Linda's goal = Lose wt + 1/2 marathon 09(encouragement welcome)

:hug: Linda....I'm sorry to hear about your pains. SI joint is a bear...I know that too well :(. Matter of fact my back and SI joint have been giving me fits lately too. Not sure what THAT'S all about??? :confused3 My weekly trips to the chiro seem to keep me untwisted though. So it hasn't affected training at all. fears are that you might be overtraining a bit. Doing a lot of back to back running and elliptical, etc. That's really hard as the miles build up. I think you are doing great and have come SOOOO far....SOOOO fast. Just please be careful of that injury bug. I went full out last year and really had a brutal winter. So...listen to your body and take a few days off. I'm serious about that. Maybe rest a few days then ease back in. That heaviness you are feeling is just a sign of muscle fatigue. Maybe keep walking...because sometimes lack of movement makes everything worse. But allow yourself a few more days rest from the run and try it again later in the week.

Make sure you are icing too :). Keep us posted...would love to hear how you are feeling this week!!!
Hi Linda :)

I agree...could very well be overtraining, just pushing yourself a bit too much. Just take care of yourself and you'll be back to those 6 milers in no time. It happens to everyone who runs...just be smart with everything to prevent any serious injury.

Oh and have you ever checked out or They can assist you greatly with finding a 3.1 mile loop in your 'hood...I've found their distances to be very accurate (and it saves on the gas!)

Have a good day!
Oh Boy Amy and Scott,
You just missed me- I just came back from a 6 miler,felt good,went slow at a 10:47 min mile.No pain at all, no Ibuprofen today either.After my run I did a 30 min ride on my bike. I actually feel great.

You have some very good advice, I did not do anything for 4 days before yesterday.

The last time I had this SI thing I was going to WDW and all the walking actually made it go away.

I will look into that's cool!

Thanks you guys,
Hi Linda. Sorry to hear of your pain, but glad it's gone away today! Great job on the run. Do be careful not to over do it!

My quote today from Runner's World said "The truth is that running hurts." For some of us true! :sad2: Be careful so you stay injury free!!!

Hope you have a great day today!
Linda, take it easy and take care of yourself!! Listen to the great advice of the pro's here! LOL Hope you get better soon!
:hug: Linda,

I'm glad you are feeling better. Just keep listening to your body. The last thing you need is a serious injury.

Take care,
Glad to see that the 6 miler was a good one...nice work reacting to your body and adjusting your run accordingly. It's one of the hardest things to do IMO.

Hope all is well with you and that you are still pain free!
It is freezing here already- I am not ready for this!!!!!!!!

Right now I would rather be on the couch than exercising, but spring will be here again and so will shorts so I keep going ;)

I am plateaued at 16 lbs right now but that is OK. I have seen in the past how it is coming off slow but sure.

Today I did the elliptical for 45mins for 2.99 miles and 409 calories then went out for a 3 mile walk and froze.

These 2 10 hour and 1 8 hour shifts are killing me, I don't know how people who work 40 plus hours a week get anything done.It will take some getting used to I suppose.

Hope everyone is doing well, I will catch up later,
Hi Linda,

I hear ya about the cold. We've had snow. Great job getting out there anyway.

Take care,

Made it out today even though Jack Frost is here! I was cancelled at work today so ran before the snow comes later today into tomorrow.

Did 6 miles in 64:46, 10:47 min mile.I like that pace for this distance, I think on Monday I will try 3.1 and increase my speed to see how that will go.

Have a great weekend everyone,
Hi Linda...

GREAT run :goodvibes . You are doing just great. NOTHING wrong with THAT pace :). I'm super impressed!

You asked about sneakers. I'm in LOVE :love: with my Asics Kayano XII. Unfortunately they changed the design when they updated to the XIII and I hated them (gave me blisters...were name it). I also wear Brooks Adrenaline and they are a nice sneaker. But I do prefer the Kayano's slightly. I've been ordering the XII off ebay and anywhere that I can find them right now. Pretty much impossible to find them anymore. I'm hoping Asics makes some changes for the better to the XIV. We'll see :confused3 .

Have a great weekend!!!
Today I thought I would go try 3.1 and see how I did.I was hoping to break a 10 min mile but finished in 10:06.Next time though I think I will start off a little slower and finish strong, I was having a tough time with my breathing for some reason,never got a rhythm going.

I started the weights again this am, need to be more toned in the upper body.The weight is staying off but need to do more.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and Happy Veterans Day!
Hi Linda! Sounds like you're doing AWESOME on your workout!!! Great job girl! Keep it up! :thumbsup2


PS. I have the new NEW Balance 1223 for Stability. My foot is just on the boarder of being a bit wide and I've had good luck w/ the "high end" (interpretation--Expensive! lol! ) New Balances.

Good luck shoe shopping! Is there a Fleet Feet near you? I bought mine from there. Great store! They watch you run/walk and can recommend a few good pair for you. I think you can find them by going to their
Today I ran 3.1 miles in 31:12, a 10:03 min mile.I wanted to be under 10 but OMG the wind was like being in a wind tunnel at certain points in the neighborhood.I could definately feel it pushing me back on the longer straight streets.

Now I am walking with a friend,overall it is real nice out.

Have a great day everyone,
Hi Linda,

You are doing an amazing job with your running. You will be breaking that 10:00 threshold on your 3.1 miles in no time. Today was just the wind.

Have a great time with your friend.
Great pace on that 5K Linda! :thumbsup2 I know you were hoping for a sub 30 ...but it is definitely going to happen. I was just saying that wind is my least favorite condition to run in. It really messes with your time and breathing! No were so close and that is still a great pace!
Wow Linda! Great time on your 3.1!!! How awesome! I'm just hoping to finish the 5K at Disney in Jan in the 45 min time frame!!! lol! Great job!

Today I kicked my own butt and ran my 6 mile route in 61:49, a 10:18 pace.Could it be my new Saucony sneakers I bought? I loved them the first 4 miles or so but then my right foot under my toes started to really hurt like a bad cramp. Maybe I need a support there,otherwise great!

Have a great day everyone!
10:18 KICKS BUTT!!!! have some serious speed in ya! You'll be placing in those 5Ks in no time :). SUPER effort!


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