Lilo & Stitch: is it a "love it" or "hate it?"


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May 31, 2000
I took some time out this morning to read some of the early reviews of Lilo and Stitch - it seems like so far the critics either really, really love it or really hate it. Here are some links:

These are only early reviews, mostly from little known critics. It was interesting though that some described the films as "The best Disney movie since (insert a liked movie here)" and others described it as "The worst Disney movie since (insert a disliked movie here)." Also interesting, a couple note how wonderful the water color backgrounds are, whereas another notes that the backgrounds look cheap and cheesy as if "drawn with crayons." A couple make the obvious ET comparison. I'm feeling sort of cautious though, because I suspect the one that really hated it is trying to impress with his kewlness (rated L&S a 1.5 and Scooby Doo a 3/4). I'll be interested to read the opinions when the big dogs wiegh in.


As a PS, there is an interesting article about L&S in today's USA today:

I found the quote from Kratzenberg interesting -

"Traditional animation as it existed in the 20th century is in the 20th century," he says. "We're in the 21st century, and we're going to continue to push it into being competitive in today's world. I'm not holding onto something for emotional reasons. What happens with Lilo & Stitch is not relevant to me. We don't make those anymore."
It will Darn Well be relevent to him if it does well, because his 21st century movie did NOT do well.
This one's going to be a tough call. RottenTomatoes is around 75%, but only at 50% with the 'Cream of the Crop' reviewers.

I did a check at and saw these quotes at the bottom of the page:

Atlanta Journal-Constitution - "...a kiddie movie in need of some Ritalin -- and a decent script." - C
Chicago Tribune - "...seems diluted and too derivative to be as effective as one wants it to be." - B-
Cincinnati Enquirer - " animated charmer of a comedy..." - B - "...the music is uninspired and the animation is generic." - C-

Not exactly the kind of reviews that make me want to run out and see it, however I think I'm still going to give it a chance this weekend.
I'm going to go see it tonight Johare, I have high hopes, despite the handful of negative reviews. I'm pretty sure I don't agree with the guy from, in terms of taste, from other reviews they've written (this is the one that gave scoobey doo 3 of 4 stars; I thought Scooby was OK, but if L&S is only 1/2 as good as Scooby, whoah, it is going to be a long night at the theatre).

It really does seem to be turning out that the reviewers love it or hate it - we are going to go see it tonight, so I'll let you know what we think - I'm really interested in what you will think Johare - to encourage you to go see it I'll c & P in some other reveiws.

"Too long on slick, too short on magic." -- David Elliott, SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE

"When it's good, it's very, very good, but when it's bad, it's horrid." -- Eleanor Ringel Gillespie, ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION

"Much of it seems a little sad, a deconstructivist overlay of jaded irony." -- Rick Groen, GLOBE AND MAIL

"A well-lubricated toxic waste machine that ingests and regurgitates as much slime as its cynical title character."

"Any of TV animator Jay Ward's five-minute Fractured Fairy Tales has more laughs than you get here."
-- Dave White, IFILM

"isn't clever or smart. It just wants you to think it is, through wink after wink after wink." -- Robert Wilonsky, NEW TIMES LOS ANGELES

OH Wait!! THOSE were from reviews of SHREK!!@ SORRY!! :):):);)

HERE are some more reviews of Lilo and Stitch that might help push you to the theater -

New York Post "An utter delight"

New York Daily News "Sweet and Sassy"

USA Today - "As Elvis might put it, you can't help falling in love with Lilo & Stitch"

New York Times - "an example of quiet, confident craftsmanship that tells a sweet, charming tale of intergalactic friendship"

Premiere magazine- "The film is a real gift - both a treat for family audiences and a treasure trove for animation buffs. "

Time Magazine - "Lilo & Stitch is lighter, bouncier, loads more fun. So let's predict that this new Disney film will be an old-fashioned, hand-drawn hit. "

LA Times - "A very charming and funny movie."

Chicago Sun-Times - " It's one of the most charming feature-length cartoons of recent years--funny, sassy, startling, original and with six songs by Elvis. It doesn't get sickeningly sweet at the end, it has as much stuff in it for grown-ups as for kids, and it has a bright offbeat look to it. "

And as for the "Homers"...

Orlando Sentinal - "It's sweet. It's funny. It wears its heart on the sleeve of its gaudy Hawaiian shirt. And, thanks to the presence of 'the King,' it also rocks."

Honolulu Star-Bulletin "a charming and endearing movie and certainly one of the more accurate and respectful presentations of Hawaiian culture by a Hollywood studio."

I hope those make you more interested because I'm curious about what your opinion-

i go to the movies every week sometimes two. i dont look at what reviewers say. alot of the times they have lost ouch with reality and or are trying to look so deep into the movie they fall in. whatever. i use my own judgment. minority report is on the top of my list for today and next week ill catch a matinee of L&S.

I just cant go by the reviewers. how many times have they been wrong at first and then the movie in the future becomes a cult classic.

I mean i do read reviews but dont just take their word for it. lately they have been on the ball as there have been no good movies out in awhile. I mean solid good movies that explain everything. a movie that takes time and develops.

One bad thing is all these trailers are really screwing up movies bad.
Well, All my Geek friends at the Star Wars Boards are Excited about it, except for one that thinks Stitch sounds too much like Jar JAr. :p

I've seens some absolutly stellar reviews.
well YOHO as long as stitch can handle a light saber better then Lee it should be o.k.

well you know what maybe stitch could be Yoda's offspring?
OH Wait!! THOSE were from reviews of SHREK!!@ SORRY!!
Do you know what some of these same sources have to say about L&S?

MATINEE MAGAZINE - "Unless Disney's little stepbrother Miramax can whip together something to outdo it, this year's prize for most misleading ad campaign goes to the marketing apparatchiks responsible for the studio's new animated feature, Lilo & Stitch"
or "Easily the most ticklishly drawn and designed Disney character in years, little Stitch" or "It sinks to desperation by crutching itself unsteadily on The Ugly Duckling in order to drive its derivative points home."

ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION - "A kiddie movie in need of some Ritalin -- and a decent script."

SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE - "Energetic, even hyper, the story is so slight that describing it would ruin it. "

About 1 out of every 10 reviews for Shrek was negative, L&S on the other hand seems to get 1 bad review for every 2 good ones. Do you think L&S has a chance to break any box office records like Shrek? How about an Oscar? :D

Anyway, I don't usually go by what the reviewers say when I decide to see a movie so I still plan on seeing this one. I'll probably try to get ahold of a copy for 'home viewing' first and if it looks good enough I'll take the kids out to see it on Sunday or Monday.
Johare, maybe not a box office record (which one does Shrek hold, by the way?) But, an Oscar... maybe. It will be up against Ice Age, Spirit, Treasure Planet, Return to Neverland, Powerpuff Girls, and Hey Arnold. I'd say it stands a really good chance.

d-r, you thought Scooby was "ok"??? I thought it was awful. If not for SMG and the periodic cutie in a bathing suit, I might have killed myself.
I have never seen the whole Shrek movie, but for the people who insult it dont you think disney would be elated if their new release makes half of what Shrek made, and a oscar to boot??? or even the money that Ice Age made.
Disney's animated movies have been flops for the past several years(and pixar movies arent disney movies!!) the Wall St Journal had a good article about it this week, and even how disney put less stripes on the shirts of Nani to save money on this movie.
Johare, maybe not a box office record (which one does Shrek hold, by the way?)
I think it had some record setting weekends which have since been exceeded. It is only 2nd to Lion King in animated box office take and the #1 CGI animated box office film. I believe Shrek also set records for DVD sales.

But, an Oscar... maybe. It will be up against Ice Age, Spirit, Treasure Planet, Return to Neverland, Powerpuff Girls, and Hey Arnold
You may be right on this one. Pretty lame competition. Last year was a much better year with Shrek, Monsters Inc. and even Jimmy Neutron. From your list I think it may come down to Ice Age and L&S with Spirit having a slight chance as a longshot.

d-r, you thought Scooby was "ok"??? I thought it was awful. If not for SMG and the periodic cutie in a bathing suit, I might have killed myself.
I thought Scooby was ok too...not great, maybe not even good, but ok. My boys really seemed to enjoy it, especially a couple of the 'potty humor' scenes and if you watched the cartoon regular it was sort of interesting seeing the characters come to life. They at least seemed to do a pretty decent job of casting.
I realize its apples to oranges, but Attack of the CLones has already whipped by Shrek in the box office.
Top grossing animated films, ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION (with position on overall adjusted list).

9 - The Jungle Book
10 - Snow White
12 - 101 Dalmations
21 - Fantasia
26 - The Lion King
29 - Sleeping Beauty
32 - Bambi
38 - Pinocchio
60 - Lady and the Tramp
74 - Aladdin
84 - Toy Story 2
87 - Shrek
92 - Peter Pan
95 - Monsters, Inc.
99 - Toy Story

So yes, Shrek was a big success, and it makes great "copy" to throw around phrases like "2nd only to The Lion King", but we should know better around here.
Perhaps we should know better around here...'adjusted for inflation' numbers are not any more meaningful than just using the raw numbers. When some of the early films like Snow White and Pinnochio came out there was not nearly as much competition for the entertainment dollar as there is today. There was no cable TV (and maybe even no TV), video games, etc.... and it was likely that there wasn't even much competition in a given year for animated films. In some ways a dollar spent on a movie today should count for more than it did years ago because there are many more choices where that dollar can be spent.

Also, most people here should be more concerned with recent numbers as those are what is important to companies like Disney and Dreamworks. So, "2nd to Lion King", "1st in CGI animated", etc... make more than great "copy"...they are very valid statements and make every bit as much sense as the 'adjusted for inflation' totals.
Originally posted by johare
Do you know what some of these same sources have to say about L&S? point was that one does not always agree with every critic...

About 1 out of every 10 reviews for Shrek was negative, L&S on the other hand seems to get 1 bad review for every 2 good ones.

rottentomatoes now shows l&s at 81%, with 46 fresh, 11 rotten. FWIW Shrek currently has 89% with 125 fresh, 16 rotten (not dure how many of the 125 had 20/20 hindsight).

So far, not that different really. Wouldn't be statistically significant difference so far. The audience reaction will influence where it goes from here.

Do you think L&S has a chance to break any box office records like Shrek? How about an Oscar? :D

haven't seen it, so don't know - hope so though b/c i am seeing it. RE: Oscar - obviously they don't ask me, so my opinion about that doesn't matter much.

Anyway, I don't usually go by what the reviewers say when I decide to see a movie so I still plan on seeing this one. I'll probably try to get ahold of a copy for 'home viewing' first and if it looks good enough I'll take the kids out to see it on Sunday or Monday.

you know, i was hoping you'd get excited enough to take your kids to the theatre instead of pirating it. Just don't come back complaining about the quality of the bootlegged copy please - i was looking forward to reading your opinion but i won't give it a lot of weight if your first impression is based on a bootleg download.


ps i edited b/c i didn't like my tone - didn't mean to sound so snappy.
Originally posted by gcurling

d-r, you thought Scooby was "ok"??? I thought it was awful. If not for SMG and the periodic cutie in a bathing suit, I might have killed myself.

I thought it was "OK" =- there were some things i hated of course, but I really lked shaggy, there were a couple of decent jokes, and my expectations weren't high at all.
'adjusted for inflation' numbers are not any more meaningful than just using the raw numbers.

Unadjusted top 10:

Star Wars
Phantom Menace
Jurassic Park
Forrest Gump
Harry Potter
Lion King
Lord of the Rings

Adjusted top 10:

Gone with the Wind
Star Wars
The Sound of Music
Ten Commandments
Doctor Zhivago
Jungle Book
Snow White

Are you honestly saying that the popularity of these movies is better represented in the unadjusted list?

On an unadjusted list, Gone with the Wind ranks #42, barely ahead of Pearl Harbor, at #43. Shrek is at #17, ahead of #18 Jaws. No way this is a better representation of the popularity of these movies. (Note- this has nothing to do with which films are "better")


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