planning an outfit for DD and bag for me, instead of just shopping!

Okay, you can't see those nearly well enough, here is at least one big one...


I love this one.

You guys are adorable! This is a great photo and you look like you are having lots of fun! Hope the rain goes away!

Ok all -
I wanted to post pics of the last minute outfit I made Emma to wear to the Hannah concert tonight.....


Wow I love all of these! There sure are a lot of posts today! I can't keep up!

I still need to keep sewing Halloween costumes. I have Pluto cut out and Peter Pan 's shirt finished.
We did something like this with doll clothes. We had a "round robin". We started off with a few people mailing an outfit each to person #1. Person #1 could choose as many as three outfits (I think) and then add three outfits they made and mail it to person #2. #2 could choose as many as 3 outfits etc. We limited it to 10 people and you had to mail the package out again within 48 hours. (The goal was to have everyone have a turn within a month) We actually went around a few times and we gave the remaining outfits to charity.

Pumpkin Patch Pictures!!

DS didn't get a custom this time around, but he still had fun. Why do I sew, you ask... DD got half a dozen comments
(at each of the 3 places we went) about her outfit. She was very proud. When we were leaving the pumpkin patch she was holding my hand. She looked up at me and said, "Thanks for my pretty dress mom, I love it!! You're the best, mom!!" That's why I sew!!


That outfit is soo cute!!! And how sweet she is.....definitely makes you want to sew more, doesn't it!!! :goodvibes

click on the multi quote button of each post you want to quote. It's the second button over in the right corner of every post. Then, when you are ready to reply to them all, either hit just quote on the last post you want to quote or reply at the bottom of the page.
Thanks....I think I got it!!!!

When you are reading the posts and see something you want to quote look over in the lower right corner of the posting there is a "+ click on that and it will turn red/orangey. when you are all done reading and ready to post click on post reply and all your quotes will be right there :)
Thanks for the help!!! That is sooo much easier than how I was doing it. :woohoo:

Just wanted to post a few things I've made recently.



I did the snowflake applique in a brushed felt material. It turned out ok, but I will not ever use this fabric again. It was a major pain to deal with!

So cute!

okay a few pics from last night..


B and I outside the GF


Us and my inlaws outside the GF.

I will try to keep up w/picture posting though with all this rain Lily might be wearing her customs around the villa!;)

Gotta run, we're gonna go cruise the monorail!

...t. ps. these pics aren't nearly big enough but I didn't want to slow ya'll down!!

From what I can tell, you guys looked amazing. I vote for bigger pictures too. Hahaha

thank you so much! When I saw it I knew it was super unique. I think I am going to get his pictures done in it!

Oh he is just a cutie pie in sweet. Oh you should take a picture of him in it, holding a box of Cracker Jacks....that would be so cute!! And then you should post it so I can see it..hahahaha. :banana:


Here is Lauren's Halloween strip twirl skirt. This picture was taken a few weeks back when it was freakishly warm here in New England (I think it was close to 85 degrees the second weekend of October). She wore this skirt this AM with an orange shirt decorated with "Halloweeny" things and a light-up skull (the lights flash whenever she moves). Now I have people asking me to make things for them and they will actually pay me for it - WOW!

PS - She always wears sunglasses outside. If she forgets them (or more likely Mommy forgets them) she starts screaming "Too Bright! Too Bright!"

Awww she is too cute!

OK I am going to come back tonight and catch up but here's this past week. The girls were in a costume I didnt make their costumes :-)rolleyes: fresh off the rack) and then all three girls in their pumpkin skirts (I did make those) at the Octoberfest.



They look great!!!
Ok, let's vote tnmom in charge of the disney scrap exchange! Let's ask her how to go about this.....;) (just kidding) I would be happy to do it, but we need a plan, which I'm not the greatest at.
Here's the "givens" to the equation:

1. Bunch of Disboutique(e)rs who live all over the USA, and some beyond. by bunch, I mean X amount, to be exact. :thumbsup2

2. Each of us has a bunch of scraps that would make a groovy Disney quilt, if only we had a big ol' selection of different characters/fabrics.

3. Need a easy, inexpensive way to pass them to everyone in a fair manner.


What if we:

1.sign up so we have a list of participants

1 1/2.sign up what fabric we have to donate x the amount of participants, so there's no duplicates

2. send the fabric that is cut into equal pieces (but not in precise squares) to a trusted and belove-ed thread member liiiiiiiiike, Theresa or Heather etc. :rolleyes1

3. that trusted person divvies it all up and sends it to the participants.


Possible bad things and glitches

1.Late comers would add expense of mailing if the trusted person already divvied up the fabric and sent it to all the participants.
Possible solution: Have a deadline and stick to it

2.Duplicate fabrics
Possible Solution: put in what fabric you want to use when signing up

3. Newbies feeling left out
Possible solution: Send extra? Do again next year?

4. Too many of one kind, like ALL princesses no general Disney
Possible solution: ?

Is anyone interested? Any tips? Thoughts?

I have some suggestions if you don't mind!

THis reminds me of the scrapbooking swaps we do over in the Creative Community.

Some things to consider. They have one hostess who is in charge of swapping out.

We categorize i.e. princesses, or Mickey and Friends, Pixar Friends (cars, nemo, bugs life, monsters. inc. etc.)

Everyone signs up and mails to the host, an equal number of items, along with money or stamps for return postage. So for fabric, when you sign up you say you have Mickey gingham or purple princess toile.

THe host distributes them and mails them back to the participants.

So for a fabric swap. We could each mail in a 12 x 12 piece of fabric, then the host swaps it out and mails it back. The more variety of fabric you want, then the more groups you sign up for.

THere should definately be a deadline. Beware though, one swap went terrible wrong and the hostess disappeared with most of the stuff!

Those are too cute!!

I love this one.

Me too! Y'all look so cute! Love the new car too!! :rotfl:

Ok, let's vote tnmom in charge of the disney scrap exchange! Let's ask her how to go about this.....;) (just kidding) I would be happy to do it, but we need a plan, which I'm not the greatest at. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I like Heather's idea of having Deann do it! It does sound fun!

WHAT?????????? What did I do to y'all? I have no clue about doing something like that!!

Love it!

With the fabric exchange, I like the suggestion of groups. I.E. A Disney group, Holiday group, Everyday group, Boy group, etc. Limit each group to 5-10 participants. You could then sign up for which ever, and how many groups you'd be intrested in. (there could always be two groups of the same category if one fills up fast and there is more intrest in that group) I'd suggest fat Quarters. Each participant mails to everyone in thier group. That way everyone gets 5-10 different FQ's for each group they sign up for. Does this make sense? I've done this with borders for scrapbooking before. It's fun seeing what evreyone sends. I'd be happy to try to organize this.

I like the idea of a fabric exchange. I would love to join.

I am in a "coupon train" that works well. Maybe some of those principles will work for this. It could be like a "fabric train" :cool1: A cool name helps :) My current train has no name, but the first one I was in was "The Buck to Blue Choo Choo" since we mail from Ohio to Michigan and back. My DH thinks I am nuts!

Our train works like this:
We have a list of about 10 people. The first person on the list mails to #2, #2 to #3, #3 to #4 and so on. Eventually the train goes full circle and everyone gets a little bit from each person. What we do is add whatever coupons (in this case we would use fabric cut to a specified size) you do not need. The person who receives your envelope would take what they wanted and replace what they took with at least the same amount. We all mail on Tuesdays so everyone receives an envelope around the same day each week.
To start the train we all mailed to the person below us on the list the first week. We also check in on Tuesday after we mail, so your partner knows to expect something.

After a few weeks it was really fun to see what was coming. I always look forward to my envelope. I usually only get bills, so getting coupons in the mail makes me happy. It doesn’t take much to excite me :laughing: My DH teases me that I am a cheap date since I always have a coupon.

Anyway I think something like this will work if someone could come up with the details and be in charge of the list.

I vote for one of these kind knowledgeable folks!!!!
Heather, I love your Cinderella dress! So creative and beautiful.

Anyways, I was wondering if it was for your trip in the spring or for Thanksgiving and then I started wondering if you had a pre-trip report for your big family trip?

I think a big family trip would be wonderful for our family so I was wondering if you or Theresa had details about how the planning was going?

Oh yeah and tell us more about the watergate cake? Care to share your recipe?
Okay, you can't see those nearly well enough, here is at least one big one...


I love this one.

Thanks for at least ONE that I can see clearly! You and B look great!!!!!!
Did you walk around MK in those heels?!!

And, I was going to say exactly that too!

That is SEWWWW cool!! Didn't you get any pictures?:rolleyes1

I get my blood drawn every Monday and my phlebotomist (big word for the woman who draws my blood) asked if I would make a Minnie Mouse costume for her daughter by Wednesday. I just looked at her and said "". She was kidding when she asked, but I'm sure she would have taken me up on it! I was flattered!
Cool Heather!

Ok all -
I wanted to post pics of the last minute outfit I made Emma to wear to the Hannah concert tonight.....




You are going to the Hannah Montanna Concert?????!!!!????!!!!! COOL!!!!!

Beware though, one swap went terrible wrong and the hostess disappeared with most of the stuff!

That line just made me laugh! I have images of someone in a trench coat and hat sneaking fabric squares out of the country in the middle of the night!
I have some suggestions if you don't mind!

THis reminds me of the scrapbooking swaps we do over in the Creative Community.

Some things to consider. They have one hostess who is in charge of swapping out.

We categorize i.e. princesses, or Mickey and Friends, Pixar Friends (cars, nemo, bugs life, monsters. inc. etc.)

Everyone signs up and mails to the host, an equal number of items, along with money or stamps for return postage. So for fabric, when you sign up you say you have Mickey gingham or purple princess toile.

THe host distributes them and mails them back to the participants.

So for a fabric swap. We could each mail in a 12 x 12 piece of fabric, then the host swaps it out and mails it back. The more variety of fabric you want, then the more groups you sign up for.

THere should definately be a deadline. Beware though, one swap went terrible wrong and the hostess disappeared with most of the stuff!

I just PM'd 2CuteKidz in hope's she'd take over :love: Sounds like she wants to categorize too. I hope she'll do it :yay:

Deadlines are a MUST! People procrastinate (me!).

I heard about the non-honest hostess. I also heard once this one mama received donations for her down and out pregnant with twins friend and then put all the donated goods up for auction on e-bay!!!! Can you believe that? I don't think we have anything to worry about in the honesty department.

I think each peice should be 10x10 to 12 x 12 but my quilt squares are usually a finished 5 inch square so if 6 inches is all some can spare, thats fine with me! As long as the actual character is nicely on the piece and not just feet...;)

If this quilt fabric exchange idea is too complicated or not enough people want to do it, I still don't mind sharing what I have if anyone wants to do a quilt of their own. :flower3:
OK, this is confusing me...I'm totally not getting the coupon swap!! I am starting a new thread so we don't take up too much room over here! Come on over if you are intrested!!
What I'm wondering is, should we just send our fabric to each of the participants? Would that be easier?

But, say one person just wants boyish Disney fabric or just girlish, or any Disney, we can kind of custom pick our scraps (or is that too complicated) I know I have lots of characters so I can totally give boy or girl fabric scraps.

I thought it would be fun to see what the mail brings each day. How many of us want to do this?

I want in on the scraps!!!:jumping1: Another sewers scraps are my treasures. ::yes::

I for one wouldn't want a ton of princess stuff because I have all boys. A princess here or there (esp. Cinderella for Mom) wouldn't hurt, but over all I'd want all types Disney characters.

I love the eye spy quilt concept UMa! :magnify: I had planned on doing a quilt with photo blocks intermixed from Disney trips, but I think just having corner photo blocks like that would be better. Then have all the other sections in various disney! I think they call these "crazy quilts"? :upsidedow
I think that the fabric exchange sounds like a ton of fun! I'm in.
Here's the link to the Disney Fabric Exchange:

No sign ups yet. We're just getting the interest "out there" to not bog down THIS thread, ya know?

Be thinking of what categories you may want. Like Girls, Boys, All. Or a more specific category like Princesses or Pixar, or Classic Characters, etc. So we can do categories.

:yay: I'm WAYYY too excited for this!
Ack! It looked like I ignored your input, sorry! I would love to get cool fabric pieces in the mail (besides bills!) Would the cost get to be too much for the further people as the weight of the package gets bigger as we all add to it?

Is this how it'd be? ((If there was 20 of us who wanted to participate)):
For Example: say I was #1 and I send off my 20 pieces of Nemo fabric to #2. #2 takes one Nemo and adds 20 Minnie Mouse fabric pieces and sends all the rest of the Nemo and Minnie Mouse to #3 who takes one Nemo, One Minnie and adds 20 Tinker Bell fabric pieces and sends the whole thing to #4...Is that what you mean? Then it keeps going around till every one has one of each fabric?

How long would it take if we only mailed once a week? I kinda wanted to get started with this after Christmas.

I do not understand this at all, but I want to!

Are you ignoring my son? He wants to see Pokemon trainer costumes!

Here's the link to the Disney Fabric Exchange:

No sign ups yet. We're just getting the interest "out there" to not bog down THIS thread, ya know?

Be thinking of what categories you may want. Like Girls, Boys, All. Or a more specific category like Princesses or Pixar, or Classic Characters, etc. So we can do categories.

:yay: I'm WAYYY too excited for this!

I'll go check this out!
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