Life is good!


<font color=blue>Miracles are amazing!<br><font co
Mar 23, 2000
My daughter Sarah is graduating from Manhattan Christian College next Sat, 5/10. The great news is that she got a job yesterday at a church in Topeka, KS in Children's Ministry. She had decided she was unsure if she liked that position because during her internship last summer, she rarely got to work with kids, and that's what she wanted. This new job she will be working in their daycare in the a.m., and doing administrative stuff in the afternoon. This way she'll get to implement new programs and stuff that she went to school for, and still be able to interact with kids on a daily basis. The perfect job for her. She starts on June 1. She got a roommate and they got an apartment; brand new and the first two months rent are free, so she'll have time to work and then pay rent. The job includes health insurance too. It's just a relief to know she's gainfully employed with a place to live and insurance.

Just wanted to share my good news!
That's awesome tc....especially in these tough economic times....CONGRATS to your dd!!!
Congratulations! That's GREAT news!!

My DS graduated in March. It took him awhile to get a job but he starts June 9th. (Unfortunately for me his job is in another state....but he's excited about it).
It's nice having them employed and ready to start "real" life.

Best of luck to your DD :teeth:
Thanks all!

She's pretty nervous. She always had this idea that she'd be married when she graduated, but she's not. She never figured she'd living on her own in the real world. She'll probably be married next year at this time, but not now. We talked a long time last night, and I think she's doing better. It's a big, scary world out there, and she's a little overwhelmed, but I'm sure she'll do fine.

Meriweather, Sarah is also in another state, so that's hard. I'd always hoped she'd move back to Colorado, but it's so darn expensive to live here. She said she can live much easier in a less expensive place like Kansas. Also, her boyfriend is from Topeka, as well as his grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. She'll probably live her life there. But, at least it's not across the country from me.
She'll do great!
Once she settles in to her new routine, all will be fine.

Yes, DS went to school for 2 years across the country, so at least he will be closer.
He's going to CA which is scary to me (even though that's where I'm from :rolleyes: )......but he's only commited to 2 years and then he can see if the job market here.....or where ever he wants, is better.

Best Wishes for her....and you! Have a great graduation!!
Kelli, Isn't it great when your kids become self-sufficient??? Congratulations!!!!

Sometimes a year or two of the real world isn't such a bad idea before you get married. She may find she is a much stronger person from the experience. I'm really happy for her. Tell her I said congratulations.
Congrats to Sarah.:)

I tell my Sara I can't wait for her to be gainfully employed.:) She's only 10 though.:teeth:
tc, kudos to YOU! You've apparently done the parenting thing well!!! I hope I do as well!
I'll let her know she got so many congrats here on the Dis.

My biggest fear is her ability to run her own finances. She's just really bad with money. Stephen is trying to set up a budget for her, and we are looking for a good finance book for her to read. She takes after me, not her dad.
That is great news, TC. Congratulations to your DD and to you and your DH!
Congratulations to you and your daughter, Kelli. I know you are so proud. The children do grow up fast, don't they? I can't believe my oldest will be in 7th grade next year and a "REAL" teenager. :rolleyes: I'm sure your daughter will do a great job. Congrats, again!

Great news! It's so wonderful when God gives us the perfect job for us. I hope she loves her new job! :)


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