Live TR ~ 9/7-9/17

We're here! Took us a bit to get settled in and checked in but we made it! We had planned on staying in the overflow lot for the night but the staff at FW got us all set up in a great site. And no worries - we have no neighbors at all right now (I was worried about that since we're just now getting set up at 2am.)
Glad to hear that youre at the camp and setting up. It must feel so great to be there and not have to think about driving today. I admire your ability to drive straight through since i have a tough time driving more than 12 hours. We also live in NY very close to albany so it has been fun following your TR as we made the trek down to the fort not too long ago ourselves. Enjoy your vacation and thanks for sharing.
Once DH get our wireless up i'll post the next installment! We rented a modem from the from desk and brought a wireless router - what an awesome tip! :thumbsup: there's too much to type on my phone.
Jeffrey- thankfully DH is fine with driving straight through. With little kids it's either the best idea in the work or worst. :)

it was our first major trip with the RV (before now we had only gone about 200 miles away from home) and it was awesome having it. Bathroom breaks were SO much easier. They used to take about 20 minutes to get all the kids rotated through but now takes about 5 minutes. HUGE difference!
Glad to hear that you had a safe trip! :thumbsup2

Your from Binghamton? We are just below Montrose!

Keep us posted! Thanks for the report! :cheer2:
The trip: So we made it! 1:30am we pulled into DW and it was a bit anticlimactic. The kids had been so excited, but when we actually saw they signs they were all asleep. Oh well - DH and I got excited anyway.

We got to the gate and the security guard told us to pull into lane 4 and to go into registration. We had been talking about just staying in the overflow lot since it was so late. We didn’t want to disturb any other guests. But when we got to registration we were told they could give us our site now for 50% off the normal nightly rate. So we figured we’d go for it - on one condition - that there were not many neighbors. Getting 6 kids out of a van (that they’d been traveling in for 24 hours) is never quiet and I knew the baby would cry a bit as I changed him.

We were given our site and because it took longer than normal to check in, they gave us the site for free! Can’t beat that!

We pulled in, gave the kids a quick snack (they had eaten dinner, but nothing since then and were all hungry and thirsty.) Got the electric and water hooked up and put the kids to bed. The 3 older ones had no trouble falling asleep. The babies were another story, but finally they seemed to be settling down. I’m here typing this at 3:30am because the baby is in our bed and if I go in there he’ll want to nurse all. night. long. If I wait until he’s asleep then he’ll sleep through as normal. (Yes, we’re very lucky and he sleeps through the night and has since he was 2 months old. I say this is our payback for all the sleepless nights with the sets of twins.)

Tomorrow is a quiet day. We don’t have anything planned because we expected to be traveling all morning. My parents are flying in tomorrow and staying at the Wilderness Lodge, so I’m sure we’ll be making a trip over to check out their hotel. I’ve heard good things about it! We also want to do some grocery shopping. Most of what we need we brought with us, but there are some things that I need to get.

So that’s our first day. We left at 2:20am and got to FW at 1:25am the following day. 23 hours total including all our stops. Not too bad!
Day 1: We woke up at 8am after getting about 5 hours of sleep. I can’t say we felt really rested, but definitely better than we thought we’d feel.

Since we had been planning Saturday as a “travel” day, we had no plans at all. After we got up and around we headed to the pool where the kids spent an hour or so going down the slide countless times. DH and I chased the boys. :lol: Here’s the issue. They are identical as identical can be. And they had on rash guards so we couldn’t see their necklaces (they have slightly different amber necklaces that they wear so we can tell them apart). However, both of us thought the other one had an eye on K, but in reality we both had an eye on G. I didn’t realize the boy that DH was carrying was the same boy I was watching. So then we panicked a bit and started looking around for K. All of a sudden there he is, walking towards us wrapped up in a pink towel - that isn’t ours! Idon’t know whose towel he picked up, but I hope they found it! We put it on one of the chairs after we took it off of him.

After swimming we headed back to the site for naps for the kids (not us unfortunately) and I took the 3 older kids to check out the store. I couldn’t resist a Happy Camper koolie for DH. And there was a super cute Happy Camper Mickey shirt that I loved, but it ran so, so small. I could have spent all our vacation spending cash just on FW merchandise. Ha!

We needed a few things from Wal-Mart (what camping trip is complete without a trip to WM to replace the things you forgot?) So after naptime we headed there. Thank goodness they had a sewer line (one of the more major things that had been left in the garage!)

My parents flew down for this trip too, but aren’t fond of the beds at the cabins at FW (they said they are so tiny) so they are booked at the Wilderness Lodge. After our exciting trip to Wal-Mart we took the boat over to WL, where we had never been. The resort is gorgeous! I didn’t see their room, but I’m sure they are nice given how the outside looks. I have to hand it to Disney - they really know how to create a destination. We spent the evening in the pool over there.

Unfortunately one of the twin boys slipped in the kiddie pool and faceplanted into the concrete (ouch!) He’s got a huge gooseegg on his forehead and had a bloody nose for about a half an hour. Poor guy!

After the pool we were all exhausted, but for some reason thought it was a good idea to try to find the trail from WL to FW. We did find it and walked it - it’s not a bad little hike at all. I’m assuming the area we passed that was all fenced in was the old River Country? Looks like they use it for parking now?

Dinner was burgers - nothing special but tasted SO good after a long day. On days like this I snack and don’t usually get a full meal until dinner because I’m so busy getting the kids fed. Doesn’t matter if we’re home or traveling - it’s always the same thing. Then I took the older kids back over to the pool where they had fun playing with another little girl their age.

Right now 5 of the kids are sleeping and DH is at the pool with our oldest son. It’s good for them to get one-on-one time and it’s also good for him to get extra privileges because of his age. It’s got to be tough for him sometimes to be the oldest of 6, so this was special for him. His birthday is Friday, so this trip is really to celebrate that. He’s turning 8 and I can’t believe it. He’s a really good kid.

Tomorrow we’re heading to Epcot because the kids all want to see “the big ball”. Hehee. I’m looking forward to it. I love walking through the countries (most of them I’ll probably not visit in real life, so I live vicariously through the fake set-ups). It’s another pretty quiet day and we know that our max is 4 hours at the park. I’m kind of hoping to get there first thing, get the park done, come back and swim and then tomorrow night head to a different park for an hour or two - just to walk around and take it all in. We’ll see!
And let me say that if you're looking for a sweet alcoholic beverage, the icees from the meadow trading post are really good with vodka... :)
Love your TR. You sound like me and my family. We have 7 kids. We will be tent camping for the first time this yr at christmas. Sounds like sat. was a really nice day. Hope your son is doing ok after his little accident.
Having that unplanned day was probably good for recharging everyone's batteries.

And I agree, what camping trip would be complete without a run to Wal-Mart? :lmao:

Bama ED
Enjoying your TR. We haven't yet made it FW, but it's definitely on my bucket list.

Hope today's weather won't dampen your spirits today. :umbrella:
Day 2: Today we woke up and decided to go to Epcot. We had gotten more sleep the night before and felt up for a day at the parks. It started raining as we were showering, so we deliberately took our time, hoping it would let off. It didn’t.

At 11am we hopped in the van and headed over. By the time we got there it was raining quite hard, so we put the ponchos on the kids and I grabbed an umbrella (I would have happily have used a poncho too except I usually have one of the babies on my back and don’t want to suffocate them.) ;)

All in all it was a great day. We hit a few rides and did a lot of walking. I finally got on Soarin (for the first time if you can believe it - we had had very bad luck with that ride until today) and took the 3 older kids on Mission Space. Meg was a little nervous on the latter, but swore she loved every second.

When we got over to the World Showcase the kids really started to slow down. At that point we had been there for almost 4 hours, so we expected it. DD1 started melting down over the fact that the store didn’t have any Merida crowns for her costume and the smaller ones were all exhausted by that point. I had one of the twin boys on my back sleeping and DH had the baby on his back. Then we had the other twin boy in the triple stroller along with the twin girls - and then our oldest DS was walking. You can imagine we made quite a site.

The funniest thing was that a woman walking by was counting in spanish. She got to cinco and started over, then counted again and said “Cinco!!!” As if she had never seen someone with so many children - and she had missed the one on my back! It’s pretty interesting to hear the comments we get (as I know the other big families here can commiserate with). It’s a blessing to have them - and to show people that large families can go out and live and enjoy the kids' company. There’s such a huge misconception that once you have more than 2 kids that you can’t ever afford to do anything and that all the kids are deprived somehow. Not true at all!

When we got back to the campground it was almost 5, we made dinner and headed over to the pool. The kids were thrilled to see that the slide was still open. We were only there for a short time and then went back to the site to start bedtime.

One of the must-haves for our RV was a tub. Anyone who has camped with kids knows how dirty they can get in a short time (not to mention that it feels so good to be clean after a day at the parks!) So after the pool they all got baths and got cleaned up and put on their jammies. Then it was bedtime and I think at least 4 of the 6 were asleep before their heads hit the pillow!

Finally DH and I had a bit of quite time. We grilled some steaks and got some take-out fries and a salad from Trail’s End (you have to ask them for the fries since they aren’t on the menu, but they were really good!) We listened to the fireworks and music, which was a great way to end the night. We can’t see them from our site but somehow hearing them was almost as good!
Isn't it funny like that, bama Ed? We never go to wal-mart at home but while camping we always go at least once!!
Welcome angelmom! It's always nice to see other large families at the fort! You're going to love it here. It really is the perfect place at Disney for the kids!
So you could hear Wishes? The recent posts that sometimes they didn't pipe in the music had me concerned. I would really miss it in October.
Awesome report so far! Bring on the pictures!!!

I hear you on the big family bit: Our parents travelled Canada with the 5 of us girls, usually by train/boat/train. I remember being in Montreal when I was 6 or 7 & a man calling out to my Dad to be careful as he was being followed: I can still see Dad's pleased grin as he looked behind to see us all walking single file right behind him!

Angelmom27, hope you'll be doing a trip report as well.
I wish I could upload pictures! So far our cable at our site isn't working, (so ive been typing the reports on my laptop, copying them to my phone and posting them. They were supposed to fix it yesterday - we didn't get a chance to see if they did or not...

I have a few on my phone though. I'll try to post them soon!

Oh - and we got our Kenny cart! Yeah!!


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