Let's Change It Up A Little This Year--A Split Stay/Split Park pre-trip report


DIS Veteran
Mar 27, 2007
We are a family of 4, from land-locked Kentucky, who try to get to Orlando every summer. It is our "home away from home." It is where our son, a former late-talker with many developmental delays, first talked. While on a vacation to DW when he was 4 1/2, standing in line at Peter Pan, he started talking, for the first time! It will always hold a special place in our hearts. Our daughter, 3 years older than our son, started collecting Minnie Mouse plush dolls and has amassed over 300. She is going to be 17 this summer. And our son --- the former late talker who now TALKS ALL THE TIME (not that I'm complaining ) is my mini-me-- a wanna be travel agent. He LOVES planning and LIVES on Trip Advisor, the DIS, and other travel web sites. He loves all aspects of planning. I'm so proud of him!

Last summer we thought we'd try something new. We got a good deal on a Carnival cruise to the Caribbean. We had a great time!! Loved it!! But... well, you all know. It wasn't Disney. Don't get me wrong, I feel so blessed to take ANY vacation at all, and it really was fun and nice... we were pampered and ate until we nearly popped! But we are used to constantly going and being busy (entertained) while on vacation, and the cruise was, well.... it was relaxing. WEIRD!!! Not used to that!!

So this year's winter has gotten me down. It always does. I hate snow and ice and cold, and this year has outdone itself! In December I found myself occasionally floating over to the DISboards in my spare time---a very dangerous thing! I started getting the bug. But with our daughter going to be a senior in high school this next school year, I know we are trying to be very careful with our budget and I didn't want to suggest a Disney vacation. She'll have all the expensive senior stuff this next year---pictures, AP fees, college application fees, etc.

"Let's try to just do a couple cheaper long-weekend getaways this summer."
My sweet husband. I love him. Bless his heart. He didn't know I had been sneaking on to the DIS, trying not to get my hopes up, but realizing they already were.

"You know, she's going to college soon. We're losing her!! I may have to go months without seeing her!!" I would cry in response.

And while it is true, she probably will not be going to college here locally, I know how to pull at his heart strings. Bless his heart.

Well... thanks to a very busy travel year for my husband at work, he has banked a lot of hotel points. He works for a fantastic company that allows their employees to keep their hotel and airline points they earn.

My math, and the wheels in my head, start spinning.....
So at the end of the year the hotels started to send us our statements with the total points accumulated on them.

We always drive to Disney. We have flown, but it is cheaper for us to drive, plus we just like to have our own car while there. We spend a lot of our time outside of the parks and I like to be able to come and go as I please. We always take a day to visit a beach, and of course we hit up the outlet malls too.

Because we're in Kentucky, we take 2 days to drive down there, and 2 days to drive back. We need a hotel room for both ways, and according to our statements---we have enough for 2 free rooms! Score!! I figured out, but using our Marriott points we were eligible for a free night's stay in both directions---- we always stay midway---- in Atlanta.

OK... so doing my math, and keeping budget in mind.... we're already ahead of the game, right??

Next plan---- working out the pros/cons of staying onsite vs. offsite. This one I really struggle with. We have stayed in a lot of the WDW resorts... never a deluxe, but darn near all the others. We love CBR a LOT!! I started researching, looking for PIN codes/emails... and even with the best offer out there, the best thing, price wise, I could come up with was returning to Windsor Hills.

We stayed in a condo at Windsor Hills several years ago and loved it! We missed the Disney immersion, but with our kids being teenagers now, the extra room made for a very enjoyable trip! Plus, I could keep drinks and food in the refrigerator, we could do laundry when we needed to, and we could each retreat to our own room when we needed to decompress. PLUS---- hello!! An EXTRA bathroom!!! WAA HOO!!!! :cool1:

Soooo, Windsor Hills was offering the same condo, for $89 a night, no cleaning fee if staying over 6 nights.... seems like I could actually make this work, and come in under budget!
By this point DH was catching on to me getting Florida Fever. The winter here was in full swing and everyone was fed up!! I have gotten stuck 3 times, seriously 3 times, on the road that leads to our neighborhood this winter. My Honda Accord doesn't like the snow and ice on the slight incline that leads to our street. THE ONLY WAY IN AND OUT by the way! The first time--- I had 3 guardian angels come to my rescue and push me up the hill that I kept sliding backwards on. The second time, I actually had to back down the hill, try to get momentum, drop it into low, and then go as fast as I could. I finally made it after 2 hours. The final time was actually at the bottom of our driveway. I couldn't even get out of my driveway! We've had nearly 49 inches of snow this season, and for Northern Kentucky, that's a lot. For this transplanted California girl... it might as well be 49 FEET! Have I mentioned I hate snow and ice??

Planning a Florida vacation was just what my psyche needed!

Something to look forward to!

And... (warning: CORNY alert!!).... there's something about the theme parks... my kids are no longer 17 and 14, they suddenly return to 5 and 8 years old. We all de-stress, I am flooded with memories of my little girl, searching for the latest and best Minnie Mouse plush we could find. One trip I remember... she was probably around 9 this time, we left Disney World with no less than 10 new Minnie Mouse's. And my son.... Florida is his place. He flourishes there! He started talking there. His curiosity was awakened there. He made progress there!! He loves all things Disney, and I am convinced, if we can work out a trip to Universal Orlando like I'm hoping, he will love it there also! He loves coasters and UO's coasters, so I've heard, are the BEST!!!

Soooo, I am going to research the UO hotels, tickets, parks, etc. MORE PLANNING! YAY!!

I used to be only Disney, nothing else. My heart didn't have room for other theme parks. And really, besides the possibility of Universal, I can't stand to go into other parks... they just are missing that special ingredient. But this year I feel like we should change things up a little bit. My kids loves the thrill rides---I'm hoping a quick day trip to Universal will keep things fresh for us. My tentative plan is to hit up a couple WDW parks the first part of the week we're there, take a one night break and check into a UO resort for one night and go to their parks, then return to WDW and finish out the parks and DTD. We also need to squeeze in a beach day and a shopping day.

FUN!! Just what I needed!! And, today's forecast: MORE SNOW!! Not a lot, but snow is snow, and I'm sick of it! Here in my mind though... it's a hot and humid 89 degrees, sunny with a pretty good chance of an afternoon shower... I'm in FLORIDA in my mind!!!!
YAY!!! I'm so glad I'm not alone here!!!
I hope I keep it interesting for you!!

I can't stay off the computer.

I'm looking at pictures, reading trip reports and reviews.

Looking up menus!

Trying to decide which beach to visit for a day. Last couple times was Clearwater, and Cocoa Beach. Something different this time?

I did finally complete some research on UO ticket prices and the best way for us to go. Basically, if we stay at RPR it includes the unlimited EP, so 2 day, single park tickets seemed to be the best route for us. I went ahead and bought the tickets this morning and chose the Print At Home option... they are printed and put away in a safe spot!!

The tix for DW will be bought at DTD the day we arrive. :cool1:

Also.... we have reserved the condo at WH for the week. Same one as before, and we are so happy about that. It was really nice! The decorating was so tasteful! It was clean!! The mattresses were near perfect! We loved everything about it.

Annnnndddd.......... this morning after I printed our tickets to UO, I went ahead and reserved a night at Royal Pacific Resort (RPR)!!! Just a standard, 2 queen bed room, but the resort looks so beautiful, the pools look awesome, the restaurants look fantastic!! Can't wait!!!!!!! I love that you can pool hop at UO and it is completely acceptable. The Hard Rock pool looks like a blast! Underwater speakers!

I've made progress!

Now shopping for a great pair of sandals. My daughter has already been planning out her pedicure colors, LOL!!! :lmao:
Next up... I need to figure out the dog sitter/house sitter situation.

Usually when we go somewhere we have a college student we know stay here to watch the doggie girls. This summer though we may not have that luxury. She can do it in a "pinch" but she is moving that week and so I am searching for someone else.

I need peace of mind in this area before I can plan anything else. I do have another college-aged friend, the son of our pastor, who might be able to do it, he'd like the extra money and I know he'd like the food I stock in the kitchen. :rolleyes:

Hmmm..... If I can get this part nailed down I'd feel a real accomplishment!
Me and Jacob... summer 2012 in line at Toy Story Mania.

Did a little "vacation shopping" this weekend.... for my daughter! Got her a new pair of running shorts, yoga/capri type pants, and matching t-shirt, just to get her started. She loves to wear these comfy clothes at the parks.

And, my DH got some new athletic shoes... they will be perfectly broken in by the time the trip rolls around, he only wears them one day a week! :thumbsup2

I've been reading the boards like crazy, and immersing myself in trip reports, where, in my opinion, you can get the BEST advice there is! Just be reading the first hand accounts!

The dog/house sitter situation.... probably going to use the same sweet girl we used last time, she knows the routine and patterns.... sometimes it's just easier to stay with what we've used in the past.

We are less than 90 days out now.... I think we are at about 79-81 days out... somewhere in that range! :cheer2:
So prep and planning is still in full throttle mode.

I am thinking, if I can figure out the FP+, I will like it. Of course, staying off site, it won't be the full experience, but still, if we can get to the parks early, prior to RD, really prior, maybe I can get a good spot at one of the kiosks when they open up. I am bound and determined to keep a positive attitude about this. And.... if we don't get exactly what we want, it's OK, we're still at Disney!

And, as for the Dark Side, we are actually excited about it. My kiddos are teenagers and they love the thrill rides, so I'm thinking this is the perfect year to venture outside of the World and try something new. We don't know a diddly squat about Harry Potter, but that's OK... we're going for the rides!

What I need to do next is the dreaded "trying on" of last year's summer clothes. I have some capris and knit type shorts that I will try on soon to see what I need to replace. I think everything will be fine. My shirts.... those will need to be replaced, I ended up wearing them to work and they are destroyed. I am a florist and pretty much whatever gets worn to work gets stained and abused. Lily pollen does NOT come out of ANYthing! No amount of stain remover will help!!

Soooo, still planning, still excited, the kids and DH are very ready for vacation.... and TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF WINTER!!!!!!!!:yay:

Stickin' with it!

Ok, I've had a thought. A passing thought, but one that I'm mulling over.
Orbitz is having a pretty good price on a couple of the Value Resorts. I realize we're booked for the whole week at a condo in Windsor Hills, but... if I got a Value Room for 1 or 2 nights, for the sake of the Magic Band.... hmmm. Thinking, thinking. I HATE spending this extra money on a room that is not needed. :faint: Chances are my logic and reasoning will kick in and we won't do it, but boy is it tempting...

Joining in! My dd is going to be a senior too and I am trying to squeeze in some mom/daughter time at wdw next spring!
Yay!! Welcome! So glad you're reading along! This year has been so full of talk regarding college--- and living far away from home-- and I am NOT being very brave about it. And my daughter is still a junior and the anxiety is already hitting me!! Immersion in the DIS is just what I need. I "live" in vacation-land in my head, lol!!

Thanks again for reading!
DD's prom was this weekend, it was freezing!!! Windy, cold, sleet/snow pelting down. 19 degrees with the wind chill. Brrrr.. BUT... now that it's done we are breathing a sigh of relief and I am in full-on vacation mode planning!!!

Pretty Dress...so sorry it was cold, but she looks happy and beautiful. Prom is the end of April for us...so hopefully it will be warmer and crossing our fingers a lot less windy here. I just got shipping notice that DD dress has been shipped and it should be here in the next couple of days. We had to custom order her dress...she is extremely petite and athletic built...oh the joys!

I am not handling college talk either, we do our first campus visit in a few weeks...6 hours from home. Where she really wants to go is over 10 hours. :sad:
DD's prom was this weekend, it was freezing!!! Windy, cold, sleet/snow pelting down. 19 degrees with the wind chill. Brrrr.. BUT... now that it's done we are breathing a sigh of relief and I am in full-on vacation mode planning!!!

Thanks for the nice comments!! She had a great time! Ahhhh to be young again, LOL!

So I've been reading about off-site guests being able to utilize pre-planning with the FP+, I'm feeling better about it!! Later today I will buy our tickets online and then start mapping out which 3 attractions we want to res FP+ for.

We are just now 68 days out (did I do my counting right? I think it's 68) and we are all so ready. Spring break is next week for us and we aren't going anywhere, just catching up on sleep and doing some running around. We might hit up the outlet mall to get our summer sandals, but that might be about it.

My littlest little has had a tummy bug. He's nearly 14, but he's still my baby. Throwing up scares him. Poor guy. He's never been a pukey kid, I think he's only thrown up on 2 other occasions in his entire life, so this is kinda new to him. At least it's happening this week and not next week, while we're taking a break from school.

Thanks for reading along everyone!
Not sure if I would want to ever be that young again...:rotfl2:

68 days...well I guess now it is 59 days...a new decade!

Hope your son is feeling better...
Thank you!! We are all on the upswing, still feeling the after effects though.

I am honestly living on vacation in my mind 24/7.

We are now 27 days out and I have made our FP+ selections (remember, we are offsite... staying at a condo in WH).

Anyways, for our Epcot day--- not bad I suppose: SE 11:15, The Seas with Nemo 12:50, and Soarin 2:00.

For our MK day... didn't fare too well. 7DMT 4:20, BTMR 6:10, and Splash 7:10. I would have like for these to have been earlier so we could continue getting FP+ selections for the day. But it is what it is and we have toured the park enough we know the routes and the attractions that fill up the fastest and which times of the day slow down a bit. Parade times will be our optimum attraction time, AND, being there at Rope Drop is key for us!

On a lighter note, I bought my son some new sandals for our upcoming trip, some nice "hiking" type sandals. I still need a good pair, I like to alternate between my Nike's, my Ryka's, and a good pair of walking sandals.

My daughter is stocked up on her running shorts she likes to wear to the parks. Found a great sale at JCPenney's!

AND... I got a Fitbit this weekend! I can't wait to find out what my day at the parks looks like on it! I have worn a pedometer in the past, but this Fitbit is so accurate, and it will calculate my pulse rate, sleep pattern, water intake, etc.

One last thing... last week's Vera Bradley sale on ebay---- I ended up with 2 large hipsters, a Clare, a tech case, and a tablet case!!! I'm just about ready!!!
Just did an update on the FP+ selection times and did MUCH BETTER!!!

I kept hitting "Update" and the time choices were so much better than their original "Best Match" or "Option A" "Option B" "Option C."

So for our Epcot day we are Soarin 9:20-10:20, Spaceship Earth 10:20-11:20, and Nemo and Friends 11:20-12:20. This will allow us to run (walk fast!) to Test Track first thing at Rope Drop, then get to Soarin. We can get Future World done before World Showcase open and hopefully (fingers crossed!) get to Mexico by 11:00! Or very shortly afterwards.

Our new MK times are Space Mountain 10:15-11:15, BTMR 11:15-12:15, and Splash 12:30-1:30. This will allow us to do the Fantastyland stuff at Rope Drop. Head to Space Mountain for the 10:15 FP+, then cross back over to Haunted Mansion, have lunch at Columbia Harbor House and hit BTMR (maybe flip flop those two). We can do what we want, leave midday for a swim, then return in the evening with new FP+'s hopefully! Fingers crossed!


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