Looking for Control Freaks & Worry Warts - Part 4!!!

We changed our minds and decided to do the 4 day cruise-basically it doesn't cost us any out of pocket money since we are using our DVC points. And we are staying one night at AK beforehand. Woohoo!
I've looked at the DCL a few times, but it's so expensive! We're still arguing about where to camp this summer!

Hot, hot day! Happy Birthday to my wonderful 11 yo DD MD!! I'm so proud of her - she's had some amazing days and here we are 11 years later and I'm still so proud of her!
We changed our minds and decided to do the 4 day cruise-basically it doesn't cost us any out of pocket money since we are using our DVC points. And we are staying one night at AK beforehand. Woohoo!

Lydia, your trip sounds wonderful! Hope you all have a great time. :goodvibes
Just saying hi to show off the new and improved ticker. :cool1::cool1: Pushed the trip back to December thanks to the extended free dining.
Howdy everyone! Relaxing in the air conditioning after a VERY hot, hot day! First day back to work yesterday and my boss came over and asked, "So how was Disney?" I told her I didn't go to Disney - "I thought you always went to Disney on vacation!" Oh I wish!!!

How's everyone else dealing with this heat!
happy belated birthday to your daughter Tina. Oh that you boss just poured salt in to the Disney wound...sorry.

Hi Keahi!!!

I'm happy for shelly to move to Dec. The heat is a concern in Dec.

Okay lydia--what is you arrival date for AKV?? I leave on the 23. Would be great to say hi. I loved a tankini when preggers. Let me fit the top and bottom seperately.

just picked up shirts at Joann's to start working on them... 12 weeks and counting. Oh I am so nerverous. I am serious contemplating heading to the Dr. to be evaluated for an anxiety disorder. I'm not sleeping just constantly worrying about silly things. Lately it has been about a car crashing thru our house. Silly I know but still scary. We live on the opposite side of a T in the road, so if a car doesn't turn all the way left it would be in my yard. Never in 12 yrs has this happend but now I am paranoid about it. Oh just keep breathing.
So...glad to see this thread still going on! Is everyone here on facebook too? Missing anyone over there?
I hear you about FB. I only go on to talk to friends during the summer and play treasure isle. How's everyone's summer going?

So it sounds like b/sil are going to stop off at Disney in March when they go to Clearwater. So jealous! DH keeps hinting that we're going next year, but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed. Getting ready for a vacation to NH camping - not the same but fun!!
We were looking at the Lake Regions, but I think we're going to scrap a NY trip and save the money for a Disney trip.

Question - do any of you use the Quick Service Dining Plan that is free with the Value resort during August-October? We're talking about possibly driving down, staying at a Value resort and doing the free dining, but now I see you only get the QSD and I really don't like the looks of it. We always go Dining Plan and it sounds like the upgrade is $10/pp/pday and that's not too bad. I'm just wondering if anyone has had success with the QSD plan????
I'm not a good person to ask about that because both of my kids have gone to disney eveyr year since the womb! Seriously we took them both each year they've been alive! 6 months was the youngest I took a child and it wasn't too bad. Honestly it's more of a question of how much work you want to do while you're there? Diapers, bottles, stroller, whinying, sticky, naps - you have to think about that!

Would I do it again, probably not. I would probably wait until they were 4 yo. There's a reason why they're free under 3 - it's not really worth it. Trust me my kids LOVE Disney and can't wait to go back. Do they remember every trip - nope. Do they remember all the special things I did for each trip - nope. Do I consider each trip a waste of time/money - kind of/not really. Each trip was a family rejuvenation for us. When we go to Disney we're all the same age the second we pass under the train station!

We took the entire family, mil, bil, sil, my parents on a trip in December 2006 - do you think DD8 remembers it - kind of - she was 4yo. It's the memories we talk about that she remembers.

You have to do what's right for you and your family. These are memories, regardless if they remember them or not. You do and when they're older screaming at how much you make them miserable:rolleyes1, you'll have those memories to fall back on.
We held off and just now are bringing katie, 3. She will be 4 in Nov. I think this will make more of an impact. We did leave her home when we went last time. She was almost 18 months. I do not reget that decision. It is a lot of work with a baby and it was hot. Renee can fill you in on what it is like to be there and it is hot and have baby. Mia was almost 2 I think when they went.


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