Losing A Tooth at Disney...Weird Question! :)

My daughter has lost a few teeth in Disney. It would never occur to me to let a CM know.
I just slipped a five under her pillow. Done. :)

OP if you don't have any cash, put $5.00 (or whatever the going rate for teeth are) on a gift card if her tooth falls out and put that under her pillow.
My DD 10 has lost a tooth at WDW, Aulani and on DCL lol! Each experience was a little different but fun nonetheless. We told the appropriate CMs and at WDW and on DCL, Tink visited in lieu of the tooth fairy and she got Cheshire Cat “ I lost a tooth” type buttons and other items, I think twice we were given fairy dust to sprinkle on the pillows, once she got a Tink pin. At Aulani, the menehune took the tooth and left her a bracelet (those were from the CMs). I’m pretty sure my daughter tries to keep those teeth from coming out at home
This happened twice on our last trip. My daughter lost both of her front teeth, one of them while on Big Thunder Mountain! I happened to mention it to the CM at the shop at OKW and he went off and got her one of this little tooth boxes that’s been mentioned previously. He told her to wrap her tooth up, put it in the box, and sprinkle pixie dust around it so Tinkerbelle could find it. There was loads of glitter in the box, so she had a great time with it. We usually leave 50p or so when one of the kids looses a tooth, but thought this was a special occasion, so I went back to the shop later and bought her a Tinkerbelle pin. She was so happy with it.
On a drive from MN to FL? What if they couldn’t get gas because credit card machines were down? Happens all the time. How would you tip bell services and mousekeeping?

I hate to carry cash and I don’t carry cash at home too much but always leave a little in the glove compartment in case of a gas emergency.

And on our 16-20 hour road trips? You can bet we bring enough for emergency gas, mousekeeping and bell services tips.

Nope, don’t carry it. I also don’t drive to Disney but have done 18 hour drives to my sister’s. There are always ATMs. I also generally handle my own luggage. Not saying it’s the best idea to not carry cash, just saying it’s not unusual.
When I was in college, back in the dark ages, I once left to go home without any cash. I realized it an hour up the road. I only knew TWO ways to get there--long before GPS, and BOTH required a toll road. I had to sweet talk a cashier at a gas station to give me $1.10 in cash on top of my purchase with a gasoline credit card. This was not supposed to be possible. Now I don't use a lot of cash, and sometimes it can take me MONTHS in between ATM stops, but I have NEVER gone anywhere with zero cash again.
When I was in college, back in the dark ages, I once left to go home without any cash. I realized it an hour up the road. I only knew TWO ways to get there--long before GPS, and BOTH required a toll road. I had to sweet talk a cashier at a gas station to give me $1.10 in cash on top of my purchase with a gasoline credit card. This was not supposed to be possible. Now I don't use a lot of cash, and sometimes it can take me MONTHS in between ATM stops, but I have NEVER gone anywhere with zero cash again.
It really only takes once, doesn't it?

Actually being caught without cash to leave when my child loses a tooth would do it for me.

Besides, it's not unheard of for Disney systems to go down and leave you with only cash as an option for a bit. I wouldn't want to deal with that. I can't imagine going anywhere without at least a twenty tucked away somewhere. At Disney, probably a fifty. ;)
My daughter lost a tooth at dinner one night at Epcot. The tooth fairy left a few pressed pennies along with a dollar bill folded up like a star
It wasn't that long ago that most of the eastern seaboard lost power for 24 hours plus. Cc didn't work. Carry a little cash. Pls.

I’m not even going to lie to you and say I will. We are taking a 2 hr flight there and back and then staying onsite with the dining plan all week. I’ll be the only one handling my bags or by the time they appear the person who delivered them to my room will be long gone.

If everything fails at WDW, I’ll be in a group of 11 people that can cover me then I can Venmo them some money.

The only thing I did not think of is a tip for housekeeping. I honestly had never thought of it before
I know this thread is suuuuuuuper old but I love all these ideas! my 6yo has her first ever wiggly tooth and I told her if it falls out on our first trip to WDW in 2 weeks Tinkerbell would pick it up because she's the tooth fairy's cousin. I came here to look for inspiration for cute ideas!!


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