Let the fun begin MAW/GKTW PTR Chase June 23-29-2010

So to Naomi and family! We say a BIG THANK YOU!!!!! Chase loved all of his gifts. He is a THOMAS and CARS fanatic!!! He goes absolutley bonkers whenever he sees any trains or fancy cars!!!

Selah is just so taken with her Tiona bag that she asked me to sleep with her bag and promised to be a big girl and not pee in the bed if I let her sleep with it :rotfl:

Courtney is now begging me for a sewing machine for Christmas because she is so inspired by yours and Ellen's handiwork and generousity!!!

And I absolutely LOVE my goodies!! I will be putting them all to good use!

So here is what was inside of the kids bags!

Courtney got a lovely key ring that she so desperately needed. She lost her last keyring! She got a really cute Disney Princess word search. A cute notebook and pencil! I told her that she can take notes and do her very own TR if she'd like to!

Selah, got a Princess notebook and pencil as well and the cutest Disney princess raft (we plan on using that ALL summer long!!)

Chase's bag had a Cars swimming ring. That is exactly what he needed as he has not yet realized how deep pools actually are! He does not realize that he cannont swim and gives me mini heart attacks EVERY time we go swimming or to water parks!!! He also got a cool pencil and a Buzz Lightyear notebook!!

My package included EVEVERYTHING that I will need to make this trip more bearable :rotfl: Aleve, gum for the plane, peanuts for protein a first aid kit and many many more goodies!!!

Thank you to Naomi you are an awesome Big Giver! :thumbsup2
It's so much fun to see the kids so excited about all the Big Give stuff!!!! Thank you so much for posting the pictures for us!!!

I sent you a PM yesterday, I'm not sure if you noticed it, since they don't pop up at you anymore! :rotfl: I just need you to confirm Chase's waist measurement. I have a few people anxiously awaiting your reply! :rotfl: Thanks! :thumbsup2
We had such a blast opening up the gifts. It kind of puts all of your problems or worries on hold for that time and you just enjoy the moment! It was really wonderful to hear the kids laughing and see them so excited over the goodies! I don't know how I missed the pm! But I did send the information!! And I am so glad that you guys caught that error!!
What wonderful big gives!! I can just feel your family's excitement in the pictures. You captured it well. The ladies who do the Big Give are so generous with their time and talent. It's inspiring, and I have been begging my husband for a sewing machine just like Courtney is to you! :rotfl:
So to Naomi and family! We say a BIG THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you to Naomi you are an awesome Big Giver! :thumbsup2

We are so happy that you all enjoyed your gifts. If the back packs are too loose on Selah and Chase, just add another knot further up from the first one. I have to say that my kids have really gotten involved in this! DD made the keychains. Both DD and DS love looking at the store for things to put in the bags, and then when it is time to pack a box up, both of them are digging through the bin to find just the right items to add. I have to say that it makes me proud how they have embraced being involved with this. You should see DD and DS when I announce that their package has been received. They come running over to the computer to see! I have to say that this is as much of a blessing to our family as it is to yours.
Oh those are soo cute!! I love their faces!! Isn't that cooler and the "essentials" a neat idea? It definately puts a very warm feeling on the trip doesn't it? :love::love:
What wonderful big gives!! I can just feel your family's excitement in the pictures. You captured it well. The ladies who do the Big Give are so generous with their time and talent. It's inspiring, and I have been begging my husband for a sewing machine just like Courtney is to you! :rotfl:

Laura, this has actually become a family affair for us. It has become such an inspiration for my two children. I hope that if you become involved, too, that it will help inspire your children as well.
What wonderful big gives!! I can just feel your family's excitement in the pictures. You captured it well. The ladies who do the Big Give are so generous with their time and talent. It's inspiring, and I have been begging my husband for a sewing machine just like Courtney is to you! :rotfl:

Thank you! I tried to take as many pictures while they were opening the gifts as I could! Everything was happening so fast! I really admire the ladies. I learned how to sew in high school. We made clothes and prom gowns and everything. I loved it!! I really wish I would have stuck with it. I might have been pretty good by now!

I think getting Courtney a machine is a great idea. She's had little toy ones and she's really enjoyed using them. She is extremely creative and dreams of having her own clothing line one day so she may as well get started now!

We are so happy that you all enjoyed your gifts. If the back packs are too loose on Selah and Chase, just add another knot further up from the first one. I have to say that my kids have really gotten involved in this! DD made the keychains. Both DD and DS love looking at the store for things to put in the bags, and then when it is time to pack a box up, both of them are digging through the bin to find just the right items to add. I have to say that it makes me proud how they have embraced being involved with this. You should see DD and DS when I announce that their package has been received. They come running over to the computer to see! I have to say that this is as much of a blessing to our family as it is to yours.

The back packs are actually a good fit! I think it's wonderful that your children are so involved with this and it is definitely something to be proud of! I think that raising selfless children who "get something" from giving is an awesome accomplishment :goodvibes I've always tried to teach Courtney that it feels so good to give of yourself! So this has brought everything full circle.

Oh those are soo cute!! I love their faces!! Isn't that cooler and the "essentials" a neat idea? It definately puts a very warm feeling on the trip doesn't it? :love::love:

I was so tickled with my gift! I keep opening the cooler up and looking at all the fun stuff! I can tell that all of those things are definitely going to come in handy! Especially the Aleve!! :rotfl:

Laura, this has actually become a family affair for us. It has become such an inspiration for my two children. I hope that if you become involved, too, that it will help inspire your children as well.

This whole process has been so humbling for all of us. When I think about how everything is and has been unfolding I get so overwhelmed I can't help but feel emotional!
Well Chase's eye surgery is tomorrow so hopefully everything will go just fine! We had a great day playing at the park. I had Chase help me make some homemade pizza today and we made cookie doh. We are participatingin a cookie exchange this weekend so he was very excited to help me prepare!

We are in the 20's now so I'm really getting antsy!!! :yay:
I have to tell you I am so thoroughly loving reading all your entries. You have a beautiful family and you must be an incredibly lovely and beautiful person based on all I have read.

Blessings to you!
Chase's procedure is going to be at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. They recently moved less than a year ago and the new facility is absolutely amazing! It's a little farther away than it used to be. But that's okay. The doctors there are really great! Courtney had to have her umbilical hernia repaired when she was around 5 or 6 and they made it a very comfortable experience. It wasn't a serious procedure, but I was still a nervous wreck!

I'm glad you have a nice hospital. It does make a difference in the comfort level. I hope he's doing great and the surgery went well! Phoebe did not like the anesthesia but other than that did well. A little itchy, maybe, since she kept trying to rub her eyes, but no serious pain. Give us an update on the little man when you have time!

28 days!!!
I have to tell you I am so thoroughly loving reading all your entries. You have a beautiful family and you must be an incredibly lovely and beautiful person based on all I have read.

Blessings to you!

Thank you Alison! I don't know why I get so happy to see that people are follwoing along. :woohoo: I guess I'm just a chatty person and I've gotten so much from reading the posts and the TR's on here, so I always hope that I am doing the same!

I'm glad you have a nice hospital. It does make a difference in the comfort level. I hope he's doing great and the surgery went well! Phoebe did not like the anesthesia but other than that did well. A little itchy, maybe, since she kept trying to rub her eyes, but no serious pain. Give us an update on the little man when you have time!

28 days!!!

We are back and he did pretty well. He wasn't as hungry as I thought this morning. I tried to let him sleep in as late as I could. We didn't have to be at the hospital until 10:30. So he woke up around 8:30. He asked for food a few times but I gave him some apple juice twice. He couldn't have anything to drink past 9:30. The nurses and staff were really nice. Chase was extremely tightly wound and in full energy mode today! He even got a little bratty when there were a lot people in the room. I noticed that when there are crowds arounod him his behavoir gets odd. He stops using words and grunts and retreats, or starts clinging to one person. I guess that's how his sensory issues effect him.

They let him drive a play car all the way up to the OR doors. I was really happy about that!

He didn't do too well with the anesthesia. He was awful waking up. I know a lot of kids and even adults are. It took him two hours to fully wake up. And boy was it a looong two hours. His eyes are very red. And the nurse said that he bled a lot more than most kids who have had the surgery. But it did stop. He is also still in a good deal of pain which is a little odd. I have Tylenol though so I'm sure he will be fine. I have to take him to see the doctor tomorrow afternoon for her to check him over. But so far so good. His appetites is already back to normal :rotfl: I'm sure by this time tomorrow he will be just fine! Thanks for asking about my little guy! I know it was a pretty minor surgery...but sheesh it never feels minor when your there.

Can I just say...I am soo ready to pack my bags! :)
I'm glad to hear it went "okay". I didn't want to say anything before he went, but Phoebe had a horrible time with the anesthesia that time also. She's been under a few times and that was the only bad one, for some reason. I hope it's the only one Chase will need! I bet it was a long day for both of you. :hug:
Well little Chase is starting to perk up a bit. His eyes are still sore and red but they do look better today than they did yesterday! Thank goodness for that. Also his appetite is picking up which is good because I'd look to cook out on Sunday for the Memorial Day Holiday!

Now for some really good news! Yesterday we got our official GKTW packet in the mail! We had gotten one a few weeks ago but it didn'thave the right date. So now I feel like not only is it "Officia" but it's sooo close :cheer2:


I'm really looking forward to opening it up this evening! I was feel a little frustrated this morning because I stepped on the scale and I noticed that I have only lost 9 pounds. That really sucks I feel like it should be much more but at least the scale is going in the right direction!

Soooo...we have to wait until Courtney comes home from school to open the box! And I think this will cheer her up too. Her grades have fallen since she has started her job at the after school community center and that was one of our rules. So she is going to have to give up the job for now unfortunately. So she understood but was a little sad about the money. I told her that she could always do some extra chores around the house if she'd like :rotfl:

Anyway I will post later once we all get a chance to open up the Big Give box!
9 pounds is awesome! Great job! The slower it goes, the better you'll be at keeping it off, or so I'm told. :thumbsup2
Poor Courtney. Think she'll take you up on the chores?:lmao:
Our Big Give package that we got today came from Jill Roberts and family! (I'm not sure what her DIS name is)

The lighting was a little bad but that won't stop you from being able to see the smiles!





I don't know why Selah looks so sleepy in this picture she certainly didn't SOUND sleepy!!!


Chase is still a little out of it from surgery, but Selah is ready to wear her shirt!




There goes a smile from Chase! He LOVES his shirt!!!


And they fit wonderfully! I was hoping the shirts would have room because we plan on getting some good wear out of our BIG Give stuff!!


So to Jill Roberts and Family we send a big THANK YOU!!! I have to say I was secretly hoping for some shirts like these that we could all wear!! :yay: I've seen similar ones since I've been around on Disboards and I think they are too awesome!! You really made our day. My mom is coming over on Sunday so she will see her shirt too! I called her up immediately and told her and she is so excited! I will post pictures of her checking out all of our wonderful gifts! And I can have Courtney take a picture of me and nana with our shirts!!! So we still have another picture or two of Jill's BIG Give box coming!
Melissa, I can only think back to when I was Courtney's age and chores were the last thing I EVER wanted to do!!! :lmao: My guess is probably not!

Well on this beautiful Saturday morning we got another BIG GIVE BOX!!!!

I just have to take a moment out to say that we are feeling extremely spoiled right now!! The kids are getting sooo excited. And also you all should know that we are a very silly family! So we often make up songs and corny little dances! AND we have a new song that we sing whenever we get a Big Give package! Those of you who have ever had to watch Blues Clues with your children will know this! We sing: "Present time it's present time, open the present and see what's inside!!" :rotfl: Yes we are very silly!!

This package is from Liz Laxton and family! I have to say that Liz sent us a some really great things and wrote each of us individual letters and me and Courtney shed quite a few tears reading her touching sentiments! The pics are uploading now so I will post them in a few minutes!
So I told the kids they could sit up on the table this ONE time to open up the package! They were a little unsure at first lol:












What you guys can't see is that Chase laughed and was so happy he had tears running down his face and a belly/side ache from all of the laughing!




So right in the middle of me posting pics to this thread, I knocked over a glass of Crystal light :rotfl: I swear only me!! So I'm going to finish cleaning this up and post the rest of the pictures! I might just be overtaking the pictures or overposting them! But I LOVE to take pictures and I am really trying hard to capture the moment for everyone reading! :goodvibes
More pictures of the Big Give!

















Courtney LOVES her shirt!! Her favorite color is purple!!


She is so dramatic and emotional and got teary eyed while reading her letter and finding out that Liz has a daughter named Courtney as well :goodvibes



I was ordered to read my letter out loud too!!!


I am so loving my shirt!!!



Inside of our package was:

Selah: A pack of Disney Aerial Mermaid undies, Minnie lip gloss, a sticker book (she LOVES) and the most adorable outfit ever!!!!

Chase: A pack of Disney underpants, a sticker book, and his favorite Cars (or Car cars as he calls them) outfit!

Courtney: Courtney T-shirt and Minnie lip gloss!

Me: Leah T-shirt and a really lovely Disney 2010 picture frame!!

Also, we even loved our bags!

So to Liz we send a BIG Thank you!!! I think we are all just so excited and amazed at the talent and energy you guys have put into making our Disney Trip thru Make A Wish so special! We each thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!


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