Land, Sea and Safari September/October 2013

Stair lift is fantastic! Regret not doing it before it would be great for you. It saved us moving! I can't believe how much I use it cannot recommend it enough. HM room will def be great with that. The shuffle is a little mp3 device from Apple that plays music. It's an iPod shuffle. It's tiny about 1 inch square. It's plays the music you load on it album by album or randomly but there no menu choices. Do you have that over there?

We probably do, but I don't have any of those sorts of devices. Supposedly my phone can store music, but I don't have time to listen to music as a pastime. We are so busy, it's not even funny. Maybe someday we'll listen to music to relax again.
We probably do, but I don't have any of those sorts of devices. Supposedly my phone can store music, but I don't have time to listen to music as a pastime. We are so busy, it's not even funny. Maybe someday we'll listen to music to relax again.

Yes I hope so! I don't listen to music much anymore either. Miss it. Fly today! :-)
Yes I hope so! I don't listen to music much anymore either. Miss it. Fly today! :-)

Have a great flight and a smooth check in at SSR! We'll see you in a little over a week! I assume you'll be online so we can connect. I bring my computer so I'll be fully connected.
Have a great flight and a smooth check in at SSR! We'll see you in a little over a week! I assume you'll be online so we can connect. I bring my computer so I'll be fully connected.

Thanks hope we get the Grandstand! Yes we have our iPads and can get online! See you real soon! Can't wait. You have a safe flight also and good luck with the rest of the paperwork.
Woo Hoo! I'm assuming y'all just got up and are heading out to your plane! I'm going to bed so we'll all hook up on the other side! Safe travels ya'll!
Woo Hoo! I'm assuming y'all just got up and are heading out to your plane! I'm going to bed so we'll all hook up on the other side! Safe travels ya'll!

Yes too excited to sleep! We can hear the planes from here... The plane boss it's da planes.. Yes indeed hook up the other side of the pond. X
Last night we dropped off dogs , checked into airport hotel then checked our main luggage into twilight checking.


Jo has blue and white stripe tee shirt on head down frantically still pinging work emails lol...

Then we headed to McDonald's for a bite but I tripped over a curb and fell quite badly on my butt! Lucky we don't think there is any damage other than pride and a few bruises. I have severe osteoporosis so it's always a worry but earlier in the year I has an infusion for a bone density drug do hopefully that helped! I was shocked but by the time I had my vanilla shake and fillet fish meal I was feeling better! McDonald's gifted us two free fries which Jo happily consumed claiming it was the stress that forced her hand...

Next stop flight VS15 to Orlando! :-) next post from SSR!
:scared1: ok no more falling leave all that silliness over there Have a terrific flight and see you over here !
I hope that you are salely on your way across the pond. Hooefully you get the Grandstand and have a liveky stay there before your cruise!
I'm sorry about the fall, hopefully no lasting effects.

Hope you have a fabulous trip!!!
Hello! So we arrived last night and scored the Grandstand yeah! Got bell hop to take the bags back to room with our owners locker.

We got the same room as last year! It's an accessible studio but this year it's been refurbed yeah!


We have 'rapid fill' mugs now at Saratoga so I got orange ( I thought for halloween ) and Jo got purple.


Then I crashed in bed but wait...there was a third guest in our room and he wasn't offering to pay! There staring at me bold as brass was a live roach in the bed crawling towards me! Jumping jellyfish I calmly said to Jo. Would you be so kind as to get a glass and a mat to remove said unwanted guest from the bed...

We mentioned it to guest services in the morning. We laughed about it ( I had never seen one before only on your 'hoarding' shows lol ) but actually they were horrified. Pest control have been to our room and we have new bed covers etc. we didn't know being Europeans if this was normal. Clearly not..

Anyway all sorted now!

We got the rental car today and Jo got us a nice free upgrade. She has the gift of the gab as we say. Bless her! We have a nice Rav4 with camera on the back when you are reversing. Ohhhh very posh...


We went down to the tax office and got a disabled badge to use in Orlando based on my UK disabled badge which is very handy!

Then I got this wonderful purse in downtown disney after our fav lunchtime bite at the Earl of sandwich. Mines an All American and Jo loves the club..


I like this purse as it holds my iphone and credit cards and money etc.

I saw they had Harvey bags in there Alison but Jo she pulled me out when she realised they were in a glass cabinet with a security tag on. Jo says if you have to ask how much an item is you can't afford it lol...

Now off to get a bite at the Olive Garden. I have my Disney bling on...


Goodnight peeps!
You're there!!!!!! :hyper: sounds like lots of fun is already being had :) too funny about the roach. No, definitely not normal. I hope you scoured the rest of the sheets before settling in. The car looks nice. Glad you were able to get tags easily. Have fun at Olive Garden!
The treatment that they gave you (ie sending up pest control and changing linens) is normal for Disney if you report a pest problem, but a pest problem is not a normal occurrence! :eek:

Can you show us pictures of the bathroom? I am curious what qualifies the room as accessible? Roll-in shower? Raised toilet seat with bars? Our BCV room will be HA, but not our VWL.

Jo is right that if you HAVE to ask you can't afford it, but there is no harm in asking because you want to find out if it is worth what they are asking for it!
You're there!!!!!! :hyper: sounds like lots of fun is already being had :) too funny about the roach. No, definitely not normal. I hope you scoured the rest of the sheets before settling in. The car looks nice. Glad you were able to get tags easily. Have fun at Olive Garden!

Thanks very tasty meal at Olive Garden! I told Jo about you playing Candy crush and now I am a Candy crush widow! There appears to be a lot of noises of frustration coming from her direction
The treatment that they gave you (ie sending up pest control and changing linens) is normal for Disney if you report a pest problem, but a pest problem is not a normal occurrence! :eek:

Can you show us pictures of the bathroom? I am curious what qualifies the room as accessible? Roll-in shower? Raised toilet seat with bars? Our BCV room will be HA, but not our VWL.

Jo is right that if you HAVE to ask you can't afford it, but there is no harm in asking because you want to find out if it is worth what they are asking for it!

Thanks re it's not normal re roaches. We didn't want to make a fuss if its part of Florida charm. Will do re pictures. It's a roll in shower with grab rails. When Jo wakes up will take pictures and post them. I like it because there is a seat and no step to get in. I can't walk up steps. Plus I have a grab rail etc at home as I am unsteady on my feet!
Right accessible studio bath update. Coming to you live from SSR. Our galant reporter on the scene battles past the 'swarms' of roaches like something out of Raiders of the lost ark...past her rollator in the hall and finally opens the funky sliding door into the bathroom.

This is the first difference. The bathroom has a sliding door. Very wide in case three people want to go in at the same time, or maybe a wheelchair or 3000 roaches.

The sink is in the actual bathroom unlike the traditional studio. Second difference. Third difference there is no tub ( outs is a roll in shower option ) there is a roll in shower with a curtain. There is no step, grab bars in shower and a nice seat.

Here is the sliding door ( open for your photo viewing pleasure )


Grab bars...


And finally the sink in the bathroom rather than outside the room..


Hope this helps! Alison we are happy to show you and Fran our accessible studio at VWL when we check in.
Thanks very tasty meal at Olive Garden! I told Jo about you playing Candy crush and now I am a Candy crush widow! There appears to be a lot of noises of frustration coming from her direction

Say it isn't so! Delete it before it takes over vacation!
Say it isn't so! Delete it before it takes over vacation!

Lol the moment I can prize it out of her hands believe me I will be hitting delete. I will save her from this candy crush cult. But who will save me from my madness of my Disney pin collecting...


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