Losing weight before the cruise..


<font color=teal>4 by land, and<br><font color=dar
May 14, 2003
Anyone else out there trying to do this before we leave? I've been struggling to get those last 10 lbs. (might be 15 now) for a while. Now it's my goal before we leave. That will be in about 54 days. I just don't want to have even more lbs. to lose afterwards since I know I'll make a pig out myself. I always do! I think I'm one of those people that feel I want to get my money's worth from this trip. ;)

Just need some support from you fellow cruisers.

I cruised in May and just cruised last week. Between those two trips I lost over 22 pounds fairly easily.
PM me if you'd like details. :)
I know there is a conflicting review of the Atkins diet but I have a friend who lost 30 plus pounds on it and about 15 of it came off in the first 4 weeks! if you are really serious about getting rid of that extra weight it could be worth a try! Good Luck!::MinnieMo
Hubby and I started Atkins to lose weight for us, not for the cruise. Although being slimmer for the cruise was a benefit...we got to get all new clothes before we left...lol.

We had both lost 30 pounds before we left for the cruise...2 months (probably less than that was all it took). On the cruise, we ate whatever we wanted. I was up only a couple pounds when we got back home..he was up about 5. I went up the stairs more than he did..lol.

Now, right back to atkins after returning home to the cruise, I have already lost all the cruise extra pounds, and then some...not a problem at all.
Originally posted by ohiominnie
I cruised in May and just cruised last week. Between those two trips I lost over 22 pounds fairly easily.
PM me if you'd like details. :)

OT but ohiominnie how did the kids react to your surprise cruise? If you updated us, I missed it :-)
I just got off our cruise 2 weeks ago, and have another one booked for September 2004. I didn't like the looks of my pictures from this cruise at all! So I went over to join the 'WISH' board and then I went to join Weight Watchers. Only on day 3, but so far so good (for what it is worth).

I would LOVE to be able to fit into a beautiful black dress for our 7 night cruise next year. I am hoping the WISH board and WW helps me to stay motivated.

I'm doing treadmill 4 miles per day, 6% incline 3.8 mph....
I started weight watchers a few weeks ago in hopes to be at goal by the time we cruise in December 2004.
DCL is a powerful motivator! I lost 27 lbs. preparing for this summer's cruise. When we decided to return next summer, I rejoined WW. I am planning on losing more before next summer.
you guy just might inspire me! I lost 15 for our cruise in July, gained seven on the cruise and three more since the cruise.

ohiominnie-I assume you use the Weighdown workshop diet-doyou have a group? Also I homeschool two of my 4 children.
Originally posted by westjones
So I went over to join the 'WISH' board and then I went to join Weight Watchers. Only on day 3, but so far so good (for what it is worth).


Good luck....I have done weight watchers a few times in the past and usually the first week I loose about 10 pounds then go down to 1-2 a week....if I could only stick with it that would be fine!
I am a member of the WISH board too! I highly recommend it! I have been on WW since January trying to slim down and get healthier. Not only for my cruise vacation, but for life! But the cruise vacation was my major motivation! And I plan to EAT! ::yes:: LOL!!!

I have lost 42lbs and only 3 more till goal! I was hoping to hit goal before we leave, but since it is a week from TODAY, I am not sure I can lose that last three lbs.
But that is okay! :tongue: I will enjoy my trip and eat what I want, workout on the ship and come home and deal with any gain then!

I think you can do it! 10lbs in 54 days! YES YOU CAN!!! Find a program that fits your life the best. WW for me has really worked. But everything works better with exercise! It is so important.

Good luck and I know you can do it! :sunny:
Originally posted by joanb
ohiominnie-I assume you use the Weighdown workshop diet-doyou have a group? Also I homeschool two of my 4 children.

Yup, it's Weigh Down for me all the way. I can't fathom the thought of not eating what I want. Too many good foods out there for me to limit myself!!
I did the class a few years ago, a few times through. This time I'm not doing a class. My schedule is much crazier and I already take time away from the family for Curves and don't want to take more. I've found the message boards on the Weigh Down site to be very supportive with like minded women all doing the same program. And I still have my old books and tapes for added encouragement. But really the blessings God has given me because of my obedience to the program (and to Him) are the best support!!

Cool to meet another Disney homeschooler!!
Originally posted by bigsky
Anyone else out there trying to do this before we leave?

This thread is a great idea! I started my weight loss efforts 6 months ago and am down about 35 pounds. Not much progress (and some backsliding) the past two months, but I got back on track early this week.

I started out doing Atkins and modified it to my own taste. I then discovered South Beach and decided that it was very close to what I had started doing on my own. Perhaps I've been a little more liberal about it than South Beach - - taking breaks of a few weeks, etc. But, the overall trend is down and continuing.

I've got 11 months until the cruise :boat: and hope (no, I expect) to be at goal by then - - another 50 pounds to go!

Good luck everyone!
Sounds like we're all in the same boat...:boat: (no pun intended)
Hopefully they don't move us since we're not in the weight loss section. But it would also be nice to keep updated on our progress before our cruise.

So nice to have support. This time I"m going to do it! So I'm not telling my husband cuz he's so used to hearing this all the time.

I've read about the Atkins diet. I'm sure it's fine for some people, but I don't think it is for me. I did WW before and lost 20 the first time and ? the next time. Both having great results. Then I got pregnant and have had that extra 10-15 sitting there driving me nuts!! It's just time to do it now. I want to feel comfortable in my bathing suit on our cruise.

I'm waiting for my Denise Austin exercise tapes and ordered her book too. Got a great deal on ebay.

So OhioMinnie, I'll see you on the ship!!!

THanks for the support!:Pinkbounc
We can ALL do it!!!
I think this is a great idea and help for motivation. I think I am going to get serious about Weight Watchers online. I have been a member for quite awhile, just haven't been using it!

We go on our land/sea Jan. 8th. I have 30 to lose, so I doubt I will have all of that gone by then, but anything is better than where I am now.

bigsky, great to see a fellow Montanan around. We are from Billings.

Thanks again for starting this thread.
Hey Kricket..

I'm from Lakeside..that's about 20 miles south of kalispell.
Let's all keep in touch or pm each other. We need to motivate each other!
It's so hard to lose weight. The older we get, the harder it gets. But we can ALL do it! Just put your mind to it. Going on a cruise is a great motivator.
It's hard to get going, but once you start, it gets easier. Just getting started.

I'm going to buy a scale today! scary...



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