Losing interest in the main show

My point is that some episodes, the news is read by someone and it's just them reading an article to us about something uninteresting at worse and then you go on. News should be something that is newsworthy, not just read for the sake of putting something in to the "News" section.
i usually fast forward the part when someone reads during the article lots of lots of menu items off of something being offered. i can look it up another time if i really want to. like an event for example, some will read every single items being offered.
This has been mentioned a lot. I think if the team is reading this and takes away anything from this thread, this is it.

The landscape has changed since the show started over a decade ago. There are far more sources of Disney news now. My Twitter and Facebook feeds are filled with multiple people and sites posting the same news and updates. If the DIS were to disappear tomorrow (hopefully not), I would be no less informed about what's happening.

I listen to the DIS because of the people and their expertise and experience. I don't need them to read me the press releases. I want to hear what they think about the press releases. How do they think it will impact guests? How does it change how people need to plan their trips? That sort of thing.

I guess I see it as that is what they do - I don't listen / watch the podcast to "get" the news - I listen / watch to get their take on the news items.

To me the show is more about the people on it rather than info they give out - it is about hearing from them their thoughts on different things - be it news or whatever

and I think they do that ... is the feeling the don't do it enough? I mean, most often comments I see are people waiting for Pete's rants on a topic, not waiting to hear about a topic
i usually fast forward the part when someone reads during the article lots of lots of menu items off of something being offered. i can look it up another time if i really want to. like an event for example, some will read every single items being offered.

I do agree some times they get too into the weeds on a new topic (or rapid fire) giving out all the details and just reading something. Would be better if that person just mentioned the items they were interested in or something and said read the article linked in the show notes if you want more details
I agree that I'd rather hear their opinions than a line by line reading of a press release. However, you still have to read that press release to set up the discussion. I consider myself a Disney nerd, but there are times that I've got other things going on in life and I'm not 100% up to speed on every news item. You have to at least know what the discussion is about before a Pete rant or some type of discussion about it and reading the news is a good way to set that up. I do enjoy hearing the opinions, and I'm totally fine if a topic runs over allotted time if the discussion is good and they're on a roll.
I do agree some times they get too into the weeds on a new topic (or rapid fire) giving out all the details and just reading something. Would be better if that person just mentioned the items they were interested in or something and said read the article linked in the show notes if you want more details
Exactly. Summarize the information and give a link for interested folks to get the full story. Then spend more time on the discussion portion, giving us their thoughts and opinions and tips and advice.
The news section is fine but I don't think you should lead the show with it unless it's a major news announcement (Like a CEO change or a pricing change or whatever) because it invokes discussion and conversation. You can tell ahead of time if a news item will invoke interesting conversation. If you don't think it will, DON'T report it.

Rapid Fire is useless. No one cares about cupcakes and other stuff. Don't waste my time on the show with it. If you think it's important enough, it should be discussed fully with everyone.

Honestly, I don't see what the difference between Rapid Fire and News is anyway. It's all news, all being discussed.

As someone with a similar personality, I do think Craig is trying a little harder to be personable and not (totally) contrarian when he has to host, just wanted to give him props there.
Honestly, I don't see what the difference between Rapid Fire and News is anyway. It's all news, all being discussed.

I think the idea behind rapid fire is to let everyone have a chance to cover something, and each person finds the topic they want to bring up ... vs the "news" section which is Topics Pete wants to cover and one person takes the lead on (usually John)

I agree they are both "newish" type sections, but I think that is why they split them up
I didn’t understand why they spoke of the DCL releases on the main show when they had just literally gone live for an HOUR to dissect them.

And frankly, there wasn’t any real bombshell surprises in the release IMO. The wonder is doing what the Wonder does every summer. Dream is doing its deal. Magic is going to Europe.. eh.
I enjoy it , I look forward to it every week , I like the banter back and forth and loved when they did the resort series
Honestly, I don't see what the difference between Rapid Fire and News is anyway. It's all news, all being discussed.

As someone with a similar personality, I do think Craig is trying a little harder to be personable and not (totally) contrarian when he has to host, just wanted to give him props there.

Rapid Fire is basically the whole table reading a random disney piece of news of little significance. You can tell half the time most people found one at the last minute and they just read it off their phone.

I love Craig on these shows, he has an expert opinion. He's excellent on Connecting with Walt, but there he's offering commentary (like a color guy in an NFL game, not the announcer) not running the show/narrative.
I enjoy it , I look forward to it every week , I like the banter back and forth and loved when they did the resort series

The show the did the Resort Tier List and then again when they did the Dining Show with best table service in the MK were fun shows. I'd like more of that kind of content.
I think everyone has been making good points in this thread. IMO it’s pretty obvious that the podcast gang has been spinning their wheels recently. They just seemed bored... and I think it’s starting to show in the quality of the show. There used to be a spark; an energy to the show. Now it just feels a little tired. No one seems that interested to be there.

It does seem that housekeeping has gotten a little out of hand. I get it’s a business and ads are totally fine, but the show recently seems to have turned to a more direct business-centered approach.

It also is rough in that it seems every time some major news has happened in the past 6 months or so... Pete is on vacation. We watch/listen for their perspectives, partially our main man. But there’s been a lot of major stories that fall through the crack because of the constant vacations.

And I know the trips are sometimes “work” but come on... I can only hear them talk about how hard they work for so long before I start rolling my eyes a little. Hawaii, Egypt, Japan, Disneyland, Europe... sounds rough. (I kid, I kid!)

I’m being critical only because I love the show and these people so much. The Dis Unplugged used to be must watch for me. Now it’s sometime that I skip through half of.
I agree with your post, but if you want to see that spark, it's moved to the DVC show and to a lesser degree the Dining show. I haven't watched the DCL show yet.

You can tell Pete is 100% stoked about his new projects. He probably is working too hard.
I started to post a few things but it was looking a bit snarky. I do realize they are not professional broadcasters.

I will just say that with the Regular show, DVC and Food Reviews. There are times some on the show seem unprepared, lack basic knowledge of subject, or are just wrong. When they mis-state facts or specifics on DVC, it makes me wonder why they are on the show, or how they can be a Disney Travel Agent when talking about parks, hotels, etc...
Other than going way too long on cruise stuff that was already covered in another video, Ryno did a fantastic job hosting this week and I think he needs to be the go-to if Pete is unavailable.
One of the aspects of being a good host of a show with multiple people on it is to know when to move the conversation con and when to let it keep going. It's tough to do when you're in the thick of it vs. watching.

Takes practice.
I started to post a few things but it was looking a bit snarky. I do realize they are not professional broadcasters.

I will just say that with the Food Reviews. There are times some on the show seem unprepared, lack basic knowledge of subject, or are just wrong.

Did you see the recent one. "Fiasco" didn't even know the name of the restaurant he was standing in!
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