Kids on their own! Opinions please!!


DIS Veteran
Aug 8, 2001
We will be at Disney from 8/11 -- 8/14. Our DSs (12 & 15) want to be able to go off on their own. I (Mom!!) am not really comfortable with them going anywhere we are not. I would like to allow them to be on their own within a certain park and meet us at designated times and spots. My husband is noncommital at this time!! Any help you can give me would be appreciated. We let them go do several rides last trip when they were 10 & 13, and i was really a nervous wreck the whole 2 hours!! They really don't want to hang around with their sister, who is only 4, and i understand that, but I can't seem to cut the cord!! Thanks for your opinions. Both my boys are usually well behaved and responsible.:cool:
Let them go. Concentrate on your 4 yo, spoil her for a little while. Let them go off and have some fun on their own.:p If we were there at the same time I would want my 12 yo DS to hang out with them .
Cut the cord.

I went away to college at 16! Dorm room, whole bit - a 10 hour drive away from home. Bounced around Europe at 19 with my 17 year old sister for an entire summer - just the two of us.

If they can't handle a day at Disney by themselves at 15, what are you going to do in just a couple of years when they are adults and decide to spend the summer biking through the Rockies. Consider it training -- for them and for you.
Why not splurge and buy the radios (about $70) and tell them they have to be in the same park as you. (maybe at least for the first couple days.) After that maybe you'll feel more comfortable to let them on their own. Or do a big splurge and get get two prepaid cell phones (just make sure they'll work in Florida. ) or use your own cell phones. Even at $1/minute sometimes there's not a price tag on piece of mind.
My cousin and I were often turned loose during our WDW trips. We were probably 11 and 13 the first time they let us do it. We were allowed to go where we wanted for a couple hours at a time, and then would meet back with our parents. As we got older and proved the same level of responsibility as expected of us at home we were given additional priviledges of renting boats at our hotel, or spending a few hours by a pool, but we were always where we were supposed to be at the time we were supposed to be there. No cell phones or radios back then... The first few trips there wasn't even an EPCOT!
Definately get the radios, they are soooo worth it. It will make you feel alot better. I would also say they should stay at the same park that you are in and say meet for dinner each night. We have done it lots of time with my teen brothers and it always worked very well.
Thanks for everyone's opinions. My boys are blessing you!! I went ahead and changed my reservation for new princess SB so Daddy could go with us. The boys will meet us in a park later in day. They are excited, and I am ok!!! Not that I am a smothering parent, but we tell them we enjoy watching them do things!! Whatever we do, it will be fun! It's DISNEY!!:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
You are the mother. No matter what anyone else says. There's too much wierd stuff happening these days. Maybe small doses at first. Let them have a few hours in the same park that you will be in, get the radios, have set meeting times with dire consequences.

You know your kids, you know your family. You have to be comfortable with the decision.
I agree with the last poster, I would let them go loose in the park you will be in but not run loose in the world. That is just what I would feel comfortable with. I do think a 15 year old and a 12 year old together are capable of being safe at WDW and acting responsibly. The two way radios are a great idea.
My thanks to all who expressed opinions! You know sometimes you just need your own validated!! I bought two way radios (got a pair of motorola's for $35 at Wal-mart) and have been using them around the neighborhood to check for distances. am busy packing for our departure TOMORROW night!!!!:Pinkbounc We arrive in Disney on Thursday, Aug. 8, after visisting with relatives. Again, thanks for the help!!
I say let them go as well. If they are well behaved like you said they will have ablast and most likely stay out of trouble. It will be a great Bortherly bonding time :)
I guess you've left already, but the radios and increasing responsibility is what we've done in our family. We visit too much, and last time our 13 demonstrated to us he could travel from Epcot in the evening and return to our cabin at FW. He verbally had to produce at least two travel routes before we let him go. He had practiced with 21 DS and 18 DD prior to this. It was a little worrisome, but he was so proud of himself!
Get radios, and let them go off for a while.

Disney is a heck of a lot safer than, well, your own neighborhood. Security is everywhere.
My best friend and I went to Disney with my parents last year and my parents let us go off on out own. As Silver said, Disney is extremely safe! Get two-way radios, and designate times and places to meet you. This method works really well, as many of my friends parents let them and another friend go off alone. I hope this helped you!


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