Lightspeed ahead to a healthier you! April 2016 WISH challenge... all are welcome!

I feel finally something clicked and I feel happy with my diet & exercise and attitude.

Isn't that the best feeling?! You're going to be surprised at all the amazing things you'll start to notice as a result.

I was sick over the weekend and I weighed myself this morning and gained 1.6 pounds

This probably is due to drinking fluids and retaining water. You also tend to eat more when sick - so you'll even out shortly. Your body is fighting off a disease :)

This past weekend I ran 3.1 miles on both Friday and Sunday - both under 40:00 (my goal I set for my first 5k on May 7th)

You're going to rock that 5K. I'm super excited for you and your time goals -- running with others will definitely make you go faster.


YESSSS. That is so amazing. Do you presently live in the city or will you be searching for places to live? I ended up living in the New Yorker hotel in their student dorms when I did my internship 10 years ago.

My ME luggage tag came a couple days ago :)! The past few trips I've forgotten to put in my flights and had to retrieve my own bag, no big deal but it'll be an extra treat to not have to wrestle with my extra large bag, stuffed full of all my new clothing!

YEAH! One of the perks of staying on property for sure. One more thing to get excited over as you count down the days to your vacation.

As for my Woohoo... well, I'm not very woohoo-ey today being in post-vacation funk. Tokyo Disney is all they say and more. I cried big sobbing tears getting on the train back to Tokyo. What was a "once in a lifetime trip" has now become "when can we go back?" So woohoo for the experience for sure, but being in the real world now is kicking my butt Haha! Oh! Not to mention the scale was NOT nice this morning at all despite the fact that I ate like a bird in Japan (good food, but WAY too busy to eat!) and was averaging 25,000 step days.... I think Disneyland CA did me in (Steakhouse 55, the Mexican place and the Jazz place downtown....). Oh well--Now I got to get back in gear to get back to where I was!

I just wanted to say that I felt like I was on vacation with you with the awesome photos posted to Instagram. It looked like you had a fabulous time! :D
My gym time is going well. My friend's other half doesn't get home until 7pm or later on Mondays and Thursdays so I'm on my own if I go those days. I chose to take a rest day Monday after a lot of hard workouts on weekend. I will be going Thursday by myself though. I was there two hours last night. My friend and I did 30 minutes on the stationary bikes. I did 5 minutes on the rowing machine while she was in the bathroom and then started two arm machines before we went on the treadmill for a bit. I decided to push to the mile when I saw I was at .7 before the 15 minutes I had said I'd do. Finished the mile at 23 minutes. Then went on to finish the arm circuit. I'll probably go on following Mondays alone too. At least for a 30 minute treadmill walk but I'll adjust my lifting schedule. I may do more of the lifting on Mondays and Thursdays so I can stick with my friend on Cardio. She seems afraid of the arm machines. She tried a couple. I have a feeling she's afraid of making her arms bigger. hehe I told her I just want to keep as much lean muscle through the losing phase. I think she'll warm up to it. This is her first time in a gym membership. She had a stationary bike and treadmill before though at home.

I'm feeling sore in the good ways. And my endurance has already increased as I could tell on treadmill portion of last nights workout. I kept at 3.0 mph for a lot more time. I may be soon getting 2 miles a session. I did 1.4 miles Friday with my friend in 32:16 but that was up and down on speed completely flat. Saturday was less but I did some hill intervals. I thought the interval programs would be slower and then fast but I was wrong. LOL It does remember though if you go faster and slower which is nice.

Not sure what the scale will say Friday morning. I'm hoping down from last Friday but I know TOM is on the way and I'm retaining and bloating so it might not be the best weigh in. But the next Friday I'm thinking will be awesome. Especially if I keep the MFP tracking the way it was yesterday.
YESSSS. That is so amazing. Do you presently live in the city or will you be searching for places to live? I ended up living in the New Yorker hotel in their student dorms when I did my internship 10 years ago.
I currently am in the DC area so the housing hunt will surely begin soon! :goodvibes I'm equal parts excited and terrified about that process. I'm going to be there for 2 years and am in my late 20's (already have my BA) and living with my boyfriend so I'll probably have to pass on the dorms but MAN they look nice!
Woohoo Wednesday...

Friends. I have a totally hugely major woohoo.... I GOT INTO MY GRAPHIC DESIGN PROGRAM. NEW YORK CITY HERE I COME!!!!! :dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer:

Sorry for the large text and excessive use of the dancin' dudes. I pretty much am unable to contain my excitement. Found out last night. And now I need to tell my work. My boss left for a month-long trip last night so it looks like I'm going to have to tell him over the phone. Ugh wish me luck on that one :dance3:

BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!! So glad it worked out the way you wanted - of course you should be excited :D
Just a quick hit-and-run for me...

Good morning and welcome to one of my FAVORITE days of the week!

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Share something that made you say "WOOHOO" in the past 7 days!!.....................P

I went to the eye doctor today for the first time in almost 3 years (I know, I should go more often ... it was a mix of busy and insurance issues), and my contact lens prescription didn't change! I went through a period of a few years where my prescription changed with every visit, so it's good to know that my eyesight isn't getting significantly worse. WooHoo!
My glasses prescription did change a bit, but not much. And I did need to get fitted for new contact lenses because they don't make my old ones anymore, but the new ones she gave me seem great so far (even more comfortable than the old ones), which is nice, especially because when I first got my lenses, I had to go through 4-5 brands to find ones that were comfortable. So overall, a good visit to the eye doctor!
Plus, my new lenses are monthly (my old ones were 14-day lenses), so I don't have to change them as often, which is great.
BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!! So glad it worked out the way you wanted - of course you should be excited :D

Thank you so very much! :cloud9:

I went to the eye doctor today for the first time in almost 3 years (I know, I should go more often ... it was a mix of busy and insurance issues), and my contact lens prescription didn't change! I went through a period of a few years where my prescription changed with every visit, so it's good to know that my eyesight isn't getting significantly worse. WooHoo!
My glasses prescription did change a bit, but not much. And I did need to get fitted for new contact lenses because they don't make my old ones anymore, but the new ones she gave me seem great so far (even more comfortable than the old ones), which is nice, especially because when I first got my lenses, I had to go through 4-5 brands to find ones that were comfortable. So overall, a good visit to the eye doctor!
Plus, my new lenses are monthly (my old ones were 14-day lenses), so I don't have to change them as often, which is great.

Woohoo! My eye doctor NEVER let me get more refills on my contacts unless I came in yearly - it was such a pain, so lucky you! My eyes have also not changed in years and I'm scheduled for Lasik next month :cheer2:
Good morning all and welcome to your QOTD for Tuesday, April 26, 2016:

I really loved the responses to this style QOTD last week.... so I claim the right for a repeat (even thought it is totally not SW related)!!

sci-Fi film or chick flick
depends on mood, overall probalby sci fi film

sunglasses or hat
Sunglasses its a rare day indeed if I go out in the sunlight without sunglasses. I rarely/never wear hats.

oatmeal or eggs

swim or hike
Swim I'd love hiking if I knew 100% I would not meet a rattlesnake

Anakin or Luke

Facebook or Pinterest
Instagram LOL I'd have to say Facebook though I'm getting rather apathetic towards it

chicken or fish

walking or weight training
weight training
rock or rap
Mickey or Donald
romantic or realist
museum day or hiking day
museum day
organized or clutter bug
organized but I can be clutter bug too
traditional or modern
dancer or singer (i.e..... if I were to watch a hidden camera of your house, would I be more likely to find you dancing alone or singing at the top of your lungs??)
Definitely singing. I can't dance and rarely do.

white potato or sweet potato
white potato slightly I love both
Coke or Pepsi
Coke would be choice, cherry coke actually but of course its rare treat.
car or truck
car though I do love driving my brothers F150 I don't think I'd want that gas prices.
Woohoo! My eye doctor NEVER let me get more refills on my contacts unless I came in yearly - it was such a pain, so lucky you! My eyes have also not changed in years and I'm scheduled for Lasik next month :cheer2:

I order my lenses online. I figured out that I can order the lenses when my old eye doctor's office is closed (they close early on Fridays usually), and if nobody at the doctor's office is there to verify that the prescription is current, they send me the lenses anyway. I'm planning to order these lenses online too, but at least now I have a valid prescription on file so that if they call the doctor's office, they can verify it.
Good luck with the Lasik - I hope it goes well!
Finally getting a chance to sit down and relax. My wife is back in DC for work until Saturday so I'm solo with the kids. I don't know how single parents do it! It was my daughter's observation night for her ballet and tap classes and I had to pick up her costumes for her upcoming recital.

I went the easy route and picked up McDonald's for dinner. I ended up just grabbing an Egg McMuffin and I only stole 2 french fries. Not bad, but I'm worried about eating well until she gets back vs grabbing the quick/easy meal. Also, didn't get a chance to workout today, but hopefully my 25,000 steps will be enough to keep me from gaining pounds.
Good morning!! Welcome to your QOTD for Thursday April 28, 2016:

darth diet.jpg

We all know that along with watching our carbs and/or calories, we need to watch our NUTRITION levels. Some plans/diets do a better job helping us with this than others. How are YOU making sure that you get what you need, every day (protein, carbs, macronutrients, etc)? Do you track these things?
We all know that along with watching our carbs and/or calories, we need to watch our NUTRITION levels. Some plans/diets do a better job helping us with this than others. How are YOU making sure that you get what you need, every day (protein, carbs, macronutrients, etc)? Do you track these things?

I have been using the free MFP - I find it good to help me see the overall calorie intake and where I go wrong to tip me over. After my disappointing trip to the dietician I began looking for another tool that could help me track if I was eating the recommended intake of vegetables, fruit, dairy etc.... The Australian government site for this had recommendations about the amount to eat but was a bit vague on how much to eat to lose weight - it also had limited tools. I was looking something that was really going to help me plan meals and easily see if I was hitting those food groups each day. I did some more googling and the USDA site popped up with quite a few tools on it - I registered (free) for their Supertracker you can personalise it by entering your weight, age etc then you can either choose a goal weight or a calorie limit. I like the very visual graphs it gives me when I enter a food and it shows me what percentage for the that food group I am in for the day. You also enter your activity. You can generate reports on a range of things - I really like the nutrition one it shows you the recommended intake, your actual intake, and a column on the end that gives your result in simple - over, under or OK. The limitation I find with it is that the food database is a bit limited compared to MFP it doesn't give you brand names etc more general like orange juice, bottled/canned etc - but for now I am finding it helpful. The big areas I am lacking is dairy and grains - but also seeing in black and white the lack of iron and vitamin b12 in my diet - even on days when I am eating healthfully - I still tend to show up low in those areas - so this will prompt me to look for food options rich in those nutrients to add my diet.
I feel great! I feel finally something clicked and I feel happy with my diet & exercise and attitude. We have a holiday in July to all inclusive theme park in Spain. Not sure if All Inclusive is popular in US (I think not) but it's all you can eat & drink in the hotel including alcohol and also one meal a day in the theme park. Usually I will be freaking out about what if I eat too much! I am not remotely concerned, I am well able to make reasonable food choices and stay on track :)

That sounds terrific..... you are prepared for healthy choices, no matter what comes your way!! Have fun!

My woohoo for this week. It has not been a great week. I was sick over the weekend and I weighed myself this morning and gained 1.6 pounds. I am sure most of that is from having Chipolte for lunch. I also think that some could be coming from the new pills the doctor put me on on Monday to help fix the issue I had at the beginning of the month. The next few days I will really watch what I eat and will have good works. I am hoping that by Friday I ill be back down.

I guess my big WooHoo for this week is that at work we just finished selecting close to 400 students for a scholarship. It is really the best part of my job.

Sorry you haven't been feeling well.... like other said, the weight gain is probably temporary from the illness/meds, so don't lose heart!


- I've had a pretty good week weight wise - I've lost 5 lbs since last Thursday. I'm 1/2 pound away from my goal for April.

- This past weekend I ran 3.1 miles on both Friday and Sunday - both under 40:00 (my goal I set for my first 5k on May 7th).

- Only 17 school days left in the year. I'll be out for two of them and one is a field trip day, so really just 14 regular school days left for me. Summer is so close!

I see a 100% report in your future!! WOOHOO on 17 school days left! When I return after this vacation we have 28 days left.... grrr. But that includes a field day and probably a movie day.

Woohoo Wednesday!

So last night I bit the bullet and did something that I never thought I'd do...I got all my hair cut off! For those of you who follow along on IG I'll probably post a picture today. It's an adjustment for sure but it's really cute. This is a woohoo because before losing weight I would have never left my face so "vulnerable". But I've been toying with this idea for a while so last night I decided to go for it.

So brave! I'll have to check out Instgram today!! Woohoo for a FUN change!

Woohoo Wednesday...

Friends. I have a totally hugely major woohoo.... I GOT INTO MY GRAPHIC DESIGN PROGRAM. NEW YORK CITY HERE I COME!!!!! :dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer:

Sorry for the large text and excessive use of the dancin' dudes. I pretty much am unable to contain my excitement. Found out last night. And now I need to tell my work. My boss left for a month-long trip last night so it looks like I'm going to have to tell him over the phone. Ugh wish me luck on that one :dance3:

Major, huge, ENORMOUS congratulations on this LIFE CHANGING adventure coming your way!!

Wahoo Wednesday... This has been a tough, very high point week so far and it is showing on the scale, but this morning I was down a little bit which is good, even tho it is still up from where I started the week.

I have been so sore from gardening that I was starting to think I may have actually injured some muscles and was concerned about Pilates last night. But I was able to do everything and by the end of class wasn't even sore any longer. I am stiffer this morning, but definitely on the mend, so wahoo!

My ME luggage tag came a couple days ago :)! The past few trips I've forgotten to put in my flights and had to retrieve my own bag, no big deal but it'll be an extra treat to not have to wrestle with my extra large bag, stuffed full of all my new clothing!

I've decided to change the day of my 4 park challenge, based on the weather forecast, and am actually thinking of shifting some other things around as well... All super fun pre-trip stuff!

Have a happy and healthful Wednesday everyone!

Woohoo on the upcoming trip! I've never done the 4 parks/1 day challenge.... DD and I did end up doing 3 parks/1 day thing on our last trip.... not intentionally, but in an effort to hit a few rides we missed earlier in the trip. It was crazy and FUN!

Hi everyone! I'm back from our trip and have actually managed to scan through all the replies on here to see what all I missed. @JacknSally That's awesome about the Disney Store job-- I hope you get it! And I SOOOOO feel your pain on DVC rentals. More than once I've had my hopes up to find no availability :-( But I am sure you will have a wonderful time no matter what because DISNEY! @tortilla24 CONGRATULATIONS!!!

As for my Woohoo... well, I'm not very woohoo-ey today being in post-vacation funk. Tokyo Disney is all they say and more. I cried big sobbing tears getting on the train back to Tokyo. What was a "once in a lifetime trip" has now become "when can we go back?" So woohoo for the experience for sure, but being in the real world now is kicking my butt Haha! Oh! Not to mention the scale was NOT nice this morning at all despite the fact that I ate like a bird in Japan (good food, but WAY too busy to eat!) and was averaging 25,000 step days.... I think Disneyland CA did me in (Steakhouse 55, the Mexican place and the Jazz place downtown....). Oh well--Now I got to get back in gear to get back to where I was!

I LOVED all of the pictures you were sharing!!! They were terrific and it does look like the trip of a lifetime!!

Thank you for the well wishes! I followed your trip on Instagram - can I just say you are ADORABLE??? And it looked like you had SO MUCH FUN! Thank you for posting photos while you were there! I've found the best cure for PDD (post-Disney depression) is to plan another trip ASAP ;-)

My woohoo isn't much, but I went by The Disney Store yesterday. It's been about a week since I applied online, and yesterday I just popped by to introduce myself to the manager face-to-face and give her a hardcopy of my resume and cover letter. Hoping that little extra might set my application apart from others who might've only applied online and never followed up. I know I only applied a week ago but the job posting has been up since March 5 so I don't know how much longer they might be looking, if they actually still are. Sigh. I hate job searches. But anyway, the woohoo about it is my anxiety was pretty bad the whole time but I did it anyway.

SO proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and doing that!! I can totally relate.... I usually need someone (like DD) practically PUSHING me to get myself out there!

My gym time is going well. My friend's other half doesn't get home until 7pm or later on Mondays and Thursdays so I'm on my own if I go those days. I chose to take a rest day Monday after a lot of hard workouts on weekend. I will be going Thursday by myself though. I was there two hours last night. My friend and I did 30 minutes on the stationary bikes. I did 5 minutes on the rowing machine while she was in the bathroom and then started two arm machines before we went on the treadmill for a bit. I decided to push to the mile when I saw I was at .7 before the 15 minutes I had said I'd do. Finished the mile at 23 minutes. Then went on to finish the arm circuit. I'll probably go on following Mondays alone too. At least for a 30 minute treadmill walk but I'll adjust my lifting schedule. I may do more of the lifting on Mondays and Thursdays so I can stick with my friend on Cardio. She seems afraid of the arm machines. She tried a couple. I have a feeling she's afraid of making her arms bigger. hehe I told her I just want to keep as much lean muscle through the losing phase. I think she'll warm up to it. This is her first time in a gym membership. She had a stationary bike and treadmill before though at home.

I'm feeling sore in the good ways. And my endurance has already increased as I could tell on treadmill portion of last nights workout. I kept at 3.0 mph for a lot more time. I may be soon getting 2 miles a session. I did 1.4 miles Friday with my friend in 32:16 but that was up and down on speed completely flat. Saturday was less but I did some hill intervals. I thought the interval programs would be slower and then fast but I was wrong. LOL It does remember though if you go faster and slower which is nice.

Not sure what the scale will say Friday morning. I'm hoping down from last Friday but I know TOM is on the way and I'm retaining and bloating so it might not be the best weigh in. But the next Friday I'm thinking will be awesome. Especially if I keep the MFP tracking the way it was yesterday.

WOOHOO on some great sounding workouts!!

Just a quick hit-and-run for me...

I went to the eye doctor today for the first time in almost 3 years (I know, I should go more often ... it was a mix of busy and insurance issues), and my contact lens prescription didn't change! I went through a period of a few years where my prescription changed with every visit, so it's good to know that my eyesight isn't getting significantly worse. WooHoo!
My glasses prescription did change a bit, but not much. And I did need to get fitted for new contact lenses because they don't make my old ones anymore, but the new ones she gave me seem great so far (even more comfortable than the old ones), which is nice, especially because when I first got my lenses, I had to go through 4-5 brands to find ones that were comfortable. So overall, a good visit to the eye doctor!
Plus, my new lenses are monthly (my old ones were 14-day lenses), so I don't have to change them as often, which is great.

Good for you for taking care of your eyes! And double woohoo on the new contacts! I was diagnosed a few weeks ago with "contact-lens-overuse-diagnosis" and haven't worn my contacts for nearly 3 weeks.... I HATE wearing my glasses and cannot WAIT to get back to my contacts!


Good morning friends!! My April vacation is winding down..... and other than Memorial Day weekend, this is IT for an 'official' break for me until the school year ends (although I am requesting a few days off in May to help DD get moved at the end of the semester). I got a bunch of housework and laundry done yesterday before my Mom came for a visit, so at least I'm feeling like the house is in good shape, but I had planned to spend a few days here and there doing some decluttering and that hasn't happened. Oh well.

DS seems to be on the verge of making his college decision and he is leaning toward the most local school, so I'm excited about that! Just waiting for an email from the appeals committee on his other choice to see if they offer any more money.

Off to visit with my Mom while she is here! TTYL...............P
I order my lenses online. I figured out that I can order the lenses when my old eye doctor's office is closed (they close early on Fridays usually), and if nobody at the doctor's office is there to verify that the prescription is current, they send me the lenses anyway. I'm planning to order these lenses online too, but at least now I have a valid prescription on file so that if they call the doctor's office, they can verify it.
Good luck with the Lasik - I hope it goes well!
Thanks! :goodvibes I order online too but they would never budge after the 1 year mark unless I had a prescription. Drove me nuts!

We all know that along with watching our carbs and/or calories, we need to watch our NUTRITION levels. Some plans/diets do a better job helping us with this than others. How are YOU making sure that you get what you need, every day (protein, carbs, macronutrients, etc)? Do you track these things?

Hmmm QOTD: I used to use MFP but I honestly felt like I was becoming a slave to the app. So I use my instagram account to see my nutrition at a glance, so to speak.

Major, huge, ENORMOUS congratulations on this LIFE CHANGING adventure coming your way!!

Thank you!!! :hug:
Good morning!! Welcome to your QOTD for Thursday April 28, 2016:

View attachment 164971

We all know that along with watching our carbs and/or calories, we need to watch our NUTRITION levels. Some plans/diets do a better job helping us with this than others. How are YOU making sure that you get what you need, every day (protein, carbs, macronutrients, etc)? Do you track these things?
What a timely question! Yesterday I consumed so many points I think I'd have to go without food for several days to get back on track. I wasn't even going to get on the scale this morning, then decided to own it and sure enough everything I ate was reflected in the number. And very little of what I ate had nutritional value... If I had gotten something nutritional in me sooner it may have helped.

This morning I'm having Starbucks oatmeal (with all the toppings) to get something substantial in my belly. Of course I'm also having my Chai, so about half my daily points are already gone. We're having a team potluck at lunch and I'm going to pick and choose solely on nutrition not points. I've got to get my head back in the game and have a solid week next week.

The one bright spot is that I've been getting around 15,000 steps in each day this week.
We all know that along with watching our carbs and/or calories, we need to watch our NUTRITION levels. Some plans/diets do a better job helping us with this than others. How are YOU making sure that you get what you need, every day (protein, carbs, macronutrients, etc)? Do you track these things?

I look at the info on mfp - they recommend 50% of carbs, 30% of fat, and 20% of protein. I try to keep my carbs a little lower - more around the 40% and I try to increase my protein to closer to 30%. It's to the point now where if I know if I have oatmeal in the morning that has a lot of carbs, I need to eat low carbs for my other meals. The main thing I'm looking at is calories, but it's still interesting to see the other numbers.

I also look at sodium, because I used to be over their recommendation by a lot every day, but that has gotten better.
Good morning!! Welcome to your QOTD for Thursday April 28, 2016:

View attachment 164971

We all know that along with watching our carbs and/or calories, we need to watch our NUTRITION levels. Some plans/diets do a better job helping us with this than others. How are YOU making sure that you get what you need, every day (protein, carbs, macronutrients, etc)? Do you track these things?
Sorry everyone, I think this is the first time this week that I've even checked this thread. Sorry for being MIA. Busy, busy week (work and volunteer stuff)

I have to say, I don't do this. I know I should, but I feel like my brain can only handle so many "food" topics. I use MFP and it tells me what I'm eating and it has those helpful pop ups that say - "this has a lot of protein" or "this has a lot of Vitamin C" or whatever, but I do not choose foods based upon nutrition (aside from lower carb, lower sugar, etc). Some things (like calcium) I always get enough of, but other things (like fiber) I don't often get enough of. In fact, I have no idea how people eat as much fiber as "they" want you to eat.
We all know that along with watching our carbs and/or calories, we need to watch our NUTRITION levels. Some plans/diets do a better job helping us with this than others. How are YOU making sure that you get what you need, every day (protein, carbs, macronutrients, etc)? Do you track these things?

When I do remember to track things in MFP (which I've kinda failed at lately, but I'm making an effort to do better after Passover ends in a few days), I sometimes look at the nutrients, but not often. I think I was better at paying attention to nutrients when I was using SparkPeople to track. But I kinda like the MFP interface more, so I think I will try to be more conscious of the nutrient breakdown. If I really have trouble paying attention to that on MFP, then I'll switch back to SparkPeople.
Good morning!! Welcome to your QOTD for Thursday April 28, 2016:

View attachment 164971

We all know that along with watching our carbs and/or calories, we need to watch our NUTRITION levels. Some plans/diets do a better job helping us with this than others. How are YOU making sure that you get what you need, every day (protein, carbs, macronutrients, etc)? Do you track these things?

I'm not as good at it as I should be. I track in MFP (usually) and I do see it every day, but as of right now, I really don't plan meals or snacks around it. I might try to get to that point, but right now, I'm just trying to stay in my calorie range each day.


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