Lisa's Journal (Life on the "Beach" - Part 2 all the way to goal!)

I know I can always count on you to post to my journal and it's so nice to have someone to get feedback from. I couldn't believe I lost 9 pounds either! I have my 10 pound wish clippie because when I weighed myself this morning I had actually lost a total of 11.5 pounds. It's incredible to me but I'm not questioning it. I'm sure from now on I'll only have modest losses but I really need this for an initial push and to give me confidence that this way of life is right for me.

Glad the water idea helped. I'm on my 6th mug of water today and will probably drink at least one if not two bottles of water at home tonight. You'd wonder that I don't float away!

Have a great week yourself!
WAY TO GO!! :Pinkbounc You are off to a great start Lisa - 11.5 lbs in the first week??? That's incredible!! Keep up the great work, those pounds are gonna be flying off of you. :)
Hi Lisa:wave:

I made it over to read your journal and OMG!, you are doing so incredibly well! Looks like you found a terrific plan with South Beach. I am so happy you are having amazing results and you seem to be enjoying it as well.

You are the new poster girl, my goodness you should be so proud. We can all take notes from you and feed off your enthusiasm. I enjoy reading your upbeat posts and always get a chuckle while reading.

Isnt it great to have your DH doing this with you? My DH and I are also doing this together and it really does help to keep us inspired.

I have GOT to try harder to increase my water like you. On the days that I do get it all in I can feel the difference! Thats my incentive for this week. We leave for our vacation wednesday and fingers are crossed that I can stay focused.

You passed a huge test with being out in a social situation surrounded by foods we shouldnt indulge in. Now you can be confident with each outing that you can continue staying true to your new way of eating.

I have enjoyed your journel and look forward to new entries. Keep up the great work, I am so proud of you!!::yes::
Hi Lisa! :wave2: I've been meaning to read your journal and I finally read it all the way through this morning! What an inspiration you are!! I also love reading your posts - you find a way to keep your sense of humor and I love it!! ::yes::

I'm impressed with your dedication to exercise every day. I've been letting that slide lately, and I can tell the difference! I agree with you that if I do my exercise first thing in the morning it is much easier. The trick is getting out of my comfy bed and into my workout clothes. I try to lay them out the night before so I have no excuse to sleep in.

Your food choices look great and your results are fantastic! 11.5 pounds gone in one week!! :bounce: That's more than 2 of those 5 lb bags of flour! I'd be exhausted if I tried to carry 2 bags of flour everywhere - no wonder you have more energy!

Keep up the great work!! :sunny:
You guys are so great to help me along in my journey. I don't know what is making me so successful but I am grateful for it. I am sick and tired of all this extra weight - I just can't stand it anymore! It is so nice to know that others are on similar paths and we can help each other.

I talked to my mother this morning and she said I was losing weight so fast she was afraid I was going to get "too thin". One of my sisters has nicknamed me "skinny" and she calls me that everytime I see her. I weigh 271 pounds and I wouldn't call that skinny but I am doing my best to get this weight off and no one could be more surprised than me at my success so far. I have a long way to go but I feel that this time I'm going to do it.

Thanks so much for all the support I have received and I just hope I can give some of this back to other WISHers! Everyone have a great afternoon!
December 8, 2003 (Monday) Day 8 on the Beach or "Mama Mia That'sa Gooda Pizza!"

DH and I were invited to watch the Browns game last night at my sister and bil’s house. My husband had been telling me the only thing he was really craving was pizza and he missed it so much. We usually have pizza a couple of times a week and I joked with my husband that if we stay gone too long our local pizza place will be calling us to ask when we’re coming in because they have bills to pay!

Anyway, my bil was providing the beer, pizza, wings and chips so I was concerned about us being able to pass up those tempting items even though we did so good the day before at the gathering. It’s so easy to snack on this type of party food and feel like you really haven’t eaten much at all. I had dinner before we went to their house but hubby decided to wait once I told him he could eat the toppings off the pizza but not the bread. He couldn’t wait to get over there. The one thing I have noticed about low carb/good carb eating is that you can’t let yourself get too hungry (at least that’s the case for me) or you will be tempted to make bad choices. I was afraid that was going to happen to hubby but he pulled through with flying colors. No one even questioned him when he picked the toppings off his pizza and left the bread. I think he ate a couple of wings and took the skin off because they were fried. While the guys were drinking beers, he dutifully drank his diet Pepsi. I was so proud of him!

I was determined not to have the pizza even though it was from my favorite childhood pizza parlor. I should have left the kitchen because it ended up being a losing battle. I carefully picked out the smallest piece left in the box and picked just the toppings off. I don’t remember when I’ve tasted something so heavenly before. It was absolutely delicious. I don’t know, there’s something about this program that makes the foods I put in my mouth taste so good.

DH asked me if we could have a pizza of our own Friday night if we pick off the toppings and I told him we sure could along with big salads. The look on his face was priceless.

B: 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices of bacon, tea with splenda
S: 7 whole almonds
L: grilled sirloin cheeseburger with salad and lf ranch dressing
S: String cheese
D: Several thin slices of roast beef with au jus and mushrooms and spinach with ff fudgesicle for dessert

Oh and I almost forgot, the toppings off one small square of pizza (cheese, 2 small pepperoni and a couple of mushrooms)

30 minutes on exercise bike
6 mugs of water plus 1 of the .5 litres of bottled water

Weight Lost for the Week:
11.5 pounds

That’s a wrap for Monday. We completed our first week of Phase I pretty successfully. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I already reported that I weighed in and what I lost. I still can’t believe it! I hoped to lose 10 pounds during the two week Phase I period so I am already way ahead of the game. I hope to lose 3 more pounds by the end of week two so I will be half way to my first goal of losing 10% body weight. Thanks a bunch to all my WISH buddies out there. You guys just don’t know how priceless your support is to me. I truly do feel I would not be as successful as I am without all your support and encouragement. It helps so much to know there are others out there striving to take off excess weight right along with me.

It’s funny, one of the attorneys in my office knows I’m on SB and she stopped me yesterday asking me about my first week’s progress. I was a little embarrassed for some reason to tell her how much I lost. When I told her 11.5 pounds, she almost jumped on me! She said she was going out to get the book and start Saturday. I told her we could support each other because there is nothing like knowing someone out there has your back if you know what I mean.

A special thanks to Doreen, JessicaR, Kayeandjim00 and of course my water buddy, Lisa, for not only supporting me in spirit but for posting to my journal and sharing your thoughts with me. It means so much!
I am so proud of you! You go girl! You had me laughing when you mentioned how delicious the toppings off that slice of pizza were. After induction, I had a similar experience when I had 1/2 cup of Dreyer's no sugar added ice cream. I think one of the words I used to describe it was decadent! I like ice cream, but I had never considered it decadent. Anyway, I'm really happy for you and I very much admire your dedication. I'm glad you have someone at work that'll be joining you on SB. I have a friend that just started Atkins last week, and she's doing great, as well as another who's doing WW and she's lost over 20 lbs. It's nice to have someone that you see every day that's in the same boat supporting you. I'll check in with you tomorrow.:D
I'm still so impressed with your success! Definitely a motivator!

I have a question - I've heard with SB that the first weight you lose is from around you mid it true? (Right now the only places I've lost inches is around my ankle and calves, through my back and in my face.)

Congrats again and keep on going!

You are doing so great Lisa! You have had a lot of temptations for just getting started on the SBD plan and you've passed them all with flying colors! Your progress is impressive and I think those pounds are going to keep flying off with the determination and enthusiasm you have! Keep up the great work. I'm also going through this journey with my DH and it's so helpful to have each other for support and encouragment not to mention makes cooking much simpler. It sounds like he is just as dedicated as you and that means you'll BOTH be successful and that's wonderful! :Pinkbounc
that is so great that you will have a buddy at your office!!!!!!!.........

my hubby has been with me this year too losing wt..... together we have lost over the time we are done that number should be at least 175#. i love how my hubby and i's bodies fit together now.......i love how our arms can reach around each other and sqeeze even tighter now........another nice benefit.

amazing that your hubby stuck to diet pepsi........mine wouldnt have..but would have brought his own mich ultra.

one week down..........the rest of your life to go!!!!!!!!

proud of you!!!!!!

You go, girl!! :jumping3: You're doin' great!

My DH eats low-carb also and it does make things so much easier!! Now if I could just convert my two teenagers.....:p Well, we're working on it. At least they will see the food choices we're making and they'll know what to do if they see extra pounds creeping on! The example you are setting could be a real beacon of hope for others around you!!

Onward and downward! :sunny:
I feel like I have my own WISH cheering section and that makes this journey so much easier. Thanks everyone for your continued encouraging words. I almost feel like I am watching a movie starring me and I am looking at myself making all the right decisions about food and exercise. I sometimes think to myself, who is this woman doing all the right things? Can't be me. But it is and for the first time in my life I'm not afraid to take off this weight. Having some "issues" from my childhood, I think I used food as a comforter and protector and my weight as a barrier to purposely make myself unattractive. For the first time EVER I am not afraid to take this weight off. Thanks for taking this journey with me.

Lisa - I can't wait to add a little ice cream back to my diet when I'm done with Phase I at the end of this week but I'm a little afraid because I know how overboard I can get with it so I'll be extra careful.

Laurie - yep, just like Dr. A says in his book, that is one of the first places I noticed the weight dropping. In me and in my husband. You should see how his shirts literally are like a tent on him now. He always had a big belly and it's shrinking right before my eyes it seems. I'm wearing an A-line skirt today. I wore it last week and was surprised I could wiggle in it. I was able to put it on comfortably today - no wiggling required! It's a very good feeling.

kayeandjim00 - I think one of the main things that makes this program so easy for me is that my DH is on it with me. Like you said, it makes shopping and preparing meals so much easier.

littleducksmom - how awesome for you and your husband! Over 100 pounds lost - that's just incredible!! I would say DH and I need to lose the same total as you and your DH. We have a long way to go but you and your husband are living proof it can be done. I agree wholeheartedly with what you said regarding the changes in each other's bodies. I hugged my husband the other day and was happy that both my arms fit around his midsection. I don't think that has happened in years! It's a small, silly thing but nice nonetheless. Congratulations on your weight loss so far and keep up the great work!!!!!

Doreen - it's nice having DH along for the ride. My son is another story. He requested Taco Bell for dinner last night and we did pick it up for him on the way back from a meeting. He does eat most of the lc dinners I make (like he has another choice) but he likes them, especially the taco bowls (thanks again Lisa) I make. I hope I am teaching him some good and healthy eating habits for when he goes off to college in a couple of years. A mother can dream, can't she?

Have a wonderful day everyone and no matter which way you picked to take off the weight, let's all stay on program today!
Good morning Lisa! I just got to work and wanted to see how you're doing. If you're a little aprehensive about the ice cream, when you're ready you may want to try Atkins Endulge ice cream, only 4 net carbs. SB is so similar to Atkins that you can try out their products like low carb candy, breakfast bars, etc. The breakfast bars I think are 2 net carbs if I'm not mistaken, 4 at most and we're allowed to have those during induction, so you probably would be safe with those. I don't buy their products too often because they're expensive at my local grocery store. They sell them at Walmart, but I haven't had a chance to get over there. I can't wait to read the next installment of "Lisa's Journal, Life On The Beach!" Have a wonderful low carb day!:D
December 9, 2003 (Tuesday) Day 9 on the Beach or Yummy your salad looks so professional!

I had lunch with a girlfriend I haven’t seen in a while and she bought Chinese and I ate a salad I threw together at the last minute at home. My husband bought thin slices of turkey breast to eat as a snack. Not being a fan of that type of turkey (hey if it doesn’t come with stuffing it ain’t really turkey) I ignored the package in the frig. I have been bringing my lunch from home for over a week and I could not bring myself to pay $4-$7 at the gourmet salad place so I made a homemade chef salad with DH’s turkey cut into thin strips and brought that lunch. I was so engrossed in my conversation with my friend that I did not notice her at first staring at my salad. I like to play with my food (that’s one reason me and string cheese are such good friends) and I was raking my fork back and forth over it to mix up real good when she commented how yummy and professional looking my salad. I hear that a lot from people when I bring my lunches to work. My sister even commented on my dinner Saturday night when they were eating yucky Wendy’s. I had a fresh grilled cheeseburger and a fresh salad with lots of diced tomato and lf cheese and they were eating burgers that looked like the bottom of somebody’s shoe! Too bad for them.

DS asked me and DH to stop at Taco Bell for him because he did not want to eat leftover roast beef for dinner. We stopped for him and as DH was ordering DS’s food, I looked at the menu and was glad I had eaten my yummy dinner. It was so good and the Taco Bell, which once would have smelled so irresistible actually smelled bad to me. Funny. Okay on with the food and exercise report!

B: 2 eggs and 3 slices of bacon, tea with splenda
S: 7 whole almonds (can’t wait to add fruit back to my diet next week)
L: Chef salad with lf ranch dressing
S: String cheese (can’t wait to add fruit back to my diet next week)
D: Roast beef au jus with mushrooms and salad with lf ranch dressing and ff fugdesicle for dessert (can’t wait to add some sugar free ice cream back into my diet – in moderation of course)

30 minutes on bike for about 7 miles and burned about 300 calories
5 mugs of water and 2 of the .5 litre bottles of water

That’s a wrap for Tuesday. I am really ready to add a little more variety to my diet. I am already looking at the list of items that are allowed and making a grocery list.

Lisa - thanks for the encouragement!!! Those Atkins treats sound good. I'll have to check them out.

I hope everyone has a great day!
Funny how quickly your attitude changes when you change your eating habits. Burgers that look like the bottom of a shoe? Yuck! Very sad indeed!::yes::

The restaurant at the facility where I work has gotten over priced too. They offer a "protein" meal every day and the manager charges $2.00 more because of the added meat, and substitutes high carb sides with low carb veggies. Lunch at work can cost about $6.00. Convenient but expensive if every day.

Hope your computer situation gets solved soon. Keep up the good work Lisa!:D
:) Lisa you are doing so great! You are stopping at Taco Bell and not only resisting the temptation but don't even WANT it?? WOW - that's what I call progress what about you? Just think you are just days away from the variety you are craving and you'll be so proud of yourself for your success on Phase I! Can't wait to hear how your next weigh in goes! Keep up the good work - your determination is so evident in your posts and I'm looking forward to reading more about your success!
Thanks Lisa and kayeandjim00 for the comments.

Lisa - I can't believe how my attitude toward fast food is changing. I would not have believed two weeks ago that could order fast food for my son and not be tempted. It just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I hope this feeling keeps up!

kayandjim00 - I can't wait to weigh in on Monday morning either. I know I've lost a few pounds but the suspense is killing me. It would be so awesome to lose about 14 pounds total during this 2 week Phase I period then I would be half way to my first goal of losing 28 pounds. I don't want to get ahead of myself and I know I'll have weeks where I wouldn't lose at all and gasp, maybe in even gain, but for now I'm very happy with my 11.5 pound loss.
December 10, 2003 (Wednesday) or Doh! Why did I spend $17 when I could have gotten it for free!

I talked with a lady I ride the bus with fairly regularly today about the SB program. She was pretty impressed with the initial weight my husband and I have lost and when I saw her that evening, she had gone on the web and printed out the plan. I had no idea I get all the pertinent info online at the prevention site. Oh well, I do think it was $17 well spent. I have the whole story – why this program makes sense, plus several success (and not so successful) stories in Dr. A’s book. He has many recipes in the book too but not too many I care to try. I think lowcarbfriends recipe board has more tasty dishes than the SB book. If you are doing low carb and haven’t seen their site, you guys should check it out.

Okay, as anyone can see, I’m not too chatty today so I’ll go right to the food/exercise/water reports:
B: 2 scramble eggs, 3 slices of bacon, tea with splenda
S: 7 whole almonds
L: Chef salad with lf ranch dressing
S: String cheese (as usual)
D: Grilled pork chop with broccoli and lf cheese sauce with ff fudgesicle for dessert

Only 20 minutes on the bike this morning – 4.2 miles and about 200 calories burned
6 mugs of water (12 ounces each)

That’s a wrap for Wednesday. Our computer died on us the other day and we were forced to purchase a new one. Waiting for delivery from Dell which should happen no later than Tuesday. It will be a lot easier to keep this journal at home than to try to find time at work to make my daily entries so I am looking forward to that.

I hope everyone is having a good afternoon.
lisa..........when i get a chance i'm gonna look at that website. i have friend who has lost alot on the sb plan. i absolutely think having the book is no comparison to making copies from the i refer to my bfl and atkins books daily for some reason or other. i'll bet you are gonna run circles around her and her version of the sb diet. that seventeen dollars was the best investment you've made in yourself ever........i am sure you will never ever regret it!woohoo!!!!!!!!!!


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