Let the fun begin MAW/GKTW PTR Chase June 23-29-2010


Sisterly Fun!!
You guys are really in for it, lol! Tomorrow I will post some pics of Selah's Disney Wish Trip!

I'm really glad I found you guys! I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

We've Harry Potter'd ourselves to death this weekend! We are HUGE Harry fans and ABC Family has been showing the movies all weekend. We have all the movies, but there's just something about them coming on regular tv that gets us all excited!
So true.. You and your kids are beautiful :-)

Thank you so much for sharing the pics :-)

Can't wait to hear about the wish granters coming tomorrow:yay:
Well, it's a rainy day here in Pittsburgh but you sure couldn't tell from my house!

I told my son that he is having special friends coming this evening to see him and he is so excited! He doesn't even know who or for why, but he keeps saying he can't wait to see his friends lol!

We are even going to make some cookies for his special friends...hmmmm maybe that's why he's so excited!

I will definitely keep you guys posted and let you know how everything goes tonight!

I'm not sure if my oldest daughter is going to be home in time. She has pre audition rehersals tonight and won't be home until close to seven, I think!
The wish granters just left not too long ago! I'm so sad that my battery on my digital camera died!!!

Anyway, the little ones were extremely excited! The wish granters came with all kinds of MAW goodies. T-shirts, balls, water bottles and a beautiful MAW bear for the wish boy!

We caught up on everything that's been going on over the past year. And guess what? They remembered something that I had been going through with Selah! Selah as really bad sleep issues (that's another topic for another day) but they are not your typical I don't want to go to bed issues. These are she stays awake for three whole day issues!!!

Anyway it was nice of them to remember and ask me how she is doing and if thing improved! They asked Chase all kinds of questions. Most of which he just smiled and laughed! He is sooo silly. They asked him what kinds of things does he like. He told them he likes spaceships, boats, trains, plains, motorcycles and moster jam trucks, lol.

I asked him if he wanted to be someone and he said NEMO!

They asked him if he wanted to go somewhere and he said "I want to go back to Disney World!" :goodvibes

So I gave them some dates! One of the wish granters daid that Halloween is a great time to go because some (or one) of the parks stay open a little later and they have a seperate parade and all kinds of things. She said that only people with the special pass can get in. You can purchase the pass for an additional fee. MAW takes care of all that.

Hmmm.....now I'm not so sure when to go, lol. The dates I gave were in May and June.(early June)

His birthday is in Novemeber.

Because of the children's breathing difficulties early June is the latest that I think it would be safe for them to go...and that might be pushing it a little.

I better give it some more though!

So what do you guys think??
love the pictures :love:
we are huge Harry Potter fans here too we watched all weekend long also
Yah for the wish granters

dh and I went last yr to the Halloween party it was so much fun I know it is a long way out but it was a blast
hmmmmm!!!! Now I don't know what to do!! lol What was the halloween party like? I don't konw if I'll be able to keep my secret that long! But that would be so coool!

I was just thikning about somethings that I would do differently this time around. We were actually Disney First timers last year! I went to disney when I was like 7 but that doesn't count, lol. I think they were just finished with Epcott maybe?

Anyway there are some differences. My mom isn't going to go this time. Our MAW chapter was extremely gracious in allowing her to go. She does not live with us however she was supposed to go to help me out with the littles. Plus I don't drive, due to a medical condition so we figured this would be the best way. Well, the kids were a bit much for grandma! I'm used to the chaos and hustle and bustle because I'm with them everyday. Grandma, wasn't as enthusiastic about helping out as I thought she would be. Not mad at her at all. But I knew then, if we ever got a chance to go back or anywhere else for seven days that it would just be me and the kids.

So, with no second pair of adult hands and no minivan, we are going to have to plan....plan...plan!!!

The first thing is the airport!!! When we went last year it was winter here, so we had coats and everything to deal with. We had to de-layer to go through the line. This time we are going simple. Can you say FLIP FLOPS!!!! Also my son is a very busy little guy! We only had one portable dvd player last year. This year I'm going to purchase an extra one. Plus in his carryon, lots of little things to keep him busy! Any ideas for what worked for some of you would be very helpful!

The other thing that I am trying to decide about is when to go to the parks. Last year we went in the morning, first thing!! By 3-4 oclock the little ones were pooped and we were leaving to go back to the village. So we never made the fireworks. My kids aren't huge fireworks fans but I think it would be nice to see anyways. But I've read a lot of reviews about how long it took to wait, and how a lot of poeple couldn't get good spots! I also read about how long it took to get out of there when it was time time to go...so... I don't know if we're going to try for it or not.

I was thiking that we could maybe go early one day, go back to the village to unwind and then maybe go back just for the fireworks???? UGH!!!!

I'm really getting excited. Because if I don't hold out until Halloween, or Chase's birthday which is in November, we could be going as early as the end of May!!!!!! Anyone going in May? How about around Halloween??? Or around Novemeber 14th!!!

I'm going to drive you guys nuts.

I also realize I better put my trip link in my signature!!! I keep forgetting!

Hope everyone's day is off to a magical start!
Hi Leah!


Have you found the 'Wish Trippers Unite' thread? It's under the 'Disabilities' forum (not the 'Disabilities Community' forum, just 'Disabilities'). There are alot of Wish trippers in the planning stages here and I'm sure they don't realize you are here or they'd all be posting to welcome you and help you out. There's also a bunch of us who have already gone and now are in the midst of writing our Trip Reports (I would be one of those, we went in December). So hurry up and pop on over and introduce yourself oik? :)
You are a great person to foster and adopt. It takes a special person. :) Your family is beautiful! I can't wait to read more.
First of all, it seems that you really have a great outlook on life! i wish more people did:goodvibes

your family is beautiful!

we went last year actually over halloween. it was an outright blaaaasstt! i would definitely recommend it.

what we did was scheduled a breakfast early, and then went back and took naps. we went back to the magic kingdom late afternoon for the party. there are trick or treat stations, tons of characters (some you dont see during the regular year), shows, dance stations with characters, etc. they have two parades and in between them they have fireworks. the fireworks are 360, so you dont actually have to find a spot to sit and wait for them- you can see them from everywhere. then we scheduled the next day lighter becuase of our late night. we picked somewhere it wasn't as crucial to be there early for fastpasses.

the weather was really nice- still summer like. and the crowds were really really light.
You know sometimes things happen so fast you don't even see them coming. Selah was a little under the weather last week. She missed a few days of school. She had a lot of congestion and wheezing but no fever. The worse was her coughing. Her condition has her coughing constantly while she is sick. Then comes the wheezing..and the shortness of breath or the no breaths (very scary)

But she did so much better over the weekend. But I noticed Chase coughing a little...nothing major!

So today I get both of the kids up for school and give meds and breathing treatments.

Chase's school bus comes and he is so excited! He LOVES riding on his "Little school bus!" and his drivers are awesome!

Next I walk with Selah to school and stay a few minutes to get her settled. Once I get home and start cleaning up I get a phone call from Chase's school that he is having a really hard time breathing. They were nice enough to call the bus company and bring him home. RIGHT after I hang up the phone it's Selah's school calling saying that she seems to be having a hard time breathing, so I immediately run out the house (forgot my shoes :eek: so I had to run back) but I go to pick her up and bring her home. Just as I get int he door, Chase's bus pulls up. So I've got two sick little ones. Now with Selah whenever she wheezes I HAVE to take her to see her Ped. I call the nurse and she says the magic words "Bring her in" I tell her that Chase is sick too so they opened slots for both the kids.

Needless to say that I have to very tired and cranky little ones at home. And even after being seen at the Pediatrician's office, things aren't sounding too good here. So it looks like we are off to the ER! My third home!

Just wanted to update everyone while I have time. Plus I have to wait until Courtney gets home in a few minutes to leave.

If you guys could please say an extra prayer for my little ones tonight we would greatly appreciate it!

Will update as soon as I get a chance!
Im so glad you came over to the wish thread and introduced yourself so Welcome!! You have a beautiful family. So amazing you get to go on a second Disney Trip but Im sorry your situation allows it. I will be keeping the kids in my thoughts. Hope it's nothing to serious.
Hi Leah. Thanks for posting in the Wish Trippers thread. I missed your ptr somehow. I am in awe at the gift you have given these children. Your family is beautiful!

I hope they both feel better soon!
Awww.... poor little guys! Hope they feel better soon. I hate it when my little one is sick and he doesn't have special needs, much less do I have 2 little ones sick at the same time! We will def pray for you guys!! :goodvibes

I love your PTR so far and hope to read lots more! We went during the halloween party and it rocked! My youngest turned 1 the day after the party and even he had fun. You can go look at pictures of it if you like on my TR- I will get to that section tonight. Maybe they will help you decide if the party is for you! My 9 year old loved it for sure though.
Hurray for another Wish Trip!!:woohoo: Your family is beautiful. My husband and I adopted both of our girls (the youngest was our foster child first, also finalized on Nat'l Adoption Day!). They both have some "issues" but my oldest is the "special needs" child who is going on her wish trip in about 3 weeks!!!:eek: It's so nice to meet you guys. I don't know how you do it as a single mom, so kudos to you!!! Have you narrowed down your dates yet?
Hope everyone is doing better today. :hug:
Hope your little one's are OK! I loved reading your story. My 6 year old son is adopted. They told us at the orphanage that he had several medical issues but he's perfectly healthy. We were mentally prepared for special needs and were stunned when we got home and he didn't have any real issues. Since my parents live with us and my dad is paralyzed, God probably knew that we would already be busy with their needs. I wish I could take my dad to Disney one last time but he cannot sit up at all and we have to transport him on a stretcher. I've sent my mother to Disney (with my aunt) for her birthday for the last 2 years. I had a scooter dropped off at her resort. She has a great time and loves it. I guess that's her wish trip. Praying that your little ones are home from the hospital. I work at one and know they aren't a fun place for adults or children. God bless!!!


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