Kids Spot Epcot


Earning My Ears
Apr 24, 2002
I was wondering if they still have the Kids Spot in Epcot at each country? When we were there in Dec 99 my neice (who was 4 at the time) stopping at each country to work on her mask. She had each CM write her name in the language of the country they were from and then they wrote her a little message. It was nice and it made for a very enjoyable trip through WS.

Apr 86 off site
July-Aug 95 ASMu
Dec 95 - ASMu
Aug 97 - DL
June 98 - DL
Dec 99 - ASMu
Dec 02 - ASMo
Yes, they still have the KidSpot stations in Epcot to make the masks, my kids have a whole wall full of them, they've been making them for years. :)

Another thing to consider is the Epcot passport, this gives you pages for each country and more space for each CM to write a little greeting. You can purchase these at any gift shop at Epcot and the kids really enjoy doing this as well. Plus, it keeps them busy so you can do some quick shopping or looking around.

Have fun!
We just got back and my kids just LOVED the Kid Spots! I loved them too! I meet the nicest folks while our kids coloured their masks! Very fun for everyone!

We went to Epcot on 3 different nights (yeppers, saw ToD and Illuminations three times) my kids made masks each time! dh and I got quiet time while the kids had a blast!

didn't they change the mask to dream catchers they changed the parade?
They have large face masks on big sticks ~ like big paint stir sticks. You can punch out the eyes and mouth. Each mask has a star attached to it with that jupe (sp?) type rope and a bead or two. The center of the star can be punched out (it's the size of a quarter) and at the beginning and end of ToD, dream catchers have nets to catch the dreams! It's way cool! The stars also have the names of all the countries and each country will write the word DREAM in their language on the star! Each country has lots of markers to colour the mask! At each Kid Spot, a CM attaches something neat from their country with the jupe rope and beads ~ it's very very very coooool! My kids made three each on three different visits last week! Sandra
My kids did the passports and that was a lot of fun. My daughter brought hers to school and got extra credit from her World Cultures class :D


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