Looking for March 6th Magic Cruisers

VIKKIGZ-- We're staying at Pop too! Safe travels to you!
Stepped on the scales last night at the meeting. Down 3 more! My goal was to lose 10 before the trip and I did it!!! That gives me a cushion for the trip, so I can eat!!! Was afraid I would have to go with the roasted chicken all week. Plus with a workout buddy, I should be in good shape. Hey, make sure everyone swings by my cabin to sign the poster I made to put on the outside of the door! Leaving tomorrow @ 2:00 for the airport, gotta finalize all my plans! Will see you all soon!!! But someone has to tell me what dining room we are meeting in!!!!:hyper:
Good Morning Magic Cruisers!
Hope everyone is getting their last minute stuff done! I stayed up til midnight last night getting ready. Then I had a hard time falling asleep. Too many thoughts running around in my head!:Pinkbounc I probably won't be able to sleep much tonight either! Way too excited!

My Mom and Dad called me this morning at 5:40 am. They were just pulling into the port at Ft. Lauderdale. They have been on the 8 day Southern Carib. Carnival cruise. They said they had a good time. So we will visit tonight while I'm packing, then they are driving us to the airport tomorrow. Guess we'll have to catch up when we get back after our cruise!

Here's to :sunny: skies and calm seas!::yes::

:earsgirl: Teresa

The plan is to meet at whichever dining room has table service. I think it will be Lumiere's but I am not sure. I am finalizing my lists as we speak. I can't believe it is almost here!

I hope everyone gets lots of rest tonight and tomorrow so we can be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for our trip.

Kimnicki - I know you are gone, but I did get the Mickeyheads last night! I made one into a magnet and the other four into stickers for us to wear so everyone can find us.


We still have 7 months to go!:(
This will be my last post before leaving for the trip. We leave Friday @ 2:00!!! I am so nervous. And excited too! I wish everyone well and a safe journey! Can we use this board after the trip to talk about how much fun we all had? Getting a good nights sleep, see you all on Saturday/ Sunday!:wave2:
Waiting for midnight to print our boarding passes. Leave for the airport in 6 hours! Everyone have a safe trip down to Florida, see you real soon!
I have goose bumps. Am I cold or just jumping out of my skin? I finally got the stuff in the bags last night. I have a little last minute packing to do but for all intents and purposes, I am done. We are staying at a hotel near the airport and catch a 7:30 flight in the morning. I AM SO EXCITED. Of course my kids were little "devils" this morning. I hope that is not a trend that continues.

Look for my lime green DIS pin on my backpack. I am looking forward to seeing all of you.

Twinave - that you for your good wishes. We'll let you know what a wonderful time we had.

AndPigletToo - I am looking forward to using this board to talk about our trips. We will all have shared a magical experience together.

Safe travels to all. See you soon.

Good Morning!

:Pinkbounc It's almost time! I really can't believe it. Maybe it will really sink in at the airport.
I stayed up until 2:30 this morning. Then woke up at 5:30. Now I'm at school! I have to work until 11:30, then we leave for Dallas. Here's hoping the substitute gets here on time. If not, I'm leaving my kids with my partner teacher! ::yes::

Well, I'll see y'all on Saturday or Sunday! Can't wait to meet everybody!

Safe Travels!
:earsgirl: Teresa
Here's wishing you all a MAGICal cruise!!!


The Disney Magic getting ready to sail on Saturday March 6, 2004


The Disney Magic leaving Port Canaveral (some fire in the background)


The Disney Magic sailing past the Two Palms cam
Thank you Andy for the pictures.

It was truly a magical cruise - even though we faced a few difficulties. When I get caught up at work, I will let you know all about it.

March 6'ers - wasn't it grand?

Thanks Andy, you're the best! Denae, I can't believe I didn't get you meet you!!! I was so disappointed. I hope everything is ok now and hope you had a great cruise as well. I can't wait to read everyone's trip reports.

TaraLee, thank you so much for the great door decoration. It really was sweet of you to do that for everyone!

Theresa and Linda, I enjoyed both of your company. And Callie is a sweetie. Katie enjoyed spending time with her too.

Lisa (Piglet), you and your husband were a riot at the 80's party. I have pics of each of you on stage. Send me a pm and I'd be happy to send them to you!

Sultan,Wyoming Gang and Mickeyandtink, it was great meeting you all and was neat to put a face with the names. Wyoming Gang, I hope your trip home was a little better than your trip down.

I hope all the other DISers that I didn't get a chance to meet had a great time as well.

We're going to rebook for 2006, probably March again. I hope to keep in touch with you all on the board here.

What a great experience this all has been. Now I'm off to plan our next cruise!!

Hi everyone! Hope everyone had as good a time as I did! It was so great to meet most of you! I just wish all of us could have met! And next time--y'all remind me to take a group picture! I got a picture of some people, but not of others! So when I'm putting my pictures in the photo album, I'll be mad at myself for not getting everyone!

I slept late on Sunday, then did laundry and started transfering my video from the camera to a tape. Took my pictures to get developed---they'll be back tomorrow! Sure wish I could have done 1 hour!

Here's a funny story on the trip home: We went to DTD and ate at Rainforest Cafe. Linda asked Callie (9 yrs. old) what she was going to order off of the kid's menu. Callie said chicken strips, mac and cheese, and a hot dog. Linda and I just laughed and told her we were back in the "real world" and she could only order 1 thing off the menu!

Well, we wanted to rebook, but after I got my itemized bill, I figured I better pay this one off before I booked another one! But I will go again for sure!::yes::

Y'all take care and keep in touch!
Happy unpacking! (it's not as much fun-except finding souveniers that I forgot I bought!)

:earsgirl: Teresa
Were soory we missed the lunch. I looked for the green Mickeys tho!
Thanks for the door message as well !!!!

I posted a friendly feedback- post results to our cruise on the TRIP REPORT SECTION
Heres the link:


Please feel free to reply to the thread, as some already have !!!!

So, ...............2 questions:

Anyone have a favorite ship/island drink?

TIE for #1
B- "KONK KOOLER" (Castaway Cay)

Anyone know the exact indegients and amounts for these?
Hello friends!!
We did have the time of our lives didn't we? Miss. Disney Teach I couldn't find you on the last night to tell you bye. We just made the 11:00 dead line to get our luggage out. It was great putting faces with the names. We got 4in. of snow today but I have warm memories.

Your Friend,

Hi Jill,
I know what you mean about the 11 pm deadline. We barely made it, too! I should have started packing on Thursday! We missed the farewell variety show because of packing!

I got most of my pictures back last night and I put in my last 2 rolls. All but 4 pictures turned out great! :bounce:
I've got a copy of the one of us at the adult beach on Castaway Cay to send to you, so PM your address to me and I'll send it to you.

The weather here in East Texas is great! It is supposed to be almost 80 today! At recess yesterday, my tan got a little darker! Hoping to get even more this afternoon. I can't imagine going back to snow!

Hey Kim! We had a blast hanging out with you, too! Maybe next time we can win the jackpot in Bingo! I realized when I was looking through my pictures that I didn't get a picture of y'all! I got you on the video camera at Bingo, but that's it. So if you have an extra picture of y'all, I would love one to put in my photo album.

Well, my students are back from Music so I've got to go. Talk to y'all later!

:earsgirl: Teresa
Just able to log on to this discussion board today. Something wrong with internet server. Anyway, I was very sorry I didn't get to meet everyone. Although, some recognized me with all the girls and did introduce themselves. Thanks!!

We had a great time on the cruise. First time vacation for husband and I, where we did not want to go home!! Kids had a absolute blast ! Although, very difficult at times with such little ones. The kids were exhausted by 8pm everynight so to our room we headed. We were not able to really enjoy any of the adult entertainment. Oh well, it was great to see the kids faces light up when they saw a character!!
Hubby and I decided we will wait till the little one is 5 before we cruise again. But I am already planning a visit to the Bahamas next year! Wasn't the weather absolutely beautiful there!!(Snowed 3inches here today,YUK)

I will miss all our conversations leading to our trip=:(. But just wanted to thank everyone for their ideas and tips. I don't know what I would have done without them.

Thanks for the door decoration Taralee. My little ones talked about it to everyone they saw when they got home!!!

Bye for now,
Kate -

How could I miss you with those beautiful little girls? I too missed meeting everyone (but you), and the adult entertainment because the kids were so tired. We lasted until about 9:00 or 9:30 most nights. My kids slept like rocks once their heads hit the pillow.

My kids were difficult at times too and I think we would have gotten a lot more out of the trip if they were a couple of years older. They wanted to be carried everywhere which was a challenge since they weigh 35 pounds each. But they had a blast and loved the characters, the pool and CC.

Every time we went to a show, they would fall asleep. We would wait for the theater to clear and lug them back to the room. I don't know what we would have done with four.

We are thinking of doing some kind of beachside resort or all-inclusive thing. Fewer scheduled activities, more time to relax. Is there somewhere in the world like CC where we could stay for a week?



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