Land series traders....

Giving you a quick "bump" to the top.

Good luck!:)
I have extras of most of the pins, but I'm not sure which ones were released first. I got different answers at different parks this weekend. So tell me which ones you need and hopefully we can work something out.

Send a PM, not an email to my house. I'm on the road and won't see my email for awhile.

What's up with these pins? I thought that they would be a great set to have, but it seems no one wants or has them?

Any opinions as to why ????:confused: :bounce: :confused: :bounce: :confused: :bounce:
got the same idea when I bought a few extra and sure hope this isnt gonna be a bad buy for me. I brought home Daisy, Donald, and Goofy. Dont know which three came first as they had them all at different times when I was there. I am wondering if trades are slow due to the big pin event going on down there right now, lots of board members are gone to the world so even the board is slow today. Hoping to trade mine for something I need, good luck to you. Hey and if I have one you want let me know, maybe you have something else I need. I did get the whole set in a trade so I dont need any land pins but I am sure there is something else. I have one board member checking out the pins I brought home in a trade deal, but I am sure she wont want them all.

The first three released were Adventureland, Fantasyland, and Frontierland. The final three were Tomorrowland, Liberty Square, and Main St.
I like them, but you're right, there didn't seem to be too much interest. I thought it was because we were all down there and were able to buy them. I also have a set to trade if anyone wants any.
5/18 UPDATE!!! Thanks to the kind folks on this board, I have been able to trade for Daisy Adventureland, Donald Frontierland, and Minnie Fantasyland! I had oral surgery on Monday so I have been kind of mixed up, and I think I told someone who had the Goofy pin that I had traded for it...well I haven't...if you are reading this, I'm sorry!!! These pain pills do funny things to a person's memory. Anyways, that is my status as of right now. If anyone can help me with the other 3 pins, take a look at my traders and e-mail me. Thanks so much for helping me out!!! It's made my week a little better since the surgery.
The board has it's own e-mail system. I didn't realize it until I tried to send someone an e-mail and then found out I had an e-mail message here. I left you one concerning these pins as well.


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