*****Live Trip Report 10/12-10/18****With pics


Jul 28, 2008
Welcome to my live trip report. I will try to update a few times a day if possible. If you need a link with the cast members and vacation plan check out my siggy for my Pre-Trip report.
We left our house in Modesto at 5:30 a.m. We made it to Manhatten Beach at the Residence Inn at noon (even had breakfast at Dennys along the way).
They had our room ready so here we are. :) Our plan is today check out the beach and just relax! Here is a pic of the girls eating a snack:

Will update tonight :):banana:
Hope you have a magical trip! Hope a live trip report works better for you then it did for me.! ;) ;)

Can't wait to hear more.
The beach was fun! Abby LOVED it!! The water was warm for Ocean water so Abby had a blast getting hit by the waves. :) Paige liked it until the salt water hit her very dry skin on her belly. OUCH!! We were only there for an hour because poor Paige was in pain from the burning of her skin. :( We came back to the hotel and took baths. I tired to get Abby to take a nap but it's not going to work today. We are not sure what we are going to do tonight. We might order pizza....

Oh and the pumpkin buckets are because we went to Target to get sand buckets but they didn't have any so we had to make due. lol;
Abby and me

Girls and their "sand" buckets:

Looking for shells

More soon...
Last night we had dinner at PF changs. It was VERY yummy!
Then we came back and watched TV for a bit. We were all in bed and asleep by 8 p.m.! We were tired! So this morning we are going to the zoo and a few other places then tomorrow DISNEYLAND!:banana: :cool1:
This hotel is really cool. It feels like an appartment and the staff is very nice. We will be going to breakfast soon. :)
This morning we went to the zoo. The girls had a great time. Trevor and I were tired of pushing the strollers up big hills!

Paige wouldn't walk anywhere because she said she was a princess and didn't want her new shoes to get dirity.princess:

Abby wanted to walk everywhere

After we left the zoo we went to Hollywood to the Disney Cafe. :woohoo:

We had lunch and we shared the "Pin Traders Sundae"

WHAT A HUGE MESS!! ..... but it was sooooo good!

Tonight we are relazing and packing up for tomorrow..... DISNEYLAND!!:cool1:
We are planning on meeting my brother and his wife in Downtown Disney in the morning. They have been in Anaheim area for a wedding and been at DL since Sunday. They go home tomorrow but we wanted to meet up with them since the girls want to see "Uncle G" and "Anut Kiki" in DL. :)
Aww I love the pictures of your family at the beach! I love the ocean but I hate the sand, haaah. Also your sand castle "buckets" are priceless.
We are here! We left our hotel this morning after eating a nice big breakfast that the hotel provides. :) If you ever need a hotel in Manhatten Beach we loved the Residence Inn. Last night the hotel had free dinner too (soup and salad bar)!
Anyway we got to the Disneyland hotel at 9:20 a.m. thinking there was no way a room would be ready since check in is at 3:00 p.m. To our suprise it was ready and they upgraded us to a pool view room!:woohoo:

Our view

Cute Disney Soaps

The girls thought the room was so cool and loved all the Disney touches like the Disney soap, wallpaper and lamps. Paige said "Mom look Tinkerbell is on the wall!!!" I had DH take the girls downstairs so I could get the baskets ready for them so when they got back they could see what Mickey left:
I also asked for 2 signed pictures and the front desk gave them too me. :)

So after we got the bags to the room we went to Downtown Disney to meet my brother and his wife.

We got to visit for a few minutes and then we got on the Monorail.

Then we went and Rode Alice. We waited exactly 10 min. :thumbsup2 Then we walked on the Teacups

Walked on the Carrousel

Then walked down main street: (these were taken at 12:30 p.m.) Not that busy..


Then we decited to go eat lunch and go back to the hotel.

We had a great lunch at ESPN zone.

The girls were so excited when we walked in the room and they saw the baskets!!


After lunch we went swimming!! The DLH pool is so great! The girls LOVED the waterslide! I think Abby went on it at least 50 times!! (no pics of the pool since I didn't want to get my camera wet).
After we went swimming here we are back at the hotel resting. Abby and Trevor are asleep and Paige is watching a movie on the bed. DL closes at 8:00 p.m. so after nap time we will go back until it closes. :)
Looks like you guys are having a good time at Disneyland! And it's not crowded at all which is awesome.

Cute baskets! I'll have to remember to do something like that when we have kids. I am not creative. I never would think to do that.
Looks like you're all having a wonderful time! That sundae looks really yummy. Have a great time at the park tonight! :goodvibes
What the crap. We totally picked the wrong week to go. I'm so glad last weeks insane crowds are gone for you.
So after nap we went back to DL. Dh and Paige went on Peter Pan while Abby and I checked out Snow White Scary Adventure. Paige wanted to ride it but I wanted to see what it was like first. OMG it was VERY SCARY :scared1: By far the most scary ride in all of Dl and CA!!! I was freaked out and poor Abby, who rides anything, was scared too. YIKES! So after that we rode on the Carousel and then throught we would check out Pinocchio. That ride was OK but there is a whale that jumps out at you at the end so I don't think Paige would like that one either, even tho she keeps saying "I'm not scared of ANYTHING!":lmao: So we will skip Pinocchio and Snow white this trip.

Then Abby and I run into Trevor and Paige (it was about 35 min later) and we rode on Teacups and Alice again.

Then I took Paige to the bathroom while Abby got to ride on the Carousel with DH again.
So after that we found a spot for the parade near Storybook land since paige wanted to go on it after the parade. The girls LOVED LOVED the parade!

After the Parade we went on Storybook land. :)
Then it was about 7:40 and the park closes at 8:00 so we walked back to the hotel and stopped at Tortilla Joes and shared Nachos and the girls had beans, rice and fruit. It was a cheep meal (under $10 for all 4 of us).

Then when waiting to get on the elevator guess who we run in to??
.....DeAnna and Jessie from the Batchelorette!! OMG they are so sweet and just as beautiful in person! They were being escorted by a CM to their room. It was my DH, myself and 2 strollers and they decited to cram in our elevator! They talked to us about DL and it was so cool. I watched from the very begining and LOVED that show! Anway it was so neat! Here is a pic so you know who I am talking about:

Anyway we are having breakfast at Minnies this morning. :) Will update later. :)
Did you go on Mr. Toad's? I think that's scarier than Snow White and Pinocchio.
This morning was so fun at Minnie's!! Abby wasn't sure about everyone until she saw Minnie and RAN to her! It was so sweet! I'll post pics later since I don't have much time.
This is what we went on this morning:
Tiki Room
Jungle Cruise
Hanuted Mansion
Then at noon we came back to the hotel. We are going to go swiming and then take a nap.
Oh and both girls LOVED HM and Pirates! Paige has never been on them (since she can remember) but she did so good! I was so proud of her!

Ok off to go swiming!
This morning was so fun at Minnie's!! Abby wasn't sure about everyone until she saw Minnie and RAN to her! It was so sweet! I'll post pics later since I don't have much time.
This is what we went on this morning:
Tiki Room
Jungle Cruise
Hanuted Mansion
Then at noon we came back to the hotel. We are going to go swiming and then take a nap.
Oh and both girls LOVED HM and Pirates! Paige has never been on them (since she can remember) but she did so good! I was so proud of her!

Ok off to go swiming!

Sounds like a great day so far! I'm glad they did well on HM and Pirates. Those are such great rides.
so great to read a live trip report :)

We've been back home a month now from our trip & your photos are a little bittersweet for me................ have an awesome rest of your trip!!!!!!
still having a great time!! Tonight is the trick or Treat party at DCA!! We are excited! We are getting ready and hope to be at the parks by 8:00 a.m.
Here is a pic of when Abby that I thought was sweet

Our family before breakfast:


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