Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!

I don't like Mike. Shoulda left the 'wet blanket' at home :sad2: He obviously didn't want to be there...he shoulda let Leta come alone ::yes:: Next time...don't "let" him come ;)

There aren't enough words in the english language for how much I don't like Mike.

Actually, I couldn't care less about Mike. I just don't like how Mike is with Leta. Leta left me a long drunken rambling voice mail on Sunday evening about how sorry she was that she brought him, how miserable she was, how she needs to buy a clue and kick his sorry butt out. Yeah. I've heard it all before. She won't be the bad guy. She's NEVER been the one to break up in a relationship, she always waits to be dumped. Sigh. There's only so much I can do. She knows she needs to break up, but she won't do it. :confused3

As any other sport....viewing is far...but, kind of expect's a racetrack...and what is a "tri-oval"? i think my blonde is showing... :headache:

A tri-oval is a track that has a "bump" in the oval. Here, try this:


Does that help? I guess the term comes from a cross between triangle and oval? Dunno.

Is Leta a friend of yours? How did she meet Mike?

I have known Leta since band camp 1979. She is my best friend (well, shares the duty with Carol and Brad).

She met Mike at a concert in Centennial Olympic Park about 4 years ago. He moved in with her about 3 years ago. He moved his mom in with them about 2 years ago. Don't get me started... :headache:
Oh Tricia that picture of the main entrance was wonderful. Now I know I have to go by the track while we are in Florida this year.

And Leta needs to get rid of Mike. Maybe I can come up and help you kidnap her . We can refuse to let her go until she calls and dumps him.

A tri-oval is a track that has a "bump" in the oval. Here, try this:


Does that help? I guess the term comes from a cross between triangle and oval? Dunno.

::yes::...that helps. So what is the 'straight-away' at the "bottom"?? ....Victory Lane? (oh, or Pit Row?)
And Leta needs to get rid of Mike. Maybe I can come up and help you kidnap her . We can refuse to let her go until she calls and dumps him.

Hey, there's an idea! You can kidnap her and I can go and move him and his mom out.

Here's what gets me, IT IS HER HOUSE they are living in! You'd think Mike would do everything in his power to keep her happy because it is HER HOUSE. HERS. She bought it long before she met him. She pays the mortgage. Kick his butt out. How hard can that be? :confused3
::yes::...that helps. So what is the 'straight-away' at the "bottom"?? ....Victory Lane? (oh, or Pit Row?)


At Daytona, any term with "straight" in it will be referring to the long stretch at the top of the diagram. The back straight, straight away, whatever. The start/finish area of a track is always considered the "front", then the cars move counter clockwise through turn 1, turn 2, the straight, turn 3, turn 4, then back.

Pit Row would be the straight line you see at the bottom that comes off to the inside of the "bump" area of the track.

Victory Lane isn't shown on this diagram, but it is a small area off Pit Row. I'm always amazed by what a little area Victory Lane really is. It looks like such a big deal on tv, but it is maybe 4 or 5 car lengths total.
Hey, there's an idea! You can kidnap her and I can go and move him and his mom out.

Here's what gets me, IT IS HER HOUSE they are living in! You'd think Mike would do everything in his power to keep her happy because it is HER HOUSE. HERS. She bought it long before she met him. She pays the mortgage. Kick his butt out. How hard can that be? :confused3

I have never understood why some women will just let men walk all over them. Maybe if we could figure that out you could convince her to move him out. Otherwise let me know and I will come up and kidnap her for you.

Pit Row would be the straight line you see at the bottom that comes off to the inside of the "bump" area of the track.

Victory Lane isn't shown on this diagram, but it is a small area off Pit Row. I'm always amazed by what a little area Victory Lane really is. It looks like such a big deal on tv, but it is maybe 4 or 5 car lengths total.

:banana: i guessed!!!! :banana:

I don't have anything against Leta, but someone needs to smack some sense into that girl..... :sad2: either that, or put a 'hit' out on Mike :idea: :eek:
Tricia - just had time to read your Daytona trippie. Thanks for the pics. Glad you and Brad were able to get away and for a NASCAR fan - to Daytona 500.:cool1: :cool1:
After we walked back to the hotel, we showered and changed for dinner. I noticed that my neck and a small area on my chest were a little pink... and the part in my hair was bright red.

I wore freaking SPF 50, but I will admit that I didn't think to smear it on my SCALP!

When we went driving down International Speedway Blvd on Friday night, we passed an Uno's. This is one thing that we can't get back home. Good pizza. What passes for pizza in our area is sad. Chicago style, New York style, anything remotely resembling decent pizza can't be found anywhere near us. So, we decided that traffic was probably clearing from the race and we would go there for dinner.

Leta called as we were getting ready. She asked what we were doing for dinner. I told her. She said it sounded good and asked Mike. No surprise, but Mike didn't want pizza or anything from a pizza-type restaurant. He suggested that we go with them to try and find some bar on the beach because they had fun the last time they were there and he remembered a cute (female) bartender there and wouldn't that be fun? :rolleyes:

I told Leta to have a good time and we would see them the next day.

Brad called Tim, who was on his own (Bruce & John headed to Cocoa Beach for the night for some reason), and he decided to join us for dinner.

We had a hard time getting into the parking lot as several people were tailgating. :confused: Once we were inside the restaurant, however, we were seated immediately. I mentioned it to the waitress and she said that the crowd in the parking lot were keeping customers away. I'd think they would chase them off, but what do I know.

There was a group of guys at the table behind ours that apparently did NOT go home and shower before coming to the restaurant for dinner. :crazy2: I was very glad when our pizza arrived and that smell overwhelmed the BO.

We had a pleasant meal and an uneventful drive back. We wound up turning in early and catching up on our lost sleep from our night of debauchery on Friday.
After we walked back to the hotel, we showered and changed for dinner. I noticed that my neck and a small area on my chest were a little pink... and the part in my hair was bright red.

I wore freaking SPF 50, but I will admit that I didn't think to smear it on my SCALP!

Yep ::yes:: ALWAYS the scalp, part in your hair, top of your ears and top of yer feets.....always the spots peeps miss :confused3

When we went driving down International Speedway Blvd on Friday night, we passed an Uno's. This is one thing that we can't get back home. Good pizza. What passes for pizza in our area is sad. Chicago style, New York style, anything remotely resembling decent pizza can't be found anywhere near us. So, we decided that traffic was probably clearing from the race and we would go there for dinner.

Leta called as we were getting ready. She asked what we were doing for dinner. I told her. She said it sounded good and asked Mike. No surprise, but Mike didn't want pizza or anything from a pizza-type restaurant. He suggested that we go with them to try and find some bar on the beach because they had fun the last time they were there and he remembered a cute (female) bartender there and wouldn't that be fun? :rolleyes:

I told Leta to have a good time and we would see them the next day.

It's always nice to get some good pizza away from home..... have this problem when visiting FIL...he doesn't really like ANY of the pizza around him :confused3 we think it's all fine....especially the Papa Johns.... :goodvibes Oh well...what can ya do! And, if Leta wanted pizza, then why didn't she 'bag it' with Mike and tag along with you?? Does it even cross his mind she doesn't need/want to see a cute female bartender? THAT tells me that he isn't head over heels with her....why does she 'settle' for this loser? Does she know he's a loser? Does she not have any self-esteem? :confused3 I feel bad for her....she really needs to find someone who will love, appreciate and put HER first :thumbsup2

Brad called Tim, who was on his own (Bruce & John headed to Cocoa Beach for the night for some reason), and he decided to join us for dinner.

We had a hard time getting into the parking lot as several people were tailgating. :confused: Once we were inside the restaurant, however, we were seated immediately. I mentioned it to the waitress and she said that the crowd in the parking lot were keeping customers away. I'd think they would chase them off, but what do I know.

There was a group of guys at the table behind ours that apparently did NOT go home and shower before coming to the restaurant for dinner. :crazy2: I was very glad when our pizza arrived and that smell overwhelmed the BO.

We had a pleasant meal and an uneventful drive back. We wound up turning in early and catching up on our lost sleep from our night of debauchery on Friday.

Unless there is a "No Soliciting" sign posted, I don't know that management can 'kick them outta there' :confused3 But, it was nice you didn't have to wait to eat....altho, I wouldn't have thought about the 'smell' :eek: ....thanks for the heads up!
You know I just keep getting madder at this Mike guy. I hope I never run in to him.
And, if Leta wanted pizza, then why didn't she 'bag it' with Mike and tag along with you?? Does it even cross his mind she doesn't need/want to see a cute female bartender? THAT tells me that he isn't head over heels with her....why does she 'settle' for this loser? Does she know he's a loser? Does she not have any self-esteem? :confused3 I feel bad for her....she really needs to find someone who will love, appreciate and put HER first :thumbsup2 [/COLOR][/SIZE]

Leta has always had self esteem issues. I don't know why. She is beautiful, smart, fun, self sufficient... I honestly don't know why she doesn't see it... or isn't confident in it.

When I point out that Mike is, perhaps, being less than polite when he makes googlie eyes and hits on some other woman RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, she usually says something about how "all guys look" and its no biggie.

Okay, yeah, I get that all guys look. I'm not doubting that. I have been known to enjoy watching a good looking guy from time to time myself. The difference is that Brad has enough respect for me to not rub it in my face... and he would NEVER, in a million years never, hit on another girl. In front of me or otherwise. That is not just disrespectful, it is crossing over into "pack your stuff and go" territory.

You know I just keep getting madder at this Mike guy. I hope I never run in to him.

Oh, I can just imagine putting you and Mike in a room together... :rotfl:


wanna hear more, more , more.....

It's coming. I've got a lot of pictures to edit, but I'm getting there.

:idea: that'd be fun!:rolleyes1

Leta has always had self esteem issues. I don't know why. She is beautiful, smart, fun, self sufficient... I honestly don't know why she doesn't see it... or isn't confident in it.

When I point out that Mike is, perhaps, being less than polite when he makes googlie eyes and hits on some other woman RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, she usually says something about how "all guys look" and its no biggie.

Okay, yeah, I get that all guys look. I'm not doubting that. I have been known to enjoy watching a good looking guy from time to time myself. The difference is that Brad has enough respect for me to not rub it in my face... and he would NEVER, in a million years never, hit on another girl. In front of me or otherwise. That is not just disrespectful, it is crossing over into "pack your stuff and go" territory.

You are absolutely correct. That is so wrong.

Oh, I can just imagine putting you and Mike in a room together... :rotfl:

Just let me at him. I will convince him that he needs to leave. :rolleyes1


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