LIVE REPORT! Watch My Hair Frizz In Real Time! Win a Prize!

Well I guess your last day had its' ups and downs. Love Soarin' though!! So weird that it isn't as popular in CA. I want to try that burnt ends hash...sounds delish! That's always my fave part of the meat too.
This is going to be a very depressing and boring update, I’m afraid

Oh, well. They can't all be roses and sunshine I suppose.
But I don't have to read it...


Oh, all right.
I'll read it.

especially since I can see the Magical Depress envelope from where I sit.

Ugh. You'd think Disney would have a better way of letting you down gently.

I suppose all good things must come to an end.

I love your self esteem!
A lot of women don't find their end to be very good.

Good for you!

I’m a little behind

Yes. That would go with it. If it was a lot of behind you might not think it was so good.

Wait... Aren't Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj changing that?

(ba-da-bump Ponzi),

Awwwww.... that's so cute that you call your behind your little ba-da-bump.
Or was it Squid that first called it that?
Either way... awwww....

No, I had to get up early to work. Gasp! Work on vacation?


Guess who was still sleeping at 10:00? I’ll give you a hint…everybody but me!

Never would have guessed that... :sad2:

(This is getting meta, writing and update about writing an update.)

Maybe you're just dreaming that you're writing an update about writing an update.

It was starting to get cloudy again and I was not in the mood for rain.

She's in the mood for loooove...
With her good little behind!

Squid cannot pass by Morocco without getting a taboulleh

Never had it. Visually, it just never appealed.
I checked the ingredients after you posted and must admit that it sounds good.

We next went to the smokehouse and it started. Drip, drip, drip, drip.

Post nasal drip. No fun. No wonder you're depressed.

This is the first time we’ve gotten anything at Liberty Inn. The food just seems so boring compared to the other pavilions.

::yes:: I don't think (At least I hope not) I'll ever eat there when there's so much else available all around you.

I enjoyed the hash. I always like those burnt pieces of meat and the jalapeno and white cheddar sauce were a nice accompaniment.

Was it good enough that you'd say it was a must try? Or just okay.

I imagined trudging through the rain to the front of the park and couldn’t imagine any of the rides available were worth it.

You may have imagined what it would do to your hair, as well?


As I was walking I heard my phone buzzing. It was Squid. “I don’t have any &#^@@*($& ponchos with me! I had 10 ponchos! Where are they? They aren’t in my backpack! ^#@*@()#&(%%$#!

:lmao: Sorry, I just find that really funny.

Clearly, he’s not used to carrying a purse, because I would never leave the house without checking mine.

What's with that?

So not being able to do anything about the ponchos, I listened to him rant and continued on through the river that was forming in World Showcase.

Did you have one on?
Because then it would be really funny.

When I approached the resort, I saw that they had placed signs on the boardwalk that read “Caution. Floor may be wet.” I found this amusing because there is no doubt that everything was wet.

What's not so funny is that if they didn't have a sign, some doofus would slip, fall and sue... and win!

“I don’t know where all the ponchos went.” Squid said.

“There are three right on that shelf.”

“How am I supposed to know they’re there?”

“I don’t know. Because they’re visible?”

:lmao::rotfl: This kills me!!

“Why would I give the two of you three ponchos?”

“I don’t know. We didn’t use them though. We bought new ones.”

“Of course.”

Of course! They're magical!

And putting on the ponchos must have magically changed the weather because the sun came out.


Truth be told, I was feeling a little down. My dad is still in rehab after his heart procedure. He has had a lot of ups and downs and we have been worrying about him. I’m especially down since my brother went home.

Oh, sorry to hear about your Dad, Laura. :hug:

(We got a call the next day that he’s doing a bit better.)

That's good. How is he now?

So, I sit and read my book, alternatively enjoying the view from our fifth floor balcony, and worrying that by some bizarre series of events I could somehow trip and fall off it.


What would happen if I got startled and jumped up and accidently hurdled myself over the railing?

Well, look on the bright side.
That would mean that your knee was all better, right?

Until you hit the ground, of course.

Am I helping???

But we argued for this view, and gosh darn it, I’m going to enjoy it if it kills me.


You can even follow me if you want. Please?)


It’s a picture of Monkston pointing to her four-year-old self on the legacy stones

Oh! I was wondering how old she was in the picture.

“What are you crazy? I don’t want to get on another bus ever again,” Squid says.

She types as she looks at the magical depress envelope.

I’m not normally such a baby about walking, but I don’t want my knee to be too swollen when I start work.

No worries. We get it.

Fit Bit is happy that I’m going to reach my 10,000 step goal.

Were you impressed with that?
Or looking for a convenient boulder to smash it on?

Squid rode with his eyes tightly shut, quietly hyperventilating. I’m afraid of heights when left to my own devices (balconies, stairs, cliffs) but I’m fine on rides.

You guys are weird.
You know that right?

Squid asked if it’s the highest. “It’s the best,” I said.


She is on a bean kick lately.

I've never liked beans. I blame my Mom for forcing me to eat kidney beans when I was a kid.
Those are horrible.

he also got a strawberry shortcake,

Now that's better! :thumbsup2

I’m proud to say my car won for speed. I guess all those hours spent commuting 120 miles a day paid off!

Whoa! That's a bit of a commute!

I can’t wait for my new job 7 miles from home.

You don't even have to drive!
Easy bike, or a bit of a walk.

One time we stayed at 4 resorts in 9 days.

Wow. I'm impressed.
That's just not something I'd want to do.
But I get how others like it.
Just not for me.

Thanks for the (not-so-depressing and always entertaining) update! :goodvibes
The Four Park Challenge Day
Attempt 2
(Attempt 1 was two years ago) The day had come. The day we had all been waiting for. We did not know what the future held. Did it hold victory, or pain and loss? Or both? We did not know.

8:00 AM April 20th, 2015

I woke up in our gigantic hotel room (more on that later), to get ready for our four park challenge. I found my bag, my tripod, iPhone, 7 guidebooks, custom maps, binder (more on that later too), 4 pin lanyards, and my hat. I had my itinerary ready, and I ran out the door with my dad, Druid. We met Aunt Laura74, and Monkston at the Keister Coaster. We discussed our plan, and waited for Mickey, Wall-E and Merida. We waited. We waited some more. Then we talked about the plan a little more. Then we waited some more. Maybe they were preparing us for the lines we would see today. Maybe not. At about 8:30, I could see Wall-E's signature hat coming toward us (with a head and body too). We set off on the Boardwalk-DHS trail.

We got to the gate for "rope drop" (they don't actually drop the rope anymore), and noticed people entering on the other side of the entryway area. (Entryway area sounds like a good name for a new land) Eventually, our line started moving, and we were let in. We DWed toward TSM where we met 6 Park Challenge Guy. (I'll call him 6PCG) We got in line, with 6PCG in front of us.

This is getting really addicting

Anyway, 6PCG is taking WAY too many pictures. More than me! Anybody can tell you that I take a lot of pictures. He stops to take a picture of Mr. Potato Head, and we try to get in front of him, because he is the reason DWing was invented. He finally takes a good picture, and tries to get in front of us. We get to the point where you get the 3D glasses, and 6PCG realizes he forgot his. He then tries to get behind us so he can get his glasses, and once he got them, he tried to get in front of us.

Should I use past tense, or present tense. I'm trying to use present, but I'm unconsciously using past tense, because it already happened, but you don't know what happened. Sorry, I'll continue.

We got on, and I don't want to admit it, but my dad won, he must have been cheating. It was 9:03 when we got off.

I feel like this point size is too big, but the next one down is too small. You'll have to live with this size for the rest of this post.

Also, I'm wondering what the sound is coming from the room in front of me. First it was knocking, and then was this really loud screech, sorta like a car, but now it is a very annoying noise that sounds like a singing slinky. It sounds moany, but it raises and lowers in pitch. Very strange. I'll try not to get distracted anymore.

Anyway, we separated after TSM because Wall-E and I don't like RRC. I don't like going upside down, or fast rollercoasters. Or being disoriented. Or being disoriented in the dark. Or being disoriented, in the dark, on a roller coaster. If it had a spider on it, it would be the epitome of all of my fears. Jerky rollercoasters. Upside down. Aerosmith. Dark. Disorientation. Spiders. And finally rock and roll. Especially rock and roll.

But, it is not the worst rollercoaster I have seen. That award goes to The Vapor Trail at Sesame Place.

Here is a terrifying picture
It looks so innocent. Like Dumbo! It pulls you in, then spins around, and around, and around, and it never stops. But there is a difference. The Vapor Trail has a gift shop, with a video of your ride, which I might post later, to show you the pain.

My second attraction was The Great Movie Ride, newly hosted by TCM, with new movie props. Then we went to Star Tours: The Only Attraction In DHS Without A Storyline That Makes Any Sense. Our first park was complete! We then took a bus (I know, it wasn't my choice) to Magic Kingdom.

We went to POTC, where we all got off at the same time, in the same place. Then Barnstormer, then HM. We had lunch at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Café, home of the nicest CMs on property. I was shocked, when I was greeted with a smile, given a menu, and shown where Aunt Laura74, Monkston, Merida, and Wall-E were sitting. How do they know that I know them? Maybe they read the disboards. I had a very good bacon cheeseburger, along with Wall-E (did you know that the name comes from Walter Elias Disney?), Merida, and Monkston.

After lunch I went to the My Magic+ Service Center, which should be called You Can Stand There Waiting While I Finish My Game On My iPad Service Center. I was trying to make Fastpasses for everybody, for our next park AK, but I could not make the changes from my phone, or a Fastpass+ Kiosk. Eventually, when the CM lost in 2048, or Crossy Road or whatever he was playing, he decided to help me. He told me that I needed one Magic Band per family to make the Fastpass. I came back with Aunt Laura74, and Mickey's Magic Bands, to be told that it wouldn't work, and to go to Animal Kingdom, and figure it out there. So, we took the bus to AK.

As the bus took us to (hey look, the point size is back to normal) AK, we noticed a few cranes, the construction type, hanging over a big iron circle. This next sentence might make me loose my title as tour guide. Oh no! I have absolutely no hint of an idea of whatever that big iron circle was. I thought it might be construction for Avatarland (one word or two?) but it was on the opposite side of the park. The bus pulled to the station to the normal sound of "(crackle crackle) Hello there (crackle crackle) and have a wild time here at (crackle crackle)", and we got off, the preset* air conditioner on wheels. We DWed toward the entrance, and then DWed toward Dinoland U.S.A., and the Olden Gate Bridge. (There are only a handful of people that actually know that that bridge has a name other that "dino bridge" or "t-rex bridge". We got on Dinosaur within 10 minutes, and off within 15. Once we got into the gift shop, I heard that familiar sound, but I ignored it, because it couldn't be. It can't be. The Disney people wouldn't do this to us now. They wouldn't! It was! RAIN!


So, we pulled out the garbage bag ponchos, and they were horrible. I ended up with my head through the arm hole, so we bought new ones. Yes, the $67.99 ponchos, that would inevitably rip in the future (mine did, the next day, in EPCOT). So to avoid getting wetter than we had to, we sadly left, and ended the Four Park Challenge. But, there was still hope.

*when asked to turn the air conditioner down, the CMs say "It comes made that way"
Yes, these

We went back to the Boardwalk, and met my mom, Sheena, and Jack Skellington on the porch facing the boardwalk It was still raining, but not too badly. We decided to go head back to the room, when I looked outside. It had stopped raining! My dad sent out a group text, that we were going to finish our challenge. I got ready, grabbed the itinerary, and walked out the door. I was determined to complete our four park challenge! We had failed before, in my head I hear the theme from Apollo 13, but that did not go so well) but we would visit 4 parks this time. We might not visit three attractions from each park. We met with Mickey, Merida, and Wall-E, and headed off toward EPCOT. (EPCOT actually stands for 4 things. The original: Experimental Prototype Community Of Tommorow. The one Walt Disney messed up in the EPCOT film, because he was very sick: Experimental Prototype City Of Tommorow. One the cast members made up: Every Paycheck Comes On Thursday, and my favorite: Every Person Comes Out Tired)

Who am I kidding? We would never visit three attractions in each park that day. We ended up visiting 2 in EPCOT. Mission: Space, (why couldn't they keep Horizons?) and Spaceship Earth. They both have space in the names. Maybe that means something.

After our failed 4 park challenge attempt, we headed to Sanaa for dinner. I hadn't been feeling very good, so I ordered the kid's chicken. When we went outside to catch a bus, we were the only people on it. So, instead of heading to Disney Springs, the bus driver took us to The Boardwalk. Only Disney would do something like that But, the chicken did not make me feel any better. Once we got back to The Boardwalk, I had what the CMs call a "protein spill".
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Does anyone else have the disboards app? I get this every time I try to open it. image.jpg
Oh, all right.

I'll read it.

You’d better, because no one else is.

I love your self esteem!

A lot of women don't find their end to be very good.

Good for you!

Hey, I don’t do all those workout dvds for nothing!

Never had it. Visually, it just never appealed.

I checked the ingredients after you posted and must admit that it sounds good.

He makes it at home all the time too. He swears his as good as the stuff in Morocco which is why I don’t understand the need to keep buying it here.

Was it good enough that you'd say it was a must try? Or just okay.

I would say it’s worth trying. It was definitely a change from the usual pulled pork sandwich.

You may have imagined what it would do to your hair, as well?

Well, duh…

Did you have one on?

Because then it would be really funny.

I had an umbrella. I check my purse.

Of course! They're magical!

And they don’t fall apart as soon as you put them on.

That's good. How is he now?

Much better yesterday and today. He’s making sense and eating a little more. Thanks!

Oh! I was wondering how old she was in the picture.

Best $25 we spent here.

You guys are weird.

You know that right?

Look who’s talking!

I've never liked beans. I blame my Mom for forcing me to eat kidney beans when I was a kid.

Those are horrible.

Beans, beans, they’re good for the heart…

Whoa! That's a bit of a commute!

Yes, I can’t believe I’ve been doing it for almost eight years.

You don't even have to drive!

Easy bike, or a bit of a walk.

Not in heels.

Wow. I'm impressed.

That's just not something I'd want to do.

But I get how others like it.

Just not for me.

We can’t convince Sheena to try it either. We thought it was fun to try different areas during the week.

Thanks for the (not-so-depressing and always entertaining) update!

Thanks, Ponzi!

(Attempt 1 was two years ago)

It was actually 5 years ago. We were at the Coronado I believe and Monkston was in second grade.

The day we had all been waiting for.

Or dreading…

8:00 AM April 20th, 2015

I woke up in our gigantic hotel room

Did you do some time traveling TGM? Because I could have sworn I saw you on the boardwalk at 7:45 am. But you said you woke up at 8. Hmmmm…

At about 8:30, I could see Wall-E's signature hat coming toward

Gotta love that hat.

(Entryway area sounds like a good name for a new land)


Eventually, our line started moving, and we were let in. We DWed toward TSM where we met 6 Park Challenge Guy. (I'll call him 6PCG) We got in line, with 6PCG in front of us.

I forgot about him! He was an odd duck, wasn’t he?

Anyway, 6PCG is taking WAY too many pictures. More than me! Anybody can tell you that I take a lot of pictures. He stops to take a picture of Mr. Potato Head, and we try to get in front of him, because he is the reason DWing was invented. He finally takes a good picture, and tries to get in front of us. We get to the point where you get the 3D glasses, and 6PCG realizes he forgot his. He then tries to get behind us so he can get his glasses, and once he got them, he tried to get in front of us.

Ha! He was so annoying. Almost as annoying as that guy in the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train line last year.

Should I use past tense, or present tense. I'm trying to use present, but I'm unconsciously using past tense, because it already happened, but you don't know what happened. Sorry, I'll continue.

I have the same problem.

but my dad won, he must have been cheating


Anyway, we separated after TSM because Wall-E and I don't like RRC. I don't like going upside down, or fast rollercoasters. Or being disoriented. Or being disoriented in the dark. Or being disoriented, in the dark, on a roller coaster. If it had a spider on it, it would be the epitome of all of my fears. Jerky rollercoasters. Upside down. Aerosmith. Dark. Disorientation. Spiders. And finally rock and roll. Especially rock and roll.

So you don’t like roller coasters?

But, it is not the worst rollercoaster I have seen. That award goes to The Vapor Trail at Sesame Place.

Here is a terrifying picture

View attachment 90637

It looks so innocent. Like Dumbo! It pulls you in, then spins around, and around, and around, and it never stops. But there is a difference. The Vapor Trail has a gift shop, with a video of your ride, which I might post later, to show you the pain.

You and your Uncle Squid…terrified of Sesame Place coasters…

Then we went to Star Tours: The Only Attraction In DHS Without A Storyline That Makes Any Sense. .

I would argue that Aerosmith really wouldn’t invite all of us to ride in a giant stretch limo to go backstage at their concert.

After lunch I went to the My Magic+ Service Center, which should be called You Can Stand There Waiting While I Finish My Game On My iPad Service Center. I was trying to make Fastpasses for everybody, for our next park AK, but I could not make the changes from my phone, or a Fastpass+ Kiosk. Eventually, when the CM lost in 2048, or Crossy Road or whatever he was playing, he decided to help me. He told me that I needed one Magic Band per family to make the Fastpass. I came back with Aunt Laura74, and Mickey's Magic Bands, to be told that it wouldn't work, and to go to Animal Kingdom, and figure it out there. So, we took the bus to AK. .

You must have been so frustrated.

Olden Gate Bridge. (There are only a handful of people that actually know that that bridge has a name other that "dino bridge" or "t-rex bridge".

Interesting. And now I know too.

So, we pulled out the garbage bag ponchos, and they were horrible. I ended up with my head through the arm hole, so we bought new ones. Yes, the $67.99 ponchos, that would inevitably rip in the future (mine did, the next day, in EPCOT). ".


We went back to the Boardwalk, and met my mom, Sheena, and Jack Skellington on the porch facing the boardwalk It was still raining, but not too badly. We decided to go head back to the room, when I looked outside. It had stopped raining! My dad sent out a group text, that we were going to finish our challenge. ".

I never saw that. You trying tell me something? Maybe I tried to block it out.

Every Paycheck Comes On Thursday, and my favorite: Every Person Comes Out Tired) ".


Who am I kidding? We would never visit three attractions in each park that day. We ended up visiting 2 in EPCOT. Mission: Space, (why couldn't they keep Horizons?) and Spaceship Earth. They both have space in the names. Maybe that means something.

After our failed 4 park challenge attempt, ".

Close enough…

we headed to Sanaa for dinner. I hadn't been feeling very good, so I ordered the kid's chicken. When we went outside to catch a bus, we were the only people on it. So, instead of heading to Disney Springs, the bus driver took us to The Boardwalk. Only Disney would do something like that But, the chicken did not make me feel any better. Once we got back to The Boardwalk, I had what the CMs call a "protein spill".

I’m sorry your day ended so badly. What a great story though, TGM. Thanks!
TGM great job on the update! You're a talented writer for sure. What? No 4 park challenge again? Protein spill does not sound good:rolleyes2

Laura, sorry your trip is ending. I didn't see pics on Twitter much not sure why but the first BWI pics kept coming up for the meal guess, I will say onion ring appy with fried chicken and meat loaf entrées. Hope your dad is getting better. Scarey stuff. I know it well. Thankfully mine pulled through very well.
Well then you have to admit that the Astro Orbiter (is that spelled correctly?) feels like it's going to fall off.

I can't. I've never been on it.
I've always looked at Astro Orbiter (yup. you spelled it right) as pretty much a Dumbo with more height.
I suppose I should try it at least once, but... I'm in no rush.

You’d better, because no one else is.

Not true, young lady.

Hey, I don’t do all those workout dvds for nothing!

I tried one of those once.
But when I ran out of chips, I turned it off.
Big plot holes. Completely unbelievable.

He makes it at home all the time too. He swears his as good as the stuff in Morocco which is why I don’t understand the need to keep buying it here.

Well.... Look at it this way.
Ever made a burger? Or a steak?
But you'll still order them, right?

I had an umbrella. I check my purse.

That counts!

And they don’t fall apart as soon as you put them on.

You're doing it wrong.
You have to tear open the wrapping and put on the poncho.

Not the other way around.

Much better yesterday and today. He’s making sense and eating a little more. Thanks!

That's good.
Hope that he continues on the road to full recovery.

Look who’s talking!

Hey. I know I'm weird. Just making sure you knew you guys were too.

Beans, beans, they’re good for the heart…

The more you eat...

Not in heels.

You could be like a lot of women I see.
Runners and socks to work, heels at work.

What a great story though, TGM. Thanks!

I've deliberately skipped Laura's breakdown because I will do one.
Just haven't gotten to it yet.
(Attempt 1 was two years ago)

I have it on good authority that that's a bald faced lie!!!

I found my bag, my tripod, iPhone, 7 guidebooks, custom maps, binder (more on that later too), 4 pin lanyards, and my hat.

Wow. You're a brave young man to go out without any clothes on.

Bravo. I applaud your chutzpah.

We waited. We waited some more. Then we talked about the plan a little more. Then we waited some more. Maybe they were preparing us for the lines we would see today.

There ya go. Wasn't that nice of them to prepare you like that?

I could see Wall-E's signature hat coming toward us (with a head and body too).

Another nudist!
You guys are a wild bunch!

We got to the gate for "rope drop" (they don't actually drop the rope anymore),

I'd like to see them drop it... to about ankle height.
Hillarity ensues.

(Entryway area sounds like a good name for a new land)

You can come in, but you can never get out... unless your wallet's empty.

we try to get in front of him, because he is the reason DWing was invented.


He then tries to get behind us so he can get his glasses, and once he got them, he tried to get in front of us.

I have a word for people like that.... but I don't want to be banned from the DIS.

Should I use past tense, or present tense. I'm trying to use present, but I'm unconsciously using past tense

I don't care. I like any kind of presents!

I don't want to admit it, but my dad won, he must have been cheating.

He probably was. Adults have more cash to bribe CMs with.

I feel like this point size is too big, but the next one down is too small. You'll have to live with this size for the rest of this post.

I'm good with it. Keep going.

Also, I'm wondering what the sound is coming from the room in front of me. First it was knocking, and then was this really loud screech, sorta like a car, but now it is a very annoying noise that sounds like a singing slinky. It sounds moany, but it raises and lowers in pitch. Very strange. I'll try not to get distracted anymore.

It's a cat.
It's always a cat.

Anyway, we separated after TSM because Wall-E and I don't like RRC.

Don't like RNRC!!!!

I don't like going upside down, or fast rollercoasters. Or being disoriented. Or being disoriented in the dark. Or being disoriented, in the dark, on a roller coaster.

Oh, well... Okay. I'll let it go this time.

If it had a spider on it, it would be the epitome of all of my fears. Jerky rollercoasters. Upside down. Aerosmith. Dark. Disorientation. Spiders. And finally rock and roll. Especially rock and roll.

Doesn't like rock.... :sad2:
So what music do you like?
(Please don't say skrillex. Please don't say skrillex. Please don't say skrillex.)

Here is a terrifying picture

Doesn't look too bad... Looks can be deceiving.

Star Tours: The Only Attraction In DHS Without A Storyline That Makes Any Sense.

Oh? Care to elaborate?

We then took a bus (I know, it wasn't my choice) to Magic Kingdom.

You're right. Next time, take a jet pack.

Way more fun.

We went to POTC, where we all got off at the same time, in the same place.

I'm hoping it was in the general vicinity of the end of the ride???

How do they know that I know them?

It's called a Magic Band.

I had a very good bacon cheeseburger, along with Wall-E

You ATE WALL-E?????


(did you know that the name comes from Walter Elias Disney?),

Oh. My. God.

After lunch I went to the My Magic+ Service Center, which should be called You Can Stand There Waiting While I Finish My Game On My iPad Service Center.

Everybody needs a hobby.

to be told that it wouldn't work, and to go to Animal Kingdom, and figure it out there.

Yup. I knew that. Wish they'd change that.
Doubt they will.

Avatarland (one word or two?)

Three. A Vatar Land

the Olden Gate Bridge. (There are only a handful of people that actually know that that bridge has a name other that "dino bridge" or "t-rex bridge".

Handful +1 now.

I ended up with my head through the arm hole, so we bought new ones.

I knew it! I knew it! You're doing it wrong!!!

Yes, the $67.99 ponchos, that would inevitably rip in the future (mine did, the next day, in EPCOT).

:laughing: Next day! You're parents must've been thrilled.

in my head I hear the theme from Apollo 13, but that did not go so well)

Actually, it ended quite well.

(EPCOT actually stands for 4 things. The original: Experimental Prototype Community Of Tommorow. The one Walt Disney messed up in the EPCOT film, because he was very sick: Experimental Prototype City Of Tommorow. One the cast members made up: Every Paycheck Comes On Thursday, and my favorite: Every Person Comes Out Tired)

I knew all but Walt's messed up one... or at least I'd forgotten until you reminded me.

(why couldn't they keep Horizons?)

Not enough park people puking.

Once we got back to The Boardwalk, I had what the CMs call a "protein spill".

Oh. Sorry for mentioning it earlier.
Hope you felt better the next day.

Great chapter TGM! :goodvibes
Hello from the kitchen table in room 4105

Right across from our room last year!

The app is no longer supported

Thanks, but I'm sure I'll never remember to delete it

Sounds really eventful!

You have no idea

It was actually 5 years ago. We were at the Coronado I believe and Monkston was in second grade.

Oh, sorry

Or dreading

And planning. Lots and lots of planning. Didn't even think about rain!

Ha! He was so annoying. Almost as annoying as that guy in the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train line last year.

Heigh ho!

So you don’t like roller coasters?

You've been going to WDW with me for the past eight years!

I can't. I've never been on it.
I've always looked at Astro Orbiter (yup. you spelled it right) as pretty much a Dumbo with more height.

How dare you!

So what music do you like?

I'm a classically trained violinist and pianist. Classical. Only classical, unless it's Disney! One day I'll post the video of me playing my arrangement of the Soarin' theme for piano.

You ATE WALL-E?????

Needed more salt

Not enough park people puking.

And dying. That's why they built the green side. Two people died on the original.
Here's a photo of my dad and I, the morning of the 4 park challenge.

The First Day or May 18th, 2015 or I Hope Our Plane Lands Somewhere Near Florida
Part 1

Or, you can be creative, and come up with your own title
I again apologize with my lack of order.
I woke up at 5:46 AM on May 18th, 2015. (I have to be very specific, and descriptive with you people) I was packed, so I got dressed, ate breakfast, and did all sorts of morningly things (again, being very specific), and got in the car to drive to the Frontier Airport. (I didn't drive. We wouldn't have made it, if I did)

Here's proof

Here's some photos, by no one in particular

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We arrived at 6:45 (because I didn't drive) and checked our bags. My mom, Sheena, and I met someone I'll call "Sue". "Sue" was very very frantic, and was afraid she would miss her flight. At first, she almost had a heart attack because she forgot to bring her credit card, and she needed it to check her bags. Then, she couldn't get the machine to work, that converts cash to card. My mom helped her, and she ran downstairs. Once we got to security, it went relatively smoothly. Everything went fine, except when my mom was selected for a random search. Off in the distance, I saw Aunt Laura74 waving.

After we passed through security, we met up with Aunt Laura74, Uncle Squid, and Monkston (these names are very strange). We waited for them to call our row to get on the plane. We all got up, except for my mom, who wanted to continue in the tradition of being the last people on the plane. Great. So, we waited, and waited, and waited, and waited until we were the last people in the room, and we had to leave, or we were not getting on the plane. So, we slowly walked outside, and got on the plane.

Photos by my dad

We were waiting on the ground for a suspiciously long time, so I paused Modern Marvels: Walt Disney World to see what was going on. The crew members couldn't close the door! They called the captain, who also couldn't close the door. Then, they walkie-talkied some other guy, who came and tried to close the door, and failed, and then he walkie-talkied someone else, who took quite a long time to get there. Thankfully, he closed the door. And, we were off! 3 hours till WDW!

Once we landed, we continued on to the Stellar News, so my mom could buy Diet Pepsi. She is addicted to Diet Pepsi. She drinks about 3 a day, and we get 12 bottles every time we go to the grocery store. So, she bought 9 bottles at the Stellar News.

Here's some photos by me
This is my dad monorail surfing with Monkston, his favorite part of the airport experience


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(I have to be very specific, and descriptive with you people)

You have to. Some of us (and by us, I mean me) are pretty dense ya know.

Here's proof

That's not proof! You could've changed the time! You could've taken the photo at 5:46pm! It could be photoshopped!

Strange that I still believe you.

(these names are very strange)

That's okay. So's your aunt.

my mom, who wanted to continue in the tradition of being the last people on the plane.


The crew members couldn't close the door!

Meh. Just leave it open. Fresh air will do everyone good.
Here are some photos I couldn't fit in the other post



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