Look out Florida, here we come! Day 4: MGM (including Mom and Pluto's adventure at Pizza Plane


Earning My Ears
Sep 8, 2000
Cast of Characters:

Mom- 39
Dad- 39
Piglet- Me! 13-yo girl
Eeyore- 13-yo girl
Buzz Lightyear- 10-yo boy
Pluto- 6-yo boy

Friday, 11/10

Once again, we did not get going when Mom wanted to. We got to MGM around 10, and went straight back to Sunset Boulevard to get FP for RnR. We had decided not to do the dinner package (PS) for Fantasmic due to what the CM had told us the night before. Also, no one really wanted to do ToT that badly, so we decided to skip it. Then we went to the Starring Roles bakery to get breakfast. They have really good cheese turnovers. We found Pinochio and Gepetto in front of the Great Movie Ride, and Mom and Pluto stayed there to get pics and autographs while Dad, Eeyore, Buzz and I went to do Star Tours. There was a long line for Star Tours, but we saw that there was an Indiana jones show starting in about 10 or 15 minutes, so we decided to do that instead. Dad went back to find Mom and Pluto, who had also found the green army men. Eeyore, Buzz and I stayed there in front of Indiana Jones. We all got in the standby line for Indiana Jones, and a CM assured us that we would get into the show. (we did) After the show, Dad and the older kids used the FP for RnR. That was the most fun ride in all of WDW.

While we were on RnR, Mom and Pluto got FP for Star Tours, and then walked back to find Al's Toy Barn, so we would know where to find Buzz and Woody. We all met up at Muppet Vision 3d. We watched muppets, and then Dad, Eeyore, Buzz and I went back to use the FP for Star Tours. Eeyore and I don't even like Star Wars, but this ride was still pretty fun.

Mom and Pluto, meanwhile, went to get food for everyone at Pizza Planet. There were 2 trays, and Pluto couldn't carry one, so they took one tray and went to find a table. Pluto then decided that he needed to use the restroom. They found a table, put the tray on it, and headed for the restroom. The other tray was still at the pick-up counter. Of course, there was a line for the restroom. While standing in line, Pluto shows mom that he has cut his arm and it was bleeding. After taking care of the restroom needs and the bleeding arm, Mom left Pluto at the table w/ tray #1, and finally goes to retrieve tray #2. Of course, everyone else arrived from Star Tours just as she got back w/ tray #2. How's that for perfect timing? Needless to say, Mom was a little frazzled.

After lunch, we headed back towards Star Tours to line up for the parade. We had by now learned our lesson about lining up early for parades. we found a spot right under the big AT-AT outside Star Tours. We had asked a CM which way the parade was going to go, with the plan of being near the beginning. Then we could hopefully go see Buzz and Woody while everyone else was still watching the parade. This kind of worked. There was still a line for Buzz and Woody, but it really wasn't that long. We also saw Jessie the Cowgirl there.

We then went back past New York St. and tried out the Singing in the Rain Umbrella. Then we went back towards the Backlot Tour. Mom and the kids stood under a misting Coke bottle and tried on hats at a street vendor cart while Dad went to get FP for Little Mermaid. We had just enough time to ride Backlot Tour, which was fun and kind of relaxing, before our FP time. Pluto did NOT want to watch Little Mermaid, but we took him in anyway and he fell asleep during the show. (don't know how he slept through that, because it's kind of loud) We then went to the Great Movie Ride (w/ Mom carrying a sleeping Pluto) and walked right on. Our ride stopped in the gangster scene. Somehow Pluto slept through this, too. We woke him up when the ride was over because we were going to get in line for Fantasmic.

We got to the entrance to Fantasmic at almost 6:00 and joined the crowd of people heading into the amphitheater. The middle sections were full, but we got seats to the left of the middle. We sat near the back because Pluto was afraid it would be loud. Our one mistake was not getting dinner before we got there. We had heard that there were snacks in the theater, but didn't know what. It turned out all they had were hot dogs. We decided to just share a few and get a better dinner later. The preshow entertainment was really funny. Fantasmic was fantastic! Mom took lots of pics, but most of them didn't turn out. The show was awesome- I liked the big water screens.

After Fantasmic, we shopped for a little bit on our way out of MGM- Pluto saw a store called Pluto's toy Palace, so we had to go in. We decided to go back to HIFS, where we got some food from the A&W and then swam in the pool. It was really cold out, (mid 50's) but the pool was heated. It felt like a bathtub! We didn't want to get out because it was freezing cold. We thought we would have icicles hanging off our arms when we got back to the room!

Next- Day 5: Epcot and MSEP
Thanks for the wonderful report. :)


<center><img width="174"height="184"src="http://disneyclipart.simplenet.com/Holidays/Christmas/Mickey_Minnie/xmas-mic-min04.gif"></center>
Reading your report really had me reliving my days at MGM.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

Lisa :)

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