Lori & Eoghan's PJ/TR -5/1/09 SBP/Jiko/Morocco-TR updated 7/12 honeymoon pics added!

I'm reading it Meryll!

I must catch up on yours to Summer.

I'm still on Day 5 of mine, only 17 more days to go.
I'm reading it Meryll!

I must catch up on yours to Summer.

I'm still on Day 5 of mine, only 17 more days to go.

Chilly you still have a long time to go:banana:Is the enthusiasm waning at all? I found it more and more difficult to keep up the motivation, I guess my long style made it hard for me to find time to write it all. I am glad I have restarted though. I only have 9 days left I think AAAAAHHHH, neverending indeed.
Love your PJ and TR Lori:)! You most certainly had a beautiful wedding! Love how Carrie & Jensey crashed your Wedding and DP! Too cool. I did spot your hidden mickeys on your dress:)!
Your picutres are stunning!

It looks wonderful!

Thanks Bree! It was the best decision we've made so far! (Having a DFTW!)

The day really was perfect from beginning to end! (Except for maybe the heat!) :rotfl:

I have finally finished writing my next installment and when my in-laws go back to Ireland (they're visiting us for 10 days!) I can upload more pics and get the next installment up! I think it's been long enough since I last updated! :)
So I have to admit, all of a sudden, my memory is getting a bit fuzzy. I’m hoping the rest of the report goes well. :scared: It might end up just being some pictures with commentary! But will try my best I promise! :thumbsup2

We arrive at EPCOT and though I can’t remember which we did first, I know we did Spaceship Earth and Finding Nemo…

I know we did Spaceship Earth because I remember doing the fun thing at the end and seeing me and my mom’s faces up on the screen :) and I can remember doing Finding Nemo because I remember distinctly saying to DH that I wanted to sit with my mom in the shell. :lmao:
I remember we tried to go on Soarin’ but the line was too long and I don’t think there were any fast passes left… :sad2:
I can remember that DF’s mom started texting that they were in the park and it took ages it seemed and loads of walking back and forth to find them. I can remember at one point I asked DH if he could just find them so my mom wouldn’t have to keep walking (she was starting to feel tired etc.) So, we finally all caught up and I don’t know if it was the heat or that I was annoyed that they had basically blew us off for the day, or both, but I remember being pretty cranky. :guilty:
We had to walk to Germany to meet everyone for dinner but Soarin’ was like the only thing I felt like taking my mom on and since the line was too long, we just ended up sitting and resting/waiting it out until it was time to stroll over to Germany.

When we got over there it was hopping! :banana: There seemed to be an unusual amount of people in the courtyard which I think made the atmosphere very festive. (Even more so than usual). A few weeks before the wedding I had called Biergarten directly to see if we could request the waitress we had the last time. She was awesome, so friendly and pretty and German (one of my pet peeves is when you get someone who is not native to the country you’re eating in). The manager was so nice but told me unfortunately she ended her time there and had to go back home. I was bummed out. I also had mentioned to the manager that I did not like how they now had the beepers there as my last name is German and the only place I ever hear it pronounced correctly is when we eat at Biergarten! :lmao:
He said he would make a note of it on our reservation, so that when it was time for party to be called, we would in fact be called out by name. I thought this was ultra cool of him to offer. (Of course it didn’t excite anyone else but me, but who cares). :rotfl: Plus it was now officially my maiden name…:sad1: but :)

We didn’t have to wait to long to be seated. We sat at 2 tables. People tried to mix it up a bit at this meal and sit with different people which I was happy about.
Even though there were quite a few of our group who were nervous about the food, most either really liked it or even said it was better than they thought it would be. (I still don’t get this. I think the food there is delicious!) Plus, there was lots of beer of course.
I have eaten lunch at Biergarten for many trips and have never been disappointed in the show. This was my first time eating dinner there and the show seemed much shorter. :confused: I know the woman in the band was not there and there was no ringing of the bells…
Also, our waitress was American and not that friendly or nice which sucked because it was the last time we were all together and I really wanted people to experience some more Disney magic before they had to go home.
Our guests did really enjoy the show and the music and all did the swaying with their beer, so it was nice to see everyone enjoying themselves.
When it came time for the check, things got dicey. DH’s aunt wanted to pay for the drinks for everyone which I thought was so nice of her. But the waitress didn’t understand exactly and the aunt ended up with the receipt for the tip and the drinks or something got mixed up and DH’s mom called me over. I don’t even know if I understood completely then what the problem was. And the waitress wasn’t understanding either.
I didn’t understand why I was being involved to be honest but I worked it out with my SIL and the aunt and MIL and I hope it ended up ok. :confused3 I think MIL thought the aunt was being taken advantage of or something just because she offered to pay for the drinks and ended up getting the bill with the tip on it too or something.
My brother and SIL paid for the drinks for the meet and greet dinner but they didn’t complain and there wasn’t any problem with the check, so I really can’t say what happened this night, all I know is it wasn’t the best way to end everyone’s last evening together, it was kind of tense for a bit. :rolleyes1

So, after dinner (we had missed IllumiNations) I asked DH’s family if they wanted to come hang out with us over at our hotel and then they could take a taxi back, but they were too tired so they just said they’d go back to theirs (POR). Everyone else was going back to BW. I told them how to exit the park to the buses and they said they got it. (I had a funny feeling that they weren’t going to take the bus though even though DH’s brother had done it after EMH the night of the wedding all by himself and had no problems whatsoever.) I asked the next day and of course they told me they took a taxi! :headache: (Aargh..I don’t know why this annoys me so much, it just does. I guess it’s like when people ask your advice about a trip to WDW and then don’t take your advice and end up having a bad time)

So, everyone’s pretty tired and we all start the trek back to BW…the next day my family was leaving but not before my mom joined us for breakfast at Tusker House and she got to see the Finding Nemo show! :cool1: We also resort hop to our favoritest resort, AKL! So, we have a busy enough morning ahead of us! :banana::banana:
The plan was for the 3 of us to drive over to AK, meet DH’s family for breakfast and then do Finding Nemo and maybe ITTBAB before we had to go try to check in to AKL. And I wanted my mom to come with us when we checked in so she could experience our favorite resort as she hadn’t before by only being in the lobby and Jiko. (That’s why we’re staying in a 2BR villa this upcoming stay at AKV with my mom for 3 nights before we resort hop over to BLT for 2). After that, we’d bring her back to BW to meet up with the rest of my family so they can all leave for the airport via DME.

Before we leave BWI, I just have this picture...

Our mousekeeper was just awesome at BWI!!! I think her name was Nancy and I kind of wanted to write a letter about her to management, but I wasn't sure how to do so and I wasn't even 100% sure of her name! Anyway, we had seen her either the day we arrived or the day after and she knew we were there for our wedding and she was just sooo sweet and helpful and friendly! She left these swans for us at some point during our 5 nights at BWI, so I just wanted to get them on film before we left..

So, we end up leaving a little late. I think it was like 15 mins or so. I didn’t think it would be too much of a problem but I had no idea we’d run into the morning celebration thingy on our way to Tusker House! :scared: There were others also that had ressies, but by the time I made it up to the rope, we were like a good 20 mins late for our ADR time and we still had to get to Tusker House! :scared1: DH’s mom kept texting us and we kept texting back. I was begging the rope lady to let us through. She kept saying no but then finally let us through when I explained that half of our party was already there and we were already late. She let us go under the rope but then we got caught behind another rope further up. I think officially we probably lost our ressie, but they seated us anyway. :) Whew!
Anyway, breakfast was fun and everyone seemed to really enjoy this one. I love the food there and the atmosphere plus my mom hadn’t eaten there since back when it was a CS.
We took some good photos...





The only problem came when it was time for the check, the waitress screwed up and took the meals (just mine and DH’s) from the wrong card (maybe my mom’s?) I can’t even remember now, but I knew it was going to screw up our meal credits for the rest of the trip (as we had just enough, I had planned it very precisely). So I had her add the credit back on which she said she couldn’t do so we had to get a manager, then there was a problem with the computer, it was a nightmare! :mad:
If finally got sorted out! We made our way over to the Finding Nemo show. We were like the first on line and it was HOT out already. I felt kind of bad :guilty: but I really wanted my mom to see it before she left to go home because I knew she would enjoy it. Finally it was time to go in and we got great seats. The men weren’t that excited by the show (except DH), but the ladies all liked it. My mom seemed to enjoy it but not as much as I thought she would. :confused: I for one, LOVE this show! :banana: I hope they eventually rewrite it and give it better songs (Except for maybe “We Swim Together”) and bring it to Broadway. :)
So, after that we had to go check in to AKL and then bring my mom back to BW to meet up with the rest of the family for DME back to the airport.
I made sure DH’s family had a few maps and suggested a few things to do. I knew DBIL wanted to ride EE so told him how to get there. The things I suggested they definitely try to do were ITTBAB and see the Lion King show if they could time it right among other things. I think I suggested about 4 things total. I had a sinking feeling they wouldn’t do anything though. And I don’t know why it was/would bother me, I mean, it’s their $ to be wasted, you know? Anyway, I couldn’t worry about them too much as I was sad to be saying good-bye to my family. :sad1:
So, we brought my mom with us to AKL as we wanted to show her (if we could) the view from our room, hoping some animals could be seen at that moment. She has only ever seen Jiko and the lobby but has never stayed there. (We are bringing her with us on our trip in Sept though so she can really get the feel for AKL because I know she’d LOVE staying there). But since it was so early and we couldn't get into our room, we could only take her upstairs to look out the windows from the hallway overlooking the Arusha savannah. (Ok, to tell the truth, I had TOTALLY forgotten about this part, but my mom reminded me when I was telling her we’d be staying at AKL in Sept!) LOL
So, she seemed semi-impressed (I think it will be more so when she can see them from our room) and we took her into the shop because it’s one of my favorite shops on the entire property.
From there it was back to BW to drop her off so my family could head back to the airport.

I didn’t think we’d really be hanging out for any length of time, but we ended up spending like almost 45 mins. or something with them I think it was before DME arrived.
I actually had no pull to leave to go back to AK and just enjoyed spending some quiet time with my family in the lobby of BW (it’s very relaxing there!)

So, after we said our good-byes, it was back to AK to meet up with DH’s family. We had texted them and somehow (I don’t remember this part to clearly) we found them near the main gate (but inside the park I think). I asked them what they had done and seen etc. and their reply was (wait for it…..)

Oh, nothing, we just walked around. :confused3

DBIL didn’t even go on EE. I’m sure he would have if we were there, but really, why wouldn’t they at least check out ITTBAB? Holy moly.
Anyway, (“whatever”) I felt. It was their choice. I asked them if they wanted to do anything now that we were there and I can’t remember I am thinking we didn’t have much time since we took so much time with my family. (which wasn’t the plan).
I’m sure if we had been able to meet them a bit earlier, we would have had time to do something and we would have taken them on either EE or ITTTBAB or the Kali River Rapids or something. (I’m pretty sure not all would even want to try ITTBAB or anything else though-except for DBIL). I was starting to really give up on trying to make sure they had a good time and got their $’s worth and realized I was now on my honeymoon and wanted to be happy and not frustrated or annoyed, so I really tried to not let it bother me at all anymore.

Ok, so we head over to AKL for our dinner ressie at BOMA. We drove but before we left them, we walked them over to the bus to AKL and told them we’d meet them in the lobby. That worked out and into BOMA we went!
Everyone really enjoyed the meal here which I was happy about. And I have to say, it was a really nice, no-stress meal. I was more relaxed than I had been before the wedding at our first meal together at Artist Point for sure.
It was definitely one of the most enjoyable meals of the trip actually (everything; food, service etc.).





They took cabs back to POR and we settled in for the evening.

Next up: Our last day with DH's family - an entire day spent in EPCOT and the bride finally has a meltdown! :)
Oh Lori, I feel frustrated for you!!!
Bet you're glad you don't have the whole gang in tow this time round!
I feel your pain!

I LOVE DF's family, but every time we go to Disney (every two years), I end up ranting and raving by the time the trip is over. To the point where people are like "But...did you have ANY fun?" LOL. I do, I do! And I like them, I swear.

(Just read your whole TR, everything looks so great!)
I think it was so nice of you to plan so many group events after your wedding! I only planned one (which turned out awful) but I think you picked awesome restaurants to have it in. Beirgarten and Tusker House are two of my favourites. I'm sorry you didn't end up getting a German waitress. When I was there, everyone was German, and so nice. Now I really want the mini pretzel bread......
I know that feeling, my Dad spent about 5 hours in HS and din't do anything.
Lori, you have such great stories! I love that you convinced your mom to go back for some Disney magic! :wizard: It's true that place does something to you and puts a whole new perspective on things!

I love all of your pics... but I love, love, LOVE :lovestruc your pictures from the in park shoots. Those are some of the best I've seen... especially at Epcot. You look absolutely stunning!
Oh Lori, I feel frustrated for you!!!
Bet you're glad you don't have the whole gang in tow this time round!

Thanks Meryll! You have no idea! LOL.
The thing is I would like to bring them back (at least Eoghan's mom and dad and brother for a few days since we have the DVC and they actually said they'd like to go back, and who knows when it'll happen, but just thinking about doing it, gives me heartburn!) :lmao:

I feel your pain!

I LOVE DF's family, but every time we go to Disney (every two years), I end up ranting and raving by the time the trip is over. To the point where people are like "But...did you have ANY fun?" LOL. I do, I do! And I like them, I swear.

(Just read your whole TR, everything looks so great!)

OMG!! Yes, totally!! Just like me! I do like them, but it's hard. I mean, it's not like I see them that often, so it makes it difficult I guess plus they don't really know me, know me, like my family does (and accepts me for all my Disney crazyness)

Gee, I think they had a good time! :confused3

I think it was so nice of you to plan so many group events after your wedding! I only planned one (which turned out awful) but I think you picked awesome restaurants to have it in. Beirgarten and Tusker House are two of my favourites. I'm sorry you didn't end up getting a German waitress. When I was there, everyone was German, and so nice. Now I really want the mini pretzel bread......

Thanks! I think so too! But to be honest, I don't really think people appreciated what went into planning everything (And don't get me started on the Welcome bags, which is one of my "wish I hadn't"s)

mmm...let me think about pretzel bread now and it'll be ok...:goodvibes

I know that feeling, my Dad spent about 5 hours in HS and din't do anything.

Sounds like my in-laws at AK for sure!!!! Maybe they should all travel together to WDW? ;)

Lori, you have such great stories! I love that you convinced your mom to go back for some Disney magic! :wizard: It's true that place does something to you and puts a whole new perspective on things!

I love all of your pics... but I love, love, LOVE :lovestruc your pictures from the in park shoots. Those are some of the best I've seen... especially at Epcot. You look absolutely stunning!

LOL. Thanks! :flower3:
So, I'm almost done writing my next installment!!!

(no laughing!)

See, I saw Meryll's honeymoon shoot pics and realized I hadn't posted mine yet and realized it's because I hadn't gotten to that part of the trip yet! :lmao:

I still have the next installment and one shorty one after that and then I can post them! :banana::banana:

But here's a teaser pic for my faithful readers!

This isn't one of my faves but...

WOW..... your TR definitly caught my eye, and I am soooo glad it did, well, except for the fact that I have been virtually useless since I started reading it last night :rotfl:
The very first thing that caught my attention was the football/soccer references, I am a football head also ;), then to make things even more interesting is that my DB and I are about to be engaged , and I am 39 and he is 26, so great to see someone else with the same experience.
I am loving the photoŝ and the great report ! can't wait to hear the rest about the disneymoon !
I loved your dress, so pretty, I am not a very frilly girl, but this was so classy and pretty, I especially loved the chuckie's, I have a few pairs myself, I am just thinking now which pair will go with my wedding gown :rotfl2:
So, I'm almost done writing my next installment!!!

(no laughing!)

See, I saw Meryll's honeymoon shoot pics and realized I hadn't posted mine yet and realized it's because I hadn't gotten to that part of the trip yet! :lmao:

I still have the next installment and one shorty one after that and then I can post them! :banana::banana:

But here's a teaser pic for my faithful readers!

This isn't one of my faves but...


So, I've been thinking a lot about finishing this lately. And actually I did have the whole next installment written and saved to my work computer....then I lost my job in Oct of 2010, so I guess I hadn't posted it before then, because I was trying to organize photos to include...I e-mailed the Word doc to my e-mail, time passed, you know, like..years. And last year our home computer basically died. My e-mail is such that, the e-mails are actually on the hard drive...

Anyway, I do want to try to finish this TR and I still have quite a bit of wedding stuff to post as well. The thing is, being 4 years ago now :scared1: lol...I don't remember any specifics like where we ate or anything...plus I have to gather the pics together....so, I need to locate my Excel spreadsheet from the trip, and then I can try to re-write the installment that I lost and continue with the last few days of our trip....

I don't think anyone would really still read it, I just want to finish it for myself. Also, I just reread the whole thing which I haven't done in a while and there were quite a few points where I was brought to tears. I'm offiically making a mental note to myself to look for my spreadsheet so I can finally work on finishing this.

Thanks all and much love to all my fellow DISbrides!:flower3:


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