Let's Rediscover the Magic! - New TR 7/26

Things are looking up! LG loves SW too. I think JP had the same expression when he rode it. Looks like you got a ride on your favorite too.

LG was actually smart to want the goldfish and ice. That would be his version of water & crackers. Usually good for settling the stomach.
I have tantrums if I'm hot and tired too! Glad Mermaid school was a hit...sounds like you guys are having a good time overall!

Jill in CO
Sorry for the delay, but I've been busy also. Not nearly as bad as you from reading though.

A year ago, we had crops planted, fertilizer applied and spraying done by June 1. By this time, the corn was probably 5' tall.

This year, we have everything planted, about 75% of fertilizer applied and maybe 10% spraying done. And the corn is about 5" tall.
Ouch...yeah, that's a big difference. I grew up on a farm and went through those years where there was too much or too little rain. We had a pond we could irrigate a couple fields with, but that was only about 10%...still better than 0%.

Anyway, it has been a challenge for us, but we're in much better shape than many other farmers here in the Midwest. It looks to be wet for the next 2 weeks, but there's still plenty of time to finish applying nitrogen and spray. We just need some sunshine and heat to make that corn grow... and while we need less rain for the next few weeks, we definitely don't want it to turn off completely!
Yeah, you never want the rain to stop completely...then you'd have 5" or 5' shriveled brown stuff.

Sunday was Father's Day. But that wasn't even the most important thing that day. It was also LG's birthday. It never really hit me on the last couple of birthdays, but maybe because this year it was on Father's Day, it just caused me to reflect on the start he got a little bit more. As much as I worry about him being a challenge at Disney World, it will be nothing like the challenge he was when he came into this world!
I remember all the challenges back then. Good father's day reminder and treat.

He's also a picky eater so that doesn't help with his growth... peanut butter, mac & cheese, cheese pizza, chicken nuggets, fries, apples and fruit snacks are pretty much the only things he will eat, and only if he wants them.
You just described 99.5% of 3 year olds.
My grandsons would eat nothing but pizza and hamburgers because that's all my SIL would give them...he said if he wouldn't eat it, neither would his kids. Always a challenge when then came to visit us because we were not going to do pizza and burgers every time.

But again, he's healthy, and we aren't starving him. You can lead a kid to food, but you can't make them eat. Or something like that, right?
Something like that. With our grandsons (same ones), when they realized we weren't going to crack and give them pizza or burgers, it was amazing what they tried (and liked).

He just wants the icing anyway, so a pile of it on a cookie worked!
Icing for a little one = bliss!
Oh no things were going so well. I hope you at least got to ride RnR. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Unfortunate about the day you had yesterday. Sorry to hear! I hope things are looking up today. Disney really can push you to your limits sometimes.
Day 6: Today was a struggle. LG had a rough afternoon and DD had a rough evening. Second time in a row we did Fantasmic dining and left without seeing it.
That stinks. Sorry. :sad:

I've got a lot of catching up to do (story of my life).
I'm sorry about the rough Friday, but HOORAY on riding RNRC (I think?!).

Wow, it looks like you ended your trip at Epcot?! That's a switch from MK! I'm glad you squeezed in a little more magic!
Hope you've had more highs than lows. The heat and humidity can mess with all ages. I'll be watching for your TR!
Enjoying our beach time to try to rest before heading back to the real world. I think I might try to do a tr if i can get enough pictures from mom and dw to make it work. I didn't take many at all and we didn't even get many pp pictures. Like I mentioned the crowds didn't seem terrible but the lines in general were some of the worst I can recall. Not just for rides but food and merch as well. I was questioning at one point during one of LGs meltdowns when we were struggling to get anything done that day why we spend so much money to endure a less than stellar experience. I was feeling kind of down on the trip itself.

But when we left, unlike our last trip I did drag my feet leaving. I lingered on main street soaking in those last few minutes then did the same at epcot. There's still magic there... I do have some complaints about some things but I can say this much, I've never had such positive experiences with CMs across the board as I did this trip and for Disney that is really saying something.


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But when we left, unlike our last trip I did drag my feet leaving. I lingered on main street soaking in those last few minutes then did the same at epcot. There's still magic there...
Yes. Yes there is.
I've never had such positive experiences with CMs across the board as I did this trip and for Disney that is really saying something.
That's great!


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