Looking for Control Freaks & Worry Warts - Part 4!!!

Jillian - oh no!!!! Well, at least there is a bright side, right? Just take it easy and whoop up on Mike playing wii!!!!
Hey all! I redid my bonus room upstairs - after we moved Ally to the larger bedroom, what used to be my Disney room, I had to take down everything from the walls, etc. So I finally got around to painting the bonus room and redecorating it.....

Love it Love it Love it

I'm cleaning. The anniversary party for my inlaws is less than a month away. Tim has some snoopy relations so I need to have all of closets clean. But I am so tempted to have a large container of hemroid cream on the shelf to embrarass them.

:lmao: Do it Do it nosy people!!!!

Hey girls I am fine. Thanks for being concerned I am on bedrest until Sunday Morning and I have to have a D&C done. I will be checking here alot since I have nothing to do other than be on the internet and watch TV. Mike is picking up a ton of DVD's so I have something to watch and he is brining the Wii upstairs so I can challange him. My mom is going to take Badookie and I am going to start a trip report and do a little shopping online. This is actually good because I will be able to get pregnant soon and all of my female problems (this is what Mike calls them) should go away :rotfl2:Well not all of them.

We will be monitoring your bedrest Jillian by how much you are here :hug:
Take care hun
Thanks for checking in Jillian.

I hope you are feeling better after your procedure. Take the downtime to catch up and relax a bit. I'll keep you in my thoughts!

Have a great 4th all. We are headed out nice and early for a long camping trip. Plan not to be back until the 11-12, but we'll see! LOL
Hiya all,

hope you all have great 4th of July..... though it is probably treason for me to wish it for you...;)

Just had our blackout blinds fitted so the kids will sleep when it is sunny - so the weather has totally changed - rain, wind, dark skies ... hey ho.....

Hope things go well Jillian - always sounds worse than it feels!!

Anyhow, got to go rush about cleaning before work... so bye for now....

Hi guys. Just dropping by real quick to let you know I'm still here. My computer is really screwed up AGAIN!!!! I have been having so many problems with it this past week. It definitely has a virus and I was pretty upset because I don't know what to do about it. I really am lost when it comes to all things computer-related. Sometimes I start the darn thing up, and my screen is blank - no programs or personal settings whatsoever! I'll shut down and restart again, and everything magically re-appears. I've been afraid to turn the darn thing on sometimes. Good thing though, I'm at least smart enough to back up my pix and documents so I haven't reallly lost anything. Just such a pain.

Good news - a good friend has hooked me up with a guy who works for Geek Squad but does computer work on the side - for much, much cheaper. Whewwww! He's coming this morning to take the computer and clean it all up for me. Probably won't get it back until sometime over the weekend.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll come back on as soon as this baby is fixed!
Thanks for your well wishes girls :hug: I am waiting for a date on my D&C so hopefully next week. I am on so many hormones right now I feel like I am going to cry all the time. :hug: So what better to do than radio 365 and planning.

I hope you all have a very happy and safe 4th enjoy it. We will be celebrating on the 5th here due to the weather.
I need a food intervention...I'm only 8 pounds under my non-pregnant fattest ever. Gah! I think I need a weight loss ticker...
Hi Everyone! Thanks for your hugs! Packing went really well today! Budget rented the kids a 16 ft truck for the price of a 10. Easy packing, and they got to take stuff they were leaving behind!

We had a really nice party at the park, although it was bitter-sweet with the kids leaving and my uncle being very very sick with a terminal illness - we probably won't see him again - he couldn't come to the party.:guilty:

We're leaving in 5 1/2 hrs - I need to get to sleep! Just wanted to stop by and :grouphug: all of you! We have a thunderstorm going on right now - hard to sleep!

Cammie, At first I thought you were saying you had a date with the geek guy! :rotfl2:

Kara, glad the swimming is doing well. have fun for the weekend! Love your bonus room! I'm wanting to re-decorate when we get back - I may do it in the fall. I really need to re-paint!

Jillian, You're in my prayers

Lydia, Kids are here to make us mental. That's their job!

Nancy, Thanks for sticking around!

Laura, I was picturing your nosy neighbors finding a big box of condoms!:rotfl2: Have fun!

Tessa, Thanks for risking treason to wish us well! ;) Hope your girls are sleeping better!

Okay, good night everyone. See you in a week - try not to do too many pages, or I'll never catch up!

Tammie - good luck

Jillia - hugs to you. I'm glad you're ok.

I'm still up at 2am because DD10 had a sleep over and they were trying to stay up all night. I'm exhausted and they are finally going to sleep.

Happy Fourth Everyone!
happy 4th to everyone too!

Good luck Tammie. We are keeping everyone in our prayers as you make that journey.

Have a great rest of the weekend. Off to the lake to go blow stuff up. Love that we spend crazy amounts of $ on fireworks. Oh well the kids love them. Still will never rival wishes in the MK
Made my final payment today!! Actually I'm on with Disney as I type to confirm my dining ADRs because DH made some last night and didn't write down the confirm numbers.

Walking right down the middle of main street USA
for the time of your life you're going to find yourself here
clang clang clang goes the trolley - LaNouba commercial.

I was trying to move our tickets around so we could go to the park on the first day we arrived - which was our plan - but they didn't have anything so I cancelled a day off my tickets and saved $13 and we'll just hang out at the pool for the first day. I'm not spending $250 for one day worth of tickets.
Hiya all,

someone said there was a crash on the monorail last night - hope all are safe - one driver didn't make it. How sad for his family.

I just saw that on the news Tessa - they said the crash was at the TTC and one driver was killed, everyone else was fine. How awful! First time ever this has happened. Wow!

Way tired today - too much fun yesterday. Too much sun, too much food, too much drink, too much fireworks..... so we're gonna do it all again today!
I'm really surprised about the monorail crash. I didn't think they could crash since they talk so much on the radio and the safety mechanisms. It's very sad for the driver.

Terrible! I just feel terrible about this!

Kara...LOVE the room! It looks great!!!!
Glad some of you are having a great weekend!
Sorry Cammie about the computer, Laura for getting sick and poor poor Jillian! Hope you feel better soon!
Glad things went well Tammie. Sorry I missed your send off.
Tina I hope you survived the sleep over and Lydia I hope you reclaimed your mental capacity! LOL!
Tessa & Erin...thnaks for thinking of us on the 4th!
Welcome again Nancy!
I'm back from the lake. The weekend was great. I didn't feel well on the4th so I mssed the fireworks. Trying a new keyboard xonfig out. It isn't working too well. We have the tummy flu here now. Nice outside and we are stuck indoors. Hope everyone is better than me.
Hiya all,

Laura - hope you are feeling better soon...

wish I was going to Disney soon, got the no trip blues again....

Still - lost another 2 pounds last week!! 20 pounds so far!:woohoo:

Just having a summer downpour outside right now - the rain is hitting the ground so hard you can hear it rumble!

And I have to go pick up the kids..... those blues are back....:rolleyes:



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