Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts too........

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I just lease a car I don't really drive much and I like having a new car every few years ,but this year DH decided when the lease is up we are going to be BUYING TWO NEW CARS :scared1: . A new Minivan and either an Xterra or a Murano. We also have a gas guzzeling truck that he is going to keep.:confused3

My DH is 9 years older than I am Me 26 him 35 so he wants to be done soon. I feel like I have alot of time.

We kept "talking" about it, but talking doesn't make babies! :rotfl: So we have an only child and I regret it very much. But she turns 7 this month, and I'll be 42 this summer so I think that is where we're at. I just don't want her to be an only child.

Been there felt that! I waited until my kids would be three years apart and it has worked well so far. I was NOT ready before that!

Are we ever really "ready?" :confused3 I'm still not sure I'm ready - especially with the questions DD comes home with now! :eek:

DH and I had the talk last night about adding another one to the mix. I am not really sure I want to do the baby thing all over again. I love when they get to be around 2 and cannot wait for DS to get there, but on the other had I would love a little girl or another little boy to give DS a sibling I am so close to mine and I think it is amazing. [/B][/COLOR][/FONT]

You're still young, and so is your DH really! I was almost 35 when DD was born. I had a wonderful pregnancy, but gained a ton of weight. They say the older you are when you have your first child, the harder it is to lose the weight - Amen to that!

I agree that having two would be great, and I always though 4 years apart would be idea. My sister had hers 18 months apart and it seems like they expect too much from the older one now. I'm sure there are pluses and negatives to every scenario.

I am glad that there are a lot people like me.:lmao: I have a lot of gray hair from stressing out. :rotfl:

I thought the grey hair came from motherhood! :rotfl2: Welcome!

If you find that pill - put me down for a lifetime supply! Although, isn't that why we have kids?

Glad you're enjoying our thread. It is like coffee with the gals, Debbie! We should have a little "happy hour" on Friday nights - pick a designated time and drink of choice and then hang out on the thread together!:drinking1 :banana:

Great, drunk posting! Isn't there a law against that? :lmao:
I'm secretly wondering how I can get that flu that's been going around to jump-start my weight loss! What's that line from "The Devil Wears Prada"? "I'm one stomach bug away from my goal weight?":rotfl:

I am so so with you on that 1 .. i have tried and failed at losing weight for this next trip, failed so badly i had to go and buy new clothes yesterday (which i can't actually afford to do)

It's like having coffee with the gals isn't it??

I'm enjoying it too and yes that's exactly what it's like :)

I am sooooooooo looking forward to temperatures above 70 - aren't you Erin!! Not long to go now...


Oh yes Tessa i really am, i am so fed up of the wind and rain and hail :eek: yuck

Ok all i have to go back out in all that for my DD's parent's evening :)
I will be back shortly :wave2:
Catch you all later
Cammie - I will check out the sticky, thanx! As for SWA, I agree that they are probably the safest airline out there right now. My dad used to always tell us to fly the airline that had the most recent crash, for the same reason! :eek:

Oh goodness - we used to say the SAME THING!

OK, who has a DVC? Here's my big question. How do you handle family? Do they ask to use it? Do you take them with you? Does one side get upset if you take the other side?

Vacation with family is NO vacation - IMO!:laughing:

Seriously, I've taken my brother and his wife for the past few years - they help out with my youngest. But now that they have the baby, I just can't justify using the pts. for a bigger place to accommodate them. My sister is also DVC and I'm trying to talk her into coming the same week as us in Nov. Don't know what I'm getting myself into though - she's not a planner at all and I'm a stubborn brat on my Disney vacations - my girls & I have what we like to do and we don't really want to compromise. If my sister & her family come, I'm sure then my parents will also. Told my sister they'll have to stay with her - after a week with me, they'd both be chopped up and in the freezer!:lmao: (My parents just really get on my last nerve!)

I wouldn't care who got upset about what I was doing. It's my DVC, my vacation. Now that I'm divorced, I've gotten much better at sticking up for what's best for me and my girls. I'm sure I'm considered the B**** in my family, but my girls think I'm the best! :worship:
I am glad that there are a lot people like me.:lmao: I have a lot of gray hair from stressing out. :rotfl:

:welcome: Hope you can stick around!

DH and I had the talk last night about adding another one to the mix. I am not really sure I want to do the baby thing all over again. I love when they get to be around 2 and cannot wait for DS to get there, but on the other had I would love a little girl or another little boy to give DS a sibling I am so close to mine and I think it is amazing.

My girls are 20 months apart. Those first few months are hell, aren't they? I really love the six month mark! And, btw, enjoy it when they're 2, because when they get to 3 - watch out!

I am so so with you on that 1 .. i have tried and failed at losing weight for this next trip, failed so badly i had to go and buy new clothes yesterday (which i can't actually afford to do)

This is EXACTLY what I'm trying to avoid. I'm afraid to pull out my shorts and tank tops. Luckily, I still have a few months - I'm not even looking at purchasing any new clothes until I lose a little!
You'll have to excuse me, I just jumped on and didn't intro myself. I'm Laura, 32, and live in MN. I have 2 DD one is 6 and the other 16 mos. Our next trip to WDW is May 5-12. It will be DD6 first trip. DD 16 mos is staying with grandma and grandpa. I have agonized over bringing her but DH is insistent that she wouldn't remember it. I gave it and said well will have to go back before she turns 3. I am a SAHM, but I have part time job at night for extra cash (WDW fund).

I have to agree about the vehicle purchase. DH is always wanting a new one. I think we have gone thru 7 cars in the 15 yrs we've been together. I used to work full time and did well so we could afford to do that. He is still living like we are "rolling in it" Thing is that we never were. Ahhh to live in his world. My sympathies for having to be the bubble buster.

My girls are almost 5 yrs apart. We could never decide when the right time was. So after waiting an eternity we started to try, then it seemed to take for ever. I was hoping they'd be closer in age but this is okay. Only bad part is you forget all of the things go along with toddlers. Ughh! Hoping for one more, who knows. We'll need a house-stretcher though. DDs are rooming together. Just have to get DD6 to move downstairs and then we can consider it. Who knows when that will be. I'll have to let her do it on her own time.

You're right it like having coffee with the girls. Friday nights would be a blast. I work but it would be fun to see what ends up here :)

Gotta run DD6 is home from school with fever and DD 16 mos is playing with her stuff.....
Laura - We're gonna be there the same time - AND we're staying at POP!!! We're there 5/4-5/10 with DH's whole family! I'll be easy to find. I"ll be the one drinking a lot to be able to put up with my in-laws for a week!:rotfl2:
Laura - Wait a minute - you honeymooned there in 1998 too???? Weird coincidences! We did too! We actually married in Oct of 97 but honeymooned at BWI in May of 98! Great minds think alike! :thumbsup2
DH and I have recently had the baby talk again. We would love another but we are having such a great time right now w/DD that it is a little scary thinking about another. Okay, it is also the pregnancy, labor, possible cesarean, and teenage years that I worry about. Anyhow, we haven't decided yet and I am almost 32. Oh well.
Thanks for not telling me I am crazy about the wedding thing. It's not that they don't want kids there that bothers me, it's that they expect everyone to travel and spend money on airfare but then tell you that if you want to bring your kid then you can't come, not even to Vancouver and get our own room at our own expense. And they didn't even send us invitations. They called my DH and asked him to be best man. Then later called and found out that DD and I were coming and 4 months later call to tell us we can't come. Weirdos. Did I tell you guys this is a very small wedding? 2 bridesmaids, 2 groomsmen, the parents and brothers and sisters and spouses w/out kids. That's it. And no drinking.
Laura - Wait a minute - you honeymooned there in 1998 too???? Weird coincidences! We did too! We actually married in Oct of 97 but honeymooned at BWI in May of 98! Great minds think alike! :thumbsup2

Like I said it it an addiction....

We were at All Star Sports in Oct 98. We may see each other. I read your earlier post and saw you will be at BBB around the same time we will.

Good luck with in-laws
Hiya all

Erin -just noticed the ticker - DLRParis too!!!! wow.... we've been twice - it is another world - sooooo much quieter than Florida, but loads to do -you have to compare the rides -apparently POTC is different, the castle is of course TOTALLY different - DLRP has a resident dragon! ooohhhhh I'm green with envy now..... Are you going at May half term? That's when we went - best time of year!!

Everyone seems to have family holiday woes..... we are lucky I guess, DH parents come with us sometimes (Center Parcs) but they are nice and either do their own thing or join us doing what we want - and they offer to babysit at least twice during the trips too.... Christmas we have a few troubles - but the rest of the year we are great...

Laura -Glad to have you here.

Tessa - Great news, under 200.:banana:

Tammie - Wish I could meet up w/you guys at the airport but I hate driving through airports and expressways. :confused3

No drinking. One more reason not to care that I can't go. It would be a four hour flight to Seattle, then a three hour drive to Vancouver w/DD probably bored. Then the wedding, no drinking, go karting and maybe bowling. I think I like this staying home thing more now.
This is EXACTLY what I'm trying to avoid. I'm afraid to pull out my shorts and tank tops. Luckily, I still have a few months - I'm not even looking at purchasing any new clothes until I lose a little!

Yes i have 3 weeks and i have no choice but to buy it certainly beats the alternative ;)

You'll have to excuse me, I just jumped on and didn't intro myself.

I've just realised i didn't either, i just waded in and joined in :laughing:
I'm Erin am 31 on my way to 32 i have 1 daughter Chloe who has just turned 9 who right now is my good books as have just got back from parents evening and she is doing fabulously well .. I am a Stay At Home Single Mum but volunteer for my church and am looking into doing all sorts of courses in an attempt to get back into work of some description

Hiya all

Erin -just noticed the ticker - DLRParis too!!!! wow.... we've been twice - it is another world - sooooo much quieter than Florida, but loads to do -you have to compare the rides -apparently POTC is different, the castle is of course TOTALLY different - DLRP has a resident dragon! ooohhhhh I'm green with envy now..... Are you going at May half term? That's when we went - best time of year!!

Hi Tessa
Yes i know i am a lucky girl ... Florida is a big family holiday there are 16 of us going, to celebrate my aunt's 70th and is the biggest treat for me as when my nan died she left me money to go with :) and DLRP is being paid for by saving the money i USED to spend on cigarettes as i gave up 19 weeks ago and we are staying offsite ... My DD can't wait to see the castle as it's Sleeping Beauty's who is her favourite princess am also going with my friend who's 3 children have never been to any Disney park at all how exciting ... However maybe you can give me any tips of all the best things to do and all the must do's whilst we're there, want to give them a fab holiday ... We go on May the 12th which is actually before the half term where we live, went then as was cheaper
cigarettes as i gave up 19 weeks ago

Me too! I quit Jan 10th after almost 20 years smoking! :scared1: And the 22 lbs I lost last year? Yeah, it's creeping back on. I get terrible cravings especially during that time of the month. I can't seem to eat enough!!! And the saltier the better, followed by something sweet of course! :rotfl:

I know that I'm healthier now, but I feel so out of control sometimes! And will my temper get better? I seem to yell at DD all the time now, whereas before I just let everything slide. Last night we came home from McD's and the little boy next door came by to see if DD wanted to go to Kid's Conditioning at our clubhouse - I told him no since we had just gotten home and were getting ready to eat. She got so upset and said that she "never gets to do anything fun." I snapped! I told her I guessed that the new Nintendo she got "isn't fun" and Disney World for P&PP "wasn't fun" and going to McD's "isn't fun." And I just went on and on. I sent her to her room and told her when she was finished acting like a spoiled brat and ready to apologize she could come down and eat her cold dinner! By the time she came down about 10 minutes later, she was in much better spirits. Maybe it sank in?

I just fell asleep for a 1/2 hour, and I think it did more harm than good. Once DD gets home from school (in about 5 minutes) I think I'm going to try again - she probably needs a little nap, too! We are getting our hair cut tonight and I don't feel well right now. But I have to feel better in time for my hair appt, right???
Laura - first of all, do we all have the same SIL??? :rotfl2:

And if there WAS a pill for laundry, I'd OD on it! You're right about this thread - it fits me perfectly! It's a place to whine and moan and nobody complains or tells you to suck it up! I love it!!!! And I don't yell at DH anymore when he tells me to suck it up!:rotfl:

Debbie - I'm so sorry you're having a rough go of it! :grouphug: I know that money is always the most stressful thing - especially the thought of shelling out $$$$ for a car. Luckily for us, DH manages an auto auction, so we get all our cars at cost. Then we drive them until they fall apart. I have never had a new car and don't think I ever will! We get all ours one or 2 years old and you save sooooo much money!!!! And to me, it is still "new." The only nice thing about the new cars is the 0% financing.

I wish I could lose weight when I'm stressed, but for me it is the opposite - last night I made a pan of brownies and ate half of them!!!

Cammie - I will check out the sticky, thanx! As for SWA, I agree that they are probably the safest airline out there right now. My dad used to always tell us to fly the airline that had the most recent crash, for the same reason! :eek:

Well, I just made a very important call - I called Charles Schwab to transfer my IRA from my old job. We started talking and I found out that they offer checking accounts with over 3% interest! That's crazy high for checking! My SIL has been trying for over a week to get money out of their online account with another company and it is apparently taking an act of Congress to get it (yes, this is the money she has owed us for over 4months for Hoop Dee Doo tickets! :rolleyes: ). So I decided to look into some other options. And guess what I am going to do? I am going to open my own saving acct without DH knowing about it - and I'm going to save for DVC! As long as I can still contribute to my IRA, I don't think he'll be upset.

OK, who has a DVC? Here's my big question. How do you handle family? Do they ask to use it? Do you take them with you? Does one side get upset if you take the other side?

Both our families (with the exception of my sister) would make snide remarks if we took my parents, or DH's family, etc. I swear they all drive me nuts!!!!! My parents made a snide remark because we drove 5 1/2 hrs to see DH's family a few weeks ago, but we haven't made the 14 hr trip to see them!!! Since we moved, we are now a flight away from my family instead of a car ride. So it's a bit more expensive. Plus, DH and I both work, DD has school, it's not like we can just make that trip in a weekend! My parents are so irrational sometimes! And they are so nasty about us going to WDW with DH's family in May. My parents could never afford to do that, and they won't save the money just for themselves so we could all go together with everyone paying their own way. DH really wants to take my parents to Disney, but I'm the one who thinks they'd just complain about everything. The older they get, the grumpier they get!

Wow, didn't know I was going to go off on THAT tangent! Later!

Hi Kara! We have DVC. We have used it for our kids and their families mostly. Although, we did bring my DSIS last June with her kids. This was because she had lived 2 hrs from DL for several yrs and her DH wouldn't take her. Now they live in OK, and her DH agreed to one Disney trip, either DL or WDW. Since we had DVC, it grew into a "let us introduce you to the mouse" trip. Her DH ended up staying home, just her and her two kids. WE had a great time together, and we bought the park tickets two. She only had her airfare and her DDP. They seemed really ungrateful. She complained about the cost, and her kids complained about almost everything. My DSIL started asking if they could come, too, and I told her we didn't have enought points, then she wanted to know where to get points. She also invited themselves along on our DCL this Sept, and asked my Mom and Dad to go, too! We don't want to sail with my rents :scared1:

So I guess sometimes you have one side complaining about you going with another one. I haven't had any family asking to use it without us. I would go with my DB and DSIL sometime, but DH is a little fed up with making plans with everyone else - I think next May we are going to WDW by ourselves. We will probably see if DBIL and his daughter can go with us sometime, and then maybe my DB. My other DSIS would drive us crazy cuz they don't get out of bed until noon! They spent 6 days there before and only saw MK! :lmao:

I am glad that there are a lot people like me.:lmao: I have a lot of gray hair from stressing out. :rotfl:

Welcome Ang! Stay and obsess with us awhile! :thumbsup2

Laura -Glad to have you here.

Tessa - Great news, under 200.:banana:

Tammie - Wish I could meet up w/you guys at the airport but I hate driving through airports and expressways. :confused3

That would be so fun! :hug:

Debbie! Hope you find a truck solution that works for both of you! I know how to make some extra WDW money! ;)

Hi everyone else! I got a little work done this morning - I'm on here writing my PTR for DL - I should be cleaning up the house- we are having DMIL and DFIL over for dinner! I'll be back!
Me too! I quit Jan 10th after almost 20 years smoking! :scared1: And the 22 lbs I lost last year? Yeah, it's creeping back on. I get terrible cravings especially during that time of the month. I can't seem to eat enough!!! And the saltier the better, followed by something sweet of course! :rotfl:

I know that I'm healthier now, but I feel so out of control sometimes! And will my temper get better? I seem to yell at DD all the time now, whereas before I just let everything slide. Last night we came home from McD's and the little boy next door came by to see if DD wanted to go to Kid's Conditioning at our clubhouse - I told him no since we had just gotten home and were getting ready to eat. She got so upset and said that she "never gets to do anything fun." I snapped! I told her I guessed that the new Nintendo she got "isn't fun" and Disney World for P&PP "wasn't fun" and going to McD's "isn't fun." And I just went on and on. I sent her to her room and told her when she was finished acting like a spoiled brat and ready to apologize she could come down and eat her cold dinner! By the time she came down about 10 minutes later, she was in much better spirits. Maybe it sank in?

I just fell asleep for a 1/2 hour, and I think it did more harm than good. Once DD gets home from school (in about 5 minutes) I think I'm going to try again - she probably needs a little nap, too! We are getting our hair cut tonight and I don't feel well right now. But I have to feel better in time for my hair appt, right???

Oh yes i know i am gonna be an ex smoker forever rather than a non smoker one of the hardest things have ever done ... Well done to you too

Oh yes i am at my worst at about 7.50 when it is time for DD to get into bed i just feel it building and building and i know that's the time when i would settle her and go downstairs and have a cig for sure ... and don't you just love it when they say stuff like that or "so and so's mum lets them do this and that" my answer go live there then hahahaha ... cruel i know but sometimes enough is enough hey!!!!
Hope you girls are both feeling better after your nap, enjoy having your hair done
Oh yes i know i am gonna be an ex smoker forever rather than a non smoker one of the hardest things have ever done ... Well done to you too

Oh yes i am at my worst at about 7.50 when it is time for DD to get into bed i just feel it building and building and i know that's the time when i would settle her and go downstairs and have a cig for sure ... and don't you just love it when they say stuff like that or "so and so's mum lets them do this and that" my answer go live there then hahahaha ... cruel i know but sometimes enough is enough hey!!!!
Hope you girls are both feeling better after your nap, enjoy having your hair done
How did you quit smoking?
I been trying for 6 months now...I only been smoking for 3 years....i quit long time ago with no problem....
I started because of stress:rotfl: ....my mom in the hospital, then my brother had a 5 by pass...he came and live with me to take care of. Then my other brother end up congestion heart failure, and another brother had 2 by pass done and end up having 2 strokes. None of my brothers have wives:headache: So, it up to me take care of them and I had to talk to the doctors and so on..(because stay at home mom) Plus, I was planning a huge 80th party for my mom (I come from a family of 10) and my DH back went out that week when everyone was coming into town. DH was on workmen cop for 5 months and had surgry. That was bad year. (Only thing good about it we went to WDW)Thats how I end up smoking:rotfl: I am so sick of smoking..sometime I smoke because am bored. I am down to 3 a day....I don't want to put on weight.

I am stay at mom..:rotfl: my kids are 10 and 17. I quite my job when my DS was year old. I was a floral designer...the hours did not fit well to raise a family. I had to work weekends and so does my DH.

Right now, I am stress about college, cars, money, and daily stuff. :eek:

Its weird though, when I not home, I don't smoke...I am a closet smoker:rolleyes1
Well, I will stop...
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